227 research outputs found

    Reciprocity towards groups

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    People exhibit group reciprocity when they retaliate, not against a person who harmed them, but against another person in that person's group. We tested for group reciprocity in laboratory experiments. Subjects played a Prisoner's Dilemma with partners from different groups. They then allocated money between themselves and other participants. In punishment games, subjects whose partner had defected punished participants from the partner's group more, compared to their punishment of participants from a third group. In dictator-style games, subjects did not exhibit group reciprocity. We examine possible correlates of group reciprocity, including group identification and cooperativeness

    Reciprocity towards groups : a laboratory experiment on the causes

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    Field studies of conflict report cycles of mutual revenge between groups, often linked to perceptions of intergroup injustice. We test the hypothesis that people are predisposed to reciprocate against groups. In a computerized laboratory experiment, subjects who were harmed by a partner’s uncooperative action reacted by harming other members of the partner’s group. This group reciprocity was only observed when one group was seen to be unfairly advantaged. Our results support a behavioral mechanism leading from perceived injustice to intergroup conflict. We discuss the relevance of group reciprocity to economic and political phenomena including conflict, discrimination and team competition

    Group Reciprocity

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    People exhibit group reciprocity when they retaliate, not against the person who harmed them, but against somebody else in that person's group. Group reciprocity may be a key motivation behind intergroup conflict. We investigated group reciprocity in a laboratory experiment. After a group identity manipulation, subjects played a Prisoner's Dilemma with others from different groups. Subjects then allocated money between themselves and others, learning the group of the others. Subjects who knew that their partner in the Prisoner's Dilemma had defected became relatively less generous to people from the partner's group, compared to a third group. We use our experiment to develop hypotheses about group reciprocity and its correlates.reciprocity, groups, conflict

    Religious attitudes and home bias: theory and evidence from a pilot study

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    This paper examines the relationship between religion and home bias. We propose a simple theoretical framework that suggests that countries interacting via their representative individuals might show a certain degree of religion-driven international altruism that in turn affects trade. We test these predictions exploiting data from a survey on religious attitudes and individuals' preferences over consumption of home-produced versus foreign goods that we designed and carried out in 15 different countries. We find evidence that religious openness and home bias are negatively correlated. This appears to provide some support to the hypothesis that religious openness, through trust and altruism, may have a pro-trade effect.

    Intergroup Revenge: A Laboratory Experiment

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    Several everyday examples imply that humans reciprocate not only towards direct perpetrators, but also to entire groups, thereby potentially affecting innocent bystanders. We test the hypothesis that people are predisposed to reciprocate against groups. In a laboratory experiment, subjects who were helped or harmed by another player’s action reacted by helping or harming another member of that player’s group. This group reciprocity was only observed when one group was seen as unfairly advantaged. Thus, activation of group reciprocity may be a causal mechanism that links perceived injustice to intergroup conflict. We discuss the relevance of group reciprocity to political and economic phenomena including violence, discrimination and team competition

    Erfassung der gesundheitsbezogenen Lebensqualität und kognitiver Funktionen bei erwachsenen Patienten mit supratentoriellen WHO GradII Gliomen: Erstmals vor und nach Therapie

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    Die 5-Jahres-Überlebensrate wird bei Patienten mit niedergradigen Gliomen WHO GradII in starken Maße von therapieunabhängigen Faktoren beeinflußt. Für Patienten mit niedergradigen Gliomen gibt es in Großhadern unterschiedliche Behandlungskonzepte, jedoch führen alle zu ähnlichen Überlebensraten. Hierdurch wird es immer wichtiger die Lebensqualität und kognitive Funktionen dieser Patienten zu erfassen, um tatsächliche Nebenwirkungen der Therapie auf diese Parameter darzustellen und das Risiko für den Patienten zu minimieren. In vorliegender Studie konnte zum ersten mal gezeigt werden, dass ein hochlokalisiertes Behandlungsverfahren keinen negativen Einfluß auf die gesundheitsbezogene Lebensqualität und kognitive Funktionen bei Patienten mit niedergradigen Gliomen WHO GradII hat. Der Tumor an sich stellt den herausragenden Faktor für Einschränkungen bzgl. QOL und kognitiver Funktionen dar

    Lack of evidence for a role of hydrophobins in conferring surface hydrophobicity to conidia and hyphae of Botrytis cinerea

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Hydrophobins are small, cysteine rich, surface active proteins secreted by filamentous fungi, forming hydrophobic layers on the walls of aerial mycelia and spores. Hydrophobin mutants in a variety of fungi have been described to show 'easily wettable' phenotypes, indicating that hydrophobins play a general role in conferring surface hydrophobicity to aerial hyphae and spores.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>In the genome of the grey mould fungus <it>Botrytis cinerea</it>, genes encoding three hydrophobins and six hydrophobin-like proteins were identified. Expression analyses revealed low or no expression of these genes in conidia, while some of them showed increased or specific expression in other stages, such as sclerotia or fruiting bodies. Bhp1 belongs to the class I hydrophobins, whereas Bhp2 and Bhp3 are members of hydrophobin class II. Single, double and triple hydrophobin knock-out mutants were constructed by consecutively deleting <it>bhp1</it>, <it>bhp2 </it>and <it>bhp3</it>. In addition, a mutant in the hydrophobin-like gene <it>bhl1 </it>was generated. The mutants were tested for germination and growth under different conditions, formation of sclerotia, ability to penetrate and infect host tissue, and for spore and mycelium surface properties. Surprisingly, none of the <it>B. cinerea </it>hydrophobin mutants showed obvious phenotypic defects in any of these characters. Scanning electron microscopy of the hydrophobic conidial surfaces did not reveal evidence for the presence of typical hydrophobin 'rodlet' layers.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>These data provide evidence that in <it>B. cinerea</it>, hydrophobins are not involved in conferring surface hydrophobicity to conidia and aerial hyphae, and challenge their universal role in filamentous fungi. The function of some of these proteins in sclerotia and fruiting bodies remains to be investigated.</p

    Thermodynamic properties of polydisperse fluid mixtures

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    We present a systematic study of the thermodynamic properties of a polydisperse fluid mixture. The size of the particles, σ , is assumed to be distributed according to a continuous distribution function fΣ(σ) , for which we have chosen a Γ -distribution. The interatomic potentials are given by a hard core repulsion plus an adjacent attractive tail in the form of a squarewell or a Yukawa potential; for the size-dependence of the attraction strength we have assumed different models. The properties of the mixture are calculated using the optimized random phase approximation (ORPA), a thermodynamic perturbation theory which is known to give reliable results in the case of simple liquids. To take into account polydispersity we combine the ORPA with the orthogonal decomposition technique where all σ -dependent functions (i.e., the correlation functions and the interatomic potentials) are expanded in terms of orthogonal polynomials pi(σ) associated with the weight function fΣ(σ) .Представлено систематичне дослідження термодинамічних властивостей полідисперсної рідкої суміші. Розмір частинок σ вважається розподіленим згідно з неперервною функцією розподілу fΣ(σ) , для якої ми вибрали Γ -розподіл. Міжатомні потенціали задаються відштовхуванням типу твердих кульок та приєднаним притяганням у формі квадратної ями або потенціалу Юкави; для залежності сили притягання від розміру частинокми приймаємо різні моделі. Властивості суміші розраховуються за допомогою оптимізованого наближення хаотичних фаз (ОНХФ), термодинамічної теорії збурень, яка, яквідомо, дає надійні результати для випадку простих рідин. З метою врахування полідисперсності ми комбінуємо ОНХФ з технікою ортогонального розкладу, в як ій всі σ -залежні функції (тобто кореляційні функції та міжатомні потенціали) розкладаються за ортогональними поліномами pi(σ) , пов’язаними з ваговими функціями fΣ(σ)

    Evaluation of behaviour of Lachancea thermotolerans biocontrol agents on grape fermentations

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    Previous researches have showed that Lachancea thermotolerans strains RCKT4 and RCKT5 inhibited the growth of Aspergillus. However, currently, there are no data on their nutritional preferences, as a possible substrate competitor against Saccharomyces cerevisiae, and their effects on fermentation. In this work, we observed that the biocontrol yeasts and S. cerevisiae BSc203, based on the utilization of 16 carbonate sources, revealed significant differences in the nutritional profile (biocontrol yeasts NS:0·25, BSc203 NS:0·56). Lachancea thermotolerans strains did not occupy the same niche as that of BSc203 (NOI:0·44). The biocontrol agents and BSc203 presented similar competitive attitude in terms of the sugar, ethanol and sulphite tolerances. During fermentation, the biocontrol yeasts were found to tolerate up to 12% v/v ethanol, 250 mg ml−1 of total SO2 and 30° Brix sugar. In mixed cultures, L. thermotolerans strains did not negatively affect the growth of BSc203 and the wine quality, except when RCKT4 was initially inoculated at a high proportion in the mixed culture 1MSK4 (1%BSc203/99%RCKT4), resulting in a lower production of CO2 and ethanol, in comparison with pure BSc203. RCKT5, at a high proportion, in 1MSK5 (1%BSc203/99%RCKT5) presented promising oenological properties. This fermentation showed lower acetic acid contents and higher total acidity than pure BSc203. Significance and Impact of the Study: Generally it is not evaluated if the biofungicide yeasts sprayed on vegetables alter the quality of the fermented products. This work focused on the importance of assessing the possible effects of yeast-based fungicides used in vineyards on grape fermentation, especially on Saccharomyces cerevisiae growth. In this context, the competition between biofungicide yeasts and S. cerevisiae under winemaking conditions is investigated.Fil: Nally, Maria Cristina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de San Juan. Facultad de Ingeniería. Instituto de Biotecnología; ArgentinaFil: Ponsone, Maria Lorena. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Pesce, Virginia Mercedes. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de San Juan. Facultad de Ingeniería. Instituto de Biotecnología; ArgentinaFil: Toro, Maria Eugenia. Universidad Nacional de San Juan. Facultad de Ingeniería. Instituto de Biotecnología; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Vazquez, Fabio. Universidad Nacional de San Juan. Facultad de Ingeniería. Instituto de Biotecnología; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Chulze, Sofia Noemi. Universidad Nacional de Río Cuarto. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas, Fisicoquímicas y Naturales. Departamento de Microbiología e Inmunología; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentin

    Density functional theory of phase coexistence in weakly polydisperse fluids

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    The recently proposed universal relations between the moments of the polydispersity distributions of a phase-separated weakly polydisperse system are analyzed in detail using the numerical results obtained by solving a simple density functional theory of a polydisperse fluid. It is shown that universal properties are the exception rather than the rule.Comment: 10 pages, 2 figures, to appear in PR