421 research outputs found

    Advances in understanding subglacial meltwater drainage from past ice sheets

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    Meltwater drainage beneath ice sheets is a fundamental consideration for understanding ice–bed conditions and bed-modulated ice flow, with potential impacts on terminus behavior and iceshelf mass balance. While contemporary observations reveal the presence of basal water movement in the subglacial environment and inferred styles of drainage, the geological record of former ice sheets, including sediments and landforms on land and the seafloor, aids in understanding the spatiotemporal evolution of efficient and inefficient drainage systems and their impact on ice-sheet behavior. We highlight the past decade of advances in geological studies that focus on providing process-based information on subglacial hydrology of ice sheets, how these studies inform theory, numerical models and contemporary observations, and address the needs for future research

    Modeling, Simulation and Control of Flat Panel Solar Collectors with Thermal Storage for Heating and Cooling Applications

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    AbstractThe focus of the present study is on the transient modeling of components in a solar system, controls, and heating and cooling loads. The system consists of solar flat plates and a thermal storage tank, which could provide a portion of heating requirements of a social enterprise building located in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada. This solar system and a natural gas hot water heater may replace the low efficiency boiler that supplies low quality steam for heat throughout the building using radiators. Results of the simulation performed in Simulink supports the proper selection of solar system components and controls that will be optimized for the climatic attributes of Winnipeg

    First Detection of HCO+ Emission at High Redshift

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    We report the detection of HCO+(1-0) emission towards the Cloverleaf quasar (z=2.56) through observations with the Very Large Array. This is the first detection of ionized molecular gas emission at high redshift (z>2). HCO+ emission is a star formation indicator similar to HCN, tracing dense molecular hydrogen gas (n(H_2) ~= 10^5 cm^{-3}) within star-forming molecular clouds. We derive a lensing-corrected HCO+ line luminosity of L'(HCO+) = 3.5 x 10^9 K km/s pc^2. Combining our new results with CO and HCN measurements from the literature, we find a HCO+/CO luminosity ratio of 0.08 and a HCO+/HCN luminosity ratio of 0.8. These ratios fall within the scatter of the same relationships found for low-z star-forming galaxies. However, a HCO+/HCN luminosity ratio close to unity would not be expected for the Cloverleaf if the recently suggested relation between this ratio and the far-infrared luminosity were to hold. We conclude that a ratio between HCO+ and HCN luminosity close to 1 is likely due to the fact that the emission from both lines is optically thick and thermalized and emerges from dense regions of similar volumes. The CO, HCN and HCO+ luminosities suggest that the Cloverleaf is a composite AGN--starburst system, in agreement with the previous finding that about 20% of the total infrared luminosity in this system results from dust heated by star formation rather than heating by the AGN. We conclude that HCO+ is potentially a good tracer for dense molecular gas at high redshift.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures, ApJL, in press (accepted May 17, 2006

    Detection of Emission from the CN Radical in the Cloverleaf Quasar at z=2.56

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    We report the detection of CN(N=3-2) emission towards the Cloverleaf quasar (z=2.56) based on observations with the IRAM Plateau de Bure Interferometer. This is the first clear detection of emission from this radical at high redshift. CN emission is a tracer of dense molecular hydrogen gas (n(H2) > 10^4 cm^{-3}) within star-forming molecular clouds, in particular in regions where the clouds are affected by UV radiation. The HCN/CN intensity ratio can be used as a diagnostic for the relative importance of photodissociation regions (PDRs) in a source, and as a sensitive probe of optical depth, the radiation field, and photochemical processes. We derive a lensing-corrected CN(N=3-2) line luminosity of L'(CN(3-2) = (4.5 +/- 0.5) x 10^9 K km/s pc^2. The ratio between CN luminosity and far-infrared luminosity falls within the scatter of the same relationship found for low-z (ultra-) luminous infrared galaxies. Combining our new results with CO(J=3-2) and HCN(J=1-0) measurements from the literature and assuming thermal excitation for all transitions, we find a CO/CN luminosity ratio of 9.3 +/- 1.9 and a HCN/CN luminosity ratio of 0.95 +/- 0.15. However, we find that the CN(N=3-2) line is likely only subthermally excited, implying that those ratios may only provide upper limits for the intrinsic 1-0 line luminosity ratios. We conclude that, in combination with other molecular gas tracers like CO, HCN, and HCO+, CN is an important probe of the physical conditions and chemical composition of dense molecular environments at high redshift.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figures, 1 table, to appear in ApJ (accepted May 23, 2007

    Cosmological Hydrodynamics with Multi-Species Chemistry and Nonequilibrium Ionization and Cooling

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    We have developed a method of solving for multi-species chemical reaction flows in non--equilibrium and self--consistently with the hydrodynamic equations in an expanding FLRW universe. The method is based on a backward differencing scheme for the required stability when solving stiff sets of equations and is designed to be efficient for three-dimensional calculations without sacrificing accuracy. In all, 28 kinetic reactions are solved including both collisional and radiative processes for the following nine separate species: H, H+, He, He+, He++, H-, H2+, H2, and e-. The method identifies those reactions (involving H- and H2+) ocurring on the shortest time scales, decoupling them from the rest of the network and imposing equilibrium concentrations to good accuracy over typical cosmological dynamical times. Several tests of our code are presented, including radiative shock waves, cosmological sheets, conservation constraints, and fully three-dimensional simulations of CDM cosmological evolutions in which we compare our method to results obtained when the packaged routine LSODAR is substituted for our algorithms.Comment: Latex and postscript, 24 pages, with 6 figures. The paper is also available at http://zeus.ncsa.uiuc.edu:8080/~abel/PGas/bib.html Submitted to New Astronom

    LLL 44-4 : Micronutrients in acute disease and critical illness.

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    Micronutrients (MN), i.e. trace elements and vitamins, are essential components of the diet in relatively small amounts in any form of nutrition, with special needs in critically ill patients. Critical illness is characterised by the presence of inflammation and oxidative stress. MNs are tightly involved in antioxidant and immune defences. In addition, some conditions, and treatments result in large losses of biological fluids containing MNs: therefore, acute renal injury requiring renal replacement therapy, acute intestinal failure, and major burns and trauma are at high risk of acute depletion of body stores, and of deficiency. MN requirements are increased above standard DRI. Blood level interpretation is complicated by inflammation: some biomarkers assist the status determination. Due to the acute challenges of critical illness, it of utmost importance to cover the needs to maintain the organism's endogenous immune and antioxidant defences, and capacity to repair tissues. Practical strategies are proposed

    Modelling Primordial Gas in Numerical Cosmology

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    We have reviewed the chemistry and cooling behaviour of low-density (n<10^4 cm^-3) primordial gas and devised a cooling model wich involves 19 collisional and 9 radiative processes and is applicable for temperatures in the range (1 K < T < 10^8 K). We derived new fits of rate coefficients for the photo-attachment of neutral hydrogen, the formation of molecular hydrogen via H-, charge exchange between H2 and H+, electron detachment of H- by neutral hydrogen, dissociative recombination of H2 with slow electrons, photodissociation of H2+, and photodissociation of H2. Further it was found that the molecular hydrogen produced through the gas-phase processes, H2+ + H -> H2 + H+, and H- + H -> H2 + e-, is likely to be converted into its para configuration on a faster time scale than the formation time scale. We have tested the model extensively and shown it to agree well with former studies. We further studied the chemical kinetics in great detail and devised a minimal model which is substantially simpler than the full reaction network but predicts correct abundances. This minimal model shows convincingly that 12 collisional processes are sufficient to model the H, He, H+, H-, He+, He++, and H2 abundances in low density primordial gas for applications with no radiation fields.Comment: 26 pages of text, 4 tables, and 6 eps figures. The paper is also available at http://zeus.ncsa.uiuc.edu:8080/~abel/PGas/bib.html Submitted to New Astronomy. Note that some of the hyperlinks given in the paper are still under constructio

    Simultaneous Observations of GRS 1758-258 in 1997 by VLA, IRAM, SEST, RXTE and OSSE: Spectroscopy and Timing

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    We report the results of our multi-wavelength observations of GRS 1758-258 made in August 1997. The energy bands include radio, millimeter, X-ray, and gamma-ray. The observations enable us to obtain a complete spectrum of the source over an energy range of 2 - 500 keV. The spectrum shows that GRS 1758-258 was in its hard state. It is well fitted by the Sunyaev-Titarchuk (ST) Compton scattering model. The spectrum is also fit by a power law with an exponential cutoff (PLE) plus a soft black-body component. The temperature of the soft component is about 1.2 keV, and the energy flux is less than 1.5% of the total X- and gamma-ray flux. The deduced hydrogen column density is in the range of (0.93 - 2.0) 10^{22} cm^{-2}. No significant iron lines are detected. The radio emission has a flat energy spectrum. The daily radio, X-ray and gamma-ray light curves show that GRS 1758-258 was stable during the observation period, but was highly variable on smaller time scales in X- and gamma-rays. The power density spectra are typical for the low-state, but we find the photon flux for the 5 to 10 keV band to be more variable than that in the other two energy bands (2 - 5 keV and 10 - 40 keV). Harmonically spaced quasi-periodic oscillations (QPOs) are observed in the power spectra. The phase lags between the hard photons and the soft photons have a flat distribution over a wide range of frequencies. A high coherence of about 1.0 (0.01 - 1 Hz) between the hard photons and the soft photons is also obtained in our observations. We compare these results with two variation models. Our millimeter observations did not reveal any conclusive signatures of an interaction between the jet from GRS 1758-258 and the molecular cloud that lies in the direction of GRS 1758-258.Comment: 32 pages, 13 figures, to appear in ApJ, 2000, V.533, no. 1, Apr. 10. For better figure resolution, please directly download the paper from http://spacsun.rice.edu/~lin/publication.htm