403 research outputs found

    Social potential of young people as an important resource for social and economic development of region

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    The article discusses the social potential of young people in the framework of socio resource and activity approach. The article presents the results of the survey to the youth of the Ekaterinburg, defining its assessment of the role of social resources for development of their potential.Рассматривается социальный потенциал молодежи в рамках социо-ресурсного и деятельностного подходов. В статье приведены результаты анкетирования молодежи г.Екатеринбурга, определяющего ее оценки роли социальных ресурсов для развития собственного потенциала

    Success factors in student's assessments

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    В статье рассматривается иерархия факторов достижения жизненного успеха в представлениях студенческой молодежи. Информационную базу исследования составили результаты мониторинга социокультурных ориентаций студенческой молодежи Свердловской области. Проанализированы представления студентов о жизненном успехе по разным параметрам: осмысление студентами успеха как цели и результата их жизнедеятельности; достижение жизненного успеха как процесс, предполагающий необходимые ресурсы для своего осуществления. Подчеркивается значимость успеха как целевой ориентации проектирования и реализации жизненной стратегии студентов в современном социокультурном пространстве. На основе данных опроса проанализирована структура факторов жизненного успеха студенческой молодежи. Делается вывод о том, что представления студентов о факторах, способствующих достижению жизненного успеха, противоречивы. Наиболее значимые факторы успеха современного студенчества – интеллект, способности, а также наличие связей и влиятельных друзей, родственников. Отмечается, что в условиях экономической неопределенности возрастают патерналистские ожидания студенческой молодежи, снижается субъектность при конструировании жизненного успеха. Также усиливается влияние внешних, аскриптивных факторов, таких как надежда на внешние обстоятельства, использование любых средств для достижения личной успешности.We consider the hierarchy of factors to achieve success in life in students' performances. The information base of the study were the results of the monitoring of socio-cultural orientations of students of the Sverdlovsk region. We have analyzed the representation of students about success in life on various parameters: understanding success of students as the goal and the result of their life; achieving success in life as a process that requires the necessary resources for its implementation. It emphasized the importance of success as a target orientation of the design and implementation of vital strategy of students in the modern social and cultural space. On the basis of the survey data we analyzed the structure of the factors of success in life students. We concluded the contradictory representations of students about the factors that contribute to success in life. The most important success factors of modern students - intelligence, abilities, as well as the business connections and influential friends, relatives. We note that in times of economic uncertainty increase paternalistic expectations of students, reduced subjectivity in the construction of success in life. Also, amplifies the impact of external ascriptive factors, such as the hope of the external circumstances, and use any means to achieve personal success

    Topology optimization of dispersive plasmonic nanostructures in the time-domain

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    Topology optimization techniques have been applied in integrated optics and nanophotonics for the inverse design of devices with shapes that cannot be conceived by human intuition. At optical frequencies, these techniques have only been utilized to optimize nondispersive materials using frequency-domain methods. However, a time-domain formulation is more efficient to optimize materials with dispersion. We introduce such a formulation for the Drude model, which is widely used to simulate the dispersive properties of metals, conductive oxides, and conductive polymers. Our topology optimization algorithm is based on the finite-difference time-domain (FDTD) method, and we introduce a time-domain sensitivity analysis that enables the evaluation of the gradient information by using one additional FDTD simulation. The existence of dielectric and metallic structures in the design space produces plasmonic field enhancement that causes convergence issues. We employ an artificial damping approach during the optimization iterations that, by reducing the plasmonic effects, solves the convergence problem. We present several design examples of 2D and 3D plasmonic nanoantennas with optimized field localization and enhancement in frequency bands of choice. Our method has the potential to speed up the design of wideband optical nanostructures made of dispersive materials for applications in nanoplasmonics, integrated optics, ultrafast photonics, and nonlinear optics

    Formation a valeological culture of students

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    Описана структура валеологической культуры молодежи. Представлено социологическое осмысление различных типов поведения молодежи в сфере здоровья. Дан анализ результатов исследования возможностей поддержания личных ресурсов и сохранения здоровья студенческой молодежью.Describe the structure of valeological culture of the youth. Presented sociological understanding of different types of behaviour of young people in the field of health. Presented an analysis of the results of investigation of possibilities to maintain personal resources and preservation of health of the student youth


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    Nel quadro più generale della tematica del controllo della qualità ambientale e più in particolare dell’Indoor Air Quality, la presente relazione riporta lo studio di un fenomeno di inquinamento da radon riguardante la scuola “G. Mancino” di Palermo. Lo spunto viene offerto dal fatto che nel 2005, nel corso di un monitoraggio della radioattività ambientale di Palermo, i tecnici dell’ARPA Sicilia hanno rilevato in questa scuola elementare degli anni ’30, livelli di radon indoor molto superiori ai limiti di legge fissati dal D.Lgs. 241/2000. Nella prima fase, dopo lo studio delle caratteristiche tipologiche e costruttive del plesso e l’acquisizione dei dati di misura pregressi, si è proceduto ad una nuova campagna di monitoraggio rivolta al rilievo di dati e misure sperimentali sulla presenza del radon indoor e dei dati meteoclimatici del contesto specifico. Nella seconda fase è stata formulata una proposta di intervento sostenuta dall’analisi dei meccanismi di inquinamento attraverso modelli di simulazione. In particolare l’approccio metodologico dello studio procede attraverso lo sviluppo di un modello di analisi basato sulle reti bayesiane, rilevatosi uno strumento utile di supporto per la diagnosi e le conseguenti decisioni progettuali, capace di controllare e descrivere fenomeni complessi e di stimare relazioni probabilistiche tra cause ed effetti

    Parallel FDTD modelling of nonlocality in plasmonics

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    As nanofabrication techniques become more precise, with ever smaller feature sizes, the ability to model nonlocal effects in plasmonics becomes increasingly important. While nonlocal models based on hydrodynamics have been implemented using various computational electromagnetics techniques, the finite-difference time-domain (FDTD) version has remained elusive. Here we present a comprehensive FDTD implementation of nonlocal hydrodynamics, including for parallel computing. As a sub-nanometer step size is required to resolve nonlocal effects, a parallel implementation makes the computational cost of nonlocal FDTD more affordable. We first validate our algorithms for small spherical metallic particles, and find that nonlocality smears out staircasing artifacts at metal surfaces, increasing the accuracy over local models. We find this also for a larger nanostructure with sharp extrusions. The large size of this simulation, where nonlocal effects are clearly present, highlights the importance and impact of a parallel implementation in FDTD. CCB

    Intellectual Grounds of Project Activities in Multicultural Region of Bessarabia: the Ways of Formation in High School

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    The article analyzes constructive experience of European Higher Education Institutions toencourage students’ participation in transboundary and regional socio-educational projects. The articledeals with the role of practical thinking – difficult and integrative cognitive process – in actualizationof the youth’s project activity. Reasonable interpretation of the term “projecting” as the method of“practice-oriented science” and forms of innovation creation are based on the analysis of some projectefficiency. Current scientific presentations of social projecting constructed social innovations are underanalysis. The article describes the technology of the students’ familiarization with social projects as anindependent variant of local region problem decision where definite stages and technologies aredistinguished

    Dominants of Vocational Training of Future Teachers of Preschool Educational Institutions in the Context of the Idea of the European Identity

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    The article comprehends the contextuality of educational systems of the countries of the Danube area in improvement of training of future specialists at the main stage of their professional formation – in the conditions of training at the higher school. In particular, the aspects of vocational training of students receiving the specialty "Preschool education" are considered. Resources of university training of future teachers of preschool educational institutions for competent development of preschool children as subjects of social action are revealed. The attention is focused on some interactive forms of the practice oriented training of students at the higher pedagogical school