10 research outputs found

    Pathogenicity and potential capacity for producing mycotoxins by Fusarium sambucinum and Fusarium solani isolates derived from potato tubers.

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    Studies of potential abilities of F. sambucinum to produce trichothecenes was conducted on isolates previously confirmed as belonging to this species by PCR. In all cases, A positive result for the presence of Tri5 gene, coding the ability to synthesize these mycotoxins. There was no potential to synthesize trichothecenes by F. solani. Further analysis concerned the potential ability of F. sambucinum to produce group B trichothecenes (DON and NIV). No isolate gave the expected amplification product (282 bp for deoxynivalenol and 312 bp for nivalenol), which would indicate the potential for producing these mycotoxins. Studies have shown the ability to produce trichothecenes of group A. Analysis of the potential ability for the synthesis of enniatins by F. sambucinum showed that 91% of isolates gave of 332 bp amplification product, which proves them as potencial producers of these mycotoxins. There were significant differences in the pathogenicity of F. sambucinum and F. solani represented by the size of decay caused by these species. The rotten tissue area caused by F. sambucinum was about 10 times bigger than after inoculation by F. solani. Furthermore, isolates within the same species (F. sambucinum) showed diverse pathogenicity. It should be noted, however, that the concentration of mycotoxins does not depend on the size of rotten tissue of potato tubers. Isolate, which caused the most severe disease symptoms, produced low concentrations of mycotoxins

    Fusarium head blight (FHB) and Fusarium populations in grain of winter wheat grown in different cultivation systems

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    Fusarium head blight (FHB) incidence, and colonisation of grain by Fusarium species on winter wheat grown in organic, integrated, and conventional systems as well as in monoculture, were studied locally in Poland, from 2002 to 2010. Fusarium head blight incidence differed throughout the study years. It was found to occur the most where rainfall was highest and where rainfall was the most prolonged before, during, and after flowering of wheat. Fusarium head blight incidence was generally less on wheat grown organically than on wheat grown in other systems. In some years, FHB was noted more in monocultures than in other systems. Fusarium poae was the most common species of FHB populations in wheat kernels, followed by F. avenaceum and F. tricinctum. Other species which occurred more rarely or sporadically were: F. culmorum, F. equiseti, F. graminearum, F. langsethiae, F. oxysporum, and F. sporotrichioides. There were found to be significant effects of the cropping system on grain colonisation by Fusarium in some years. There was a positive correlation between FHB incidence and number of kernels colonised and damaged by Fusarium, in all four systems. Inferences were drawn concerning the effects of different procedures in different production systems and the possible value for controlling FH

    Research on health of organically cultivated potatoes

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    In 2002-2004, the disease incidences of six potato varieties grown under organic or integrated farm practices were studied. Disease incidences were also investigated with respect to soil fungal populations and the practice of pre-germinating of tubers. Organically grown potatoes had a lower occurrence of sprout rot (Rhizoctonia solani) and common scab (Streptomyces scabies) than potatoes grown in integrated system. More saprophytic species were found in the organic rather than in the integrated system. Pre-germination of potato tubers had positive but minimal effect. There were large differences in disease susceptibility among the potato varieties tested

    Fungal pathogens and antagonists in root-soil zone in organic and integrated systems of potato production

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    Occurrence of culturable Fungi and Oomycota in root-soil habitat of potato cv. Owacja in organic and integrated production systems at Osiny (northern Poland) was compared in 2008-2010. The densities of both pathogens were significantly greater in the organic system. The eudominant fungal taxa (with frequency > 10% in at least one habitat) included species of Fusarium + Gibberella + Haematonectria, Penicillium, Phoma and Trichoderma. The dominant taxa (with frequency 5-10%) included species from 13 genera. In the rhizoplane, rhizosphere and non-rhizosphere soil, the total density of potential pathogens was greater in the integrated system, and of potential antagonists in the organic system. Among eudominant and dominant pathogens, Fusarium oxysporum and Gibellulopsis nigrescens occurred at greater density in the integrated system and Haematonectria haematococca and Phoma spp. in the organic system. Among eudominant antagonists, Trichoderma species occurred at greater density in the organic system. The organic system provided more disease suppressive habitat than the integrated system. The occurrence of brown leaf spot and potato blight was however similar in both systems. The mean yield of organic potatoes (24.9 t · ha-1) was higher than the mean organic potato yield in Poland (21.0 t · ha-1) and similar to the mean in other European countries (Germany 25.1 t · ha-1, Great Britain 25.0 t · ha-1). The organic system, based on a 5-year rotation, with narrow-leafed lupin, white mustard and buckwheat as a cover crop, inorganic fertilization based on ground rock phosphate + potassium sulphate, and biological and chemical control of insects and diseases (Bacillus thuringiensis ssp. tenebrionis + copper hydroxide + copper oxychloride), may be recommended for use in central Europe

    Studies on plant health in organic production of vegetable seeds

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    Research covered investigation of efficacy of biopreparations in vegetable protection (onion, carrot, parsley, red beet, dill, radish) against fungal diseases. Seeds were coated with a biopreparation formulated on the basis of Trichoderma viride prior to sowing. After a series of experiments it was found that proper technology enables coating with biopreparation. This process should be as short as possible because of the need to maintain enough number of living colony forming units (cfu). Coated seeds may be stored for a period of several months. Microbiological cleanliness of coat components is also of great importance. Biopreparation in coats to some extent limited the occurrence of rot diseases during germination. During growing season plants were sprayed with Biosept, Chitosan and Bioczos. Effectiveness of these treatments was differentiated. The best results were observed with the use of Biosept. In a year favourable for development of downy mildew of onion (Peronospora destructor) spraying with this biopreparation significantly limited disease compared with the control

    Milling and Baking Quality of Spring Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) from Organic Farming

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    The quality of grain products from organic agriculture is an important subject of research for food safety and consumer health. The aim of the study was to examine the grain of spring wheat from organic agriculture according to their infestation by Fusarium spp., mycotoxin content, and technological value for milling and baking processing. The material was grain of 13 spring wheat varieties cultivated in organic systems in 3 years. The results showed that the intensity of Fusarium head blight (FHB) was low and ranged from 0.0% to 5.5% of ears. Grain infestation by Fusarium spp. varied between varieties and years from 1.5% to 18.5%. The colonization of grains by Fusarium spp. did not reflect the intensity of FHB. The lowest grain infestation by Fusarium spp. was noted for the varieties: Waluta, Zadra, and Arabella. Mycotoxin contamination of the grain of tested varieties did not exceed accepted standards. The requirements of the milling and baking industries were generally met by grain and flour of all the tested varieties. On the basis of the 3 year study results related to food safety and processing properties, the varieties most useful for organic production are Arabella, followed by Brawura, Izera, Kandela, Katoda, KWS Torridon, Waluta, and Zadra

    Simultaneous selection for yield-related traits and susceptibility to Fusarium head blight in spring wheat RIL population

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    Neuropatija peronealnog živca je jedna od češćih kompresivnih mononeuropatija tijekom koje su pogođene podjednako i mlađa i starija populacija. Najčešće nastaje kao posljedica kompresije živca zbog pretjerane imobilizacije ili direktne traume živca tijekom fraktura. Fizikalna terapija ima glavnu ulogu u liječenju pareze peroneusa. Stoga, cilj ovog rada je prikazati cjelokupni rehabilitacijski proces kod pacijenata sa dijagnozom periferne pareze ili plegije nervusa peroneusa. Da bismo prikazali dobrobiti rehabilitacije provedena su ispitivanja na pacijentima sa navedenom dijagnozom. Metode koje su korištene se temelje na testovima procjene mišićne snage i obujma ekstremiteta. Nakon deset dana primjene različitih fizioterapijskih postupaka došlo je do povećanja mišićne snage i poboljšanja funkcionalnih sposobnosti. Iako je istraživanje provedeno kroz kraći vremenski period pozitivni rezultati su svakako vidljivi. Na temelju toga možemo donijeti zaključak da procedure fizikalne terapije poput intenzivnih vježbi snaženja mišića i elektroterapijskih tehnika vode k postupnom oporavku osoba sa peronealnom neuropatijom.Neuropathy of the peroneal nerve is one of the more frequent compressive mononeuropathy during which both equaly younger and older population are affected. It is most commonly caused as a result of nerve compression due to excessive immobilization or direct nerve trauma during the fracture. Physical therapy has the main role in the treatment of peroneal paresis. Consequently, the aim of this paper is to present the complete rehabilitation process in patients with peripheral paresis or plegia of peroneal nerve. In order to demonstrate the benefits of rehabilitation, tests have been carried out on patients with the above mentioned diagnosis. The methods that have been used are based on muscle strength and limb volume assessment. After ten days of application of various physiotherapeutic procedures, there was an increase of muscle strength and improvement of functional abilities. Although research has been carried out over a shorter period of time, positive results are certainly apparent. Based on this we can conclude that physical therapy procedures such as intense muscle strength training and electrotherapy techniques lead to gradual recovery of people with peroneal neuropathy

    Fusarium head blight (FHB) and Fusarium spp. on grain of spring wheat cultivars grown in Poland

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    Eighteen spring wheat cultivars, recommended for commercial production in northern Poland, were assessed for Fusarium head blight (FHB) in natural non-epidemic conditions, from 2011 to 2013. Assessment was based on FHB incidence (proportion of heads with symptoms), disease severity (DS; proportion of bleached spikelets per head), proportion of Fusarium damaged kernels (FDK), and spectrum of Fusarium spp. colonising the kernels. Fusarium head blight incidence and DS often differed significantly among cultivars and years. There was a strong positive correlation between FHB incidence and DS. Fusarium head blight incidence and DS were not correlated with the June–July temperatures, and were only occasionally correlated with the total June–July rainfall. There was a weak positive correlation between FHB incidence and proportion of FDK. There was a strong positive correlation between DS and proportion of FDK. The cultivar affected colonisation of kernels by Fusarium spp. Fusarium poae was the FHB pathogen isolated most often. Fusarium poae colonised 6.0% of the kernels, on average, but up to 12.0% on individual cultivars. Other Fusarium species were less frequent: F. avenaceum in 5.6% of kernels, F. culmorum in 5.3%, F. tricinctum in 2.8%, F. graminearum in 1.5%, and F. sporotrichioides in 1.2%. Fusarium equiseti occurred sporadically. The importance of F. poae in the FHB complex is emphasised. All cultivars expressed ‘moderate FHB resistance’ if evaluated according to FHB incidence. Cultivars Arabella, Izera, Kandela, Monsun, Ostka Smolicka, and Struna expressed ‘moderate susceptibility’, and Bombona, Hewilla, Katoda, KWS Torridon, Łagwa, Nawra, Parabola, Radocha, SMH 87, Trappe, Tybalt, and Waluta expressed ‘susceptibility’ if evaluated by the proportion of FDK. Cultivars differed within the ‘moderately resistant’, ‘moderately susceptible’, and ‘susceptible’ categories. Cultivars Arabella, Izera, Kandela, Monsun, Ostka Smolicka, and Struna were the most promising and their resistance traits may be useful in FHB management