2,337 research outputs found

    Technique, langue, traduction. Il y a sertissage et sertissage

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    Little theoretical research has been published on LSP. The most useful approach is that of the ‘whole language’ applied to specialised discourse, an approach which only seems to be represented by Benveniste and Harris. How can a French predicative word such as sertissage be applied in a non-lexicographical approach ? It is suggested to compare the uses of this word in French and its conditional equivalents in other languages (de., en., es., it.), thereby bringing out a conflict between the ‘cultural stereotype’ and the ‘technical stereotype’, and also between national culture and international culture

    La combinatoire des termes. Exemple : nectar de fruits

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    Terminology is henceforth based on textual analysis, although its methodology remains paradigmatic. Concordances need to be interpreted, and a theory of combinations is needed. In this article, Harris’ (1968, 1976, 1988) « operator-argument » theory is used, though words, concepts and terms are strictly distinguished. Specialised texts are made up of words as are every text, but some of them denote special concepts, and these are terms. The case of nectar de fruits, as used in EU regulations and FAO Codex alimentarius and on corporate websites, is used to show the relevance of combinatory analysis of concepts and of terms in establishing the ontology of the fruit industry

    Simulation based estimation of branching models for LTR retrotransposons

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    Motivation: LTR retrotransposons are mobile elements that are able, like retroviruses, to copy and move inside eukaryotic genomes. In the present work, we propose a branching model for studying the propagation of LTR retrotransposons in these genomes. This model allows to take into account both positions and degradations of LTR retrotransposons copies. In our model, the duplication rate is also allowed to vary with the degradation level. Results: Various functions have been implemented in order to simulate their spread and visualization tools are proposed. Based on these simulation tools, we show that an accurate estimation of the parameters of this propagation model can be performed. We applied this method to the study of the spread of the transposable elements ROO, GYPSY, and DM412 on a chromosome of \textit{Drosophila melanogaster}. Availability: Our proposal has been implemented using Python software. Source code is freely available on the web at https://github.com/SergeMOULIN/retrotransposons-spread.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figures, 7 tables. Submit to "Bioiformatics" on March 1, 201

    Recognizing the pseudogenes in bacterial genomes

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    Pseudogenes are now known to be a regular feature of bacterial genomes and are found in particularly high numbers within the genomes of recently emerged bacterial pathogens. As most pseudogenes are recognized by sequence alignments, we use newly available genomic sequences to identify the pseudogenes in 11 genomes from 4 bacterial genera, each of which contains at least 1 human pathogen. The numbers of pseudogenes range from 27 in Staphylococcus aureus MW2 to 337 in Yersinia pestis CO92 (e.g. 1–8% of the annotated genes in the genome). Most pseudogenes are formed by small frameshifting indels, but because stop codons are A + T-rich, the two low-G + C Gram-positive taxa (Streptococcus and Staphylococcus) have relatively high fractions of pseudogenes generated by nonsense mutations when compared with more G + C-rich genomes. Over half of the pseudogenes are produced from genes whose original functions were annotated as ‘hypothetical’ or ‘unknown’; however, several broadly distributed genes involved in nucleotide processing, repair or replication have become pseudogenes in one of the sequenced Vibrio vulnificus genomes. Although many of our comparisons involved closely related strains with broadly overlapping gene inventories, each genome contains a largely unique set of pseudogenes, suggesting that pseudogenes are formed and eliminated relatively rapidly from most bacterial genomes

    On the design of high order residual-based dissipation for unsteady compressible flows

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    none3The numerical dissipation operator of Residual-Based Compact (RBC) schemes of high accuracy is identified and analysed for hyperbolic systems of conservation laws. A necessary and sufficient condition (-criterion) is found that ensures dissipation in 2-D and 3-Dfor any order of the RBC scheme. Numerical applications of RBC schemes of order 3, 5 and 7 to a diagonal wave advection and to a converging cylindrical shock problem confirm the theoretical results.A. Lerat; K. Grimich; P. CinnellaA., Lerat; K., Grimich; Cinnella, Paol

    The source of laterally transferred genes in bacterial genomes

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    BACKGROUND: Laterally transferred genes have often been identified on the basis of compositional features that distinguish them from ancestral genes in the genome. These genes are usually A+T-rich, arguing either that there is a bias towards acquiring genes from donor organisms having low G+C contents or that genes acquired from organisms of similar genomic base compositions go undetected in these analyses. RESULTS: By examining the genome contents of closely related, fully sequenced bacteria, we uncovered genes confined to a single genome and examined the sequence features of these acquired genes. The analysis shows that few transfer events are overlooked by compositional analyses. Most observed lateral gene transfers do not correspond to free exchange of regular genes among bacterial genomes, but more probably represent the constituents of phages or other selfish elements. CONCLUSIONS: Although bacteria tend to acquire large amounts of DNA, the origin of these genes remains obscure. We have shown that contrary to what is often supposed, their composition cannot be explained by a previous genomic context. In contrast, these genes fit the description of recently described genes in lambdoid phages, named 'morons'. Therefore, results from genome content and compositional approaches to detect lateral transfers should not be cited as evidence for genetic exchange between distantly related bacteria

    Preservice Teacher Training for Diversity: A Research Project Based on an Intercultural Course

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    International audienceThis article discusses the exploratory stage of a research project addressing concerns of preservice M.Ed students in France regarding issues related to diversity by examining how an intercultural course can contribute to the shaping of their understanding of diversity. The criteria retained to analyse how the course can potentially participate in this shaping is discussed and illustrated with a sample Personal Experience Description. This PED shows how the course can give students the theoretical background needed to frame past experiences. The promising preliminary results will enrich the main phase of this project. Este artĂ­culo trata sobre un proyecto de investigaciĂłn lanzado en respuesta a las preocupaciones de estudiantes de Master en EducaciĂłn para el Profesorado en Francia con respecto a los problemas relacionados con la diversidad, analizando cĂłmo un curso sobre la interculturalidad puede contribuir a formar su comprensiĂłn de la diversidad. Los criterios del anĂĄlisis se discuten y se ilustran con un ejemplo de la DescripciĂłn Personal de una Experiencia, mostrando cĂłmo el curso puede dar a los estudiantes el fondo teĂłrico necesario para enmarcar una experiencia anterior. Los resultados preliminares son prometedores y enriquecerĂĄn la fase principal del proyecto

    “One code to find them all”: a perl tool to conveniently parse RepeatMasker output files

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    International audienceBackground: Of the different bioinformatic methods used to recover transposable elements (TEs) in genome sequences, one of the most commonly used procedures is the homology-based method proposed by the RepeatMasker program. RepeatMasker generates several output files, including the .out file, which provides annotations for all detected repeats in a query sequence. However, a remaining challenge consists of identifying the different copies of TEs that correspond to the identified hits. This step is essential for any evolutionary/comparative analysis of the different copies within a family. Different possibilities can lead to multiple hits corresponding to a unique copy of an element, such as the presence of large deletions/insertions or undetermined bases, and distinct consensus corresponding to a single full-length sequence (like for long terminal repeat (LTR)-retrotransposons). These possibilities must be taken into account to determine the exact number of TE copies. Results: We have developed a perl tool that parses the RepeatMasker .out file to better determine the number and positions of TE copies in the query sequence, in addition to computing quantitative information for the different families. To determine the accuracy of the program, we tested it on several RepeatMasker .out files corresponding to two organisms (Drosophila melanogaster and Homo sapiens) for which the TE content has already been largely described and which present great differences in genome size, TE content, and TE families. Conclusions: Our tool provides access to detailed information concerning the TE content in a genome at the family level from the .out file of RepeatMasker. This information includes the exact position and orientation of each copy, its proportion in the query sequence, and its quality compared to the reference element. In addition, our tool allows a user to directly retrieve the sequence of each copy and obtain the same detailed information at the family level when a local library with incomplete TE class/subclass information was used with RepeatMasker. We hope that this tool will be helpful for people working on the distribution and evolution of TEs within genomes

    A new compact model coupling rainfall-runoff and routing model to support reservoir releases management

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    The article proposes a model for integrated management of a regulated watershed. In such systems, it is important to take into account not only the discharge released at the reservoir, but also the natural flows due to rainfall. The proposed model incorporates both inputs, and can be refined by considering different numbers of sub-basins corresponding to tributaries of the river. We discuss the parameter identification and show that the validation is improved when the discharge transfer inputs are used in the model. These upstream discharge inputs correspond to reservoir releases in the case of a regulated watershed. The model is tested on data from the Tarn river in South-Western France
