546 research outputs found

    Recent Developments in Electrical Microcharacterization Using the Charge Collection Mode of the Scanning Electron Microscope

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    There are six distinguishable types of charge collection (CC) signal. Consequently specially designed CC detection systems are needed to obtain e.g. true EBIC and EBIV measurements and make quantitative electrical microcharacterization possible. EBIC and EBIV can arise from fields due to barriers such as p-n junctions or due to changes in doping e.g. p to p+. Materials, defect and device parameters are calculable from these signals. Hot-cold stages are important for temperature dependence studies of contrast, for improving signal to noise ratios and reducing leakage currents. Image processing and pattern recognition methods are vital for rapidly locating and evaluating the information in CC micrographs of large scale circuits. Some recent applications of these techniques to junctions and Schottky barriers in devices, to dislocations and grain boundaries, to microplasmas and to the location of defects in large scale intergration (LSI) devices are presented

    Palgol: A High-Level DSL for Vertex-Centric Graph Processing with Remote Data Access

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    Pregel is a popular distributed computing model for dealing with large-scale graphs. However, it can be tricky to implement graph algorithms correctly and efficiently in Pregel's vertex-centric model, especially when the algorithm has multiple computation stages, complicated data dependencies, or even communication over dynamic internal data structures. Some domain-specific languages (DSLs) have been proposed to provide more intuitive ways to implement graph algorithms, but due to the lack of support for remote access --- reading or writing attributes of other vertices through references --- they cannot handle the above mentioned dynamic communication, causing a class of Pregel algorithms with fast convergence impossible to implement. To address this problem, we design and implement Palgol, a more declarative and powerful DSL which supports remote access. In particular, programmers can use a more declarative syntax called chain access to naturally specify dynamic communication as if directly reading data on arbitrary remote vertices. By analyzing the logic patterns of chain access, we provide a novel algorithm for compiling Palgol programs to efficient Pregel code. We demonstrate the power of Palgol by using it to implement several practical Pregel algorithms, and the evaluation result shows that the efficiency of Palgol is comparable with that of hand-written code.Comment: 12 pages, 10 figures, extended version of APLAS 2017 pape

    Recolonizing gray wolves increase parasite infection risk in their prey

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    The recent recolonization of Central Europe by the European gray wolf (Canis lupus) provides an opportunity to study the dynamics of parasite transmission for cases when a definitive host returns after a phase of local extinction. We investigated whether a newly established wolf population increased the prevalence of those parasites in ungulate intermediate hosts representing wolf prey, whether some parasite species are particularly well adapted to wolves, and the potential basis for such adaptations. We recorded Sarcocystis species richness in wolves and Sarcocystis prevalence in ungulates harvested in study sites with and without permanent wolf presence in Germany using microscopy and DNA metabarcoding. Sarcocystis prevalence in red deer (Cervus elaphus) was significantly higher in wolf areas (79.7%) than in control areas (26.3%) but not in roe deer (Capreolus capreolus) (97.2% vs. 90.4%) or wild boar (Sus scrofa) (82.8% vs. 64.9%). Of 11 Sarcocystis species, Sarcocystis taeniata and Sarcocystis grueneri occurred more often in wolves than expected from the Sarcocystis infection patterns of ungulate prey. Both Sarcocystis species showed a higher increase in prevalence in ungulates in wolf areas than other Sarcocystis species, suggesting that they are particularly well adapted to wolves, and are examples of “wolf specialists”. Sarcocystis species richness in wolves was significantly higher in pups than in adults. “Wolf specialists” persisted during wolf maturation. The results of this study demonstrate that (1) predator–prey interactions influence parasite prevalence, if both predator and prey are part of the parasite life cycle, (2) mesopredators do not necessarily replace the apex predator in parasite transmission dynamics for particular parasites of which the apex predator is the definitive host, even if meso‐ and apex predators were from the same taxonomic family (here: Canidae, e.g., red foxes Vulpes vulpes), and (3) age‐dependent immune maturation contributes to the control of protozoan infection in wolves

    Mesenchymal Stem Cells Modified with a Single-Chain Antibody against EGFRvIII Successfully Inhibit the Growth of Human Xenograft Malignant Glioma

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    Glioblastoma multiforme is the most lethal brain tumor with limited therapeutic options. Antigens expressed on the surface of malignant cells are potential targets for antibody-mediated gene/drug delivery.In this study, we investigated the ability of genetically modified human mesenchymal stem cells (hMSCs) expressing a single-chain antibody (scFv) on their surface against a tumor specific antigen, EGFRvIII, to enhance the therapy of EGFRvIII expressing glioma cells in vivo. The growth of U87-EGFRvIII was specifically delayed in co-culture with hMSC-scFvEGFRvIII. A significant down-regulation was observed in the expression of pAkt in EGFRvIII expressing glioma cells upon culture with hMSC-scFvEGFRvIII vs. controls as well as in EGFRvIII expressing glioma cells from brain tumors co-injected with hMSC-scFvEGFRvIII in vivo. hMSC expressing scFvEGFRvIII also demonstrated several fold enhanced retention in EGFRvIII expressing flank and intracranial glioma xenografts vs. control hMSCs. The growth of U87-EGFRvIII flank xenografts was inhibited by 50% in the presence of hMSC-scFvEGFRvIII (p<0.05). Moreover, animals co-injected with U87-EGFRvIII and hMSC-scFvEGFRvIII intracranially showed significantly improved survival compared to animals injected with U87-EGFRvIII glioma cells alone or with control hMSCs. This survival was further improved when the same animals received an additional dosage of hMSC-scFvEGFRvIII two weeks after initial tumor implantation. Of note, EGFRvIII expressing brain tumors co-injected with hMSCs had a lower density of CD31 expressing blood vessels in comparison with control tumors, suggesting a possible role in tumor angiogenesis.The results presented in this study illustrate that genetically modified MSCs may function as a novel therapeutic vehicle for malignant brain tumors


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    Purpose: research and analysis of factors that influence on the increase of frequency of realization caesarian section in the maternity hospitals of Lviv (in 2017– 2018). Materials&nbsp;and&nbsp;Methods.&nbsp;The objects of the study were obstetricians and doctors of obstetricians-gynecolo­gists of maternity hospitals in the city of Lviv: Municipal Non-Profit Enterprise "Maternity Clinical Hospital No. 1 in Lviv", Maternity Department of Municipal Non-Profit Enterprise "3 City Clinical Hospital in Lviv", Municipal Institution of Lviv Regional Hospital Center. A one-time, cohort study was conducted using the following methods: anonymous individual questionnaire; retrospective analysis of the statistical report of the structure of indications for caesarean section at the Municipal Non-Profit Enterprise "Maternity Clinical Hospital No. 1 in Lviv" in 2018 (1180 operations) and 2017 (1006 operations); statistical; analytical. The average (M ± SE) and relative indices were calculated. Results. In 2018, the method of delivery by caesarean section was chosen in 25.7 % of the total number of births, which increased 1.2 times compared to 2017 – 20.8 %. Among the women surveyed, about 86 % of parturition women are pregnant, of whom 10 % are with multiple pregnancies. Analyzing the proportion of physio­logical childbirth at the first pregnancy – 52 %, repeated pregnancy – 34 % and cesarean section – 48 and 66 % respectively in the women giving birth, it was found that the number of repeated childbirths by caesarean section increased 1.26 times. It was found that the increase in the frequency of total deliveries by caesarean section is influenced by the presence of medical indications (90.58 %), in particular: scar on the uterus after caesarean section surgery – 27.12 %, fetal distress – 14.16 %, pelvic and tender presentation – 9.7 %; increase in the number of repeated births after the previous CS; an increase in the frequency of chronic diseases in the anamnesis: varicose veins of the lower extremities, decreased visual acuity, hypertension, diabetes; psychological factor (emotional stress on the part of relatives and childbirth; fear provoked by the community; fear of pain; fear of childbirth); the desire of the woman (after a previous C-section). Conclusions. The increase in the frequency of total deliveries by CS in maternity hospitals in Lviv is influenced by: medical indications; increase in the number of repeated births after the previous CS; an increase in the incidence of chronic diseases in history; psychological factor; desire of woman.Мета: дослідити та проаналізувати фактори, які впливають на збільшення частоти проведення кесаревого розтину, в пологових будинках м. Львова (2017–2018 рр.). Матеріали і методи. Об’єктами дослідження були породіллі та лікарі акушер-гінекологи пологових будинків міста Львова: Комунального некомерційного підприємства «Пологовий клінічний будинок №&nbsp;1 м. Львова», Пологового відділення комунального некомерційного підприємства «3-тя міська клінічна лікарня м. Львова», Комунального закладу Львівського обласного перинатального центру. Проведено одномоментне, когортне дослідження з використанням методів: анонімного індивідуального анкетування; ретроспективного аналізу статистичного звіту структури показань до кесаревого розтину в Комунальному некомерційному підприємстві «Пологовий клінічний будинок №&nbsp;1 м. Львова» у 2018 (1180 операцій) та 2017 рр. (1006 операцій); статистичного; аналітичного. Виконано розрахунок середніх (М±SE) та відносних показників. Результати. У 2018 р. метод розродження шляхом кесаревого розтину був обраний у 25,7&nbsp;% від загальної кількості пологів, що зросло в 1,2 раза порівняно з 2017 р. – 20,8&nbsp;%. Серед опитаних жінок близько 86&nbsp;% породіль, які повторно народжували, з яких 10&nbsp;% – з багатоплідною вагітністю. Проаналізувавши частку фізіологічних пологів при першій вагітності – 52&nbsp;%, повторній вагітності – 34&nbsp;% та кесаревого розтину – 48 і 66&nbsp;% відповідно в опитаних породіль, отримали, що кількість повторних пологів шляхом кесаревого розтину (КР) зросла у 1,26 раза. Встановлено, що на збільшення частоти загальної кількості розроджень шляхом кесаревого розтину впливає наявність медичних показань (90,58&nbsp;%), зокрема: рубець на матці після операції кесаревого розтину – 27,12 %, дистрес плода – 14,16&nbsp;%, тазове та ніжне передлежання – 9,7 %; збільшення кількості повторних пологів після попереднього КР; зростання частоти хронічних захворювань в анамнезі: варикозне розширення вен нижніх кінцівок, зниження гостроти зору, артеріальна гіпертензія, цукровий діабет; психологічний фактор (емоційне напруження з боку родичів і породіллі; страх спровокований громадою, страх болю, страх перед пологами); бажання жінки (після попередньої операції кесаревого розтину). Висновки. На збільшення частоти загальної кількості розроджень шляхом КР у пологових будинках м. Львова впливають: медичні показання; збільшення кількості повторних пологів, після попереднього КР; зростання частоти хронічних захворювань в анамнезі; психологічний фактор; бажання жінки

    Upregulation of PTEN in Glioma Cells by Cord Blood Mesenchymal Stem Cells Inhibits Migration via Downregulation of the PI3K/Akt Pathway

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    PTEN (phosphatase and tensin homologue deleted on chromosome ten) is a tumor suppressor gene implicated in a wide variety of human cancers, including glioblastoma. PTEN is a major negative regulator of the PI3K/Akt signaling pathway. Most human gliomas show high levels of activated Akt, whereas less than half of these tumors carry PTEN mutations or homozygous deletions. The unique ability of mesenchymal stem cells to track down tumor cells makes them as potential therapeutic agents. Based on this capability, new therapeutic approaches have been developed using mesenchymal stem cells to cure glioblastoma. However, molecular mechanisms of interactions between glioma cells and stem cells are still unknown.In order to study the mechanisms by which migration of glioma cells can be inhibited by the upregulation of the PTEN gene, we studied two glioma cell lines (SNB19 and U251) and two glioma xenograft cell lines (4910 and 5310) alone and in co-culture with human umbilical cord blood-derived mesenchymal stem cells (hUCBSC). Co-cultures of glioma cells showed increased expression of PTEN as evaluated by immunofluorescence and immunoblotting assays. Upregulation of PTEN gene is correlated with the downregulation of many genes including Akt, JUN, MAPK14, PDK2, PI3K, PTK2, RAS and RAF1 as revealed by cDNA microarray analysis. These results have been confirmed by reverse-transcription based PCR analysis of PTEN and Akt genes. Upregulation of PTEN resulted in the inhibition of migration capability of glioma cells under in vitro conditions. Also, wound healing capability of glioma cells was significantly inhibited in co-culture with hUCBSC. Under in vivo conditions, intracranial tumor growth was inhibited by hUCBSC in nude mice. Further, hUCBSC upregulated PTEN and decreased the levels of XIAP and Akt, which are responsible for the inhibition of tumor growth in the mouse brain.Our studies indicated that upregulation of PTEN by hUCBSC in glioma cells and in the nude mice tumors downregulated Akt and PI3K signaling pathway molecules. This resulted in the inhibition of migration as well as wound healing property of the glioma cells. Taken together, our results suggest hUCBSC as a therapeutic agent in treating malignant gliomas

    Scattering phase shift for relativistic exponential-type separable potentials

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    The J-matrix method of scattering is used to obtain analytic expressions for the phase shift of two classes of relativistic exponential-type separable potentials whose radial component is either of the general form r^(n-1)exp(-r) or r^(2n)exp(-r^2), where n = 0, 1, or 2. The rank of these separable potentials is n + 1. The nonrelativistic limit is obtained and shown to be identical to the nonrelativistic phase shift. An exact numerical evaluation for higher order potentials (n > 2) can also be obtained in a simple way as illustrated for the case n = 3.Comment: Accepted for publication in J. Phys. A, to appear in January 2002. Replaced with a more portable PDF versio

    Генетическая специфичность белоголовой украинской породы по гену BоLA-DRB3

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    The study of the genetic specificity of local breeds is a promising direction in the context of preserving the biodiversity of cattle breeds in the world. The purpose of research was to analyze the allelic polymorphism of the BoLA-DRB3 gene of the White-Headed Ukrainian breed. The study was carried out with blood samples from 49 animals (11 bulls and 38 cows) of this breed. The allelic spectrum of the BoLA-DRB3 gene was detected based on two-step PCR (primers HLO-30, HLO-31 and HLO-32). Restriction was performed with endonucleases RsaI, HaeIII, BstYI. Restriction fragments were separated by electrophoresis in 9-12 % polyacrylamide gel. According to the test results, 29 alleles were detected. Seven alleles (*03, *11, *13, *15, *22, *23 and *24) were determined with a frequency of over 5 %, that was 65.3 % of the allele pool of the breed. The most common was allele *24 with a frequency of 15.3%. In the experimental sample, 37 genotypes were identified. The predominant variant was *11/*24 (16.2%). A slight excess of heterozygotes was detected (Fis = – 0.035). White-Headed Ukrainian breed is characterized by a significant level of differentiation (or specificity) according to the BoLA-DRB3 gene (Wright fixation index He = 0.959, Shannon-Wiener index H` = 2.93), that confirms the thesis of the important role of local breeds in preserving the biodiversity of genetic resources of cattle.Изучение генетической специфичности локальных пород – одно из перспективных направлений в контексте сохранения биоразнообразия пород крупного рогатого скота в мире. Цель исследования – определение и анализ аллельного полиморфизма гена BoLA-DRB3 белоголовой украинской породы. Изучение проведено на образцах крови 49 животных (11 быков и 38 коров) этой породы. Аллельный спектр гена BoLA-DRB3 определяли на основе двухступенчатой ПЦР (праймеры HLO-30, HLO-31 и HLO-32). Рестрикцию проводили эндонуклеазами RsaI, HaeIII, BstYI. Фрагменты рестрикции разделяли электрофорезом в 9–12%-ном полиакриламидном геле. В результате исследований обнаружено 29 аллелей. Семь аллелей (*03, *11, *13, *15, *22, *23 и *24) определялись с частотой более 5 %, что составляло 65,3 % аллельного фонда породы. Наиболее распространенным с частотой 15,3 % выявлялся аллель *24. В экспериментальной выборке идентифицировано 37 генотипов. Преобладающий вариант – *11/*24 (16,2 %). Выявлен небольшой избыток гетерозигот (FIS = -0,035). Характерной особенностью белоголового украинского скота является существенная дифференциация (или специфичность) по гену BoLA-DRB3 (индекс фиксации Райта He = 0,959, индекс Шеннона-Винера H` = 2,93), что подтверждает тезис о важной роли местных пород в сохранении биоразнообразия генетических ресурсов крупного рогатого скота

    First measurement of direct f0(980)f_0(980) photoproduction on the proton

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    We report on the results of the first measurement of exclusive f0(980)f_0(980) meson photoproduction on protons for Eγ=3.03.8E_\gamma=3.0 - 3.8 GeV and t=0.41.0-t = 0.4-1.0 GeV2^2. Data were collected with the CLAS detector at the Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility. The resonance was detected via its decay in the π+π\pi^+ \pi^- channel by performing a partial wave analysis of the reaction γppπ+π\gamma p \to p \pi^+ \pi^-. Clear evidence of the f0(980)f_0(980) meson was found in the interference between PP and SS waves at Mπ+π1M_{\pi^+ \pi^-}\sim 1 GeV. The SS-wave differential cross section integrated in the mass range of the f0(980)f_0(980) was found to be a factor of 50 smaller than the cross section for the ρ\rho meson. This is the first time the f0(980)f_0(980) meson has been measured in a photoproduction experiment