159 research outputs found

    Analisis Hubungan Kepemimpinan Dan Budaya Organisasi Dengan Motivasi Kerja Dalam Penerapan Good Governance

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    The purpose of this study is to examine and analyze the relationship of leadership and organizational culture with the implementation of good governance through work motivation in Sitahuis District, Central Tapanuli Regency. The total population and sample of this study were 57 people. Data was collected by using questionnaires and interviews. The method of data analysis in this study used descriptive analysis and path analysis. The results indicate that leadership and organizational culture positively correlate with motivation and implementation of good governance. Implications and suggestions are described in the article

    The braking index of millisecond magnetars

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    We make the first measurement of the braking index nn of two putative millisecond magnetars born in short gamma-ray bursts. We measure n=2.9±0.1n=2.9\pm0.1 and n=2.6±0.1n=2.6\pm0.1 for millisecond magnetars born in GRB 130603B and GRB 140903A respectively. The neutron star born in GRB 130603B has the only known braking index consistent with the fiducial n=3n=3 value. This value is ruled out with 99.95\% confidence for GRB 140903A. We discuss possible causes of n<3n<3 braking indices in millisecond magnetars, showing that several models can account for the measurement of the braking index in GRB 140903A, while it is more difficult to account for a braking index consistent with n=3n=3.Comment: ApJ

    Developmental plasticity of the stress response in female but not in male guppies

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    To survive, animals must respond appropriately to stress. Stress responses are costly, so early-life experiences with potential stressors could adaptively tailor adult stress responses to local conditions. However, how multiple stressors influence the development of the stress response remains unclear, as is the role of sex. Trinidadian guppies (Poecilia reticulata) are small fish with extensive life-history differences between the sexes and population variation in predation pressure and social density. We investigated how sex and early-life experience influence hormonal stress responses by manipulating conspecific density and perceived predation risk during development. In adults, we sampled cortisol twice to measure initial release and change over time in response to a recurring stressor. The sexes differed considerably in their physiological stress response. Males released more cortisol for their body mass than females and did not reduce cortisol release over time. By contrast, all females, except those reared at high density together with predation cues, reduced cortisol release over time. Cortisol responses of males were thus less dynamic in response to current circumstances and early-life experiences than females, consistent with life-history differences between the sexes. Our study underscores the importance of early-life experiences, interacting ecological factors and sex differences in the organization of the stress response

    La innovación en las pymes españolas como factor de competitividad

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    La innovación en las pymes españolas como factor de competitividad pone de manifiesto, en primer lugar, la importancia de la innovación para que las empresas logren ventajas competitivas. En segundo lugar, señala la importancia de las pymes como el principal motor de las economías modernas, para examinar su actuación en relación a la innovación. Para ello, la metodología de trabajo va a consistir en recoger e interpretar los principales indicadores para las pymes a nivel europeo y español, últimos datos disponibles obtenidos de las distintas oficinas de estadística de la OCDE, Comisión Europea (Eurostat) y el INE (Instituto Nacional de Estadística de España), así como de estudios realizados al efecto. A este respecto, el estudio del índice sintético de innovación me va a ayudar a situar a España en relación con los países europeos, líderes de innovación, y con los objetivos que han establecido para cumplir con la Estrategia Europa 2020. Finalmente, se comentarán las principales barreras a la innovación en las pymes, así como los aspectos a mejorar en el sistema de innovación español y que influyen en la capacidad de las empresas para implementar I+D+i

    Estudio de la promoción del deporte femenino en España

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    Este trabajo analiza la situación actual de la promoción del deporte femenino en España. El proyecto comienza con un análisis teórico de aspectos relacionados con el tema de estudio, tal como el marketing deportivo y sus tipologías, los objetivos de patrocinio y modelos de medición de las acciones de promoción. Más tarde consta una aproximación más cercana al tema con información extraída de fuentes secundarias. Con ello se tuvo la base para el desarrollo de la investigación. En esta se analiza la actividad de promoción del deporte femenino realizada tanto por la empresa Iberdrola como por el programa Universo Mujer del Consejo Superior de Deportes, además de sus objetivos y sus logros obtenidos. Así, se pudo conocer la situación del deporte femenino en España a través de las actuaciones llevadas a cabo por Iberdrola y Universo Mujer. Al final del trabajo se plasman algunas recomendaciones para aquellas empresas que inviertan o quieran invertir en este deporte, así como futuras líneas de investigación para poder generalizar resultados

    Chrome Plug-in to Support SRL in MOOCs

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    Proceeding of: 6th European MOOCs Stakeholders Summit, EMOOCs 2019 Naples, Italy, May 20–22, 2019.Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) have gained popularity over the last years, offering a learning environment with new opportunities and challenges. These courses attract a heterogeneous set of participants who, due to the impossibility of personal tutorship in MOOCs, are required to create their own learning path and manage one’s own learning to achieve their goals. In other words, they should be able to self-regulate their learning. Self-regulated learning (SRL) has been widely explored in settings such as face-to-face or blended learning environments. Nevertheless, research on SRL in MOOCs is still scarce, especially on supporting interventions. In this sense, this document presents MOOCnager, a Chrome plug-in to help learners improve their SRL skills. Specifically, this work focuses on 3 areas: goal setting, time management and selfevaluation. Each area is included in one of the 3 phases composing Zimmerman’s SRL Cyclical Model. In this way, the plug-in aims to support enrolees’ self-regulation throughout their complete learning process. Finally, MOOCnager was uploaded to the Chrome Web Store, in order to get a preliminary evaluation with real participants from 6 edX Java MOOCs designed by the Universidad Carlos III de Madrid (UC3M). Results were not conclusive as the use of the plug-in by the participants was very low. However, learners seem to prefer a seamless tool, integrated in the MOOC platform, which is able to assist them without any learner-tool interaction.The authors acknowledge the eMadrid Network, funded by the Madrid Regional Government (Comunidad de Madrid) with grant No. P2018/TCS-4307. This work also received partial support from the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness/Ministry of Science, Innovation, and Universities, Projects RESET (TIN2014-53199-C3-1-R) and Smartlet (TIN2017- 85179-C3-1-R), and from the European Commission through Erasmus+ projects COMPETENSEA (574212-EPP-1-2016-1-NL-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP), LALA (586120-EPP-1-2017-1-ESEPPKA2- CBHE-JP), and InnovaT (598758-EPP-1-2018-1-AT-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP).Publicad

    Prevalência de obesidade na infância em diferentes agrupamentos sociais e a importância de estratégias pedagógicas

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    The subject of this research was the prevalence of obesity in children, from 6 to 8 years old attending the first-grade of 'Fundamental Teaching', in different social groups, in Santa Maria, RS. The study included 424 children (212 girls and 212 boys) distributed in the following groups: group 1 (central area, middle class), group 2 (suburban area, middle class), and group 3 (suburban area, poor class). Height and weight were measured in all the children. Overweight and obesity was defined by body mass index (BMI, kg/m2) of 85-95th percentile and > 95th percentile, respectively, according to the NCHS. Data are reported as frequencies and compared by chi2 test (p 95, respectivamente. A referência utilizada foi do NCHS. Para a análise dos dados utilizou-se a estatística descritiva e chi2 (p < 0,05). Os resultados mostram uma prevalência de obesidade de 29,95% na amostra e semelhança entre agrupamentos e gêneros. A presença de sobrepeso e obesidade no início da idade escolar reforça a importância de hábitos saudáveis na infância, tanto na alimentação como na prática sistemática de atividades motoras

    Aprendizaje adaptativo en moodle: tres casos prácticos

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    Uno de los retos más importantes que habrá de afrontar la educación es la necesidad de adecuar el proceso formativo a las características del estudiante. Hoy día todavía se señala el deficiente apoyo tecnológico y las escasas prácticas de personalización del aprendizaje. La tecnología educativa que apoya el e-learning ha ido desarrollando dos tipos de plataformas: Sistemas de Gestión del Aprendizaje (LMS) y Sistemas Hipermedia Adaptativos dirigidos a la educación. Ambas líneas de desarrollo están convergiendo, de forma que las nuevas versiones de los LMS incorporan capacidades adaptativas que van permitiendo diseñar cursos individualizados o diferenciados. En este artículo se revisan las funcionalidades adaptativas disponibles en Moodle. Se explica cómo se han puesto en práctica tres casos de diseños instruccionales adaptativos. Además, se constata su eficacia, en términos del aprendizaje logrado por el estudiante, y su eficiencia, al reutilizar materiales de experiencias anteriores