778 research outputs found

    Analisis Kerusakan Dinding Simpai Berdasarkan Tinjauan Struktural Kasus: Rumah –Rumah Di Pontianak, Kalimantan Barat

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    . Plester wall with reinforcement or as well known as simpai has long been known to build the wall of houses in West Kalimantan. This method is used particularly to build a wall on a wood frame structure. Wooden frame used as a framework of the wall. This cause the walls are related to the structure used. There are simpai walls durable for a long time but there are also have significant damage just a few years after construction. The damages generally occur as well as the structural damages. This study is aimed to analyze the characteristics damages of the simpai walls based on structural stability perspective. The study will focus on simpai that used as the building envelope. An observation is used as collecting data method. As the result, it had been examided that the simpai damage is strongly influenced by the stability of the structures

    Pengaruh Kepemilikan Institusional Dan Struktur Modal Terhadap Nilai Perusahaan

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    This study is aimed to examine the effect of institutional ownership and capital structure on the company's value. The population used in this study are all manufacturing companies listed in Indonesia Stock Exchange from 2010 until 2014. The main data used in this research is the financial data in 2010 until 2014. Completed and selected financial data this research are 32 companies so that the samples in this research using five periods are 160. For examining data, this research uses panel data regression model. After running chow test and Hausman test, the most suitable method for the regression is fixed effects method. This research shows that institutional ownership has positive influence significantly on the company's value, capital structure has no influence significantly on the company's value Keywords: institutional ownership, capital structure, the company's valu

    Combining Student-based Learning Activities with Teacher's Encouragements to Foster Learner Autonomy in Elt

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    Teacher's domination and authority used to prevail the traditional language teaching is now left and replaced by more acceptable concept of teaching. This concept emphasizes on developing the sense of learners' responsibility, independence, or autonomy, for better learning outcome. Autonomous language learners are those assumed to have greater responsibility on their own learning for their own needs. A series of guided practice through a step-by-step manner is needed in order that students can be possibly trained to be autonomous, independent learners. This paper discusses learning activities created and designed by the students combined with teacher's encouragements to foster learner autonomy. Some theories and previous studies on learner autonomy are analyzed to support the discussion. It is believed that the combination between the two important aspects in autonomous language learning will strengthen the efforts of promoting learner autonomy in ELT. Keywords: English language teaching, learner autonomy, autonomous learning, learning activities, teacher's encouragemen

    Concentration of Hg, Cd, Cu, Pb and Zn in Sediment of Gresik Waters

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    Gresik coastal waters is one of the areas that have a potential risk for environmental damage due to anthropogenic activities. Water and sediment samples were collected to determin metals concentration and to identify sediment quality in February 2012. Twelve samples were collected for analysis of mercury (Hg) and four other metals (Cd, Cu, Pb, and Zn). Mercury was analyzed using USEPA method 7471B with Flameless-AAS (Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer) varian type SpectarAA VGA 20-76 and the other metals were analyzed using USEPA 30050B with Flame-AAS. Results showed that ranges and average concentrations of Hg were 0.04-0.33 (0.13) mg/kg, Cd 0.08-3.05 (0.64) mg/kg, Cu 23.7-234.0 (85.5) mg/kg, Pb 1.74-12.7 (4.29) mg/kg, and Zn 77.0-405.0 (133.0) mg/kg. Metals with high concentrations were detected in some places and by SQG-Q, surface sediment showed a moderate impact level of biological adverse effects in aquatic sediments

    Studi Laboratorium Mengenai Pengaruh Peningkatan Konsentrasi Surfaktan terhadap Peningkatan Produksi Minyak pada Injeksi Surfaktan dengan Kadar Salinitas Air Formasi yang Bervariasi

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    Metode EOR merupakan upaya yang dilakukan untuk meningkatan perolehan minyak denganmenggunakan energi dari luar reservoir. Salah satu metode EOR yang digunakan adalah injeksisurfaktan yang termasuk jenis chemical flooding. Surfaktan digunakan untuk memproduksi minyakyang terjebak dalam pori batuan dengan mengurangi tegangan permukaan antara minyak dan airyang terdapat dalam pori batuan, sehingga akan menigkatkan Recovery Factor. Salah satu faktoryang mempengaruhi kerja surfaktan adalah kadar salinitas air formasi. Pada penelitian ini akandibuktikan apakah memang kadar salinitas air formasi mempengaruhi kerja surfaktan danseberapa jauh pengaruhnya. Hasil yang didapat pada kajian ini bahwa memang benar kadarsalinitas air formasi akan mempengaruhi kerja surfaktan dimana RF terkecil dihasilkan oleh larutandengan kadar salinitas terkecil dan konsentrasi surfaktan terkecil sedangkan RF terbesardihasilkan oleh larutan dengan kadar salinitas terkecil dan konsentrasi surfaktan terbesar

    Study of Metal Contaminant Level in the Mahakam Delta: Sediment and Dissolved Metal Perspectives

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    The Mahakam Delta in East Kalimantan contains large number of natural resources specially hydrocarbon sources. Anthropogenic activities have influenced this ecosystem for many years. The aims of this work were to find out dissolved metal and metals in sediment distribution in this area and to find out contaminant level based on allowable guidelines. Twenty nine stations were sampled within the delta and metal content analyses, both in sediment and water column, were established for Cd, Cu, Ni, Pb and Zn. Sediment analyses were conducted using US EPA 3050B method and dissolved metals analyses were conducted using Back Extraction method. Cd, Cu, Ni, Pb and Zn in sediment had 0.07 mg/kg dw, 18.64 mg/kg dw, 35.62 mg/kg dw, 10.56 mg/kg dw and 74.95 mg/kg dw in maximum concentration respectively. Whereas dissolved Cd, Cu, Ni, Pb and Zn had 0.001 mg/l; 0.003 mg/l; 0.003 mg/l; 0.013 mg/l and 0.003 mg/l in maximum concentration respectively. Based on allowable guidelines, metals contaminat levels, both in sediment and water column, were below permitted value
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