778 research outputs found

    Some aspects of the epistemology of William of Ockham

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    The background section of the article deals with Aquinas's and Scotus's definition of the relation between intellect and senses. It is shown that Aquinas postulated a species in terme diary between the two, while Scotus only postulated it for abstractive cognition . Ockham removes the intelligible a species altogether, stressing the reliability of intuitive cognition as the basis of certitude about p re se n t situations, while perfect intuitive cognition is the basis of certitude about past situation . Ockham 's theories of the habitus are discussed as seeming to contradict the principle of the razor, but are demonstrated not to involve external intermediaries. Ockham 's epistemology safeguards the intrinsic psycho ­ logical unity of man and allow s a more direct know ledge of the wrold, in that it derieves universals from particulars and does sway with Aquinas's unwieldy theories of illumination and abstraction. Because all knowledge begins with intuitive cognition, an empirical scientific method is for the first time justified

    How to write a paper for International Publication

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    A Power point summary of a talk given during the Semana de Letras 2013 on how ro write an international paper for publicationPowerpoint presentation summar

    Evaluación de la pronunciación y de la mejora en la lengua: Evaluación por pares y variabilidad en la percepción de niveles

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    Los principales objetivos de este proyecto son los siguientes: por un lado, ayudar a mejorar la pronunciación en inglés de los estudiantes del Grado en Estudios Ingleses y, por otro, concienciar al alumnado de la importancia del inglés como lingua franca en el contexto europeo.Según el informe EF EPI (Índice de nivel de inglés), publicado online (http://www.ef.com.es/sitecore/__/~/media/efcom/epi/pdf/EFEPI- 2011-Spain.pdf), España ocupa el puesto número 24 en el ranking de niveles mundiales de inglés, un nivel considerado bajo, y el penúltimo puesto en nivel de inglés de los países europeos,superando tan solo a Rusia. Al contrario, Holanda ocupa el puesto número 2 en el ranking mundial. Con este proyecto queremos acometer una labor hasta ahora no emprendida en la universidad española y que representa uno de los mayores problemas a los que se enfrentan los estudiantes de inglés como segunda lengua: ofrecer al alumnado medios y pautas de mejora de la pronunciación inglesa dentro y fuera del aula, que les ayuden a superar los problemas de aprendizaje a los que estos se enfrentan. De esta forma, conseguiremos establecer diversos niveles de inteligibilidad, comparando la pronunciación de los estudiantes españoles con la de otros estudiantes de distintos países europeos

    Alan Paton se ongepubliseerde fiksie (1922-1934): 'n eerste evaluering

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    Abstract in English and AfrikaansThis article considers selected issues in the early fiction of Alan Paton, which is in manuscript form: three novels or parts of novels, namely, “Ship of Truth” (1922-1923), “Brother Death” (1930), “John Henry Dane” (1934b), the novel/novella “Secret for seven” (1934d), and the short stories “Little Barbee”, (1928?) and “Calvin Doone” (1930a). Attention is given to the first novel. A summary of the findings follows: even though Paton’s longer unpublished fiction is religiously earnest and at times rhetorically effective, it is simplistic and tends to perpetuate the white, English-speaking patriarchal hegemony of Natal, rather than offer any sustained critique of it. These works are set against the background of the Natal Midlands in the 1920s and 1930s. The shorter fiction is slightly different in natureHierdie artikel handel oor geselekteerde onderwerp in die vroeëre fiksie van Alan Paton, wat nog steeds in manuskripvorm is: drie romans of dele van romans, naamlik, “Ship of Truth” (1922-1923), “Brother Death” (1930a), “John Henry Dane” (1934b), ’n roman of kort roman, “Secret for seven” (1934d), en die kortverhale “Little Barbee” (1928?) en “Calvin Doone” (1930b). Daar word op die eerste roman gefokus. Paton se langer ongepubliseerde fiksie is toegewyd en godsdienstig, en soms retories suksesvol, maar dit is ook simplisties en geneig om die wit, Engelssprekende hegemonie van Natal gedurende die twintiger- en dertigerjare voort te sit, eerder as om dit deeglik te bevraagteken. Die aard van die korter fiksie is ietwat anders

    The English pronunciation teaching in Europe survey: selected results

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    The results of EPTiES reveal interesting phenomena across Europe, despite shortcomings in terms of construction and distribution. For example, most respondents are non-native speakers of English and the majority of them rate their own mastery of English pronunciation favourably. However, most feel they had little or no training in how to teach pronunciation, which begs the question of how teachers are coping with this key aspect of language teaching. In relation to target models, RP remains the variety of English which teachers claim to use, whilst recognizing that General American might be preferred by some students. Differences between countries are explored, especially via replies to open-ended questions, allowing a more nuanced picture to emerge for each country. Other survey research is also referred to, in order to contextualise the analyses and implications for teaching English and for training English teacher

    Governance in Large Nonprofit Health Systems: Current Profile and Emerging Patterns

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    From the foreword: Nonprofit healthcare organizations are not exempt from good governance. In fact, more today than ever, the hospitals and health care systems of this country must have the discipline and commitment to organize their governance structures and practices to provide forward-thinking leadership and stand up to scrutiny from any type of evaluation and review. As we move from “sick care” organizations to “health care” organizations with accountability for the health of the population of our communities from birth to end-of-life, the role of governance becomes even more critical. Fourteen of the largest and most notable health care systems in this country have been included in a research study to examine their governance structures and practices in relation to nine benchmarks. The CEOs and board members of these organizations were interviewed about their structures, processes and cultures, and then compared to national best practices. The study also included close review of pertinent system documents. This report is a must read for hospital and health care system CEOs and boards. It provides evidence-based outcomes that will assist an organization in advancing its governance practices. This study outlines critical success factors for governance structure and performance. It answers many questions that boards may be struggling with today and provides advancing actions. The research methodology is thorough and reliable with specific outcomes that provide high-performance opportunities. Each CEO who participated in the research study has written about a best practice in his or her respective organization that advances governance responsibility. These insights add a personal dimension to this report.https://uknowledge.uky.edu/hsm_book/1000/thumbnail.jp

    Obesity and Cardiovascular Health Differences Between Urban and Suburban Philadelphia High School Athletes

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    Introduction: The strongest risk factor for primary hypertension in children is obesity, and concern for pediatric hypertension rises with the rising prevalence of obesity in American children. Specifically, in urban Philadelphia schools from 2009 to 2012, preparticipation physical evaluations (PPEs) demonstrated a positive correlation between blood pressure measurements demonstrating stage 1 or 2 hypertension and elevated body mass index (P \u3c 0.00001). Objective: The purpose was to identify potential differences in cardiovascular health and prevalence of obesity between adolescents in the urban and suburban Philadelphia areas. Methods: Data from PPEs administered to urban Philadelphia high school athletes in 2018 by the Athlete Health Organization (AHO) was analyzed and compared to data from the Simon’s Heart Foundation’s HeartBytes registry, which provided data regarding suburban Philadelphia students. Demographic information and basic physical examination data were collected. Each participant’s body mass index (BMI) was categorized by percentile for age, and blood pressures were classified according to American Heart Association pediatric guidelines. Results: Analysis of the AHO data shows that 44.9% of urban students who completed PPEs in 2018 were overweight or obese, and that 43.1% of these students had blood pressures that would qualify as either stage 1 or 2 hypertension. Further comparison to the HeartBytes data is forthcoming. Conclusion: Given results to date, it is expected that upon conclusion of the study, the data will support the hypothesis that rates of hypertension and obesity will be higher in the urban underserved population than in the suburban population

    Improving Community Health through Hospital-Public Health Collaboration: Insights and Lessons Learned from Successful Partnerships

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    From the introduction: Health care expenditures in the United States currently consume over 17 percent of the nation’s gross domestic product, a much larger share than other developed nations. Yet, despite this large investment, studies by Commonwealth Fund, the Institute of Medicine, and other organizations show the USA lags behind other developed nations on multiple metrics of population health such as infant mortality and life expectancy. Moreover, there is extensive evidence of disparities in access, cost, and quality of health care services. Thus, we are confronted by a striking paradox: the USA spends a large and growing proportion of our resources on health care, but the outcomes in terms of access to services, the quality of those services, and the health of our population do not match other countries whose spending per capita is lower. It is evident that many factors contribute to this paradox — demographic, environmental, genetic, lifestyle, and socioeconomic — and all warrant societal attention. Improving access to outpatient and inpatient medical services and the quality of those services, while important, cannot resolve the paradox. Across the country, there is growing awareness that restraining the increase in health expenditures and improving the health status of families, communities, and society at large will require a broader approach that addresses the full array of factors affecting health status. Greater attention and resources must be devoted to promoting a safer environment, healthy lifestyles, prevention of illnesses and injuries, and early detection and treatment of health problems, as well as dealing with the underlying determinants of health. This approach necessitates integrating basic principles of public health into organizing and delivering health and medical services.https://uknowledge.uky.edu/hsm_book/1001/thumbnail.jp