25 research outputs found

    Povara afecţiunii orale şi riscul sănătăţii orale la nivel global şi regional

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    Summary The objectives of the paper are to outline the burden of oral diseases at global and regional levels and to emphasize the influence of major sociobehavioural risk factors in oral health. Despite great improvements in the oral health of populations in several countries, global problems still persist. The burden of oral disease is particularly high on the disadvantaged and poor population groups in both developing and developed countries. Oral diseases such as dental caries, periodontal disease, tooth loss, oral cavity cancer, HIV/AIDS related oral disease and oro-dental trauma are major public health problems worldwide and poor oral health has a profound effect on general health and quality of life of people at all ages. The diversity of oral diseases and patterns and development trends across countries and regions reflect distinct risk profiles and establishment of preventive oral health care programmes. The important role of socio-behavioural and environmental factors in oral health and disease are shown in a large number of socio-epidemiological surveys. In addition to poor living conditions, the major risk factors to oral health relate to unhealthy lifestyles (i.e. diet, nutrition, tobacco, alcohol, oral hygiene), and low availability and accessibility of oral health services. Several oral diseases are linked to non-communicable chronic diseases primarily because of common risk factors. Moreover, general diseases often have oral manifestations (e.g. diabetes or HIV/AIDS). Worldwide strengthening of public health intervention through implementation of integrated disease prevention measures, Primary (oral) Health Care, and health promotion is urgently needed. The challenges to oral health improvement are particularly high in developing countries.Obiectivele lucrării ţin să sublinieze importanţa poverii afecţiunilor orale la nivel global şi regional, cât şi să indice influenţa majoră a factorilor de risc socio-comportamental ai sănătăţii orale. În ciuda îmbunătăţirii majore a sănătăţii orale a populaţiei din mai multe ţări, problemele globale încă persistă. Povara afecţiunilor orale este deosebit de mare pentru persoanele defavorizate şi sărăce, care aparţin grupurilor de populaţie din ţările în curs de dezvoltare şi dezvoltate. Afecţiunile orale, cum ar fi: cariile dentare, bolile parodontale, pierderea dinţilor, cancerul cavităţii orale, HIV/SIDA şi traumatisme oro-dentare sunt probleme majore de sănătate publică în întreaga lume. Sănătatea orală deficitară are un efect predominant asupra stării generale de sănătate şi asupra calităţii vieţii oamenilor de toate vârstele. Diversitatea bolilor orale, a modelelor şi tendinţelor de dezvoltare în diferite ţări şi regiuni, reflectă diverse profiluri de risc, cât şi stabilirea programelor de prevenţie a sănătăţii orale. Rolul important al factorilor socio-comportamentali şi de mediu în domeniul sănătăţii orale este demonstrat prin numărul mare de anchete socio-epidemiologice. Pe lânga condiţiile de trai precare, factorii majori de risc pentru sănătatea orală se referă la un stil de viaţa nesănătos (dietă, nutriţie, tutun, alcool, igiena orală precară), precum şi disponibilitatea redusă, şi accesibilitatea serviciilor de sănătate orală. Mai multe tipuri de afecţiuni orale se atribuie bolilor netransmisibile cronice, în primul rând, datorită factorilor de risc comuni. Mai mult decât atât, boli generale au adesea manifestări orale (de exemplu: diabet zaharat sau HIV/SIDA). Este necesară consolidarea de urgenţă, la nivel mondial, a intervenţiei sănătăţii publice prin aplicarea măsurilor de prevenire a afecţiunilor orale şi îngrijirea primară a sănătăţii orale, dar şi promovarea sănătăţii. Provocările pentru îmbunătăţirea stării de sănătate orală sunt vizibile în ţările în curs de dezvoltare

    Perspectives of oral health monitoring in school-age children using european indicators

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    Rezumat Monitorizarea stării de sănătate orală a copiilor reprezintă o componentă de importanţă majoră a sistemului de ocrotire a sănătăţii populaţiei. Indicatorii europeni de sănătate orală - European Global Oral Health Indicators Development, 2005 (EGOHID) propuşi pentru determinarea factorilor de risc în apariţia afecţiunilor orale la copii sunt „ instrumente “ accesibile şi, totodată, necostisitoare pentru identificarea factorilor negativi, care ar putea limita efectul măsurilor de profilaxie la nivel comunitar. Scopul studiului constituie evaluarea valorii informative a indicatorilor europeni pentru identificarea factorilor care influenţează starea de sănătate orală a copiilor de vârstă şcolară. în cadrul proiectului pilot internaţional desfăşurat în trei oraşe - Chişinău (Republica Moldova), Minsk (Belarus) şi Ternopol (Ucraina) s-a efectuat examinarea cavităţii orale şi chestionarea a 600 de copii cu vârstele de 12 şi 15 ani, cu aprecierea indicatorilor europeni de sănătate orală - EGOHID-2005, datele fiind înregistrate în fişele şi chestionarele propuse de OMS în anul 2013 pentru evaluarea statutului dentar. Au fost analizaţi 15 indicatori, majoritatea din ei fiind informativi în identificarea factorilor de risc pentru apariţia afecţiunilor dentare şi a celor care ar putea reduce eficienta programelor de prevenire a maladiilor dento-parodontale. Rezultatele lucrării argumentează necesitatea utilizării unui complex de indicatori, fapt care va permite obţinerea unor rezultate exacte. Abstract Constant monitoring of the oral health state in children is a major component of the health care system. The European indicators of oral health - European Global Oral Health Indicators Development, 2005 (EGOHID) are one of the most accessible “tools” used to identify unfavourable factors that can reduce the effectiveness of preventive measures at the community level. They are specific and quite informative in identifying risk factors for the development of oral diseases in children. The purpose of this study was to assess the in formative value of European indicators to identify factors influencing the oral health state in children of school age. Within the international pilot project launched in three cities - Chisinau (Republic of Moldova), Minsk (Belarus) and Ternopol (Ukraine) 600 children aged 12 to 15 years have been subjected to examination of the oral cavity and questioning, using European indicators of oral health - EGOHID, 2005. Besides these, there were used record cards to assess the dental status as well as questionnaires proposed by the WHO in 2013. Most of the 15 indicators studied showed a high informative value and specificity in identifying risk factors for the development of oral diseases and reduction of the effectiveness of dental caries prevention programs at community level. Thus, the results of this work justify the need for use of a set of indicators, but not isolatedly. This ensures reliable results under all conditions

    The new WHO card for epidemiological research of dental and periodontal diseases

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    U radu je prikazan novi karton Svjetske zdravstvene organizacije (WHO) za epidemiološka istraživanja oralnog zdravlja. Konstatirano je da je novi karton za procjenu stanja oralnog zdravlja i utvrđivanje potreba sanacije vrlo praktičan i primjenjiv u našim uvjetima, te da ga treba što prije početi koristiti u našoj zemlji za sve epidemiološke studije. Njegova primjena omogućit će komparaciju nalaza u našoj sredini s odgovarajućim podacima za populacije ostalih zemalja svijeta koje koriste navedeni karton u epidemiološkim istraživanjima.A presentation is made of the new WHO Card for Epidemiological Research of Oral Health. The new card for the assessment of the state of oral health and the establishment of needs for sanation is very practical and applicable to our conditions. Our Health Service should start using it in all epidemiological studies as soon as possible. The use of this new card will make it possible to compare the findings made m Yugoslavia with corresponding data for the populations of other cuntries in which this card has already been introduced and used in epidemiological studies

    The new WHO card for epidemiological research of dental and periodontal diseases

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    U radu je prikazan novi karton Svjetske zdravstvene organizacije (WHO) za epidemiološka istraživanja oralnog zdravlja. Konstatirano je da je novi karton za procjenu stanja oralnog zdravlja i utvrđivanje potreba sanacije vrlo praktičan i primjenjiv u našim uvjetima, te da ga treba što prije početi koristiti u našoj zemlji za sve epidemiološke studije. Njegova primjena omogućit će komparaciju nalaza u našoj sredini s odgovarajućim podacima za populacije ostalih zemalja svijeta koje koriste navedeni karton u epidemiološkim istraživanjima.A presentation is made of the new WHO Card for Epidemiological Research of Oral Health. The new card for the assessment of the state of oral health and the establishment of needs for sanation is very practical and applicable to our conditions. Our Health Service should start using it in all epidemiological studies as soon as possible. The use of this new card will make it possible to compare the findings made m Yugoslavia with corresponding data for the populations of other cuntries in which this card has already been introduced and used in epidemiological studies

    Sub-arcsecond SMA observations of the prototype Class 0 object VLA1623 at 1.3 mm: A single protostar with a structured outflow cavity ?

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    We present 1.3-mm subarcsecond SMA observations of the prototypical Class 0 protostar VLA1623. We report the detection of 1.3-mm continuum emission both from the central protostellar component VLA1623 and two additional sources, Knot-A and Knot-B, which have been already detected at longer wavelengths. Knot-A and Knot-B are both located along the western cavity wall opened by the protostellar outflow from VLA1623. Our SMA observations moreover show that these two continuum sources are associated with bright, high-velocity 12CO(2-1) emission, slightly shifted downstream of the outflow propagation direction with respect to the 1.3-mm continuum emission peaks. The alignment of Knot-A and Knot-B along the protostellar outflow cavity, the compactness of their 1.3-mm continuum emission and the properties of the associated CO emission suggest that these two sources trace outflow features due to shocks along the cavity wall, rather than protostellar objects. While it was considered as one of the best examples of a close protobinary system so far, the present analysis suggests that the prototypical Class 0, VLA1623, is single on the scales a>100 AU probed by our SMA observations. Moreover, we present here the second robust case of compact millimeter continuum emission produced by interactions between the protostellar jet and the envelope of a Class 0 protostar, which suggests a high occurrence of these outflow features during the embedded phase.Comment: Accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysics. Low resolution figure

    The immediate environment of the Class 0 protostar VLA1623, on scales of ~50-100 AU, observed at millimetre and centimetre wavelengths

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    We present high angular resolution observations, taken with the Very Large Array (VLA) and Multiple Element Radio Linked Interferometer Network (MERLIN) radio telescopes, at 7mm and 4.4cm respectively, of the prototype Class 0 protostar VLA1623. At 7mm we detect two sources (VLA1623A & B) coincident with the two previously detected components at the centre of this system. The separation between the two is 1.2arcsec, or ~170AU at an assumed distance of 139pc. The upper limit to the size of the source coincident with each component of VLA1623 is ~0.7arcsec, in agreement with previous findings. This corresponds to a diameter of ~100AU at an assumed distance of 139pc. Both components show the same general trend in their broadband continuum spectra, of a steeper dust continuum spectrum shortward of 7mm and a flatter spectrum longward of this. We estimate an upper limit to the VLA1623A disc mass of <0.13Msol and an upper limit to its radius of ~50AU. The longer wavelength data have a spectral index of \alpha~0.6+/-0.3. This is too steep to be explained by optically thin free-free emission. It is most likely due to optically thick free-free emission. Alternatively, we speculate that it might be due to the formation of larger grains or planetesimals in the circumstellar disc. We estimate the mass of VLA1623B to be <0.15M$sol. We can place a lower limit to its size of ~30x7 AU, and an upper limit to its diameter of ~100AU. The longer wavelength data of VLA1623B also have a spectral index of \alpha~0.6+/-0.3. The nature of VLA1623B remains a matter of debate. It could be a binary companion to the protostar, or a knot in the radio jet from VLA1623A.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figures, 1 table, accepted for publication in MNRA

    A VLA search for young protostars embedded in dense cores

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    Four dense cores, L1582A, L1689A, B133 and B68, classified as prestellar in terms of the absence of detectable NIR emission, are observed at radio wavelengths to investigate whether they nurture very young protostars. No definite young protostars were discovered in any of the four cores observed. A few radio sources were discovered close to the observed cores, but these are most likely extragalactic sources or YSOs unrelated to the cores observed. In L1582A we discovered a weak radio source near the centre of the core with radio characteristics and offset from the peak of the submillimeter emission similar to that of the newly discovered protostar in the core L1014, indicating a possible protostellar nature for this source. This needs to be confirmed with near- and/or mid-infrared observations (e.g. with Spitzer). Hence based on the current observations we are unable to confirm unequivocally that L1582A is starless. In L1689A a possible 4.5-sigma radio source was discovered at the centre of the core, but needs to be confirmed with future observations. In B133 a weak radio source, possibly a protostar, was discovered at the edge of the core on a local peak of the core submm emission, but no source was detected at the centre of the core. Thus, B133 is probably starless, but may have a protostar at its edge. In B68 no radio sources were discovered inside or at the edge of the core, and thus B68 is indeed starless. Four more radio sources with spectral indices characteristic of young protostars were discovered outside the cores but within the extended clouds in which these cores reside. Conclusions: We conclude that the number of cores misclassified as prestellar is probably very small and does not significantly alter the estimated lifetime of the prestellar phase.Comment: Accepted by A&


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    An objective of this study was the evaluation of the European oral health indicators in assessing the possible correlation between behavioral habits and dental status of school children.Materials and Methods. The meta-analysis of dental literature and analytical dental epidemiology was employed, using the EGOHID-2005 system. Oral hygiene, dental caries and gingival bleeding were assessed in 12–15-year-old children in Kiev and Minsk.Results. An increasing trend of DMFT was estimated in 12-year-old children in most localities studied. Prevalence of dental caries varied from 2.0 to 4.0 DMFT; gingival bleeding in 15-year-olds: 15%-98%. The major factors which could make a negative effect on oral health were non-observance of recommended frequency of toothbrushing, low motivation in using of fluoridated toothpastes and everyday eating of sweet food.Conclusion. The EGOHID system was a valuable method for determination of the negative behavioral habits affecting oral health of school children.Мета: визначити значущість ряду поведінкових факторів ризику карієсу зубів і хвороб періодонта у дітей м. Києва шляхом порівняння різних рівнів цих захворювань в інших місцевостях шести країн.Матеріали і методи. Проведено метааналіз вітчизняної та міжнародної наукової стоматологічної літератури і власних раніше опублікованих робіт з аналітичної епідеміології карієсу в мм. Києві, Мінську та інших містах за результатами міжнародного проекту EGOHID у 2013–15 рр. з нашою участю.Результати. У м. Києві, як і в інших досліджених місцевостях, за останні 30–40 років спостерігалося зростання інтенсивності карієсу постійних зубів ключової вікової групи 12-річних дітей. Основними детермінантами каріозної хвороби були недотримання дітьми рекомендованого режиму чищення зубів і недостатня мотивація у використанні фторвмісних зубних паст.Висновки. «Інструменти» Європейських індикаторів стоматологічного здоров'я дозволяють визначити значущість поведінкових факторів ризику карієсу зубів і хвороб періодонта серед дітей шкільного віку, що необхідно для підвищення ефективності програм профілактики

    Planning and Development Strategies for Holy Trinity, Alabama

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    This report was written at the behest of and with the support of the Missionary Servants of the Most Holy Trinity for the School of City and Regional Planning course, CP 6052 second-year masters studio. The course is comprised of 16 Masters in City and Regional Planning candidates (MCRP) at the Georgia Institute of Technology in Atlanta, Ga.The Missionary Servants of the Most Holy Trinity (MSMHT) own and oversee parcels of rural land in Russell County, Alabama. The Missionary Servants are currently exploring and assessing how best to develop and utilize these major land holdings. By developing the land, members hope to provide services to their constituents, meet and help the needs of the larger community, and ensure a reliable source of income to fund Mission activities, all while promoting the principles of the Catholic Church as enunciated by MSMHT founder Father Thomas Judge, “Be good, do good, and be a power for good.” Towards this goal, the Missionary Servants have sought out the services and expertise of the School of City and Regional Planning Department of the Georgia Institute of Technology. MSMHT looked to Professor Michael Dobbins and professional planner Ray White for advice and guidance on how to best develop the land. The School subsequently formed a graduate level studio planning course around the project. Over the course of the Fall 2011 academic term, graduate students in the studio con­ducted site visits, interviewed stakeholders, solicited advice and guidance from subject-matter experts, examined the underlying data, engaged in quantitative analysis, created projections, generated maps and spatial analyses, and assessed various ideas and project proposals. Hundreds of hours were devoted to this project, with Professor Dobbins and Mr. White providing overall coordination, management, and expert guidance. The final report is presented here. It takes the form of a land management evaluation and pro­posal. The report is broken down into four major sections. The first section, “Description of Holy Trin­ity and Environs,” provides the background and context for the property located at the Holy Trinity site. Items in this section include a discussion of pertinent economic, housing, and demographic issues. This section addresses the composition of the land and environment, examines the social, cultural and busi­ness forces in the surrounding community and region, and provides an overview of the Church’s activi­ties in the area. The second section focuses on “Land Management.” This part of the report assesses current and potential revenue streams and amounts for the Mission. It also identifies and explores opportunities for Holy Trinity to partner with various businesses, investors, community and nonprofit organizations, and local and regional government offices and consortiums in furthering the goals of development, commu­nity service, and environmental preservation. The third section is devoted to “Development.” This portion analyzes and assesses various de­velopment possibilities for the property. It focuses on four potential scenarios for the land, consisting of agriculture industry, service provision, a town center concept, and/or environmental preservation. It also addresses land development from a functions perspective, examining how certain projects and pro­grams could realize the interests and meet some of the goals of the Mission and the larger community. Issues of infrastructure, design, policy and legal mechanisms, and recommendations are also contained in this section. A timeline for project planning and implementation accompanies these three sections. The re­port concludes with final land management recommendations, addresses long-term planning efforts, and furnishes contact and resource information.Michael Dobbins and Raymond Whit

    Practical implementation of community, evidence-based programmes for prevention of oral diseases

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    The Metaanalysis was employed to review the scientific dental literature along with the author&#039;s own research for evaluation of the possibility of practical implementation evidence-based programmes for primary prevention of dental caries and periodontal disease on a community level. It is believed that the community programme have to comprise a situation analysis, long-term measurable goals and a system of evaluation. The author is sharing his experience in the development, implementation and monitoring of the oral health prevention programme in Belaru