27 research outputs found

    Interest in teaching between aspiring teachers of Science and Technology to begin the process of initial training

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    La formaci贸n inicial del profesorado de ense帽anza secundaria se encuentra en un proceso de cambio en el que resulta necesario ampliar la investigaci贸n sobre todos los aspectos relacionados con la mejora de los programas de formaci贸n. En este contexto nos parece importante explorar el inter茅s de los futuros profesores de ciencia y tecnolog铆a hacia la profesi贸n docente. Por tal motivo, hemos realizado una investigaci贸n sobre el pensamiento inicial de los profesores de ense帽anza secundaria en formaci贸n, cuyos resultados se muestran en este trabajo. Creemos que hay que tener en cuenta las motivaciones y actitudes de los futuros profesores en la formaci贸n inicial para fomentar el desarrollo de la identidad profesional docente

    Inter茅s por la docencia entre aspirantes a profesores de Ciencia y Tecnolog铆a al comenzar el proceso de formaci贸n inicial

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    La formaci贸n inicial del profesorado de ense帽anza secundaria se encuentra en un proceso de cambio en el que resulta necesario ampliar la investigaci贸n sobre todos los aspectos relacionados con la mejora de los programas de formaci贸n. En este contexto nos parece importante explorar el inter茅s de los futuros profesores de ciencia ytecnolog铆a hacia la profesi贸n docente. Por tal motivo, hemos realizado una investigaci贸n sobre el pensamiento inicial de los profesores de ense帽anza secundaria en formaci贸n, cuyos resultados se muestran en este trabajo.Creemos que hay que tener en cuenta las motivaciones y actitudes de los futuros profesores en la formaci贸n inicial para fomentar el desarrollo de la identidad profesional docente

    Injury profile in elite acrobatic gymnasts compared by gender

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    Acrobatic gymnastics is associated with injury risk. The aim of the study was to gain knowledge on injury incidence, type and severity in acrobatic gymnasts of both sexes. An epidemiologic, descriptive, cross-sectional study was conducted involving 54 gymnasts: 23 males and 31 females aged 14 to 23. The training characteristics (training time: days and hours), as well as the injuries suffered (site, type, severity and moment of injury) were assessed. A total of 89 injuries were recorded. Injury incidence was 9.85/1,000 h of exposure among women and 9.15 among men. The highest percentage of injuries was located in the lower limb, with no significant differences based on sex. Ligament injuries were the most common among women, while tendonitis prevailed among men. The majority of injuries occurred while performing group skills in the technical part of the session (27% during dynamic and 23.6% during static skills), bases suffered a greater number of injuries than tops. It was concluded that muscle and ligament injuries were the most common injury types, the lower limb the most frequently affected body region and moderate the most frequent severity level in both sexes. The variables sex and role were associated with injury incidence

    Motivos de inter茅s por la docencia e identidad profesional. Una aproximaci贸n a partir de la opini贸n del futuro profesorado de Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales

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    El objetivo de este estudio ha sido analizar el papel de los motivos de inter茅s por la docencia y su聽repercusi贸n en la construcci贸n de la identidad profesional docente, examinando su implicaci贸n聽desde la perspectiva del proceso de formaci贸n inicial del futuro profesorado de secundaria dehumanidades y ciencias sociales. Se realiz贸 un an谩lisis descriptivo a partir de los datos de un聽cuestionario compuesto por 12 铆tems, cuya respuesta se abord贸 mediante una escala tipo Likert聽con 4 niveles (4 = mucho a 1 = nada). Mediante el m茅todo de an谩lisis de tablas de contingencia nose han detectado argumentos concluyentes que expliquen el inter茅s por la docencia como salida聽laboral. A煤n as铆, el estudio聽NA APROXIMACI脫N A PARTIR聽de correlaci贸n ha confirmado la caracterizaci贸n de una tendencia聽vocacional, no predominante, y otra alternativa, condicionada por una percepci贸n positiva del聽entorno docente. Se ha observado que la falta de compromiso, un sentido de pertenencia d茅bil, ladificultad para proyectar los valores individuales sobre la realidad educativa, o el聽cuestionamiento de esta profesi贸n como medio para satisfacer sus necesidades y expectativas,聽condicionan la formaci贸n de un perfil profesional docente. Estos resultados ponen de manifiesto la聽necesidad de dise帽ar un proceso de formaci贸n inicial del profesorado que destaque el prop贸sitovocacional de los estudios, se base en una ense帽anza reflexiva a partir de la investigaci贸n y la聽discusi贸n, y permita un acercamiento a la real idad docente, dotando al futuro profesor de聽competencias y habilidades

    Injury profile in elite acrobatic gymnasts compared by gender

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    Acrobatic gymnastics is associated with injury risk. The aim of the study was to gain knowledge on injury incidence, type and severity in acrobatic gymnasts of both sexes. An epidemiologic, descriptive, cross-sectional study was conducted involving 54 gymnasts: 23 males and 31 females aged 14 to 23. The training characteristics (training time: days and hours), as well as the injuries suffered (site, type, severity and moment of injury) were assessed. A total of 89 injuries were recorded. Injury incidence was 9.85/1,000 h of exposure among women and 9.15 among men. The highest percentage of injuries was located in the lower limb, with no significant differences based on sex. Ligament injuries were the most common among women, while tendonitis prevailed among men. The majority of injuries occurred while performing group skills in the technical part of the session (27% during dynamic and 23.6% during static skills), bases suffered a greater number of injuries than tops. It was concluded that muscle and ligament injuries were the most common injury types, the lower limb the most frequently affected body region and moderate the most frequent severity level in both sexes. The variables sex and role were associated with injury incidence

    Teaching professional identity of candidates for secondary school teachers

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    Dentro de la l铆nea de investigaci贸n sobre el pensamiento de los docentes, en este trabajo se muestran los resultados de un estudio destinado a explorar las ideas y motivaciones de los futuros profesores de educaci贸n secundaria sobre la profesi贸n docente y la formaci贸n pedag贸gica necesaria para ser profesor en esta etapa educativa. Mediante el Cuestionario sobre inter茅s por la docencia y la formaci贸n inicial (Pontes, Ariza y S谩nchez, 2010) se han explorado las opiniones de 353 alumnos y alumnas del curso de formaci贸n inicial para la docencia, que constituyen aproximadamente la cuarta parte de los estudiantes de la Universidad de C贸rdoba en los dos pasados cursos, es decir, los 煤ltimos que han cursado el CAP y los primeros que han realizado el M谩ster de Profesorado de Educaci贸n Secundaria. Entre los resultados se ha encontrado que los motivos de inter茅s profesional por la docencia obedecen a diferentes causas y que est谩n relacionados con distintas concepciones previas sobre la profesi贸n y la formaci贸n docente. Los resultados obtenidos contribuyen al avance de la investigaci贸n sobre el desarrollo inicial de la identidad profesional docente entre los profesores y profesoras en formaci贸n y ofrecen claves para la mejora del proceso de formaci贸n inicial del profesorado de secundaria.Within the line of investigation over teacher鈥檚 thinking, we show with this paper the results obtained from a research which aim was to explore the ideas and motivation of future secondary school teachers towards the teacher profession and the pedagogic training needed for being teacher in this educational stage. Through the Questionnaire about interest to teaching and initial training (Pontes, Ariza y S谩nchez, 2010) we have explored the opinions of 353 students of the course of initial training for teachers, comprising a quarter of the students of the past two courses of the University of Cordoba and being the last students of the CAP and the first of the Master degree. Among the results we have found that professional interests towards teaching obey to different reasons and that these reasons are related to diverse prior conceptions about the teacher profession and its training. The results obtained contribute to the advance of the investigation about initial development of the teaching professional identity of training teachers and provide with some keys for the improvement of the initial training process of the secondary school teachers

    Characteristics of patients undergoing robotic-assisted prostatectomy. observational study

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    Introducci贸nLa prostatectom铆a es el tratamiento est谩ndar para pacientes con c谩ncer de pr贸stata localizado. Actualmente, la prostatectom铆a radical asistida por robot es ampliamente utilizada por sus ventajas en visualizaci贸n, precisi贸n y manipulaci贸n de los tejidos. Sin embargo, este abordaje requiere un manejo mul-tidisciplinario, pues el enfoque analg茅sico y anest茅sico es fundamental para optimizar los desenlaces. ObjetivoDescribir los primeros casos de prostatectom铆a radical asistida por robot realizadas en un hospital universitario de cuarto nivel en Bogot谩, Colombia. Metodolog铆aEstudio observacional en el cual se incluyeron todos los pacientes sometidos a prostatectom铆a radical asistida por robot (PRAR) en el hospital Fundaci贸n Santa Fe de Bogot谩 entre septiembre de 2015 y diciembre de 2019. Se excluyeron los pacientes con historia cl铆nica incompleta. Se registraron los datos demogr谩ficos y se revisaron los eventos perioperatorios importantes. ResultadosSe analizaron 301 pacientes. La edad media de pacientes sometidos a PRAR fue 61,4 卤 6,7 a帽os. El tiempo quir煤rgico promedio fue 205 卤 43 minutos y la p茅rdida sangu铆nea media fue 300 [200-400] mL. Solo 6 pacientes (2 %) requirieron transfusi贸n. La edad y el IMC no mostraron una asociaci贸n relevante con los desenlaces cl铆nicos.ConclusionesEl adecuado abordaje perioperatorio en PRAR es importante para minimizar las complicaciones, las cuales en este estudio y en esta instituci贸n fueron infrecuentes.Introduction: Prostatectomy is the standard treatment for patients with clinically localized prostate cancer. Currently, robot-assisted radical prostatectomy (RARP) is widely used for its advantages, as it provides better visualization, precision, and reduced tissue manipulation. However, RARP requires a multidisciplinary approach in which anesthesia and analgesia management are especially important. Objective: This study aims to describe our experience delivering anesthesia for the first cases of patients undergoing RARP in a teaching hospital in Bogot谩, Colombia. Methodology: An observational study was conducted. We included all patients undergoing RARP from September 2015 to December 2019 at Fundaci贸n Santa Fe de Bogot谩. All patients with incomplete data were excluded. Patient demographics were recorded, and significant perioperative events were reviewed. Results: A total of 301 patients were included. At our institution, the mean age for patients undergoing RARP was 61.4 卤 6.7 years. The mean operative time was 205 卤 43 min and mean blood loss was 300 [200-400] mL. Only 6 (2%) patients required transfusion. Age and BMI were not associated with clinical outcomes. Conclusions: An adequate perioperative approach in RARP is important to minimize complications, which in this study and in this institution were infrequent

    Implementation of an improvement cycle in the classroom of German as a foreign language (DaF )

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    Este art铆culo presenta un Ciclo de Mejora en el Aula (CIMA), con una duraci贸n de 8 horas, aplicado a la asignatura Idioma Moderno II (alem谩n), obligatoria de segundo curso en los Grados en Estudios Ingleses y en Filolog铆a Hisp谩nica durante el segundo cuatrimestre del presente curso acad茅mico 2020/21.This article presents an eight-hour-long Improvement Cycle in Classroom (ICIC), which was put into practice in the compulsory subject Modern Language II, taught during the second semester of the current academic year 2020/21 to second year students of bacherlor鈥檚 degrees in English Studies and Hispanic Philolog

    Reasons for interest in teaching and professional identity. An approach based on the opinion of future secondary teachers of Humanities and Social Sciences

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    The aim of this study has been to analyze the role of the motives of interest in teaching and聽its influence on the development of teachers麓 professional identity, examining their involvement聽from the perspective of the initial formation process of the prospective secondary聽schoolteachers of humanities and social sciences. We performed a descriptive analysis of datafrom a questionnaire with 12 items, whose response was addressed by a Likert scale with 4聽levels (4 = much to 1 = none). By the method of analysis of contingency tables have not been聽detected conclusive arguments to explain the interest in teaching as a work. Nevertheless, thecorrelation study has confirmed the characterization of a vocational tendency, not predominant,聽and another alternative, conditioned by a positive perception of the teaching environment. It聽has been observed that lack of commitment, a sense of belonging weak, the difficulty inprojecting the individual values on the educational reality, or the questioning of this profession聽as a way to satisfy their needs and expectations, determine the formation of a teacher麓s聽professional profile. These results highlight the need to design a process of initial聽teacher education to upgrade the vocational purpose of the studies, based on a reflective聽teaching from research and discussion, and allow an insight into the reality of teacher, providing聽the prospective teacher of skills and abilities

    Motivos de inter茅s por la docencia e identidad profesional. Una aproximaci贸n a partir de la opini贸n del futuro profesorado de Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales

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    El objetivo de este estudio ha sido analizar el papel de los motivos de inter茅s por la docencia y su repercusi贸n en la construcci贸n de la identidad profesional docente, examinando su implicaci贸n desde la perspectiva del proceso de formaci贸n inicial del futuro profesorado de secundaria de humanidades y ciencias sociales. Se realiz贸 un an谩lisis descriptivo a partir de los datos de un cuestionario compuesto por 12 铆tems, cuya respuesta se abord贸 mediante una escala tipo Likert con 4 niveles (4 = mucho a 1 = nada). Mediante el m茅todo de an谩lisis de tablas de contingencia no se han detectado argumentos concluyentes que expliquen el inter茅s por la docencia como salida laboral. A煤n as铆, el estudio de correlaci贸n ha confirmado la caracterizaci贸n de una tendencia vocacional, no predominante, y otra alternativa, condicionada por una percepci贸n positiva del entorno docente. Se ha observado que la falta de compromiso, un sentido de pertenencia d茅bil, la dificultad para proyectar los valores individuales sobre la realidad educativa, o el cuestionamiento de esta profesi贸n como medio para satisfacer sus necesidades y expectativas, condicionan la formaci贸n de un perfil profesional docente. Estos resultados ponen de manifiesto la necesidad de dise帽ar un proceso de formaci贸n inicial del profesorado que destaque el prop贸sito vocacional de los estudios, se base en una ense帽anza reflexiva a partir de la investigaci贸n y la discusi贸n, y permita un acercamiento a la realidad docente, dotando al futuro profesor de competencias y habilidades.The aim of this study has been to analyze the role of the motives of interest in teaching and its influence on the development of teachers麓 professional identity, examining their involvement from the perspective of the initial formation process of the prospective secondary schoolteachers of humanities and social sciences. We performed a descriptive analysis of data from a questionnaire with 12 items, whose response was addressed by a Likert scale with 4 levels (4 = much to 1 = none). By the method of analysis of contingency tables have not been detected conclusive arguments to explain the interest in teaching as a work. Nevertheless, the correlation study has confirmed the characterization of a vocational tendency, not predominant, and another alternative, conditioned by a positive perception of the teaching environment. It has been observed that lack of commitment, a sense of belonging weak, the difficulty in projecting the individual values on the educational reality, or the questioning of this profession as a way to satisfy their needs and expectations, determine the formation of a teacher麓s professional profile. These results highlight the need to design a process of initial teacher education to upgrade the vocational purpose of the studies, based on a reflective teaching from research and discussion, and allow an insight into the reality of teacher, providing the prospective teacher of skills and abilities