467 research outputs found

    Adolescents, beliefs and help-seeking

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    Background. Mental health services remains the least preferred choice for help-seeking in adolescents. To date, there is scarce literature regarding adolescents’ beliefs about mental health services and how their beliefs have impacted on the decision to seek professional help. Methods. Ten adolescents between 16- to 18- years old, recruited from Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS) in London, participated in the study. Interviews were analysed using Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis (IPA). Results. Five superordinate themes emerged: a multifaceted understanding of beliefs, origination of beliefs, management of beliefs, the therapeutic process as a mechanism for change and the transformed self. Thirteen subthemes were found. Conclusions. The changing nature of beliefs was attributed to adolescents’ experiences of the therapeutic relationship, which led into an evolved sense of self. Adults were relied upon to facilitate the help-seeking process whilst attempting to maintain autonomy. The findings were discussed in relation to previous research and theory, and methodological limitations were acknowledged. Research, clinical practice and policy implications were described, which included further research into the role of beliefs, the importance of fostering person-centred care, and the need for age-appropriate resources to promote public awareness of CAMHS

    Are Plasma Rich Platelets More Effective In Decreasing Chronic Lower Back Pain As Compared To Epidural Injections In Young Adults?

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    Objective: The objective of this selective EBM review is to determine whether or not PRP injections are more effective in decreasing chronic lower back pain as compared to epidural injections in young adults. Study Design: Systematic review of three English language randomized controlled trials (RCTs), all published after 2012. Data Sources: Two double-blind RCTs and one randomized open blinded end point (PROBE), which analyzed the effectiveness of PRP and epidural injections in young adults with chronic lower back pain. All studies were found using PubMed. Outcome(s) Measured: Each of the articles analyzed the pain relief and function ability stated by the patient post PRP injections and epidural injections. These outcomes were measured using the visual analog scale score (VAS), the average of Numeric Rating Scale (NRS), the Oswestry Disability Index (ODI), the Modified Oswestry Disability questionnaire (MODQ), and the Functional Rating Index (FRI). Significance was determined using p-values for all three studies. Results: Manchikanti et al. (2014) found that there was no significant difference between the use of local anesthetic alone compared to local anesthetic and steroid when treating chronic lower back pain in regards to pain and function measured by NRS and ODI scores. Singla et al. (2017) found that the pain significantly decreased at 6 weeks in patients treated with PRP injections compared to the group treated with steroid injections. This study also showed that the efficacy of PRP injections at 3 months was 90% compared to only 25% in the group with steroid injections. Tuakli-Wosornu et al. (2016) found that patients treated with PRP injections showed statistically significant improvements in pain and function 8 weeks post-procedure in regards to NRS best pain and FRI score. Conclusions: the results from the three randomized controlled studies demonstrated that PRP injections are more effective in decreasing chronic lower back pain compared to epidural steroid injections by having less procedures, less adverse effects and providing lasting pain relief

    Boletín Abril 2014, Año 2 N° 1

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    Boletín de Difusión Mensual Evaluación 2014, Abril, Año 2 N°

    Modelación del riesgo de insolvencia en las empresas del sector salud en Colombia: un análisis para el período 2010-2013

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    En este trabajo de investigación, proponemos aplicar un modelo de distribución logística y efectuar una serie de pruebas paramétricas y no paramétricas que permitan predecir el riesgo de insolvencia, con uno, dos y tres años de anterioridad, para las empresas del sector salud de Colombia en el período 2010-2013, utilizando información de la Superintendencia de Sociedades, la Superintendencia de Salud, el Ministerio de Salud, las Secretarías de Salud Departamental y la aplicación de encuestas electrónicas -- Para esto, se parte del análisis fundamental, centrado en los indicadores de rentabilidad, apalancamiento, liquidez y solvencia, y se sigue el trabajo propuesto por Gómez, de la Torre y Román (2008) para pymes industriales en España -- El aporte de esta investigación es el énfasis en las variables financieras y no financieras relacionadas con la calidad en la prestación de los servicios de salud y su efecto en la probabilidad de quiebra -- Como principal hallazgo se establecen los efectos de las variables analizadas y su relación con las variables de otros estudios relacionados, que abren un debate frente a la sostenibilidad de la salud financiera de las empresas del sector salud -- El trabajo no tiene precedente en el país para este secto

    Research Notes : Reaction of soybean c ultivars to Temik (aldicarb) and inheritance of the reaction

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    Temik (aldicarb) is a systemic insecticide not connnonly used in soybeans. Soybean researchers in general have problems to control spider mites in greenhouses. Temik proved to be an excellent product to control these pests

    An analysis of the results of the second and third regional study comparing and explaining: The argentine case –SERCE 2006 and TERCE 2013–

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    El presente artículo tiene como objetivo presentar los principales hallazgos de los resultados comparados del SERCE 2006 y del TERCE 2013, organizado por el Laboratorio Latinoamericano de Evaluación de la Calidad de la Educación (LLECE) de la Oficina Regional de Educación para América Latina y el Caribe (OREALC/UNESCO, Santiago). En esta oportunidad, se hará foco en los desempeños escolares de los alumnos de Argentina y las perspectivas de género. Para ello, se presenta la distribución de los alumnos argentinos, según sus niveles de desempeño y los puntajes promedio en los años escolares y áreas evaluadas; además de los logros de aprendizaje alcanzados por los alumnos argentinos de 3º y 6º año de Educación Primaria, en las áreas de Lenguaje, Matemática y Ciencias Naturales. Estos datos están, además, desagregados por género. Se propone un estudio de tipo exploratorio en el contexto local, a fin de visibilizar procesos y tensiones dentro de una práctica que requiere de múltiples discusiones públicas y miradas reflexivas. Se realizaron algunos análisis de las bases de datos públicas de UNESCO. Además, se llevó a cabo una revisión de los documentos publicados por el LLECE y otros autores que investigaron temas vinculados con el presente artículoThis article aims to present the main findings of the comparative results of the SERCE 2006 and the TERCE 2013, organized by the Latin - American Laboratory for Assessment of Educational Quality (LLECE) of the Regional Education Office for Latin America and the Caribbean (OREALC/UNESCO, Santiago). It will focus on school performance of students in Argentina and gender perspectives in this opportunity. To do this, the distribution of Argentine students is presented, according to their levels of performance and average scores in school years and evaluated areas, in addition, to learning results achieved by students in 3rd and 6th year of Primary Education in the areas of Language, Mathematics and Science. These data are also disaggregated by gender. Exploratory study proposed in the local context, to visualize processes and tensions within a practice that requires multiple public discussions and thoughtful looks. Some analysis of public databases of UNESCO, were made. In addition, it conducted a review of the documents published by the LLECE and other authors who investigated subjects related to this articl

    Concorrência no transporte marítimo de cargas conteinerizadas do e para o Brasil

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    Monografia (graduação)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade de Economia, Administração e Contabilidade, Departamento de Ciências Contábeis e Atuariais, Bacharelado em Ciências Contábeis, 2016.O mercado de transporte marítimo de cargas conteinerizadas apresenta tendência de formação de oligopólio entre os seus principais armadores e, para tanto, foi observada necessidade de investigar quão preservada está a concorrência no setor. No Brasil, este mercado apresenta deficiências estruturais que, associadas às particularidades inerentes ao setor, dificultam a inserção de novas empresas no mercado de forma que estas se tornem competitivas. A análise concorrencial considera, em âmbito nacional, o histórico de defesa da concorrência, o histórico legislativo das relações portuárias e o histórico econômico do país. Em âmbito geral, são considerados o histórico das empresas armadoras, suas estratégias e formas de atuação e as variações na economia e no setor. A abrangência da pesquisa é referente ao setor no Brasil e ao setor no mercado internacional. As informações obtidas foram analisados por meio de bancos de dados governamentais, revisões bibliográficas, notícias e sites especializados de transporte marítimo nacional e internacional. Em análise comparativa das participações de mercado e o seu crescimento entre as empresas armadoras, os resultados são analisados considerando os fatores endógenos e exógenos que possam ter influenciado nos resultados. A partir desta análise, os resultados obtidos expõem uma forte atuação das armadoras no Brasil, no entanto, não são suficientes para configurar a formação de monopólio ou oligopólio. Há destaque para crescimento mais que proporcional da participação de mercado da empresa MSC na série histórica, o que pode sinalizar uma possível falha de mercado em um cenário futuro, caso a tendência perpetue.The shipping Market of container cargo has a tendency to form an oligopoly among its main owners and, therefore, there was a necessity to investigate how preserved is the competition in the industry. In Brazil, the market has structural weaknesses that are associated with the specific characteristics of the sector which results in a difficulty of new companies to integrate into the market and for them to become competitive. The competitive analysis considers at the national level, the history of antitrust, the legislative history of port relations and economic history of the country. In a general context, it is considered the history of shipping companies, their strategies and ways of working, changes in the economy and in the industry. The scope of the research is related to the sector in Brazil and the sector in the international market. The information obtained was analyzed through government databases, literature reviews, news and specialized sites of national and international shipping. Therefore, in a comparative analysis of market share and its growth among the shipping companies, the results are analyzed considering the endogenous and exogenous factors that may have influenced the results. From this analysis, the results expose a strong performance of the ship owners in Brazil. However, these are not enough to set up the formation of monopoly or oligopoly. There is emphasis on a more than proportional growth of the market share on MSC company in the period, which may signal a possible market failure in a future scenario if the trend continues
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