1,462 research outputs found

    Transient temperature distribution during an exothermic chemical reaction

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    Heat conduction equation for determining temperature distribution during exothermic chemical reactio

    Residual stresses developed in molding a flat sheet of a chemically-hardening relatively incompressible material

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    Approximation of residual thermal stresses in flat sheet molded from chemical hardening material

    Thermal stresses in chemically hardening elastic media with application to the molding process

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    Thermal stresses in chemically hardened elastic media and applications to molding processe

    The bond stress in a viscoelastic propellant disk during thermal shock

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    Analysis of bond stress in viscoelastic case bonded solid propellant rocket assembly during thermal shoc

    Synopsis of the 6(th )Walker's Cay Colloquium on Cancer Vaccines and Immunotherapy

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    The 6(th )annual Cancer Vaccines and Immunotherapy Colloquium at Walker's Cay was held under the auspices of the Albert B. Sabin Vaccine Institute on March 10–13, 2004. The Colloquium consisted of a select group of 34 scientists representing academia, biotechnology and pharmaceutical industry. The main goal of this gathering was to promote in a peaceful and comfortable environment exchanges between basic and clinical science. The secondary benefit was to inspire novel bench to bedside ventures and at the same time provide feed back about promising and/or disappointing clinical results that could help re-frame some scientific question or guide the design of future trials. Several topics were covered that included tumor antigen discovery and validation, platforms for vaccine development, tolerance, immune suppression and tumor escape mechanisms, adoptive T cell therapy and dendritic cell-based therapies, clinical trials and assessment of response. Here we report salient points raised by speakers or by the audience during animated discussion that followed each individual presentation

    Influence of antidysbiotic drugs on the liver of rats with experimental non-alcoholic steatohepatitis

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    High-fat diets combined with the introduction of lincomycin causes the development of steatohepatitis. Introduction antidysbiotic drugs (pro- and prebiotics) has a therapeutic effect

    In Vivo Cross-Priming of MHC Class I–Restricted Antigens Requires the TAP Transporter

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    AbstractRecent in vitro evidence suggests two alternative mechanisms by which bone marrow–derived APCs may process exogenous antigens for presentation to CTL in vivo, a phenomenon termed cross-priming. Although in vitro studies have suggested that both TAP-dependent and TAP-independent pathways exist, we have now demonstrated an absolute requirement for a functional TAP for cross-priming to occur in vivo. Bone marrow chimeras reconstituted with marrow from TAP-defective donors develop functional CD8+ CTL, but have APCs with disrupted TAP function. In such chimeras, in vivo priming of naive CTL was observed when antigen was targeted to the ER in a TAP-independent fashion, but cross-priming could not be demonstrated. These results support the TAP-dependent mechanism of cross-priming