886 research outputs found

    Individualizing Representational Similarity Analysis

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    Representational similarity analysis (RSA) is a popular multivariate analysis technique in cognitive neuroscience that uses functional neuroimaging to investigate the informational content encoded in brain activity. As RSA is increasingly being used to investigate more clinically-geared questions, the focus of such translational studies turns toward the importance of individual differences and their optimization within the experimental design. In this perspective, we focus on two design aspects: applying individual vs. averaged behavioral dissimilarity matrices to multiple participants' neuroimaging data and ensuring the congruency between tasks when measuring behavioral and neural representational spaces. Incorporating these methods permits the detection of individual differences in representational spaces and yields a better-defined transfer of information from representational spaces onto multivoxel patterns. Such design adaptations are prerequisites for optimal translation of RSA to the field of precision psychiatry

    Linking Personality Traits to Individual Differences in Affective Spaces

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    Different individuals respond differently to emotional stimuli in their environment. Therefore, to understand how emotions are represented mentally will ultimately require investigations into individual-level information. Here we tasked participants with freely arranging emotionally charged images on a computer screen according to their subjective emotional similarity (yielding a unique affective space for each participant) and subsequently sought external validity of the layout of the individuals' affective spaces through the five-factor personality model (Neuroticism, Extraversion, Openness to Experience, Agreeableness, Conscientiousness) assessed via the NEO Five-Factor Inventory. Applying agglomerative hierarchical clustering to the group-level affective space revealed a set of underlying affective clusters whose within-cluster dissimilarity, per individual, was then correlated with individuals' personality scores. These cluster-based analyses predominantly revealed that the dispersion of the negative cluster showed a positive relationship with Neuroticism and a negative relationship with Conscientiousness, a finding that would be predicted by prior work. Such results demonstrate the non-spurious structure of individualized emotion information revealed by data-driven analyses of a behavioral task (and validated by incorporating psychological measures of personality) and corroborate prior knowledge of the interaction between affect and personality. Future investigations can similarly combine hypothesis- and data-driven methods to extend such findings, potentially yielding new perspectives on underlying cognitive processes, disease susceptibility, or even diagnostic/prognostic markers for mental disorders involving emotion dysregulation

    Temporal Signal-to-Noise Changes in Combined Multislice- and In-Plane-Accelerated Echo-Planar Imaging with a 20- and 64-Channel Coil

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    Echo-planar imaging (EPI) is the most common method of functional MRI for acquiring the blood oxygenation level-dependent (BOLD) contrast, allowing the acquisition of an entire brain volume within seconds. However, because imaging protocols are limited by hardware (e.g., fast gradient switching), researchers must compromise between spatial resolution, temporal resolution, or whole-brain coverage. Earlier attempts to circumvent this problem included developing protocols in which slices of a volume were acquired faster (i.e., in-plane acceleration (S)) or simultaneously (i.e., multislice acceleration (M)). However, applying acceleration methods can lead to a reduction in the temporal signal-to-noise ratio (tSNR): a critical measure of signal stability over time. Using a 20- and 64-channel receiver coil, we show that enabling S-acceleration consistently yielded a substantial decrease in tSNR, regardless of the receiver coil, whereas M-acceleration yielded less pronounced tSNR decrease. Moreover, tSNR losses tended to occur in temporal, insular, and medial brain regions and were more noticeable with the 20-channel coil, while with the 64-channel coil, the tSNR in lateral frontoparietal regions remained relatively stable up to six-fold M-acceleration producing comparable tSNR to that of no acceleration. Such methodological explorations can guide researchers and clinicians in optimizing imaging protocols depending on the brain regions under investigation

    Functional Connectivity in Multiple Sclerosis: Recent Findings and Future Directions

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    Multiple sclerosis is a debilitating disorder resulting from scattered lesions in the central nervous system. Because of the high variability of the lesion patterns between patients, it is difficult to relate existing biomarkers to symptoms and their progression. The scattered nature of lesions in multiple sclerosis offers itself to be studied through the lens of network analyses. Recent research into multiple sclerosis has taken such a network approach by making use of functional connectivity. In this review, we briefly introduce measures of functional connectivity and how to compute them. We then identify several common observations resulting from this approach: (a) high likelihood of altered connectivity in deep-gray matter regions, (b) decrease of brain modularity, (c) hemispheric asymmetries in connectivity alterations, and (d) correspondence of behavioral symptoms with task-related and task-unrelated networks. We propose incorporating such connectivity analyses into longitudinal studies in order to improve our understanding of the underlying mechanisms affected by multiple sclerosis, which can consequently offer a promising route to individualizing imaging-related biomarkers for multiple sclerosis

    Early remission in multiple sclerosis is linked to altered coherence of the Cerebellar Network

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    Background The development of permanent disability in multiple sclerosis (MS) is highly variable among patients, and the exact mechanisms that contribute to this disability remain unknown. Methods Following the idea that the brain has intrinsic network organization, we investigated changes of functional networks in MS patients to identify possible links between network reorganization and remission from clinical episodes in MS. Eighteen relapsing–remitting MS patients (RRMS) in their first clinical manifestation underwent resting-state functional MRI and again during remission. We used ten template networks, identified from independent component analysis, to compare changes in network coherence for each patient compared to those of 44 healthy controls from the Human Connectome Project test–retest dataset (two-sample t-ï»żtest of pre-post differences). Combining a binomial test with Monte Carlo procedures, we tested four models of how functional coherence might change between the first clinical episode and remission: a network can change its coherence (a) with itself (“one-with-self”), (b) with another network (“one-with-other”), or (c) with a set of other networks (“one-with-many”), or (d) multiple networks can change their coherence with respect to one common network (“many-with-one”). Results We found evidence supporting two of these hypotheses: coherence decreased between the Executive Control Network and several other networks (“one-with-many” hypothesis), and a set of networks altered their coherence with the Cerebellar Network (“many-with-one” hypothesis). Conclusion Given the unexpected commonality of the Cerebellar Network’s altered coherence with other networks (a finding present in more than 70% of the patients, despite their clinical heterogeneity), we conclude that remission in MS may result from learning processes mediated by the Cerebellar Network

    Constraints on Low-Mass WIMP Interactions on 19F from PICASSO

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    Recent results from the PICASSO dark matter search experiment at SNOLAB are reported. These results were obtained using a subset of 10 detectors with a total target mass of 0.72 kg of 19F and an exposure of 114 kgd. The low backgrounds in PICASSO allow recoil energy thresholds as low as 1.7 keV to be obtained which results in an increased sensitivity to interactions from Weakly Interacting Massive Particles (WIMPs) with masses below 10 GeV/c^2. No dark matter signal was found. Best exclusion limits in the spin dependent sector were obtained for WIMP masses of 20 GeV/c^2 with a cross section on protons of sigma_p^SD = 0.032 pb (90% C.L.). In the spin independent sector close to the low mass region of 7 GeV/c2 favoured by CoGeNT and DAMA/LIBRA, cross sections larger than sigma_p^SI = 1.41x10^-4 pb (90% C.L.) are excluded.Comment: 23 pages, 7 figures, to be published in Phys. Lett.

    Black Holes in the Early Universe

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    The existence of massive black holes was postulated in the sixties, when the first quasars were discovered. In the late nineties their reality was proven beyond doubt, in the Milky way and a handful nearby galaxies. Since then, enormous theoretical and observational efforts have been made to understand the astrophysics of massive black holes. We have discovered that some of the most massive black holes known, weighing billions of solar masses, powered luminous quasars within the first billion years of the Universe. The first massive black holes must therefore have formed around the time the first stars and galaxies formed. Dynamical evidence also indicates that black holes with masses of millions to billions of solar masses ordinarily dwell in the centers of today's galaxies. Massive black holes populate galaxy centers today, and shone as quasars in the past; the quiescent black holes that we detect now in nearby bulges are the dormant remnants of this fiery past. In this review we report on basic, but critical, questions regarding the cosmological significance of massive black holes. What physical mechanisms lead to the formation of the first massive black holes? How massive were the initial massive black hole seeds? When and where did they form? How is the growth of black holes linked to that of their host galaxy? Answers to most of these questions are work in progress, in the spirit of these Reports on Progress in Physics.Comment: Reports on Progress in Physics, in pres
