503 research outputs found

    Purification, Conformational Analysis and Cytotoxic Activities of Host-Defense Peptides from the Giant Gladiator Treefrog Boana boans (Hylidae: Hylinae)

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    International audienceFrogs from the extensive amphibian family Hylidae are a rich source of peptides with therapeutic potential. Peptidomic analysis of norepinephrine-stimulated skin secretions from the Giant Gladiator Treefrog Boana boans (Hylidae: Hylinae) collected in Trinidad led to the isolation and structural characterization of five host-defense peptides with limited structural similarity to figainin 2 and picturin peptides from other frog species belonging to the genus Boana. In addition, the skin secretions contained high concentrations of tryptophyllin-BN (WRPFPFL) in both C-terminally α-amidated and non-amidated forms. Figainin 2BN (FLGVALKLGKVLG KALLPLASSLLHSQ) and picturin 1BN (GIFKDTLKKVVAAVLTTVADNIHPK) adopt α-helical conformations in trifluroethanol–water mixtures and in the presence of cell membrane models (sodium dodecylsulfate and dodecylphosphocholine micelles). The CD data also indicate contributions from turn structures. Both peptides and picturin 2BN (GLMDMLKKVGKVALT VAKSALLP) inhibited the growth of clinically relevant Gram-negative and Gram-positive bacteria with MIC values in the range 7.8–62.5 µM. Figainin 2BN was potently cytotoxic to A549, MDA-MB-231 and HT-29 human tumor-derived cells (LC50 = 7–14 µM) but displayed comparable potency against non-neoplastic HUVEC cells (LC50 = 15 µM) indicative of lack of selectivity for cancer cells

    Identification of an Antimicrobial Peptide from the Venom of the Trinidad Thick-Tailed Scorpion Tityus trinitatis with Potent Activity against ESKAPE Pathogens and Clostridioides difficile

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    Envenomation by the Trinidad thick-tailed scorpion Tityus trinitatis may result in fatal myocarditis and there is a high incidence of acute pancreatitis among survivors. Peptidomic analysis (reversed-phase HPLC followed by MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry and automated Edman degradation) of T. trinitatis venom led to the isolation and characterization of three peptides with antimicrobial activity. Their primary structures were established asTtAP-1 (FLGSLFSIGSKLLPGVFKLFSRKKQ.NH2), TtAP-2 (IFGMIPGLIGGLISAFK.NH2) and TtAP-3 (FFSLIPSLIGGLVSAIK.NH2). In addition, potassium channel and sodium channel toxins, present in the venom in high abundance, were identified by CID-MS/MS sequence analysis. TtAP-1 was the most potent against a range of clinically relevant Gram-positive and Gram-negative aerobes and against the anaerobe Clostridioides difficile (MIC = 3.1–12.5 µg/mL). At a concentration of 1× MIC, TtAP-1 produced rapid cell death (Acinetobacter baumannii and Staphylococcus aureus). The therapeutic potential of TtAP-1 as an anti-infective agent is limited by its high hemolytic activity (LC50 = 18 µg/mL against mouse erythrocytes) but the peptide constitutes a template for the design of analogs that maintain the high bactericidal activity against ESKAPE pathogens but are less toxic to human cells. It is suggested that the antimicrobial peptides in the scorpion venom facilitate the action of the neurotoxins by increasing the membrane permeability of cells from either prey or predator

    Down-Regulation of GABAA Receptor via Promiscuity with the Vasoactive Peptide Urotensin II Receptor. Potential Involvement in Astrocyte Plasticity

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    GABAA receptor (GABAAR) expression level is inversely correlated with the proliferation rate of astrocytes after stroke or during malignancy of astrocytoma, leading to the hypothesis that GABAAR expression/activation may work as a cell proliferation repressor. A number of vasoactive peptides exhibit the potential to modulate astrocyte proliferation, and the question whether these mechanisms may imply alteration in GABAAR-mediated functions and/or plasma membrane densities is open. The peptide urotensin II (UII) activates a G protein-coupled receptor named UT, and mediates potent vasoconstriction or vasodilation in mammalian vasculature. We have previously demonstrated that UII activates a PLC/PIPs/Ca2+ transduction pathway, via both Gq and Gi/o proteins and stimulates astrocyte proliferation in culture. It was also shown that UT/Gq/IP3 coupling is regulated by the GABAAR in rat cultured astrocytes. Here we report that UT and GABAAR are co-expressed in cerebellar glial cells from rat brain slices, in human native astrocytes and in glioma cell line, and that UII inhibited the GABAergic activity in rat cultured astrocytes. In CHO cell line co-expressing human UT and combinations of GABAAR subunits, UII markedly depressed the GABA current (β3γ2>α2β3γ2>α2β1γ2). This effect, characterized by a fast short-term inhibition followed by drastic and irreversible run-down, is not relayed by G proteins. The run-down partially involves Ca2+ and phosphorylation processes, requires dynamin, and results from GABAAR internalization. Thus, activation of the vasoactive G protein-coupled receptor UT triggers functional inhibition and endocytosis of GABAAR in CHO and human astrocytes, via its receptor C-terminus. This UII-induced disappearance of the repressor activity of GABAAR, may play a key role in the initiation of astrocyte proliferation

    Additive and Specific Effects of Elicitor Treatments on the Metabolic Profile of Arabidopsis thaliana

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    Several elicitors of plant defense have been identified and numerous efforts to use them in the field have been made. Exogenous elicitor treatments mimic the in planta activation of pattern-triggered immunity (PTI), which relies on the perception of pathogen-associated molecular patterns (PAMPs) such as bacterial flg22 or fungal chitins. Early transcriptional responses to distinct PAMPs are mostly overlapping, regardless of the elicitor being used. However, it remains poorly known if the same patterns are observed for metabolites and proteins produced later during PTI. In addition, little is known about the impact of a combination of elicitors on PTI and the level of induced resistance to pathogens. Here, we monitored Arabidopsis thaliana resistance to the bacterial pathogen Pseudomonas syringae pv. tomato DC3000 ( Pto DC3000) following application of flg22 and chitosan elicitors, used individually or in combination. A slight, but not statistically significant increase in induced resistance was observed when the elicitors were applied together when compared with individual treatments. We investigated the effect of these treatments on the metabolome by using an untargeted analysis. We found that the combination of flg22 and chitosan impacted a higher number of metabolites and deregulated specific metabolic pathways compared with the elicitors individually. These results contribute to a better understanding of plant responses to elicitors, which might help better rationalize their use in the field. Copyright © 2024 The Author(s). This is an open access article distributed under the CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 International licens

    QRFP receptor (version 2019.4) in the IUPHAR/BPS Guide to Pharmacology Database

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    The human gene encoding the QRFP receptor (nomenclature as agreed by the NC-IUPHAR Subcommittee on the QRFP receptor [16]; QRFPR, formerly known as the Peptide P518 receptor), previously designated as an orphan GPCR receptor was identified in 2001 by Lee et al. from a hypothalamus cDNA library [15]. However, the reported cDNA (AF411117) is a chimera with bases 1-127 derived from chromosome 1 and bases 155-1368 derived from chromosome 4. When corrected, QRFPR (also referred to as SP9155 or AQ27) encodes a 431 amino acid protein that shares sequence similarities in the transmembrane spanning regions with other peptide receptors. These include neuropeptide FF2 (38%), neuropeptide Y2 (37%) and galanin Gal1 (35%) receptors

    QRFP receptor in GtoPdb v.2023.1

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    The human gene encoding the QRFP receptor (nomenclature as agreed by the NC-IUPHAR Subcommittee on the QRFP receptor [19]; QRFPR, formerly known as the Peptide P518 receptor), previously designated as an orphan GPCR receptor was identified in 2001 by Lee et al. from a hypothalamus cDNA library [17]. However, the reported cDNA (AF411117) is a chimera with bases 1-127 derived from chromosome 1 and bases 155-1368 derived from chromosome 4. When corrected, QRFPR (also referred to as SP9155 or AQ27) encodes a 431 amino acid protein that shares sequence similarities in the transmembrane spanning regions with other peptide receptors. These include neuropeptide FF2 (38%), neuropeptide Y2 (37%) and galanin Gal1 (35%) receptors. QRFP receptor was identified as a Gs-coupled GPCR [6, 14] that's activated by the endogenous peptides QRFP43 (43RFa) and QRFP26 (26RFa) [6, 14, 11]. However, Gq- and Gi/o-mediated signaling was also reported [11, 25]. Two naturally occurring mutations in the human QRFP receptor lead to distinct and opposite 26RFa-evoked signaling bias [20]

    Multifunctional host-defense peptides isolated from skin secretions of the banana tree dwelling frog Boana platanera (Hylidae; Hylinae)

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    Five host-defense peptides (figainin 2PL, hylin PL, raniseptin PL, plasticin PL, and peptide YL) were isolated from norepinephrine-stimulated skin secretions of the banana tree dwelling frog Boana platanera (Hylidae; Hylinae) collected in Trinidad. Raniseptin PL (GVFDTVKKIGKAVGKFALGVAKNYLNS.NH 2) and figainin 2PL (FLGTVLKLGKAIAKTVVPMLTNAMQPKQ. NH 2) showed potent and rapid bactericidal activity against a range of clinically relevant Gram-positive and Gram-negative ESKAPE + pathogens and Clostridioides difficile. The peptides also showed potent cytotoxic activity (LC 50 values &lt; 30 μM) against A549, MDA-MB-231 and HT29 human tumor-derived cell lines but appreciably lower hemolytic activity against mouse erythrocytes (LC 50 = 262 ± 14 μM for raniseptin PL and 157 ± 16 μM for figainin 2PL). Hylin PL (FLGLIPALAGAIGNLIK.NH 2) showed relatively weak activity against microorganisms but was more hemolytic. The glycine-leucine-rich peptide with structural similarity to the plasticins (GLLSTVGGLVGGLLNNLGL.NH 2) and the non-cytotoxic peptide YL (YVPGVIESLL.NH 2) lacked antimicrobial and cytotoxic activities. Hylin PL, raniseptinPL and peptide YL stimulated the rate of release of insulin from BRIN-BD11 clonal β-cells at concentrations ≥100 nM. Peptide YL was the most effective (2.3-fold increase compared with basal rate at 1 μM concentration) and may represent a template for the design of a new class of incretin-based anti-diabetic drugs.</p

    Urotensin receptor in GtoPdb v.2021.3

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    The urotensin-II (U-II) receptor (UT, nomenclature as agreed by the NC-IUPHAR Subcommittee on the Urotensin receptor [26, 36, 93]) is activated by the endogenous dodecapeptide urotensin-II, originally isolated from the urophysis, the endocrine organ of the caudal neurosecretory system of teleost fish [7, 92]. Several structural forms of U-II exist in fish and amphibians [93]. The goby orthologue was used to identify U-II as the cognate ligand for the predicted receptor encoded by the rat gene gpr14 [2, 20, 63, 69, 72]. Human urotensin-II, an 11-amino-acid peptide [20], retains the cyclohexapeptide sequence of goby U-II that is thought to be important in ligand binding [61, 53, 10]. This sequence is also conserved in the deduced amino-acid sequence of rat urotensin-II (14 amino-acids) and mouse urotensin-II (14 amino-acids), although the N-terminal is more divergent from the human sequence [19]. A second endogenous ligand for the UT has been discovered in rat [86]. This is the urotensin II-related peptide, an octapeptide that is derived from a different gene, but shares the C-terminal sequence (CFWKYCV) common to U-II from other species. Identical sequences to rat urotensin II-related peptide are predicted for the mature mouse and human peptides [32]. UT exhibits relatively high sequence identity with somatostatin, opioid and galanin receptors [93]
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