145 research outputs found

    The dilemma of wildfire definition: what it reveals and what it implies

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    This paper presents the results of an explorative survey, based on a questionnaire sent by email, about how wildfire experts, operating in different countries, perceive wildfire and express their mindset by defining "wildfire" from a list of 14 terms and how they justify their preference for the term selected as the most important. Using a five-point Likert Scale, results from 221 valid replies indicate a general convergence toward a reduced number of terms. Six of them exhibit a mean >3.20 (Disturbance, Natural hazard, Climate-sensitive hazard, Socio-ecological hazard, Socio-ecological disturbance, and Social-ecological hazard). The three most preferred terms (i.e., Disturbance, Natural hazard, and Climate-sensitive hazard) reflect wildfire as a natural process or phenomenon (about 59% of the replies). The three terms characterized by both the social and ecological adjectives (i.e., Socio-ecological hazard, Socio-ecological disturbance, Social-ecological hazard) occupy relatively less favorable positions in the ranking. For each term, a synthesis of the explanations given by the respondents is provided, together with a critical comment. Our findings show very different perceptions of wildfires inclusively within the same disciplinary field. In addition, for the same term selected, different definitions are often presented. This reflects sectorial, disciplinary, and personal perspectives of the wildfire phenomenon and the lack of a common understanding of wildfire "nature" (i.e., its own identity). The different perceptions on wildfire concept influence the knowledge that can be used by decision makers to improve wildfire management policies. This work puts into perspective one of the most widespread problems in science: the lack of appropriate and similar terminology across different scientific fields dealing with the same problem. A common conceptualization of the nature of wildfires and the creation of a common language across different scientific fields related to wildfires is of paramount importance to address the complexity of the existing problems, and enhance an interactive communication not only among scientific community but also with stakeholders and citizens

    Evitar os incêndios rurais em Portugal: a necessidade de uma visão holística do problema

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    Apenas os incêndios rurais que têm origem natural são uma inevitabilidade, os outros podem ser evitados. A catástrofe de Pedrógão Grande confirma as fragilidades da política reativa de gestão centrada na extinção, nomeadamente os limites operacionais em caso de comportamentos extremos do fogo, que serão mais frequentes no contexto das alterações climáticas. Neste artigo expomos essas fragilidades e demonstramos os benefícios de promover uma mudança para um paradigma com uma abordagem pró-ativa, uma coexistência menos conflituosa entre as pessoas e o fogo, e uma responsabilidade partilhada entre as organizações e as comunidades. Nesta perspetiva e a partir da compreensão dos incêndios rurais como um fenómeno social e ecológico complexo, criamos o conceito inovador de Fire Smart Territory, que reforça a prevenção e propõe medidas diversificadas para "coexistir com o fogo". A operacionalização do conceito diminuirá a incidência e a severidade dos incêndios e evitará a ocorrência de catástrofes, mesmo em condições meteorológicas extremas

    The deadly avalanche of Rigopiano (Itália): evidences of a constructed local scale disaster

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    Numa perspetiva de desenvolvimento, o uso de recursos naturais e amenidades para atrair investimentos e criar empregos, pode subestimar os riscos naturais existentes. Neste trabalho demonstra-se como decisões locais e aspetos privados e políticos podem interagir aumentando os riscos e criando condições para a ocorrência de desastres à escala local. Em 18 de janeiro de 2017, uma avalancha de categoria 5 (200 000 m3) soterrou sob 4 metros de neve o Hotel Rigopiano, no Parque Nacional de Gran Sasso e Maiella, em Itália. Neste hotel de quatro estrelas, 38 pessoas ficaram bloqueadas no interior quando a avalanche o atingiu. Duas pessoas, que escaparam da avalancha, porque se encontravam no exterior do hotel, contactaram o Centro Operacional de Emergência. As atividades de resgate começaram após algumas horas de mal-entendidos sobre a veracidade do alarme. Depois de alguns dias de esforços frenéticos, realizados 24h / 24h que envolveram até 330 indivíduos, 9 pessoas foram retiradas vivas e em boas condições, enquanto 29 corpos sem vida foram retirados dos escombros. Este trabalho mostra como a conjugação de vários fatores estruturais e conjunturais de origem natural e humana convergiram para criar um desastre. Embora o resort tenha sido construído num local de elevada suscetibilidade às avalanchas e o perigo fosse muito elevado nesse dia, a perda de vidas poderia ter sido evitada, se o hotel tivesse sido evacuado. Este desastre demonstra a reduzida perceção do risco por parte das autoridades locais, que valorizaram mais a capacidade de o hotel criar postos detrabalho e riqueza para a região.In a context of enhancing development, namely using natural resources and amenities to attract investments and create jobs, local interests can undervalue the natural risks. Our work demonstrates how local decisions and private, and political issues can interplay increasing risks and converge in creating a small-scale disaster. On January 18th 2017, an avalanche of size 5 (200,000 m3) buried under 4 meters of snow the Rigopiano Hotel, in the National Park of Gran Sasso and Maiella, in Italy. In this four-star resort, 38 people were blocked inside when the avalanche hit. Two people, who fortuitously escaped the avalanche because they were outside the hotel, contacted the Operational Center for Emergency. Rescue activities started after some hours of misunderstanding about alarm truthfulness. After some days of frantic efforts, carried out 24h/24 by up to 330 people, 9 people were pulled out alive and in good conditions, whereas 29 victims were pulled from wreckage. Our research demonstrates how the coincidence of structural and contingent factors of natural and human origin converged into a disaster. Even though the resort was built on a very hazardous and unsafelocation, and the high level of avalanche danger on that day, the loss of lives could have been avoided by timelyevacuating the people. The final result is tightly related to weak risk awareness of local authorities, which only saw in the resort a job tank

    Statistical Approach to the EMI Modeling of Large ASICs by a Single Noise-Current Source

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    Large and complex ASICs are source of propagating noise inside the powerbus planes. A lumped noise source model is proposed and validated by means of a statistics based method

    Direct Scaling of Measure on Vortex Shedding through a Flapping Flag Device in the Open Channel around a Cylinder at Re ∼ 10^3: Taylor’s Law Approach.

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    none8noThe problem of vortex shedding, which occurs when an obstacle is placed in a regular flow, is governed by Reynolds and Strouhal numbers, known by dimensional analysis. The present work aims to propose a thin films-based device, consisting of an elastic piezoelectric flapping flag clamped at one end, in order to determine the frequency of vortex shedding downstream an obstacle for a flow field at Reynolds number Re∼103 in the open channel. For these values, Strouhal number obtained in such way is in accordance with the results known in literature. Moreover, the development of the voltage over time, generated by the flapping flag under the load due to flow field, shows a highly fluctuating behavior and satisfies Taylor’s law, observed in several complex systems. This provided useful information about the flow field through the constitutive law of the device.openSamuele De Bartolo, Massimo De Vittorio, Antonio Francone, Francesco Guido, Elisa Leone, Vincenzo Mariano Mastronardi, Andrea Notaro, Giuseppe Roberto TomasicchioDE BARTOLO, Samuele; DE VITTORIO, Massimo; Francone, Antonio; Guido, Francesco; Leone, Elisa; Mariano Mastronardi, Vincenzo; Notaro, Andrea; Tomasicchio, Giusepp

    Hydrogeology of the Karst Area of the Grassano and Telese Springs

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    This work deals with the hydraulic phenomenon of the ascendant groundwater flow affecting the karst area of the Grassano and Telese springs (Campania, Southern Italy). It has been investigated through piezometric measurements, discharge and chemical-physical monitoring of springs and measurements of the radon 222Rn activity. The presence of ascendant flows is supported by numerous and different types of evidences in the area: location and topographical position of the springs; amazing density of sinkholes connected to geomorphic processes that develop below the topographic surface and involve the rising of CO2 and H2S rich waters; constancy of the temperature and the electrical conductivity of the spring waters over the time; fluctuation of the radon activity during the hydrological year; increasing of the hydraulic head with depth; presence of artesian conditions in the alluvial plain. Numerical simulations of the groundwater flow also support the general phenomenon of the ascendant flow in the discharge area and represent a useful background to interpret hydrological phenomena in the study area. The results of the simulations are suitable with all the hydrogeological processes observed in the area of the Grassano and Telese springs; this last is thought to belong to the regional groundwater flow system of the Matese massif and represents its discharge zone

    Hereditary thrombocytosis caused by MPLSer505Asn is associated with a high thrombotic risk, splenomegaly and progression to bone marrow fibrosis.

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    Background The MPL(Ser505Asn) mutation has been reported to be a cause of hereditary thrombocythemia. Recently, we detected this mutation in a large proportion of children with familial thrombocythemia, suggesting that in Italy the incidence of MPL(Ser505Asn) mutation could be underestimated. DESIGN AND METHODS: We extended the search for this mutation to all patients with essential thrombocythemia who had a positive family history for thrombocytosis or essential thrombocythemia. We identified eight Italian families positive for the MPL(Ser505Asn) mutation. Clinical and hematologic data were available for members of seven families, including 21 patients with a proven mutation and 20 relatives with thrombocytosis. RESULTS: Fifteen major thrombotic episodes, nine of which were fatal, were recorded among 41 patients. The thrombotic manifestation was stroke in four cases, myocardial infarction in seven cases, fetal loss in two cases, deep vein thrombosis of the leg in one case and Budd Chiari syndrome in one case. Almost all patients over 20 years old had splenomegaly and bone marrow fibrosis, while these were rarely observed in patients under 20 years old, suggesting that these manifestations are associated with aging. Finally, the life expectancy of family members with thrombocytosis was significantly shorter than that of members without thrombocytosis (P=0.003). Conclusions Patients with familial thrombocytosis caused by a MPL(Ser505Asn) mutation have a high risk of thrombosis and, with aging, develop splenomegaly and bone marrow fibrosis, significantly affecting their life expectancy

    Integrated forest management to prevent wildfires under Mediterranean environments

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    This review presents a multidisciplinary framework for integrating the ecological, regulatory, procedural and technical aspects of forest management for fi res prevention under Mediterranean environments. The aims are to: i) provide a foreground of wildfi re scenario; ii) illustrate the theoretical background of forest fuel management; iii) describe the available fuel management techniques and mechanical operations for fi re prevention in forest and wildland-urban interfaces, with exemplifi cation of case-studies; iv)allocate fi re prevention activities under the hierarchy of forest planning. The review is conceived as an outline commentary discussion targeted to professionals, technicians and government personnel involved in forestry and environmental management
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