64 research outputs found

    Air entrainment in the primary impact of single drops on a free liquid surface

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    Air-bubble entrainment produced by the impact of water drops on a liquid pool is investigated with the use of high-speed imaging. A wide range of drop volumes and impact velocities is considered to determine how the entrainment mechanisms change with varying the impact conditions. Five different entrainment regimes are distinguished on the basis of the observed flow phenomena. Their characteristic features are described in terms of bubble formation, crater evolution, jetting and secondary drop ejection. A regime map is reconstructed in the Froude-Weber space. Results obtained in the present study show good agreement with the phase diagrams reported in the literature and contribute to complete the scenario of the entrainment regimes. Quantitative data about the size and the residence times of the entrained nuclei are also presented

    Seosed erinevate meeleolude ja arvutis tehtavate tegevuste vahel

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    Käesolev töö uurib seoseid erinevate meeleolude ja arvutis tehtavate tegevuste vahel. Uuringus kasutati Tervise Arengu Instituudi "Laste internetisõltuvus: levimus- ja sekkumisuuring" andmeid. Sellest andmestikust võeti ja analüüsiti arvuti ajalise kasutuse ja meeleolu küsimuste vastused. Uuringus osales 44 kooli. Käesolev töö kasutas 8 klassi õpilaste vastused. Vastanute arvuks oli 801 inimest. Suurim korrelatsioon tuli negatiivsete meeleolude ja arvutikasutamise aja vahel, millel oli positiivne ja statistiliselt oluline korrelatsioon 0,206 (p<0,001). Täpsematest tegevustest tuli, et muusika kuulamine on positiivselt korreleeritud väsimusega 0,200 (p<0,001). Ülejäänud tulemused olid, kas korrelatsioonilt madalamad kui 0,2 või olid statistiliselt mitte olulised. Arvutikasutuse ja meeleolu seosed vajavad veel põhjalikumat uurimist. Tulevastes uurimustes peaks üleliigset arvutikasutust eraldi uurima tavakasutusest.http://www.ester.ee/record=b4517701*es

    An integrated approach for the analysis and modeling of road tunnel ventilation. Part I: Continuous measurement of the longitudinal airflow profile

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    The knowledge of the flow field inside road tunnels under normal operation, let alone fire conditions, is only approximate and partial. The reason is that while the full three-dimensional, unsteady problem is out of reach of numerical methods, on the other hand accurate measurement of the airflow in road and railway tunnels constitutes an extremely demanding task. The present work, structured as a twofold study, takes up the challenge and proposes an original integrated experimental and numerical approach for the analysis and modeling of flow inside a road tunnel and its ventilation systems, aiming at defining a methodology for the creation of “digital twins” of the system itself, on which advanced ventilation and smoke control strategies can be tested and fine-tuned. In this first part, an innovative experimental facility for the continuous acquisition of the longitudinal velocity profile along the whole length of a road tunnel has been designed and built. The facility consists of a survey rake with five bidirectional vane anemometers, which is mounted on a small electric vehicle that can travel through the tunnel at constant speed. This paper reports the design procedure of the measurement facility, with particular focus on the conception and realization of the vehicle carrying the survey rake. Results of the first experimental campaign carried out under the 11611 meters long Mont Blanc road tunnel are presented to corroborate the validity of the approach adopted and the accuracy of the measurement chain

    Development and calibration of a 1D thermo-fluid dynamic model of ventilation in tunnels

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    In complex, large civil infrastructures where ventilation has a crucial role for the safety of users in both normal operation and hazardous scenarios, the correct prediction of flow and heat transfer parameters is of fundamental importance. While full 3D simulation is applicable only to a limited extent, and the resort to 1D modeling is a common practice in both design and evaluation phases, the limitation of such models lies in the choice of transfer parameters, such as friction loss coefficients and heat transfer coefficients. In this work, we present an original approach based on the Finite Volume integration of the 1D flow and energy equations on a network of ducts, representing the ventilation system in the 11.6 km long Mont Blanc Tunnel with a spatial resolution of 10 m. The calibration of a set of friction loss coefficients against a rich experimental dataset collected throughout a dedicated set of in situ tests is of particular concern here, as it is carried out by means of genetic optimization algorithms. Predictions of the flow field are in remarkable agreement with the experimental data, with an overall RMS error of ± 0.42 m/s. Further refinements and possible parameter choices are also discussed

    Development and calibration of a 1D thermo-fluid dynamic model of ventilation in tunnels

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    In complex, large civil infrastructures where ventilation has a crucial role for the safety of users in both normal operation and hazardous scenarios, the correct prediction of flow and heat transfer parameters is of fundamental importance. While full 3D simulation is applicable only to a limited extent, and the resort to 1D modeling is a common practice in both design and evaluation phases, the limitation of such models lies in the choice of transfer parameters, such as friction loss coefficients and heat transfer coefficients. In this work, an original approach based on the Finite Volume integration of the 1D flow and energy equations is presented. Such equations are to be solved on a network of ducts, representing the ventilation system in the 11.6 km long Mont Blanc Tunnel with a spatial resolution of 10 m. A preliminary calibration of a set of friction loss coefficients against a rich experimental dataset collected throughout a dedicated set of in situ tests is of particular concern here, as it is carried out by means of genetic optimization algorithms. Predictions of the flow field are in remarkable agreement with the experimental data, with an overall RMS error of - 0.42 m/s. Further refinements and possible parameter choices are also discussed

    An integrated approach for the analysis and modeling of road tunnel ventilation. Part II: Numerical model and its calibration

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    The present work represents the second and final part of a twofold study aiming at the definition and validation of an integrated methodology for the analysis and modeling of road tunnel ventilation systems. A numerical approach is presented, based on the Finite Volume integration of the 1D mechanical and thermal energy conservation equations on a network of ducts, representing the ventilation system of the 11.6 km long Mont Blanc Tunnel. The set of distributed and concentrated loss coefficients, representing dissipation of mechanical energy by friction in each part of the ventilation system, is calibrated against a rich experimental dataset, collected throughout a dedicated set of in situ tests and presented in the first part of the work. The calibration of the model is carried out by means of genetic optimization algorithms. Predictions of the flow field using the calibrated parameters are in remarkable agreement with the experimental data, with an overall RMS error of \ub1 0.27 m/s, i.e. of the same order of the accuracy of the measurement probes. Further validation against a selection of field data recorded by the tunnel monitoring and control system is brought forward, highlighting the robustness and potential general applicability of the proposed approach

    Reliable Fast (20 Hz) Acquisition Rate by a TD fNIRS Device: Brain Resting-State Oscillation Studies

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    A high power setup for multichannel time-domain (TD) functional near infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS) measurements with high efficiency detection system was developed. It was fully characterized based on international performance assessment protocols for diffuse optics instruments, showing an improvement of the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) with respect to previous analogue devices, and allowing acquisition of signals with sampling rate up to 20 Hz and source-detector distance up to 5 cm. A resting-state measurement on the motor cortex of a healthy volunteer was performed with an acquisition rate of 20 Hz at a 4 cm source-detector distance. The power spectrum for the cortical oxy- and deoxyhemoglobin is also provided

    AEROgui: A graphical user interface for the optical properties of aerosols

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    Atmospheric aerosols have an uncertain effect on climate and serious impacts on human health. The uncertainty in the aerosols' role on climate has several sources. First, aerosols have great spatial and temporal variability. The spatial variability arises from the fact that aerosols emitted in a certain place can travel thousands of kilometers, swept by the winds to modify the destination region's climate. The spatial variability also means that aerosols are inhomogeneously distributed in the vertical direction, which can lead to a differential effect on the energy balance depending on the aerosols' altitude. On the other hand, aerosols experience physical and chemical transformations in the time they spend in the atmosphere, commonly known as aging, which modifies its optical properties. These factors make necessary the use of two approaches for the study of the aerosol impact on climate: global aerosol models and satellite- and ground-based measurements. The disagreement between the estimates of the two approaches is the main cause of the climate uncertainty. One way to reduce climate uncertainty is to create new tools to simulate more realistic aerosol scenarios. We present a graphical user interface to obtain aerosol optical properties: extinction, scattering, and absorption coefficients; single-scattering albedo; asymmetry parameter; and aerosol optical depth. The tool can be used to obtain the optical properties of the external and internal mixture of several aerosol components. Interface outputs have successfully been compared to a black carbon plume and to aging mineral dust