941 research outputs found

    Systematic risk management on farms

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    2016Diss. : Aalto University, 201

    Assisting Provet Cloud Users With Speech Recognition Technologies

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    TĂ€mĂ€n työn tarkoituksena oli luoda prototyyppi, joka yhdistÀÀ Google Assistantin ja asiakasyrityksen ohjelmiston, Provet Cloudin. Tarkoitus oli tutkia, olisiko elĂ€inlÀÀketieteen ammattilaisten mahdollista ja hyödyllistĂ€ kĂ€yttÀÀ ÀÀnentunnistusapuvĂ€lineitĂ€ heidĂ€n työssÀÀn. Tutkimus aloitettiin mÀÀrittĂ€mĂ€llĂ€ sen laajuus. Tarkoituksena oli mahdollistaa tiedon haku Provet Cloudista puhumalla Google Assistantille englanniksi. PrototyypissĂ€ oli oltava mahdollista kysyĂ€ tulevia ajanvarauksia tiettynĂ€ pĂ€ivĂ€nĂ€. Lokalisaatio ja muut virtuaaliset avustajat jĂ€tettiin tĂ€mĂ€n työn ulkopuolelle. Seuraavaksi mÀÀritettiin kĂ€ytettĂ€vĂ€t tekniset komponentit. Tarvittavien komponenttien opiskelu ja niiden pÀÀlle rakentaminen vei paljon aikaa, erityisesti Dialogflowin ja Kuberneteksen opiskelu. LisĂ€ksi työn edetessĂ€ tuli ilmi, ettĂ€ uuden kĂ€yttötapauksen lisÀÀminen oli suhteellisen työlĂ€stĂ€. Asia monimutkaistuu entisestÀÀn, jos niissĂ€ halutaan kĂ€yttÀÀ edelisen keskustelun kontekstia. KĂ€ytettĂ€vyystestit suoritettiin asiakasyrityksen ohjaajan ja elĂ€inlÀÀketieteen ammattilaisen kanssa. LisĂ€ksi kaksi ohjelmoijaa katselmoivat projektin aikana syntyneen koodin keskittyen eri alueisiin. Yksi kehittĂ€jĂ€ tarkasti Provet Cloudiin tehdyt muutokset ja toinen Provet Flowin koodin. TĂ€mĂ€ työ saavutti pÀÀmÀÀrĂ€nsĂ€ eli integraatio Google Assistantin ja Provet Cloudin vĂ€lillĂ€ onnistui. KĂ€yttĂ€jĂ€ pystyy kysymÀÀn Google Assistantilta, mitĂ€ ajanvarauksia hĂ€nelle on tulossa tiettynĂ€ pĂ€ivĂ€nĂ€. Testauksessa tuli kuitenkin ilmi, ettĂ€ Google Assistantin kĂ€yttö on melkein mahdotonta elĂ€inklinikalla tai -sairaalassa ympĂ€rillĂ€ olevan hĂ€linĂ€n vuoksi. SitĂ€ voisi kuitenkin kĂ€yttÀÀ kotona, kun valmistautuu seuraavaan työpĂ€ivÀÀn. Jatkokehitys koostuu lokalisaatiotuesta, useammasta kĂ€yttötapauksesta ja tuotantojulkaisusta. LisĂ€kehitystĂ€ tarvitaan, jotta prototyyppiĂ€ voidaan esitellĂ€ jossakin, esimerkiksi messuilla.The purpose of this study was to create a proof-of-concept application which integrates Google Assistant and the case company’s application Provet Cloud. The main reason for this was to study whether it is possible and would be helpful for veterinary professionals to use speech recognition in their work. The study started as defining the scope. The goal was to build a solution where one can request data from Provet Cloud by talking to Google Assistant in English. The solution included one use case where a veterinary professional can ask incoming appointments on a specific date. Localization and other virtual assistants, like Amazon Alexa and Apple’s Siri, were left out of the scope. After scope validation technical stack was decided. Studying technical stack required a lot of time, especially Dialogflow and Kubernetes. During solution development it became clear that adding an intention in Dialogflow and providing data for that requires a lot of work. It’s even more complicated when one wants to build conversations that continue. Usability tests were carried with the supervisor and a veterinary professional. In addition, the developed code was reviewed by two developers focusing in the different areas of the proof-of-concept. One developer reviewed changes done in Provet Cloud and the other reviewed the code of Provet Flow. This study achieved its goal and integration between Google Assistant and Provet Cloud was possible. A user can ask his or her appointments on a specific date using Google Assistant. However, it became clear that the end user wouldn’t use this on workdays at the veterinary clinic or hospital due to surrounding distractions, but at home to prepare for the next day. Future development consists of support for localization, more intents and publishing the Action. Additional development is needed to show the proof-of-concept, for example, at a business affair

    Harjattoman tasavirtamoottorin arviointi opto-mekaanisessa paikkasäätösovelluksessa

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    This thesis evaluates the applicability of a micro-sized brushless direct current (DC) mo- tor in an opto-mechanical positioning application. Brushless DC motors are electronically commutated motors that use permanent magnets to produce the airgap magnetic field. The motor is powered through an inverter or switching power supply which produces an AC electric current to drive each phase of the motor. Optimal current waveforms are determined by the motor controller based on the desired torque, speed or position requirements. The benefits of a brushless motor over conventional brushed DC motors are a high power to weight ratio, low noise and a long operating life. The purpose of this thesis is to find out the performance potential of such motors and determine methods to achieve it. Firstly, a motor model and an exact motor classification is presented. A literature review is made to discuss state of the art control methods and hardware configurations for dynamic position control. Based on the literature review, a control scheme with field-oriented control based torque control and cascaded PI controlled speed and position loops was selected for further evaluation. Experimental positioning tests were executed for two motors with different power transmission setups. Tests were performed with both, a hardware and software implemented, motor controllers. Results show promising performance. It was shown that the required acceleration is feasible with both, geared and direct drive, transmissions. Field-oriented control was shown as a well performing method to control torque but special caution was needed to implement a reliable position sensing solution in a small size as the control algorithm is intolerant for inaccurate and noisy position data. The conventional PI based position controller was effective in cases with no feedback related harmonics or motor related torque ripple but was not capable in handling ripple caused by a non-ideal system. Quality variances were seen between motors which were originated from mechanical defects and non-idealities in the stator structure. Further research is needed to achieve a better settling performance through filtering undesired feedback harmonics, better tuning and thus minimizing undesired vibrations.Tämän diplomityön tarkoituksena on arvioida pienikokoisen harjattoman tasavirtamoottorin soveltuvuutta opto-mekaaniseen paikkasäätösovellukseen. Harjattomat tasavirtamoottorit ovat elektronisesti ohjattuja moottoreita, joissa ilmavälin magneettivuo luodaan kestomagneeteilla. Moottorille syötetään virtaa taajuusmuuttajalta, joka muodostaa halutunlaisen vaihtovirran jokaiselle moottorin vaiheelle. Syötettävää virtaa ohjataan moottorinohjaimelta määritettyjen vääntö-, nopeus- ja paikkavaatimusten perusteella. Harjattoman DC-moottorin edut verrattuna perinteiseen harjalliseen DC-moottoriin ovat hyvä teho-painosuhde, hiljainen käyntiääni ja pitkä käyttöikä. Diplomityön tavoitteena on kartoittaa kyseisen moottorityypin suorituskyky paikkasäädössä ja tutkia keinoja saavuttaa haluttu taso. Alan tutkimuksessa ja kirjallisuudessa tunnettuja suorituskykyisiä säätömenetelmiä ja laite- sekä komponenttikokoonpanoja on koostettu kirjallisuuskatsauksessa. Tämän perusteella kokeellisiin testeihin valittiin säätöarkkitehtuuri vektorisäätöön perustuvalla virransäädöllä sekä PI-pohjaisilla nopeus- ja paikkasäätimillä. Kokeellisilla paikoitustesteillä arvioitiin kahden moottorin suorituskykyä erilaisilla voimansiirtovaihtoehdoilla. Testit suoritettiin sekä ohjelmistopohjaisella että sovelluskohtaiseen mikropiiriin toteutetulla laitepohjaisella säätimellä. Tulokset osoittavat että vaaditun kiihtyvyyden saavuttaminen on mahdollista sekä vaihteellisella että suoravetoisella voimansiirrolla. Vektorisäätö osoittautui suorituskykyiseksi virransäätömenetelmäksi, mutta moottorin asentomittauksen luotettava toteutus vaati erityishuomiota, sillä vektorisäätöalgoritmi on herkkä paikkadatan tarkkuudelle. PI-säätimillä toteutettu paikkasäätö osoittautui toimivaksi, mutta herkäksi moottorin epäideaalisuuksille sekä häiriöille takaisinkytkennässä. Moottoreiden välillä havaittiin laatueroja mekaanisissa toleransseissa ja staattorin rakenteessa. Lopullisen asettumisajan saavuttaminen vaatii lisätutkimusta. Erityishuomiota on kiinnitettävä harmonisten komponenttien suodattamiseen sekä systeemin säätöön, jotta ei-toivotut värinät saadaan minimoitua

    Understanding the current trends in mobile crowdsensing - a business model perspective: case MyGeo Trust

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    Crowdsensing and personal data markets that have emerged around it have rapidly gained momentum in parallel with the appearance of mobile devices. Collecting information via mobile sensors and the applications relying on these, the privacy of mobile users can be threatened, especially in the case of location-related data. In 2015, a research project called MyGeoTrust was initiated to investigate this issue. One aim of the project was to study the potential business models for a trusted, open-source crowdsourcing platform. This study, carried within the MyGeoTrust project, reviews existing literature about business models, location-based services, and open-source software development. It then investigates the relationship between these topics and mobile crowdsensing. As a whole, this thesis provides an overview on the development of location-based services, as well as the current trends and business models in crowdsensing. The empirical part of the thesis employs embedded case study methodology, acquiring empirical data from several sources. The analyzed case is the MyGeoTrust project itself, and other empirical data is collected via market analysis, interim reports, a user survey, and semi-structured interviews. This material forms the baseline for the empirical study and project-specific recommendations. The findings suggest that creating a two- or multisided platform is the most robust business model for mobile crowdsensing. The identified benefits of platform-based business models include facilitating the value exchange between self-governing groups and possibilities to build positive network effects. This is especially the case with open-source software and open data since the key value for users - or “the crowd” in other terms - is created through network effects. In the context of open business models, strategic planning, principally licensing, plays a central role. Also, for a differentiated platform like MyGeoTrust finding the critical mass of users is crucial, in order to create an appealing alternative to current market leaders. Lastly, this study examines how transformational political or legal factors may shape the scene and create requirements for novel, privacy-perceiving solutions. In the present case study, the upcoming European Union (EU) General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) legislation is a central example of such a factor

    Electric field noise and feedback control for trapped ions

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    Noise from the environment often poses a problem when we want to study quantum systems, because it leads to decoherence, dissipation and heating, which are detrimental for quantum properties of the system such as entanglement. Entanglement is one of the main features of quantum systems that sets them apart from classical ones, and it is something that we want to utilize in quantum information processing. Therefore it is important to understand what the noise does to the system, and to find ways to reduce the effects of the noise. In particular, we investigate how electric field noise affects two trapped ions, and whether those effects could be mitigated by continuously measuring the noise, and applying active feedback. We derive a master equation for the two ions affected by noise, and another master equation that includes the feedback process. We apply these master equations to a geometric phase gate that can be used to create entangled states between two qubits. We calculate numerically the fidelity of the phase gate, which tells us how close the state after the gate operation is to the ideal case without noise. We study how to choose the delay between measuring the noise and feeding it back on the ions to maximize the fidelity.YmpÀristöstÀ perÀisin olevat hÀiriöt aiheuttavat usein ongelmia kvanttisysteemeitÀ tutkittaessa, sillÀ ne johtavat dekoherenssiin ja lÀmpenemiseen, mitkÀ ovat haitallisia systeemin kvanttiominaisuuksille kuten lomittumiselle. Lomittuminen on yksi keskeisiÀ kvanttisysteemien ominaisuuksia, joka erottaa ne klassisista systeemeistÀ, ja sitÀ halutaan hyödyntÀÀ kvanttilaskennassa. TÀmÀn vuoksi on tÀrkeÀÀ ymmÀrtÀÀ, miten hÀiriöt vaikuttavat systeemiin, ja miten niiden vaikutusta voi vÀhentÀÀ. TÀssÀ työssÀ erityisesti tutkitaan, miten sÀhkökenttien hÀiriöt vaikuttavat kahteen samassa loukussa oleviin ioneihin. LisÀksi selvitetÀÀn, voiko nÀiden hÀiriöiden vaikutusta vÀhentÀÀ mittaamalla hÀiriöt, ja syöttÀmÀllÀ mittaustulos aktiivisesti takaisin systeemiin. NÀille kahdelle tilanteelle johdetaan yhtÀlöt, jotka kuvaavat ionien tilan kehitystÀ. NÀitÀ yhtÀlöitÀ sovelletaan geometriseen vaiheporttiin, jonka avulla voidaan luoda lomittuneita tiloja kahden kubitin vÀlille. Vaiheportin suorituskykyÀ mitataan laskemalla numeerisesti sen fideliteetti, mikÀ kertoo miten lÀhellÀ vaiheportin suorituksen jÀlkeinen tila on ideaalista tapausta, jossa hÀiriöitÀ ei ole. HÀiriöiden mittaamisen ja takaisinsyötön vÀlisen viiveen vaikutus suorituskykyyn selvitetÀÀn, jotta se voidaan valita siten, ettÀ vaiheportin suorituskyky maksimoidaan

    Gentle sorting and packing of potatoes

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    Identifying Knowledge Brokers in Enterprise Social Media

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    Knowledge brokers act as a bridge between people and issues; they facilitate knowledge creation and sharing, and connect communities of practice. The extant literature has focused mostly on roles and network positions of knowledge brokers. This paper adds communicative actions to identifying these important actors. In the present study we develop and propose a method to identify knowledge brokering communication in an enterprise social media (ESM) platform. We posit that active knowledge brokers can be identified based on their generic social media communication. We use a large data set containing 124,015 messages among employees, and their network positions by social network analysis to identify knowledge brokers, and further analyze a sample of the communication content qualitatively. We argue that better understanding of the identification of knowledge brokering communication in a collaboration network can benefit employee assignments and help develop communication practices in ESM, leading to improved knowledge sharing and creation

    Enabling Knowledge Broker Analysis through Actor Clusters in Organizational Structures in Enterprise Social Media

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    Knowledge brokers serve as facilitators of knowledge sharing. The extant literature calls for nuanced analyses of different organizational structures as the spaces knowledge brokers operate in. Our interest lies in formal, semiformal, and informal organizational network structures and in how knowledge brokers are positioned in them. In this paper, we outline a collaborative analysis method, with researchers from different disciplines working together in data sprints. The benefit of this process is that it enables analyzing large organizational networks with deep insights. Amplifying social network analysis with field knowledge offers a deeper understanding of the connections in the network. This paper describes the analysis process and proposes interdisciplinary data processing techniques. We applied the proposed method using an extensive empirical data set that includes intraorganizational social media interactions between employees in a global organization. Our analysis transforms enterprise social media data into a network model that describes an organization’s social structure
