24 research outputs found

    Priming by Hexanoic Acid Induce Activation of Mevalonic and Linolenic Pathways and Promotes the Emission of Plant Volatiles

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    Hexanoic acid (Hx) is a short natural monocarboxylic acid present in some fruits and plants. Previous studies reported that soil drench application of this acid induces effective resistance in tomato plants against Botrytis cinerea and Pseudomonas syringae and in citrus against Alternaria alternata and Xanthomonas citri. In this work, we performed an in deep study of the metabolic changes produced in citrus by the application of Hx in response to the challenge pathogen A. alternata, focusing on the response of the plant. Moreover, we used 13C labeled hexanoic to analyze its behavior inside the plants. Finally, we studied the volatile emission of the treated plants after the challenge inoculation. Drench application of 13C labeled hexanoic demonstrated that this molecule stays in the roots and is not mobilized to the leaves, suggesting long distance induction of resistance. Moreover, the study of the metabolic profile showed an alteration of more than 200 molecules differentially induced by the application of the compound and the inoculation with the fungus. Bioinformatics analysis of data showed that most of these altered molecules could be related with the mevalonic and linolenic pathways suggesting the implication of these pathways in the induced resistance mediated by Hx. Finally, the application of this compound showed an enhancement of the emission of 17 volatile metabolites. Taken together, this study indicates that after the application of Hx this compound remains in the roots, provoking molecular changes that may trigger the defensive response in the rest of the plant mediated by changes in the mevalonic and linolenic pathways and enhancing the emission of volatile compounds, suggesting for the first time the implication of mevalonic pathway in response to hexanoic application.This work was supported by grants from “Programa de formació del personal investigador” of the Universitat Jaume I (PREDOC/2009/24), the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation AGL2010-22300-C03-01-02 and AGL2013-49023-C03-01-02-R co-funded by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF)

    Responsabilidad ambiental y futuro agrícola en las comarcas de Castellón

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    Material addicional de la ponència presentada al I Congrés Obert i Virtual Castelló 2020. Castelló de la Plana, 201

    Influence of organic matter transformations on the bioavailability of heavy metals

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    6 páginas, 3 tablas.The agricultural use of anaerobically digested sewage sludge (ADSS) as stable, mature compost implies knowing its total content in heavy metals and their bioavailability. This depends not only on the initial characteristics of the composted substrates but also on the organic matter transformations during composting which may influence the chemical form of the metals and their bioavailability. The objective of this work was to examine the relationships between the changes in the organic matter content and humus fractions, and the bioavailability of heavy metals. A detailed sampling at 0, 14, 84, and 140 days of the composting process was performed to measure C contents in humic acids (HAs), fulvic acids, (FAs) and humin, the total content of Zn, Pb, Cu, Ni, and Cd, and also their distribution into mobile and mobilisable (MB), and low bioavailability (LB) forms. Significant changes of C contents in HA, FA, and Humin, and in the FA/HA, HA/Humin and Chumus/TOC ratios were observed during composting. The MB and LB fractions of each metal also varied significantly during composting. The MB fraction increased for Zn, Cu, Ni, and Cd, and the LB fraction increased for Pb. Stepwise linear regressions and quadratic curve estimation conducted on the MB and LB fractions of each metal as dependent on the measured organic variables suggested that Zn bioavailability was mainly associated to percentage of C in FAs. Bioavailability of Cu, Ni and Cd during composting was associated to humin and HAs. Pb concentration increased in the LB form, and its variations followed a quadratic function with the Chumus/TOC ratio. Our results suggest that the composting process renders the metals in more available forms. The main forms of metal binding in the sludge and their availability in the final compost may be better described when metal fractionation obtained in sequential extraction and humus fractionation during composting are considered together.This work was part of the Generalitat Valenciana projects IIARCO2004-A-196, IIARCO2004-A-212, and IIARCO/2004/213, and the national project 135/2004/3 (Ministerio de Medio Ambiente). We thank FACSA Sewage Treatment Plant (Castellón, Spain), and University Jaume I of Castellón (Spain) for providing materials and technical assistance. We thank the two anonymous reviewers for their useful comments on the manuscript.Peer reviewe

    Effect of different substrates for organic agriculture in seedling development of traditional species of Solanaceae

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    Sowing of seedlings is one of the most critical processes on the establishment of a crop, since the future development of the plant depends largely on its health when is planted on the field. Moreover, organic agriculture has to deal with the low application of fertilizers and pesticides, which hinder the growth of seedlings. In this work, we studied the big influence of different mixtures of substrates suitable for organic agriculture based on peat, coconut husk and vermicompost in traditional varieties of tomato, pepper and eggplant. Our results indicate that the use of coconut husk based substrates in organic agriculture can reduce the growth of seedlings between 20 and 30% compared with peat-based substrates. Moreover, the plants growth in this substrate showed lower levels of chlorophyll and lower weight, but the results are strongly dependent on the species tested. Comparison between traditional plants demonstrates that traditional varieties are strongly influenced by the substrate, whereas the growth of a commercial variety of tomato barely differs when different substrates are used. The election of the substrate in organic agriculture is critical to the correct development of the plant, especially when traditional plant varieties are used.This work was carried under the collaboration agreement for training of students between the Universitat Jaume I and El3ments Sun, Water & Land Project

    Implementation of a project-based learning to the coordination of subjects in the Agrifood and Rural Engineering Bachelor

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    The Bachelor’s Degree in Agrifood and Rural Engineering at Universitat Jaume I of Castelló has implemented in the second academic year a multidisciplinary project using a Project-Based Learning as the teaching method. Its final purpose is the acquisition of skills that should help the students to cope with their future career. This teaching-learning system has been used for three consecutive years since the degree was firstly implemented. Once a particular farm is assigned, the students are organized in groups and must fulfill their assigned tasks in a collaborative manner with the final goal of developing a project on that farm including viable improvements of the exploitation, taking into account the issues related to the different subjects involved. This work presents the results obtained along the three years, analyzed from two different points of view: student satisfaction and learning outcomes. Besides, the proposals for improvement of the weaknesses identified during the process are presented. The results show that the used method has promoted the acquisition of the competences proposed. Moreover the multidisciplinary approach has led to better results in the student performance than those obtained by students enrolled in an unidisciplinary project. Although improvement actions have solved some of the problems detected, there are still some weaknesses, mainly related to team working and tutorials that should be addressed in the future.El grado de Ingeniería Agroalimentaria y del Medio Rural de la Universitat Jaume I de Castelló viene aplicando en su segundo curso un proyecto multidisciplinar usando el Aprendizaje Basado en Proyectos como recurso docente en el que se pretende que los estudiantes adquieran competencias que les ayuden a enfrentarse a su futuro profesional. Este sistema de enseñanza-aprendizaje se ha llevado a cabo durante los tres cursos que está implantado el grado. Una vez asignado un tipo de explotación agrícola concreta y utilizando las herramientas del trabajo en equipo, los estudiantes deben ser capaces de desarrollar un proyecto sobre la explotación con propuestas de mejora que sean factibles y que abarquen aspectos relacionados con las diferentes disciplinas implicadas, aplicando los conocimientos adquiridos en éstas. El presente trabajo incluye los resultados obtenidos durante los tres años del proyecto desde dos puntos de vista importantes: la satisfacción del estudiante y los resultados de aprendizaje. Además se presentan las propuestas de mejora aplicadas en cada curso como respuesta a las debilidades detectadas durante el proceso. Los resultados demuestran que el método utilizado ha favorecido la adquisición de las competencias propuestas. Además, el enfoque multidisciplinar ha propiciado mejores resultados que los alcanzados por los estudiantes que realizaron trabajos unidisciplinares. Por otro lado, aunque las acciones de mejora han permitido solventar algunos de los problemas detectados, siguen persistiendo carencias, sobre todo a nivel de trabajo en equipo y de tutorización, que se proponen como mejoras para el futuro

    Project based service-learning experiences in engineering degrees in the Universitat Jaume I

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    In the present communication, a series of project-based service-learning (PBSL) experiences carried out in the Universitat Jaume I de Castelló will be presented. These experiences have been developed both within undergraduate courses and during bachelor thesis. The presentation will point out how these experiences can serve as a tool for teaching coordination at various levels: horizontal coordination within a year in one degree, coordination between different degrees (engineering or non-engineering) to carry out a project in several Bachelor Thesis, inter-university coordination... The potential of these experiences makes them a very powerful methodological tool that can help not, only the students and the extracurricular agents involved, but also the teaching itselfEl aprendizaje-servicio (SL, por sus siglas en inglés) es un método de aprendizaje basado en la experiencia y que responde a una demanda social. Con este método, el aprendizaje se produce a través de un ciclo de acción y reflexión gracias al cual el estudiantado trabaja con otros compañeros y compañeras en un proceso de aplicación de lo que han aprendido a los problemas de la comunidad y, al mismo tiempo, reflexionan sobre la experiencia de perseguir objetivos reales para la comunidad e incrementar su propia comprensión y destrezas, es decir, desarrollan de manera conexa las múltiples dimensiones humanas y cultivan la responsabilidad cívica y social (Eyler & Gilers, 1999)Postprint (published version

    Influence of organic matter transformations on the bioavailability of heavy metals in a sludge based compost

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    [EN] The agricultural use of anaerobically digested sewage sludge (ADSS) as stable, mature compost implies knowing its total content in heavy metals and their bioavailability. This depends not only on the initial characteristics of the composted substrates but also on the organic matter transformations during composting which may influence the chemical form of the metals and their bioavailability. The objective of this work was to examine the relationships between the changes in the organic matter content and humus fractions, and the bioavailability of heavy metals. A detailed sampling at 0, 14, 84, and 140 days of the composting process was performed to measure C contents in humic acids (HAs), fulvic acids, (FAs) and humin, the total content of Zn, Pb, Cu, Ni, and Cd, and also their distribution into mobile and mobilisable (MB), and low bioavailability (LB) forms. Significant changes of C contents in HA. FA, and Humin, and in the FA/HA, HA/Humin and C-humus/TOC ratios were observed during composting. The MB and LB fractions of each metal also varied significantly during composting. The MB fraction increased for Zn, Cu, Ni, and Cd, and the LB fraction increased for Pb. Stepwise linear regressions and quadratic curve estimation conducted on the MB and LB fractions of each metal as dependent on the measured organic variables suggested that Zn bioavailability was mainly associated to percentage of C in FAs. Bioavailability of Cu, Ni and Cd during composting was associated to humin and HAs. Pb concentration increased in the LB form, and its variations followed a quadratic function with the C-humus/TOC ratio. Our results suggest that the composting process renders the metals in more available forms. The main forms of metal binding in the sludge and their availability in the final compost may be better described when metal fractionation obtained in sequential extraction and humus fractionation during composting are considered together. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.This work was part of the Generalitat Valenciana projects IIARCO2004-A-196, IIARCO2004-A-212, and IIARCO/2004/213, and the national project 135/2004/3 (Ministerio de Medio Ambiente). We thank FACSA Sewage Treatment Plant (Castellon, Spain), and University Jaume I of Castellon (Spain) for providing materials and technical assistance. We thank the two anonymous reviewers for their useful comments on the manuscript.Ingelmo Sánchez, F.; Molina, MJ.; Soriano Soto, MD.; Gallardo, A.; Lapeña, L. (2012). Influence of organic matter transformations on the bioavailability of heavy metals in a sludge based compost. Journal of Environmental Management. 95(Suplemento):104-109. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jenvman.2011.04.015S10410995Suplement

    Aigües residuals urbanes depurades: un recurs hídric per a l'agricultura

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    La certesa que l’aigua és un recurs limitat ha portat en les últimes dècades a un increment en els estudis relacionats amb la utilització d’aigües residuals depurades. Ja en els anys setanta es van iniciar estudis com a font alternativa per a reg en comprovar que la seua innocuïtat dependria de molts factors: clima, sòl, origen, espècie vegetal sobre la qual s’utilitzara, etc. La dinàmica de consum i l’increment de la població en el nostre planeta han d’obligar-nos a un aprofitament rigorós de qualsevol reserva hídrica, vigilant la seua influència sobre la salut humana i el medi ambient en general.La certeza de que el agua es un recurso limitado ha llevado en las últimas décadas a un incremento en los estudios relacionados con la utilización de aguas residuales depuradas. Como fuente alternativa para riego se iniciaron estudios ya en los años setenta, al comprobar que su inocuidad iba a depender de muchos factores.’ clima, suelo, origen, especie vegetal sobre la que se utilizara, etc. La dinámica de consumo y el incremento de la población en nuestro planeta deben obligarnos a un aprovechamiento riguroso de cualquier reserva hídrica, vigilando su influencia sobre la salud humana y el medio ambiente en general.The fact that water is a limited resource has produced, in the last decades, an increase of studies related to reclaimed wastewater use. In the seventies, some research was carried out on water as an alternative source to irrigation, and then it was demonstrated that its harmlessness was influenced by factors such as climate, so it, origin, crop irrigation, etc. The increase in consumption and population in our planet should make us exploit any water reserve severely, taking into account its influence on human health and environment