240 research outputs found

    On the background estimation by time slides in a network of gravitational wave detectors

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    Time shifting the outputs of Gravitational Wave detectors operating in coincidence is a convenient way to estimate the background in a search for short duration signals. However this procedure is limited as increasing indefinitely the number of time shifts does not provide better estimates. We show that the false alarm rate estimation error saturates with the number of time shifts. In particular, for detectors with very different trigger rates this error saturates at a large value. Explicit computations are done for 2 detectors, and for 3 detectors where the detection statistic relies on the logical ``OR'' of the coincidences of the 3 couples in the network.Comment: accepted for publication in CQ

    Introduction à la résistance des matériaux

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    1 - GĂ©nĂ©ralitĂ©s Concepts gĂ©nĂ©raux ReprĂ©sentation et repĂšre Description lagrangienne 2 - Petites dĂ©formations d'un milieu continu DĂ©placement et transformation InterprĂ©tation gĂ©omĂ©trique de la transformation DĂ©formation autour d'un point Variation d'angle entre deux axes de rĂ©fĂ©rence Variation angulaire de deux directions quelconques Dilatation cubique ÉlĂ©ments propres de la matrice des dĂ©formations Invariants du tenseur des dĂ©formations Conditions d'intĂ©grabilitĂ© ReprĂ©sentation de Mohr 3 - Contraintes dans un milieu continu Équilibre d'un domaine solide Notion de contraintes État de contrainte en un point PropriĂ©tĂ©s de la matrice des contraintes ReprĂ©sentation gĂ©omĂ©trique des contraintes 4 - Relation de comportement en Ă©lastostatique Coefficients Ă©lastiques Essai de torsion CritĂšres limites de dimensionnement 5 - Énergie de dĂ©formation d'un milieu continu Ă©lastique Énergie de dĂ©formation Potentiel Ă©lastique 6 - ÉlasticitĂ© linĂ©aire Position du problĂšme RĂ©solution Principe de Saint-Venant Applications 7 - Introduction Ă  la thĂ©orie des poutres Introduction ProblĂšme de Saint-Venant Une thĂ©orie approchĂ©e des poutres 8 - Treillis DĂ©finition Effort normal Contraintes et dĂ©formations Équations cinĂ©matiques Énergie de dĂ©formation RĂ©solution 9 - ThĂ©orĂšmes Ă©nergĂ©tiques ThĂ©orĂšme de rĂ©ciprocitĂ© de Maxwell-Betti ThĂ©orĂšme de Castigliano 10 - Flexion des poutres droites Poutre droite et notations gĂ©nĂ©rales Équations locales Flexion plane 11 - Assemblages hyperstatiques de poutres HyperstaticitĂ© des systĂšmes plans Applications Poutre sur appuis dĂ©nivelables MĂ©thode des trois moments 12 - Effort tranchant Position du problĂšme Contraintes de cisaillement et effort tranchant dans une section droite Solution approchĂ©e et formule de Bredt Centre de cisaillement 13 - Torsion des poutres Centres de torsion et de cisaillement Poutres de section pleine Section pleine admettant un centre de symĂ©trie Poutres de section Ă  paroi mince fermĂ©e 14 - StabilitĂ© de l'Ă©quilibre des poutres Ă©lastiques longues Formulation du problĂšme ModĂ©lisation linĂ©aire du flambement Flambement des piĂšces longues Influence de l'effort tranchant Calcul de la charge critique d'Euler DĂ©versement des poutres en flexion simple Torsion et traction/compression StabilitĂ© des arcs et anneaux A - ProblĂšme de Saint-Venant MĂ©thode des dĂ©placements MĂ©thode des contraintes Comparaison des deux mĂ©thodes Engineering schoolLa rĂ©sistance des matĂ©riaux, appelĂ©e Ă©galement mĂ©canique des corps dĂ©formables, fait appel aux notions d'Ă©quilibre de la mĂ©canique statique, aux notions de dĂ©placements Ă©tudiĂ©es en cinĂ©matique et aux propriĂ©tĂ©s des matĂ©riaux, auxquelles on a recours pour Ă©valuer les dimensions de piĂšces structurales ou d'Ă©lĂ©ments de machines. L'objet de cet enseignement est l'Ă©tude statique des milieux continus dĂ©formables

    The Bolcana Cu–Au ore deposit (Metaliferi Mountains, Romania): first data on the alteration and related mineralisation

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    The Bolcana ore deposit (Metaliferi Mountains, western Romania) is a porphyry ore deposit with associated epithermal veins. On the basis of different parageneses, four alteration types were distinguished: potassic, phyllic, argillic and propylitic. The mineralogical and geochemical data and estimated crystallisation temperatures of alteration minerals indicate an evolution of the system from an early period of porphyry type mineralisation (Cu+Au) to a late period of low-sulphidation epithermal mineralisation (Au+ base metal). To cite this article: V. Milu et al., C. R. Geoscience 335 (2003). 2003 AcadĂ©mie des sciences. Published by Éditions scientifiques et mĂ©dicales Elsevier SAS. All rights reserved. RĂ©sumĂ© Le gisement de cuivre–or de Bolcana (monts MĂ©tallifĂšres, Roumanie) : premiĂšres donnĂ©es sur les altĂ©rations et minĂ©ralisations associĂ©es. Le gisement de Bolcana (monts MĂ©tallifĂšres, Roumanie occidentale) est un gisement de type porphyre, associĂ© Ă  des veines Ă©pithermales, dans lequel les quatre types d’altĂ©ration caractĂ©ristiques, potassique, phylliteuse, argileuse et propylitique, ont Ă©tĂ© reconnus Ă  partir des diffĂ©rentes associations minĂ©rales rencontrĂ©es. Les analyses minĂ©ralogiques et gĂ©ochimiques ainsi que les tempĂ©ratures de cristallisation estimĂ©es des minĂ©raux d’altĂ©ration indiquent une Ă©volution du systĂšme depuis une pĂ©riode initiale de minĂ©ralisation Ă  cuivre–or de type porphyre jusqu’à une minĂ©ralisation Ă©pithermale Ă  or–mĂ©taux de base de type low-sulphidation. Pour citer cet article: V. Milu et al., C. R. Geoscience 335 (2003)

    IRES complexity before IFN-alpha treatment and evolution of the viral load at the early stage of treatment in peripheral blood mononuclear cells from chronic hepatitis C patients.

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    In the proof, we asked to correct the name of one Author, and the adddess; this was acknowledged by the Editor, but was omitted in the final published version!International audienceAt the early stage of treatment, IFN alpha-2a induces inhibition of HCV replication. The viral load reflects mainly the degradation rate of the viruses. However, differences in the behavior of the viral population depend on changes, which occurred in the HCV-IRES genome. In this study, cloning and sequencing strategies permitted the generation of a large number of IRES sequences from the PBMCs of 18 patients (5 women, 13 men) with chronic hepatitis C. The HCV IRES appeared to be highly conserved structurally. However, some variability was found between the different isolates obtained: 467 substitutions with a median of 7 variants/patients. No relationship was observed between pre-treatment IRES complexity and the viral load at the beginning. However, on review of the evolution of viral load in the PBMCs during the first 3 days of IFN alpha-2a treatment, patients could be classified into two groups: Group 1, in which the viral population continued to replicate and Group 2, in which the viral load decreased significantly (P = 0.01727). Positioning of the mutations on the predicted IRES secondary structure showed that the distribution of the mutations and their apparition frequency were different between the two groups. At the early stage of treatment, IFN alpha-2a was efficient in reducing the viral replication in a significant number of patients; mechanisms of response might affect the virus directly. However, pre-treatment genomic variations observed in the 5'NCR of HCV were not a parameter of a later response to antiviral therapy in chronic hepatitis C patients. (244

    Reconstruction of source location in a network of gravitational wave interferometric detectors

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    This paper deals with the reconstruction of the direction of a gravitational wave source using the detection made by a network of interferometric detectors, mainly the LIGO and Virgo detectors. We suppose that an event has been seen in coincidence using a filter applied on the three detector data streams. Using the arrival time (and its associated error) of the gravitational signal in each detector, the direction of the source in the sky is computed using a chi^2 minimization technique. For reasonably large signals (SNR>4.5 in all detectors), the mean angular error between the real location and the reconstructed one is about 1 degree. We also investigate the effect of the network geometry assuming the same angular response for all interferometric detectors. It appears that the reconstruction quality is not uniform over the sky and is degraded when the source approaches the plane defined by the three detectors. Adding at least one other detector to the LIGO-Virgo network reduces the blind regions and in the case of 6 detectors, a precision less than 1 degree on the source direction can be reached for 99% of the sky.Comment: Accepted in Phys. Rev.

    Chauffage par effet plasmon pour la désorption localisée de cellules capturées sur une biopuce

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    International audienceThis work proposes a miniaturized system able to perform multiple cell capture followed by cell-type selective release from a biochip surface. Unlabeled lymphocytes are first specifically captured onto a DNA array by antibody-DNA conjugates. The immobilized cells are subsequently released under spatio-temporal control within local heating generated by intense Surface Plasmon Resonance (SPR) produced by laser illumination

    Features and distribution of CD8 T cells with human leukocyte antigen class I-specific receptor expression in chronic hepatitis C.: NKRs+ CD8 T cells in chronic Hepatitis C.

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    CD8(+) T cells represent a sizable component of the liver inflammatory infiltrate in chronic hepatitis C and are thought to contribute to immune-mediated tissue injury. Because chronic stimulation may promote the expression by CD8(+) T cells of distinct human leukocyte antigen class I-specific natural killer cell receptors (NKRs) susceptible to both inhibiting effector functions and promoting cell survival, we examined the distribution and characteristics of CD8(+) T cells with such receptors in chronic hepatitis C patients. NKR CD8(+) T cells were detectable in liver and peripheral blood from hepatitis C virus (HCV)-infected patients but were not major subsets. However, the frequency of NKG2A(+) CD8(+) in the liver and in a lesser extent in the peripheral blood was positively correlated to histological activity in HCV-infected patients. No such correlation was found with KIR(+) T cells in liver in HCV-infected patients and with the both NKR CD8(+) T cells in hepatitis B virus (HBV) infected patients. Circulating CD8(+) T cells expressing KIRs exhibited phenotypic features of memory T cells with exacerbated expression of the senescence marker CD57 in patients. NKG2A(+)CD8(+) T cells were committed T cells that appeared less differentiated than KIR(+)CD8(+) T cells. In HCV-infected patients, their content in perforin was low and similar to that observed in NKG2A(-)CD8(+) T cells; this scenario was not observed in healthy subjects and HBV-infected patients. Both NKG2A and KIRs could inhibit the response of HCV-specific CD8(+) T cells ex vivo. CONCLUSION: These results support the concept that an accumulation in the liver parenchyma of NKR(+)CD8(+) T cells that have functional alterations could be responsible for liver lesions. They provide novel insights into the complexity of liver-infiltrating CD8(+) T cells in chronic hepatitis C and reveal that distinct subsets of antigen-experienced CD8(+) T cells are differentially sensitive to the pervasive influence of HCV

    La libĂ©ralisation des chemins de fer europĂ©ens au regard de l’histoire

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    La table ronde « La libĂ©ralisation des chemins de fer europĂ©ens au regard de l’histoire : avancĂ©e, risque ou rĂ©gression ? » avait pour mission de mettre en perspective historique la libĂ©ralisation des chemins de fer europĂ©ens : son Ă©volution et sa place dans une histoire Ă  long terme, ses rĂ©sultats, les nouvelles relations que ces mesures ont instituĂ©es entre gestionnaires des rĂ©seaux et exploitants de transport, entre le secteur des transports et les pouvoirs nationaux, rĂ©gionaux ou locaux. AprĂšs une introduction historique assurĂ©e par MichĂšle Merger, chargĂ©e de recherche au CNRS, qui rappelle la directive 91/440 et ses quatre recommandations – sĂ©paration juridique et comptable de l’infrastructure des rĂ©seaux et de leur exploitation, indĂ©pendance de gestion des entreprises ferroviaires, leur assainissement financier et le libre accĂšs de nouvelles entreprises exploitantes Ă  l’infrastructure –, qui ont conduit Ă  une Ă©volution trĂšs rapide du secteur en quinze ans, quatre questions sont posĂ©es aux participants : quels sont les pays et les acteurs europĂ©ens les plus rĂ©fractaires et les plus favorables Ă  cette Ă©volution, et quels sont leurs arguments respectifs ? Existe-t-il une typologie des rĂ©formes entreprises, conduisant Ă  des modĂšles plus u moins largement diffusĂ©s ? Quel type de service ferroviaire attendons-nous et pouvons-nous attendre de cette rĂ©forme, en d’autres termes, quel est le devenir du concept de service public ferroviaire ? Qu’en est-il de la revitalisation du fret ferroviaire au lendemain de l’ouverture des corridors de fret favorisĂ©s par ces directives, quelle est la nouvelle Europe du fret ferroviaire ? Patrice Leroy, directeur honoraire de la SNCF, ancien secrĂ©taire gĂ©nĂ©ral adjoint du CEEP, prĂ©sident dĂ©lĂ©guĂ© de l’AHICF anime ensuite le dĂ©bat qui rĂ©unit Yves Crozet, professeur Ă  l’universitĂ© LumiĂšre-Lyon 2, Michel LebƓuf, directeur DĂ©veloppement Ă  Voyageurs France Europe, SNCF, Hubert du Mesnil, prĂ©sident de RFF et Émile Quinet, professeur Ă©mĂ©rite Ă  l’École nationale des Ponts et ChaussĂ©es.ROUND TABLE with Yves CROZET, Michel LEBƒUF, Patrice LEROY, MichĂšle MERGER, Hubert du MESNIL and Emile QUINET The purpose of the round table discussion of “The liberalization of European railways from a historical perspective: progress, risk, or regression?” was to put the liberalization of European railways into a historical perspective: the discussants’ goal was to define the place and evolution of this trend in an open-ended history, its results, and the new relationships that such measures have brought about between network managers and transportation operators, as well as between the transportation sector and national, regional, and local authorities. After an historical introduction provided by MichĂšle Merger, a researcher at the CNRS, who reminded us of the 91/440 directive and its four recommendations—the legal and accounting separation of network infrastructures and their operations, the independent management of the railway companies and their financial streamlining, and open access to the infrastructure for new operating companies—led to a very rapid evolution of the sector in fifteen years, the participants were asked four questions: which European countries and players are the most opposed to and the most in favor of this evolution, and what are their respective arguments? Is there a typology of business reform that leads to more or less widespread models? What kind of railway service is in store for us and what should we expect from such reforms? In other words, what is the future of the concept of public railway service? What will be the impact of the revitalization of rail freight in the aftermath of the opening of freight corridors advantaged by these directives? What will the new Europe of rail freight look like? Patrice Leroy, honorary director of the SNCF, former adjunct secretary general of the CEEP, and Deputy Chairman of the AHICF, then moderated the debate that brought together Yves Crozet, professor at the university LumiĂšre-Lyon 2, Michel Leboeuf, developmental director of Voyageurs France Europe, SNCF, Hubert du Mesnil, President of the RFF, and Emile Quinet, professor emeritus at the Ecole nationale des Ponts et ChaussĂ©es
