62 research outputs found

    Selenoprotein N is dynamically expressed during mouse development and detected early in muscle precursors

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>In humans, mutations in the <it>SEPN1 </it>gene, encoding selenoprotein N (SelN), are involved in early onset recessive neuromuscular disorders, referred to as <it>SEPN1</it>-related-myopathies. The mechanisms behind these pathologies are poorly understood since the function of SelN remains elusive. However, previous results obtained in humans and more recently in zebrafish pointed to a potential role for SelN during embryogenesis. Using qRT-PCR, Western blot and whole mount <it>in situ </it>hybridization, we characterized in detail the spatio-temporal expression pattern of the murine <it>Sepn1 </it>gene during development, focusing particularly on skeletal muscles.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>In whole embryos, <it>Sepn1 </it>transcripts were detected as early as E5.5, with expression levels peaking at E12.5, and then strongly decreasing until birth. In isolated tissues, only mild transcriptional variations were observed during development, whereas a striking reduction of the protein expression was detected during the perinatal period. Furthermore, we demonstrated that <it>Sepn1 </it>is expressed early in somites and restricted to the myotome, the sub-ectodermal mesenchyme and the dorsal root ganglia at mid-gestation stages. Interestingly, <it>Sepn1 </it>deficiency did not alter somitogenesis in embryos, suggesting that SelN is dispensable for these processes in mouse.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>We characterized for the first time the expression pattern of <it>Sepn1 </it>during mammalian embryogenesis and we demonstrated that its differential expression is most likely dependent on major post-transcriptional regulations. Overall, our data strongly suggest a potential role for selenoprotein N from mid-gestation stages to the perinatal period. Interestingly, its specific expression pattern could be related to the current hypothesis that selenoprotein N may regulate the activity of the ryanodine receptors.</p

    Selenoprotein gene nomenclature

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    The human genome contains 25 genes coding for selenocysteine-containing proteins (selenoproteins). These proteins are involved in a variety of functions, most notably redox homeostasis. Selenoprotein enzymes with known functions are designated according to these functions: TXNRD1, TXNRD2, and TXNRD3 (thioredoxin reductases), GPX1, GPX2, GPX3, GPX4 and GPX6 (glutathione peroxidases), DIO1, DIO2, and DIO3 (iodothyronine deiodinases), MSRB1 (methionine-R-sulfoxide reductase 1) and SEPHS2 (selenophosphate synthetase 2). Selenoproteins without known functions have traditionally been denoted by SEL or SEP symbols. However, these symbols are sometimes ambiguous and conflict with the approved nomenclature for several other genes. Therefore, there is a need to implement a rational and coherent nomenclature system for selenoprotein-encoding genes. Our solution is to use the root symbol SELENO followed by a letter. This nomenclature applies to SELENOF (selenoprotein F, the 15 kDa selenoprotein, SEP15), SELENOH (selenoprotein H, SELH, C11orf31), SELENOI (selenoprotein I, SELI, EPT1), SELENOK (selenoprotein K, SELK), SELENOM (selenoprotein M, SELM), SELENON (selenoprotein N, SEPN1, SELN), SELENOO (selenoprotein O, SELO), SELENOP (selenoprotein P, SeP, SEPP1, SELP), SELENOS (selenoprotein S, SELS, SEPS1, VIMP), SELENOT (selenoprotein T, SELT), SELENOV (selenoprotein V, SELV) and SELENOW (selenoprotein W, SELW, SEPW1). This system, approved by the HUGO Gene Nomenclature Committee, also resolves conflicting, missing and ambiguous designations for selenoprotein genes and is applicable to selenoproteins across vertebrates

    Increased Muscle Stress-Sensitivity Induced by Selenoprotein N Inactivation in Mouse: A Mammalian Model for SEPN1-Related Myopathy

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    Selenium is an essential trace element and selenoprotein N (SelN) was the first selenium-containing protein shown to be directly involved in human inherited diseases. Mutations in the SEPN1 gene, encoding SelN, cause a group of muscular disorders characterized by predominant affection of axial muscles. SelN has been shown to participate in calcium and redox homeostasis, but its pathophysiological role in skeletal muscle remains largely unknown. To address SelN function in vivo, we generated a Sepn1-null mouse model by gene targeting. The Sepn1−/− mice had normal growth and lifespan, and were macroscopically indistinguishable from wild-type littermates. Only minor defects were observed in muscle morphology and contractile properties in SelN-deficient mice in basal conditions. However, when subjected to challenging physical exercise and stress conditions (forced swimming test), Sepn1−/− mice developed an obvious phenotype, characterized by limited motility and body rigidity during the swimming session, as well as a progressive curvature of the spine and predominant alteration of paravertebral muscles. This induced phenotype recapitulates the distribution of muscle involvement in patients with SEPN1-Related Myopathy, hence positioning this new animal model as a valuable tool to dissect the role of SelN in muscle function and to characterize the pathophysiological process

    Etude du rÎle du sélénium et de la sélénoprotéine N dans les pathologies musculaires

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    STRASBOURG-Sc. et Techniques (674822102) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Chemical chaperones in metabolic fitness beyond protein folding

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    : Chemical chaperones are small molecules that improve protein folding, alleviating aberrant pathological phenotypes due to protein misfolding. Recent reports suggest that, in parallel with their role in relieving endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress, chemical chaperones rescue mitochondrial function and insulin signaling. These effects may underlie their pharmacological action on metabolically demanding tissues

    Reconsidering the evolution of eukaryotic selenoproteins: a novel nonmammalian family with scattered phylogenetic distribution

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    While the genome sequence and gene content are available for an increasing number of organisms, eukaryotic selenoproteins remain poorly characterized. The dual role of the UGA codon confounds the identification of novel selenoprotein genes. Here, we describe a comparative genomics approach that relies on the genome-wide prediction of genes with in-frame TGA codons, and the subsequent comparison of predictions from different genomes, wherein conservation in regions flanking the TGA codon suggests selenocysteine coding function. Application of this method to human and fugu genomes identified a novel selenoprotein family, named SelU, in the puffer fish. The selenocysteinecontaining form also occurred in other fish, chicken, sea urchin, green algae and diatoms. In contrast, mammals, worms and land plants contained cysteine homologues. We demonstrated selenium incorporation into chicken SelU and characterized the SelU expression pattern in zebrafish embryos. Our data indicate a scattered evolutionary distribution of selenoproteins in eukaryotes, and suggest that, contrary to the picture emerging from data available so far, other taxa-specific selenoproteins probably exist
