39 research outputs found

    Model for integrating the electricity cost consumption and power demand into aggregate production planning

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    The constant increases in electricity tax costs and the mandatory contracting of power demand in advance by companies connected to the high-voltage electrical system drive organizations to improve energy planning in their production processes. In addition, market uncertainties make only stochastic methods insufficient for forecasting future production demand. To fill this gap, this study proposes a model that integrates the cost with electricity consumption and power demand into the aggregate production planning, considering the market uncertainties. The model was empirically applied in the food industry, considering a family of potato chips products. From the collected data, a demand forecast was carried out for a later realization of the aggregate planning, using the Holt–Winters forecast model. Before modeling, the new energy demand was calculated, and finally, the model solution verification was performed. In the case study, after application, it was possible to reduce two workers and a cost reduction of R$ 14,288.00. Moreover, the proposal managed to define a power demand that minimized the costs of electric energy and the total costs of the aggregate production planning.Campus Lima Centr

    Abordagens de valor : sistemas produto-serviço aplicados à agricultura sustentável

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    É preciso identificar como criar, propor, perceber, capturar e entregar valor para o cliente, e até mesmo identificar o valor não capturado. O setor da agricultura, em especial, possui produtos e serviços advindos de diferentes culturas, esses apresentam dificuldades em relação à sustentabilidade e à inovação de ofertas se comparadas aos demais setores econômicos. Com isso, os objetivos desta tese envolvem: (i) avaliar como a literatura trata as diferentes abordagens de valor e (ii) testar empiricamente a percepção e captura de valor para ofertas sistema produto-serviço em uma solução para secagem e armazenagem de grãos seguindo a tríade da sustentabilidade. Para atingir esses objetivos, a presente tese está organizada em três artigos: o primeiro artigo compreende uma revisão sistemática da literatura que identificou seis diferentes abordagens de valor e suas teorias, discutindo definições e barreiras e apresentando um framework teórico posicionando as abordagens consolidadas; o segundo artigo envolve uma aplicação prática na qual são identificados e priorizados os atributos de valor percebido em relação às ofertas de sistema produto-serviço sustentável para a gestão de um processo de secagem e armazenagem de grãos, em uma visão dos agricultores da região sul do Brasil; e, o terceiro artigo identifica ofertas de secagem e armazenagem de grãos que capturam maior valor para agricultores brasileiros, enfatizando a criação de cenários baseados em fatores socioeconômicos, que permitem identificar quais produtos e serviços o agricultor esta propenso a adquirir. O método dessa tese inclui o uso de: Estatística multivariada, Conjoint Analysis, Willingness-to-pay, Reinforcement Learning e algoritmos de programação. Os principais resultados podem ser sumarizados como: das seis abordagens de valor estudadas, apenas duas podem ser consideradas consolidadas na literatura e outras duas foram propostas; quanto aos casos empíricos, observou-se que perceber e capturar valor dos agricultores brasileiros a partir de modelos baseados em experimentos de escolhas e disposição a pagar foram essenciais para a identificação dos melhores cenários. Espera-se com esta tese proporcionar uma mudança na visão da inovação na agricultura, desenvolvendo e propondo futuras pesquisas voltadas as abordagens de valor na geração de melhorias no pós-colheita.It is necessary to identify how to create, propose, perceive, capture and deliver value to the customer, and even identify the value not captured. The agriculture sector, in particular, has products and services from different cultures, which have difficulties in relation to sustainability and innovation of offers compared to other economic sectors. Thus, this thesis aims involve: (i) evaluating how the value literature deals with different approaches and (ii) empirically testing the perceived and capture of value for product-service system offers in a solution for drying and storing grains following the sustainability triad. To achieve these objectives, the present thesis is organized in three articles: the first article comprises a systematic review of the literature that identified six different value approaches and their theories, discussing definitions and barriers and presenting a theoretical framework positioning the consolidated approaches; the second article involves a practical application where the attributes of perceived value are identified and prioritized in relation to the offers of a sustainable product-service system for the management of a drying and storage process of grains, in a view of farmers in the southern region of Brazil; and, the third article identifies offers of drying and storage of grains that capture greater value for Brazilian farmers, emphasizing the creation of scenarios based on socioeconomic factors, which allow to identify which products and services the farmer is prone to acquire. This thesis's method includes methodologies such as Multivariate statistics, Conjoint Analysis, Willingness-to-pay, Reinforcement Learning and programming. The main results can be summarized as: of the six value approaches studied, only two can be considered consolidated in the literature and two others have been proposed; as for the empirical cases, it was observed that perceiving and capturing value of Brazilian farmers in the form of offers with their prices and acquisition mode were essential for the identification of the best scenarios. This thesis is expected to provide a change in the vision of innovation in agriculture, developing and proposing future research aimed at value approaches in generating post-harvest improvements

    The impact of risk-taking and creativity stimuli in education towards innovation: A systematic review and research agenda

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    Academic research on educational stimuli of risk-taking and creativity to foster innovation can contribute to overcome the challenges faced by organizations in the marketplace. To explore the contributions provided in this field, this study developed a bibliometric and systematic review on academic production in the domain of creativity, risk-taking and innovation through an educa- tional perspective. The bibliographical databases adopted were Web of Science and Scopus and outcomes were analysed using the Bibliometrix tool in R software. Research findings point to three main clusters of academic production: (i) Tools and techniques to boost creativity; (ii) Educational interventions towards innovativeness; and (iii) Antecedents of entrepreneurial ac- tivity. This study pictures entrepreneurial education as a field that is still in its infancy and, thus, provide opportunities for research and education policies and programs design. It was revealed that there are two relevant fields that can be envisaged as motor themes for policies and programs design: (i) “social innovation, design education, and design thinking” and (ii) “education, design, and design process”. Both fields point to the dominance of multidisciplinary approaches and design as a central vehicle to creativity, risk-taking, and innovation diffusion.Campus Lima Centr

    Optimization of times and costs of project of horizontal laminator production using PERT/CPM technical

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    The PERT/CPM is a technique widely used in both the scheduling and in the project feasibility in terms of cost control and time.  In order to optimize time and costs involved in production, the work presented here aims to apply the PERT/CPM technique in the production project of the Horizontal Laminator, a machine used to cut polyurethane foam blocks in the mattresses industries. For the application of PERT/CPM technique in the project of Horizontal Laminator production were identified the activities that compose the project, the dependence between them, the normal and accelerated durations and the normal and accelerated costs. In this study, deterministic estimates for the duration of the activities were considered. The results show that the project can be completed in 520 hours at a total cost of R7,042.50,whenallactivitiesareperformedintheirnormaldurations. Whenalltheactivitiesthatcomposethecriticalpathareaccelerated,theprojectcanbecompletedin333.3hoursatatotalcostofR7,042.50, when all activities are performed in their normal durations.  When all the activities that compose the critical path are accelerated, the project can be completed in 333.3 hours at a total cost of R9,263.01. If the activities slacks have been exploited, it can obtain a final total cost of R$6,157.8, without changing the new duration of the project. It is noteworthy that the final total cost of the project if the slacks are used, will be lower than the initial cost. Regarding the initial cost of the project, after the application of the PERT/CPM technique, it presents a decrease of 12.56% of the total project cost

    Does maturity level influence the use of agile UX methods by digital startups? Evaluating design thinking, lean startup, and lean user experience

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    Context: Agile UX methods such as Design Thinking, Lean Startup, and Lean User Experience have been employed to deliver customer value and improve organizational performance. However, there is a lack of studies that assess how these tools are used at different stages of maturity of digital startups. Objective: The present study aims to compare the knowledge of graduated, incubated, and pre-incubated digital startups at university incubators concerning the use of Agile UX methods so that weaknesses and opportunities can be identified to provide co founders and scholars with new strategic insights. Method: Six reduced focus groups were conducted with 14 members of the six selected startups via multiple case studies. Answers were registered by researchers and then analyzed using an inductive process and codification. Results: The results indicated that digital startups had contact with consumers through market research, viability analysis, and product discontinuity. However, except for one startup, deficiencies in co-founders’ participation throughout developing products and services projects were identified. As far as the multiple case studies are concerned, Design Thinking and Lean Startup were employed by four of the startups, while two of them used the Lean User Experience method due to its higher maturity level. Conclusion: Although all Agile UX methods were employed, all six digital startups reported having made adaptations to the methods or to have used them only partially. Finally, it was concluded that the maturity level influences the Agile UX methods of each digital startup according to its nature and its stage of development in the market.Campus Lima Centr

    Gestão de projetos na construção civil – Estudo de caso em obras públicas

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    O gerenciamento de projetos tornou-se uma ferramenta valiosa para economia globalizada e competitiva, assim como a eficiência das técnicas de monitoramento e controle. O processo de projeto atrelado a gestão adequada, portanto, tornou-se fundamental para a coordenação eficiente dos recursos disponíveis. Diante deste contexto, o presente estudo visa analisar três obras públicas por meio dos princípios gerais do gerenciamento de projetos, e além disso, enfocar em três áreas de conhecimento: escopo, comunicações e tempo. A metodologia realizada incluiu a aplicação de questionário direcionado aos engenheiros civis das construtoras, serventes da construtora, engenheiro fiscalizador e a Secretaria responsável pelo desenvolvimento das obras. Após a análise dos resultados, percebe-se que a falta da elaboração do gerenciamento de projetos interfere na eficiência, nos custos e nos prazos estabelecidos das empresas; é imprescindível, desse modo, a viabilização de melhores práticas de planejamento com intuito de aprimorar o desempenho dos projetos, propondo maior qualidade, minimização dos atrasos e erros


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    O presente estudo teve por objetivo aplicar a FMEA para redução de falhas em um equipamento alisador de cabelos de uma empresa do setor de beleza. O produto selecionado apresentou índices significativos de falhas, comprometendo sua qualidade. A FMEA foi constituída por nove etapas e permitiu identificar falhas apresentadas por componentes técnicos do produto. Constatou-se que entre todos os componentes, o circuito, a resistência elétrica e o suporte do cabo de alimentação merecem maior atenção por parte da empresa, devido à severidade dos efeitos apresentados, elevado número de ocorrências registradas no período e dificuldades para detecção das falha

    The impact of COVID-19 on Brazilian teachers' perception of technology using Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK)

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    Maintaining educational activities during the coronavirus pandemic has posed challenges to teachers as communication technologies are one such challenge. In this context, this study aimed to identify the consequences of intense exposure to digital technologies in pedagogical actions during the pandemic, outlining a profile of Brazilian teachers concerning the educational use of these technologies and applying the TPACK.xs questions. The methodological procedure was separated into two steps: (i) Survey Design and Data Collection and (ii) Data and Content Analysis. The 564 Brazilian teachers' results showed Brazilian teachers' position relative to TPACK. One of the impacts of using digital technologies adapted to educational processes was seen by 57% of Brazilian teachers who were positioned in technology-hybrid components. This study shows a possible turning point in teaching and learning processes, considering integrating pedagogy, content, and emerging technologies to face more accessible education