9 research outputs found

    The consequences of fixed prosthetic constructions on periodontal health

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    Introducere. Sănătatea parodontală joacă un rol important în longevitatea restaurărilor protetice. Planificarea corectă a tratamentului, inclusiv tratamentul protetic sunt esențiale pentru rezultatul pe termen lung al tratamentului stomatologic protetic. Diverși factori de mediu și alimentație pot afecta negativ echilibrul cavității orale, ducând la boli inflamatorii și distructive ale dinților. Pentru a obține un rezultat de succes al tratamentului, medicii proteticieni și parodontologi ar trebui să colaboreze, pentru a spori longevitatea restaurării, pentru a îmbunătăți sănătatea parodontală, precum și pentru a îmbunătăți calitatea vieții pacienților. Scopul. Scopul acestui studiu este de a revizui și prezenta cunoștințele actuale cu privire la aspectele tehnice și clinice ale diferitelor biomateriale protetice și de a evidenția impactul restaurărilor protetice asupra parodonțiului și sănătății parodontale. Materiale și metode. În cadrul studiului am selectat un eșantion de 10 pacienți cu vârsta cuprinsă între 30-60 ani. Au fost confecționate proteze ceramice Crom-Cobalt fabricate prin metoda convențională, proteze ceramice Crom-Cobalt fabricate prin tehnica CAD/CAM și proteze din zirconiu fabricate prin tehnica CAD/CAM. Fixarea a fost realizată prin cimentare. Ca metode de cercetare am utilizat examene clinice detaliate, inclusiv măsurarea adâncimii pungilor parodontale prin intermediul sondelor parodontale, de asemenea, radiografii intraorale pentru evaluarea nivelului osos.Rezultate. S-a constatat că durata medie de utilizare a construcțiilor protetice fixe este de 8,8 ani, oferind o perspectivă asupra perioadei de funcționalitate a protezei. Prevalența complicațiilor și/sau a eșecurilor protezelor fixe pot include o serie de probleme precum: nepotrivirea nuanțelor, supracontact, deschidere marginală, carie dentară, boli parodontale, sângerare gingivală, margini suprapuse, porțelan fracturat, disconfort, durere, leziuni periapicale, uzură ocluzală, fracturarea bontului dentat. Concluzie. Înainte de a începe un tratamentul protetic, trebuie evaluată starea țesuturilor parodontale, prin educația pacienților privind igiena orală, precum și condițiile gingivale și parodontale. Restaurările pe bază de zirconiu realizate prin tehnica CAD/CAM oferă rezultate mai bune, în ceea ce privește adaptarea marginală, reducerea inflamației, îmbunătățirea și întreținerea sănătății parodontale și a igienei orale, în comparație cu construcțiile realizate prin metoda convențională și din alte aliaje. La evaluarea restaurărilor după pragul de preparare, s-a observat că în comparație cu pragul de preparare subgingivală, pragul preparat supragingival oferă o igienă orală mai bună, care poate fi menținută și nu duce la carii secundare sau la boli parodontale.Introduction. Periodontal health plays an important role in the longevity of prosthodontic restorations. Proper treatment planning and prosthetic treatment are essential for the long-term outcome of prosthetic dental treatment. Various environmental and dietary factors can adversely affect the balance of the oral cavity, leading to inflammatory and destructive diseases of the teeth. To achieve a successful treatment outcome, prosthodontists and periodontists should collaborate, to enhance the longevity of the restoration and improve periodontal health, as well as improve the quality of life for dental patients. Purpose. The aim of this study is to review and present the current knowledge regarding the various technical and clinical aspects of different prosthetic biomaterials and highlight the interactions between periodontal health and prosthetic restorations. Materials and methods. In the study we selected a sample of 10 patients aged 30-60. We used cobalt-chromium ceramic prostheses fabricated by the conventional method, cobalt-chromium ceramic prostheses fabricated by a CAD/CAM technique and zirconium prostheses fabricated by a CAD/CAM technique. Fixation is achieved by cementation. As research methods we used detailed clinical examinations, including measurement of periodontal pocket depth by means of periodontal probes, also intraoral radiographs for bone level assessment.Results. It has been found that the average duration of use of fixed prosthetic constructions is 8.8 years, offering a perspective on the period of functionality of the prosthesis. The prevalence of complications and/or failures of fixed prostheses, which may include a number of problems such as: mismatch of shades, overcontact, marginal opening, caries, periodontal disease, gingival bleeding, overlaping edges, fractured porcelain, discomfort, pain, periapical lesion, occlusal wear, abutment fracture. Conclusion. Before starting prosthetic treatment, the condition of the periodontal tissues should be evaluated for their oral hygiene status, as well as the gingival and periodontal conditions. Zirconium-based restorations made from the CAD/CAM technology provide better results, in terms of marginal fit, inflammation reduction, maintenance, and the restoration of periodontal health and oral hygiene, as compared to constructions made by conventional method and from other alloys. Compared to subgingival margins, the supragingival margins offer better oral hygiene, which can be maintained and does not lead to secondary caries or periodontal disease

    Lung cancer biomarker testing : perspective from Europe

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    A questionnaire on biomarker testing previously used in central European countries was extended and distributed in Western and Central European countries to the pathologists participating at the Pulmonary Pathology Society meeting 26-28 June 2019 in Dubrovnik, Croatia. Each country was represented by one responder. For recent biomarkers the availability and reimbursement of diagnoses of molecular alterations in non-small cell lung carcinoma varies widely between different, also western European, countries. Reimbursement of such assessments varies widely between unavailability and payments by the health care system or even pharmaceutical companies. The support for testing from alternative sources, such as the pharmaceutical industry, is no doubt partly compensating for the lack of public health system support, but it is not a viable or long-term solution. Ideally, a structured access to testing and reimbursement should be the aim in order to provide patients with appropriate therapeutic options. As biomarker enabled therapies deliver a 50% better probability of outcome success, improved and unbiased reimbursement remains a major challenge for the future.Peer reviewe

    Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench. - Plant for the future in Moldavia agriculture (Romania) and for the human nutrition

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    In the climatic conditions of the Center of Moldavia (Romania), there are eight sorghum hybrids cultivated for grains (Arsky, Foehn, Albanus, Shamal, Kalatur şi Armorik, Elan and Alimentar) in order to establish their adaptability to the conditions of the area, by taking into account the current problems of agriculture caused by climate change and the need to find a solutions to fight hunger and improve human health. This study focused on two directions, namely: identifying genotypes that achieve the highest productions and establishing food value and the benefits of sorghum grains on human health by analysing the physico chemical composition of the grains, by determining the mineral content of the grain and by determining the composition in amino acids. The grain production had ranged from 8623 kg/ha to 11181 kg/ha. This production had characterized by a protein content between 8.84 % and 12.80 %, in lipid content between 3.39 % and 4.15 %, in raw fibre content between 2.15 % and 3.95 % and the starch content was between 66.70 % and 74.66 %. The analysed mineral content of the sorghum samples has the following values (mg/100g a.s.): phosphorus - 280 - 330; potassium - 520 - 610; calcium - 2.4 - 3.9; magnesium - 260 - 290; iron - 11.6 - 18.9; zinc - 1.94 - 2.42; copper - 0.23 - 0.36; manganese - 1.60 - 1.97. Analysing the amino acid composition of sorghum samples it can be said that the samples contain all the essential amino acids, in concentrations that, some of them, exceed the recommended daily dose (FAO/WHO/UNU): leucine, isoleucine, histidine, valine. Also the analysed sorghum seeds add an important content of methionine, threonine and phenylalanine

    Antibody and Nanobody Radiolabeling with Copper-64: Solid vs. Liquid Target Approach

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    Antibody and nanobody-based copper-64 radiopharmaceuticals are increasingly being proposed as theranostic tools in multiple human diseases. While the production of copper-64 using solid targets has been established for many years, its use is limited due to the complexity of solid target systems, which are available in only a few cyclotrons worldwide. In contrast, liquid targets, available in virtually in all cyclotrons, constitute a practical and reliable alternative. In this study, we discuss the production, purification, and radiolabeling of antibodies and nanobodies using copper-64 obtained from both solid and liquid targets. Copper-64 production from solid targets was performed on a TR-19 cyclotron with an energy of 11.7 MeV, while liquid target production was obtained by bombarding a nickel-64 solution using an IBA Cyclone Kiube cyclotron with 16.9 MeV on target. Copper-64 was purified from both solid and liquid targets and used to radiolabel NODAGA-Nb, NOTA-Nb, and DOTA-Trastuzumab conjugates. Stability studies were conducted on all radioimmunoconjugates in mouse serum, PBS, and DTPA. Irradiation of the solid target yielded 13.5 ± 0.5 GBq with a beam current of 25 ± 1.2 μA and an irradiation time of 6 h. On the other hand, irradiation of the liquid target resulted in 2.8 ± 1.3 GBq at the end of bombardment (EOB) with a beam current of 54.5 ± 7.8 μA and an irradiation time of 4.1 ± 1.3 h. Successful radiolabeling of NODAGA-Nb, NOTA-Nb, and DOTA-Trastuzumab with copper-64 from both solid and liquid targets was achieved. Specific activities (SA) obtained with the solid target were 0.11, 0.19, and 0.33 MBq/μg for NODAGA-Nb, NOTA-Nb, and DOTA-trastuzumab, respectively. For the liquid target, the corresponding SA values were 0.15, 0.12, and 0.30 MBq/μg. Furthermore, all three radiopharmaceuticals demonstrated stability under the testing conditions. While solid targets have the potential to produce significantly higher activity in a single run, the liquid process offers advantages such as speed, ease of automation, and the feasibility of back-to-back production using a medical cyclotron. In this study, successful radiolabeling of antibodies and nanobodies was achieved using both solid and liquid targets approaches. The radiolabeled compounds exhibited high radiochemical purity and specific activity, rendering them suitable for subsequent in vivo pre-clinical imaging studies

    Predicting the Early Response to Neoadjuvant Therapy with Breast MR Morphological, Functional and Relaxometry Features—A Pilot Study

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    Aim: To evaluate the role of MR relaxometry and derived proton density analysis in the prediction of early treatment response after two cycles of neoadjuvant therapy (NAT), in patients with breast cancer. Methods: This was a prospective study that included 59 patients with breast cancer, who underwent breast MRI prior (MRI1) and after two cycles of NAT (MRI2). The MRI1 included a sequential acquisition with five different TE’s (50, 100, 150, 200 and 250 ms) and a TR of 5000 ms. Post-processing was used to obtain the T2 relaxometry map from the MR acquisition. The tumor was delineated and seven relaxometry and proton density parameters were extracted. Additional histopathology data, T2 features and ADC were included. The response to NAT was reported based on the MRI2 as responders: partial response (>30% decreased size) and complete response (no visible tumor stable disease (SD); and non-responders: stable disease or progression (>20% increased size). Statistics was done using Medcalc software. Results: There were 50 (79.3%) patients with response and 13 (20.7%) non-responders to NAT. Age, histologic type, “in situ” component, tumor grade, estrogen and progesterone receptors, ki67% proliferation index and HER2 status were not associated with NAT response (all p > 0.05). The nodal status (N) 0 was associated with early response, while N2 was associated with non-response (p = 0.005). The tumor (T) and metastatic (M) stage were not statistically significant associated with response (p > 0.05). The margins, size and ADC values were not associated with NAT response (p-value > 0.05). The T2 min relaxometry value was associated with response (p = 0.017); a cut-off value of 53.58 obtained 86% sensitivity (95% CI 73.3–94.2), 69.23 specificity (95% CI 38.6–90.9), with an AUC = 0.715 (p = 0.038). The combined model (T2 min and N stage) achieved an AUC of 0.826 [95% CI: 0.66–0.90, p-value < 0.001]. Conclusions: MR relaxometry may be a useful tool in predicting early treatment response to NAT in breast cancer patients