1,138 research outputs found

    A review of X-ray laser development at Rutherford Appleton Laboratory

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    Recent experiments undertaken at the Rutherford Appleton Laboratory to produce X-ray lasing over the 5-30 nm wavelength range are reviewed. The efficiency of lasing is optimized when the main pumping pulse interacts with a preformed plasma. Experiments using double 75-ps pulses and picosecond pulses superimposed on 300-ps background pulses are described. The use of travelling wave pumping with the approximately picosecond pulse experiments is necessary as the gain duration becomes comparable to the time for the X-ray laser pulse to propagate along the target length. Results from a model taking account of laser saturation and deviations from the speed of light c of the travelling wave and X-ray laser group velocity are presented. We show that X-ray laser pulses as short as 2-3 ps can be produced with optical pumping pulses of approximate to1-ps

    Reply to "Comment on 'Intrinsic decoherence in quantum mechanics'"

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    Finkelstein’s criticism [Phys. Rev. A (to be published)] of my paper [Phys. Rev. A 44, 5401 (1991)] presupposes time measurements of an accuracy explicitly ruled out in the paper

    Nanotribological Investigation of Polymer Brushes with Lithographically Defined and Systematically Varying Grafting Densities.

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    Following controlled photodeprotection of a 2-nitrophenylpropyloxycarbonyl-protected (aminopropyl)triethoxysilane (NPPOC-APTES) film and subsequent derivatization with a bromoester-based initiator, poly(2-(methacryloyloxy)ethylphosphorylcholine) (PMPC) brushes with various grafting densities were grown from planar silicon substrates using atom transfer radical polymerization (ATRP). The grafting density correlated closely with the extent of deprotection of the NPPOC-APTES. The coefficient of friction for such PMPC brushes was measured by friction force microscopy in water and found to be inversely proportional to the grafting density due to the osmotic pressure that resists deformation. Deprotection of NPPOC-APTES via near-field photolithography using a range of writing rates enabled the fabrication of neighboring nanoscopic polymeric structures with dimensions ranging from 100 to 1000 nm. Slow writing rates enable complete deprotection to occur; hence, polymer brushes are formed with comparable thicknesses to macroscopic brushes grown under the same conditions. However, the extent of deprotection is reduced at higher writing rates, resulting in the concomitant reduction of the brush thickness. The coefficient of friction for such polymer brushes varied smoothly with brush height, with lower coefficients being obtained at slower writing rate (increasing initiator density) because the solvated brush layer confers greater lubricity. However, when ultrasharp probes were used for nanotribological measurements, the coefficient of friction increased with brush thickness. Under such conditions, the radius of curvature of the tip is comparable to the mean spacing between brush chains, allowing the probe to penetrate the brush layer leading to a relatively large contact area

    Surface effects of vapour-liquid-solid driven Bi surface droplets formed during molecular-beam-epitaxy of GaAsBi

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    Herein we investigate a (001)-oriented GaAs1−xBix/GaAs structure possessing Bi surface droplets capable of catalysing the formation of nanostructures during Bi-rich growth, through the vapourliquid-solid mechanism. Specifically, self-aligned “nanotracks” are found to exist trailing the Bi droplets on the sample surface. Through cross-sectional high-resolution transmission electron microscopy the nanotracks are revealed to in fact be elevated above surface by the formation of a subsurface planar nanowire, a structure initiated mid-way through the molecular-beam-epitaxy growth and embedded into the epilayer, via epitaxial overgrowth. Electron microscopy studies also yield the morphological, structural, and chemical properties of the nanostructures. Through a combination of Bi determination methods the compositional profile of the film is shown to be graded and inhomogeneous. Furthermore, the coherent and pure zincblende phase property of the film is detailed. Optical characterisation of features on the sample surface is carried out using polarised micro-Raman and micro-photoluminescence spectroscopies. The important light producing properties of the surface nanostructures are investigated through pump intensity-dependent micro PL measurements, whereby relatively large local inhomogeneities are revealed to exist on the epitaxial surface for important optical parameters. We conclude that such surface effects must be considered when designing and fabricating optical devices based on GaAsBi alloys

    Supporting resource-based analysis of task information needs

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    We investigate here an approach to modelling the dynamic information requirements of a user performing a number of tasks, addressing both the provision and representation of information, viewing the information as being distributed across a set of resources. From knowledge of available resources at the user interface, and task information needs we can identify whether the system provides the user with adequate support for task execution. We look at how we can use tools to help reason about these issues, and illustrate their use through an example.We also consider a full range of analyses suggested using this approach which could potentially be supported by automated reasoning systems.(undefined

    Insights from a new method providing single-shot, planar measurement of gas-phase temperature in particle-laden flows under high-flux radiation

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    Published online: 31 March 2021Two-colour laser-induced fluorescence (LIF) of toluene has been demonstrated to provide in situ, spatially resolved, planar measurements of the gas-phase temperature in a particle-laden flow with strong radiative heating at fluxes up to 42.8 MW/mÂČ. Toluene was seeded in trace quantities into the gas flow laden with particles of mean diameter 173 ÎŒm at a volumetric loading sufficiently high for particle–fluid and particle–particle interactions to be significant. The particle number density was also measured simultaneously using Mie scattering. The two-colour LIF method was found to resolve temperature with a pixelto- pixel standard deviation of 17.8 °C for unheated measurements in this system despite significant attenuation of the probe laser and signal trapping of the fluorescence emissions from the densely loaded particles. Following heating of the particles using high flux radiation, the increase in the gas-phase temperature from convection was found to be spatially non-uniform with highly localised regions of temperature spanning from ambient to 150 °C. This gas-phase heating continued well downstream from the limits of the region with radiative heating, with the time-averaged gas temperature increasing with distance at up to 2,200 °C/m on the jet centreline. The temperature of the flow was non-symmetrical in the direction of the heating beam, because the particles attenuate the radiation through absorption and scattering. The addition of radiation at fluxes up to 42.8 MW/mÂČ did not significantly change the particle number density distribution within the region investigated here.Elliott W. Lewis, Timothy C. W. Lau, Zhiwei Sun, Zeyad T. Alwahabi, Graham J. Natha

    Heritable risk factors associated with language impairments

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    There is a strong genetic contribution to children’s language and literacy impairments. The aim of this study was to determine which aspects of the phenotype are familial by comparing 34 parents of probands with language/literacy impairments and 33 parents of typically developing probands. The parents responded to questionnaires regarding previous history for language/reading impairment and participated in psychometric testing. The psychometric test battery consisted of tests assessing non-verbal IQ, short-term memory, articulation, receptive grammar, reading abilities and spelling. Self-report measures demonstrated a higher prevalence of language and literacy impairments in parents of affected probands (32%) compared with parents of unaffected probands (6%). The two groups of parents differed significantly in their performance on the non-word repetition, oromotor and digit span tasks. Non-word repetition gave the best discrimination between the parent groups even when the data from the parents who actually were impaired as ascertained by direct testing or self-report were removed from the analyses. This suggests that non-word repetition serves as a marker of a family risk for language impairment. The paper concludes with a discussion of issues associated with ascertainment of specific language impairment (SLI)

    Influence of Salt on the Solution Dynamics of a Phosphorylcholine-Based Polyzwitterion

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    The diffusion of a polyzwitterion, poly(2-methacryloyloxyethyl phosphorylcholine) (PMPC), in aqueous solution containing different alkali halides was studied by fluorescence correlation spectroscopy at single molecule level. It was found that the halide anion has a greater effect on the radius of zwitterionic PMPC molecules than alkali cations, which is due to the mechanism by which PMPC molecules interact with the surrounding hydrogen bond network of water molecules and adsorbed ions. With the addition of salt, the size of PMPC remains constant while its diffusion coefficient is reduced slightly, although larger cations (e.g. K+) result in slightly increased diffusion coefficient for 1 M potassium chloride-based solutions. This enhanced diffusion coefficient is attributed to the decrease in the viscosity of the aqueous solution on the addition of salt. When the counter-ion was varied in potassium-based salts, different effects were observed for different anions, resulting a reduction in the diffusion coefficient as a function of salt concentration. This reduction was modest for KBr, but significant for KI. Overall, no discernible changes were observed as the size of the PMPC coil was varied, except in case of KI for which a significant increase was observed at higher ionic strength. Divalent cations (Ca2+ and Mg2+), produced similar effects to those found for monovalent cations. These effects are explained by the interaction of PMPC with the hydrogen bond network of water molecules and with the adsorbed ions

    A Grand Canonical Ensemble Approach to the Thermodynamic Properties of the Nucleon in the Quark-Gluon Coupling Model

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    In this paper, we put forward a way to study the nucleon's thermodynamic properties such as its temperature, entropy and so on, without inputting any free parameters by human hand, even the nucleon's mass and radius. First we use the Lagrangian density of the quark gluon coupling fields to deduce the Dirac Equation of the quarks confined in the gluon fields. By boundary conditions we solve the wave functions and energy eigenvalues of the quarks, and thus get energy-momentum tensor, nucleon mass, and density of states. Then we utilize a hybrid grand canonical ensemble, to generate the temperature and chemical potentials of quarks, antiquarks of three flovars by the four conservation laws of the energy and the valence quark numbers, after which, all other thermodynamic properties are known. The only seemed free paremeter, the nucleon radius is finally determined by the grand potential minimal principle.Comment: 5 pages, LaTe

    Production of Medical Radioisotopes with High Specific Activity in Photonuclear Reactions with Îł\gamma Beams of High Intensity and Large Brilliance

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    We study the production of radioisotopes for nuclear medicine in (Îł,xn+yp)(\gamma,x{\rm n}+y{\rm p}) photonuclear reactions or (Îł,Îłâ€Č\gamma,\gamma') photoexcitation reactions with high flux [(1013−101510^{13}-10^{15})Îł\gamma/s], small diameter ∌(100 Ό\sim (100 \, \mum)2)^2 and small band width (ΔE/E≈10−3−10−4\Delta E/E \approx 10^{-3}-10^{-4}) Îł\gamma beams produced by Compton back-scattering of laser light from relativistic brilliant electron beams. We compare them to (ion,xxn+y + yp) reactions with (ion=p,d,α\alpha) from particle accelerators like cyclotrons and (n,Îł\gamma) or (n,f) reactions from nuclear reactors. For photonuclear reactions with a narrow Îł\gamma beam the energy deposition in the target can be managed by using a stack of thin target foils or wires, hence avoiding direct stopping of the Compton and pair electrons (positrons). (Îł,Îłâ€Č)(\gamma,\gamma') isomer production via specially selected Îł\gamma cascades allows to produce high specific activity in multiple excitations, where no back-pumping of the isomer to the ground state occurs. We discuss in detail many specific radioisotopes for diagnostics and therapy applications. Photonuclear reactions with Îł\gamma beams allow to produce certain radioisotopes, e.g. 47^{47}Sc, 44^{44}Ti, 67^{67}Cu, 103^{103}Pd, 117m^{117m}Sn, 169^{169}Er, 195m^{195m}Pt or 225^{225}Ac, with higher specific activity and/or more economically than with classical methods. This will open the way for completely new clinical applications of radioisotopes. For example 195m^{195m}Pt could be used to verify the patient's response to chemotherapy with platinum compounds before a complete treatment is performed. Also innovative isotopes like 47^{47}Sc, 67^{67}Cu and 225^{225}Ac could be produced for the first time in sufficient quantities for large-scale application in targeted radionuclide therapy.Comment: submitted to Appl. Phys.
