415 research outputs found

    From Community College to University: A Personal Commentary on the Evolution of an Institution

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    This paper documents the development of a unique institution in Canadian higher education, the university college in British Columbia. From its roots as a comprehensive community college, the university college was confronted with numerous legislative and policy changes which culminated in its current claim to be called a regional university. In support of this assertion, a number of issues are addressed, including the role and mandate of the university college, academic freedom and tenure, governance, administration, and the legal status under which it was constituted. Over a period of 15 years the university college underwent an organizational evolution as remarkable as it was unprecedented.Cet article porte sur l’histoire du développement d’une institution unique dans l’enseignement supérieur canadien, le collège universitaire de la ColombieBritannique. Après ses début en tant que collège communautaire compréhensif, le collège universitaire a été confronté à de nombreux changements dans la législation et les politiques publiques. La revendication du vocable « université régionale » par le collège universitaire est le point culminant de cette évolution. Le présent article discute du rôle et du mandat du collège universitaire ainsi que des enjeux relatifs à la liberté académique, à la permanence, à la gouvernance, à l’administration et au cadre juridique au sein duquel cette institution s’est constituée. En quinze ans, le collège universitaire a connu une évolution organisationnelle remarquable et sans-précédent

    Religion and spirituality in the care of patients with HIV : beliefs and practices of providers

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    The present investigation was intended to ascertain the influence of Religiosity on Well-being, The sample consisted of hundred Literate and hundred Illiterate participants, they were assessed by Religiosity Inventory (Deka and Broota, 1985) and Well-Being Inventory (Jagsharanbir Sing and Dr. Asha Gupta, 2001). Simple Linear Regression was applied to examine the Correlation between Religiosity and Well-being as well as influence of religiosity on well-being, whereas correlation was found to be R=.437 and R Square Change was 19.1% which represent the contribution of predictor variable in Literate group while among Illiterate group correlation was found to be R=.159 and R Square Change was found to be 2.5% which represent the actual contribution of predictor variable in Illiterate group. The correlation between Religiosity and Well-being with its five dimensions i.e. Physical, Mental, Social, Emotional and Spiritual Well-Being among Literate and Illiterate persons was studied, The findings showed that Religiosity in Literate group was found significantly correlated with Physical and Spiritual Well-Being, and others were insignificantly correlated, whereas in the Illiterate group Social Well-Being was found significantly correlated with Religiosity, and others dimensions were insignificantly correlated. Further t-test was administered where it was found that there were significant differences between Religiosity of Literate and Illiterate group as well as Well-being of both groups. Regarding implication of the study there should be provision in schools and educational systems for learning as well as awareness programs for Illiterate individuals towards literacy through which they can learn things independently in a broader way, and will not face any hurdle at any stage of their lives

    An investigation of social support, beliefs about substance abuse, and religiosity

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    The purpose of this study is to examine the relationships among social support, religiosity, and substance abuse. Recent research suggests that a connection exists between substance abuse and a variety of factors that include religiosity and social support. While existing research suggests a link between social support and both religiosity and substance abuse, no single study has explored the relationship among these three factors. Moreover, the research on substance abuse has centered on usage-related issues rather than on participant beliefs about substance abuse. The goal of this study is to extend previous research by expanding our understanding of the relationship among substance abuse, social support, and religiosity. The results of the study suggest that religious individuals define substance abuse along a number of different dimensions. Moreover, definitions of substance abuse do not impact on how church members view religiosity or social support. In addition, the results of the data analysis involving the demographic variables indicate a complex pattern of relationships between the demographic variables and religiosity and social support

    Basic skills and global competencies for business major graduates

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    A task of achieving academic success by business students becomes of paramount importance in our times, as globalization puts high pressures on our national priorities in education and workforce training. The projected shortage of skilled workers for the global economy elevates concerns about our economic growth and competitiveness in the world. This article is built upon research (Weisblat, 2010) that had achieved two objectives. First, through the reviewed literature, basic skills and global competencies required from business major graduates in the global economy were identified. Second, perspectives of college educators and business leaders on the required skills and competencies were captured. The researchers compared these perspectives in order to answer the question of whether business schools are successful in producing “knowledge workers” (Drucker, 1996) for the global economy. This purpose was achieved by utilizing a grounded theory outlined by Charmaz (2006).Such comparison of educators’ and business leaders’ views shed light on the issues of effectiveness of business education and employers’ satisfaction with the business graduates’ academic preparation. The study revealed significant differences in educators’ and employers’ understanding of what skills make business graduates competitive in the 21st century, and what skills, accordingly, should educators teach. Implications for practice were recognized, based on the findings of this study, including the need for extensive collaboration and greater input from business leaders into the design of curriculum that fits the rapidly evolving global economy

    Online Education and its Effect on the workforce

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    The use of technology in education, commonly defined as electronic learning (e-learning), is commonplace in the curricula of the 21st century. The role of e-learning in professional development and workforce advancement, and more specifically, its impact on Louisiana`s workforce, was analyzed. Broader statewide efforts to address barriers and challenges that impact local adult learning opportunities are also examined. This paper also reviews the benefits of online education as it impacts on students, institutions, state and federal government, and the society in its entirety. Two models are proposed: the first addresses outreach programs to improve enrollment and retention of adult students; the second discusses methodologies to ensure the successful implementation of online programs to help those adult students to succeed

    Conceptualizing and illustrating the digital lifestyle of youth

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    This research looks at the psychosocial content and nature of the concept of the digital lifestyle when applied to pre-teens and teenagers. The concept of lifestyle is analyzed to assess whether the digital technological context is an acceptable framework to characterize the daily life of pre-teens and teenagers. Five dimensions of the digital lifestyle concept were useful to structure more than 200 technologically aware young consumers who discussed the meaning and usage of several digital devices.Consumer psychology, Internet, teenagers

    Social work academics’ subject positions: convergence and divergence

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    Using Foucault’s (1989) concept of subject positions, this doctoral research, explores and discusses identities and positions of social work academics. Thirteen subject positions (Foucault, 1989) provided insight into the daily experiences of social work academics but also had specific functions in managing identities of ‘practitioner’ and ‘academic’. The subject positions were critical in facilitating the transition from practitioner to academic, but also highlighted tensions and challenges (i.e. divergence) between social work and academic practices and identities, as well as issues of synchronicity (i.e. convergence). The subject positions facilitated the management of identities, enhanced areas of compatibility, addressed and resolved issues of paradox, tension and antithetical identities. Thus, subject positions reflected social work academics’ experiences of being, negotiating/becoming social work academics. Subject positions were conceptualised as being, negotiating or a combination of being and negotiating, set within a meta-position of a Dominant and Default Social Work identity

    Католичество или протестантизм? Здоровье и благополучие пожилых людей различного вероисповедания в Европе и ряде стран мира

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    В статье проанализированы здоровье и благополучие людей в возрасте 55 лет и старше в 14 европейских странах с учетом их религиозной принадлежности и религиозной активности на основе данных выборочного обследования, проведенного по единой методологии. Показано, что факторы религиозной принадлежности и активности незначимы в выборке европейских стран в целом и не оказывают влияния на здоровье пожилых людей в моделях Западной и Восточной Европы по отдельности. Сделан вывод, что фактор национальной принадлежности оказывается более существенным для здоровья и благополучия пожилых людей, чем религиозный