93 research outputs found

    Estudio inmunohistoquímico del osteosarcoma post-tratamiento con quimioterapia

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    Basados en la observación de un caso original se decidió investigar la composición celular del tejido “neoplásico remanente” en 6 casos de osteosarcoma, 3 tratados y 3 sin tratamiento previo, determinando la presencia de macrófagos mediante inmunohistoquímica (IHQ) para CD68.Facultad de Ciencias Médica

    New records of gastropods from the tropical sea of Peru

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    Cinco especies de gasterópodos: Northia pristis (Deshayes in Lamarck, 1844), Macron aethiops (Reeve, 1847), Latirus concentricus (Reeve, 1847), Terebra elata, Hinds, 1844 y Carinodrilla adonis Pilsbry & Lowe, 1932, se reportan por primera vez para aguas tropicales del mar peruano. Se da información sobre la distribución, el hábitat y comentarios relevantes sobre cada una de las especies.The following species of Gastropoda have been recorded for the first time for tropical Peruvian waters: Northia pristis (Deshayes in Lamarck, 1844), Macron aethiops, (Reeve, 1847), Latirus concentricus (Reeve, 1847) Terebra elata Hinds, 1844, y Carinodrilla adonis Pilsbry & Lowe, 1932. Information on distribution geographical and same relations ecological is presented

    La gestión administrativa en la Institución Conagopare, provincia de Cotopaxi, cantón Latacunga periodo 2023

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    This research work was developed with the objective of diagnosing the Administrative Management in CONAGOPARE Province of Cotopaxi, Canton Latacunga. Administrative management is not a topic that should be taken lightly, since effective management will help the institution in the execution of various activities aimed at coordinating all available resources to comply with the established objectives. One of the main purposes of the research is to collaborate in the gradual and successful improvement of the Administrative Management of CONAGOPARE Cotopaxi. Based on important factors taken from various theories and scientific thoughts of authors with knowledge on the subject, for this reason the methodology used has a quantitative approach, with a non-experimental design and applying cross-sectional studies, in addition to an explanatory and field research. We also applied the survey technique and its instrument called questionnaire, applied to the 10 employees of the institution, the instrument in question is made up of 23 questions based on administrative management, it is also divided into 5 dimensions that establish planning, organization, direction, control and management. The questionnaire helped us to gather precise information on the current state of the organization. In the results of the situational diagnosis it was identified that the Administrative Management of CONAGOPARE Cotopaxi presented a series of deficiencies, for example: low participation of the collaborators in the elaboration of plans and projects of the institution with 30% of negative results, on the other hand it was detected the lack of recognition for work performance with 50% of negativity, in addition it was identified that there is little use of tools for decision making according to 40% of results and finally it was determined the lack of productivity in problem solving with 40% of unfavorable results, This was a great reason to direct the research proposal that focused on the development of strategies for the improvement of administrative management in the institution CONAGOPARE Cotopaxi, within the strategies provided we find the promotion of effective communication, incorporate recognition for job performance, improve decision making and improvement in the management of CONAGOPARE Cotopaxi, it should be noted that each of the proposed strategies are made up of activities, participants, times and respective costs for future implementation. It is also valid to note that the implementation of the proposed strategies will generate economic xi impacts, since the implementation of the proposed strategies will require a considerable economic investment for greater effectiveness; on the other hand, the technical impact generated in the collaborators will also be notable, since the work team will have to adapt to new techniques, knowledge and requirements of the institution. It should also be noted that the beneficiaries will be the internal and external collaborators of the organization. For this reason, it is important to state that this study will contribute to the generation of new knowledge for the professionals of the institution, as well as for future research.El presente trabajo investigativo se desarrolló con el objetivo de diagnosticar la Gestión Administrativa en CONAGOPARE Provincia de Cotopaxi, Cantón Latacunga. La Gestión administrativa no es un tema que deba ser tomado a la ligera, puesto que, el gestionar de manera efectiva ayudará a la institución a la ejecución de diversas actividades orientadas a coordinar todos los recursos disponibles para dar cumplimiento con los objetivos establecidos. Uno de los principales propósitos de la investigación es colaborar en la mejora paulatina y exitosa de la Gestión Administrativa de CONAGOPARE Cotopaxi. Partiendo de factores importantes tomados de diversas teorías y pensamientos científicos de autores con conocimientos sobre el tema, por tal razón la metodología utilizada tiene un enfoque cuantitativo, con un diseño no experimental y aplicando estudios transversales, además de una investigación explicativa y de campo. También se aplicó la técnica de la encuesta y su instrumento denominado cuestionario, aplicado a los 10 funcionarios de la institución, el instrumento en mención está conformado por 23 preguntas en base a la gestión administrativa, asimismo está dividida en 5 dimensiones que establece la planificación, organización, dirección, control y gestión. El cuestionario nos ayudó a recabar información precisa sobre el estado actual en que se encuentra la organización. En los resultados del diagnóstico situacional se pudo identificar que la Gestión Administrativa de CONAGOPARE Cotopaxi presentó una serie de deficiencias como por ejemplo: poca participación de los colaboradores en la elaboración de planes y proyectos de la institución con el 30% de resultados negativos, por otro lado se detectó la falta de reconocimientos por el rendimiento laboral con un 50% de negatividad, además se identificó que existe poca utilización de herramientas para la toma de decisiones de acuerdo con el 40% de resultados y finalmente se determinó la falta de productividad en la solución de problemas con el 40 % de resultados desfavorables, siendo aquello un gran motivo para encaminar la propuesta investigativa que se enfocó en la elaboración de estrategias para el mejoramiento de la gestión administrativa en la institución CONAGOPARE Cotopaxi, dentro de las estrategias proporcionadas encontramos el fomentar una comunicación efectiva, incorporar el reconocimiento para el desempeño laboral, mejorar la toma de decisiones y mejora en la gestión de ix CONAGOPARE Cotopaxi, cabe recalcar que cada una de las estrategias propuestas se encuentran conformadas de actividades, participantes, tiempos y costos respectivos para su futura implementación. También es válido acotar que la ejecución de las estrategias propuestas generara impactos económicos pues para la ejecución de las estrategias planteadas se requiere de una inversión económica considerable para una mayor efectividad, por otro lado el impacto técnico generado en los colaboradores también será notable, pues el equipo de trabajo deberá acoplarse a nuevas técnicas, conocimientos y requerimientos de las institución. Así mismo, cabe recalcar que los beneficiarios serán los colaboradores internos y externos de la organización. Por tal razón es importante exponer que el presente estudio aportará con la generación de nuevos conocimientos tanto para los profesionales de la institución, así como también para futuras investigaciones

    Modulation of cellular energetics by galactose and pioglitazone.

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    The Warburg effect is ameliorated by culturing transformed cells in the presence of galactose instead of glucose as the primary carbon source. However, metabolic consequences that are in addition to sensitizing the cells to mitochondrial toxins may occur. As such, the screening of pharmaceutical agents against transformed cells while using galactose must be carefully evaluated. Pioglitazone is used in clinical applications to treat type-2 diabetes, but clearly has other off target effects. Human hepatocellular carcinoma cells (HepG2) were cultured in glucose or galactosecontaining medium to investigate the role of pioglitazone on cellular bioenergetics employing calorimetry and respirometry. Compared to cells cultured in 10 mM glucose, HepG2 cells cultured in the presence of 10 mM galactose showed decreased metabolic activity as measured by cellular heat flow. Interestingly, cellular heat flow increased after addition of pioglitazone for cells cultured in glucose, but not for cells cultured in galactose. Our calorimetric data indicate that a reduction in cellular capacity for glycolysis might be the mechanism responsible for the increase in sensitivity to pioglitazone, and likely mitochondrial toxins in general, for cells cultured in galactose. Furthermore, oxygen consumption rates were decreased after addition of pioglitazone to cells grown in glucose, but remained unchanged for cells grown in presence of galactose. Taken together, we demonstrate that pioglitazone induced a reduction in mitochondrial activity that was partially compensated via an increase in glycolysis in the presence of glucose

    Nanopurificación de arsénico en aguas contaminadas

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    53 p.En Chile y otros países de América se ha reportado la existencia de población expuesta crónicamente a concentraciones de arsénico en agua de bebida, superiores a las previstas por la normatividad de los países. La acumulación de arsénico en el organismo puede producir alteraciones de la piel, daños en el sistema nervioso, irritación de los órganos del aparato respiratorio, gastrointestinal, y hematopoyético y acumulación en los huesos, músculos y piel, y en menor grado en hígado y riñones. Por esta razón es importante la creación de tecnologías y procesos de purificación de las aguas. Existen variadas alternativas en el tratamiento de efluentes contaminados como la utilización de tecnologías que usan procesos de coagulación, sedimentación, filtración entre otros. La utilización de microorganismos como biosorbentes de metales pesados, ofrece una alternativa potencial a los métodos ya existentes para la destoxificación y recuperación de metales tóxicos presentes en aguas residuales industriales. En el siguiente estudio se evaluó la adsorción de arsénico por Saccharomyces bayanus. Acido Tánico, PANI-EB, PANI-ES, PPVP, PFH-64-OH en una solución de Arsénico 0,25 mg/L en un periodo de contacto de 90 minutos, además se evaluó la capacidad de adsorción de celita y carbón activado con la misma solución de arsénico mediante filtración. El carbón activado fue el que presento mayor eficacia en la adsorción del metal en solución con un 96,4% de captura. La levadura también mostró una alta eficacia en la captura del metal removiendo un 94% del arsénico en solución, PFH-64-OH y acido tánico también mostraron una alta actividad adsorbente sin embargo PPVP no mostro capacidad adsorbente

    Análisis y propuesta de implementación de herramientas Lean Logistics en los almacenes de producto terminado de una empresa láctea

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    Se desarrolló la consultoría de negocios en una empresa peruana dedicada a la fabricación y comercialización de alimentos, principalmente de productos lácteos importantes para la nutrición de las familias peruanas, cuenta con varios años en el mercado peruano e internacional. La consultoría se realizó con el objetivo de identificar el problema central en el área de almacenes de producto terminado, de la unidad de negocios de alimentos, que ha tenido una serie de reclamos e indicadores no favorables. Se utilizó la metodología del ciclo de Deming y las herramientas de priorización de causas por factores, matrices de enfrentamiento, diagrama de Ishikawa y diagrama de Pareto. Se identificaron 17 problemas, y al realizar el análisis de las causas raíz más importantes se encontraron 21 posibles causas raíz. Luego, se aplicaron las herramientas de la metodología Lean Logistics: Evaluación de Mudas, VSM actual, VSM futuro, 5S, SMED y ANDON en la solución de las causas raíz encontradas. Como base de la implementación, se propuso que la filosofía sea adoptada en primera instancia por los puestos gerenciales y ejecutivos, para producir el efecto de cascada, así como la concientización del personal. Además, se mostraron las posibles mejoras, y se procedió a realizar una revisión de la madurez de los procesos de la unidad de negocios de alimentos de la empresa láctea, con el uso de la matriz de Hammer. Posteriormente, se elaboró el plan de implementación con 36 actividades, y se detalló en el diagrama de Gantt el tiempo estimado de implementación, que fue de 104 días. De igual manera, se calcularon los costos asociados de implementación que ascendieron a S/262, 928, los ahorros moderados que ascendieron a S/16,538 al mes, finalmente se calculó un VAN de S/225, 774 y un payback de 2.4 años.The following executive summary is developed in a company dedicated to manufacturing and marketing food, primarily dairy products, aiming to bring nutrition to Peruvian families. It has been in the Peruvian and international markets for several years. The consultancy objective is to identify the central problem in the finished product warehouse area of the food business unit, which has had a series of complaints and unfavorable indicators. For this purpose, it applied the Deming cycle, tools for prioritizing caused by factors, confrontation matrices, the Ishikawa diagram, and the Pareto diagram. Using the methodologies and tools shows the main problem. Seventeen problems are the priority, and the analysis of the main root causes that generate said problems gives a total of 21 root causes. Applying then, the tools of Lean Logistics methodology: Mudas Evaluation, current VSM, future VSM, 5S, SMED, and ANDON in solving the root causes found. For this, as a basis for the implementation, the cascade effect can be achieved if the management and executive positions embrace the philosophy in the first instance. As well as raise staff awareness. A review of the maturity of the processes of the food business unit of the Diary Company is done after showing the possible improvements, using the Hammer matrix for this purpose. Preparing 36 activities for the implementation plan and the estimated implementation time, which was 104 days, was detailed in the Gantt chart. In the same way, the associated implementation costs are calculated to the amount of S/262,928, and the moderate savings amounted to S/16,538 per month, calculating an NVP of S/225,774 and a payback of 2.4 years

    Toma de decisiones por análisis de valor en los procesos de excavación de sótanos en una edificación urbana en la ciudad de Lima

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    El presente trabajo de investigación se enfoca en el análisis de valor de los diferentes métodos de excavación con el fin de tener las pautas necesarias para saber cómo seleccionar la mejor alternativa. Para ello se emplea el método de ponderación lineal o Scoring de los múltiples criterios corno costos, productividad, seguridad, contaminación ambiental y contaminación sonora eligiendo entre un conjunto de alternativas la que cause la mayor satisfacción posible. También se incluye un análisis funcional que pennite valorar los criterios de comparación en función de las necesidades de los clientes durante la etapa de excavación de sótanos. Finalmente, se aplican todos los conceptos referentes a rendimientos y costos de maquinarias pesadas para excavaciones masivas. Para este estudio se analizará un edificio de 7 pisos, 5 sótanos y 1 cuarto de cisterna ubicado en el distrito de San Isidro, en la calle Chinchón 135. El proyecto contempla áreas para el uso en actividades culturales y cuenta con un área total de 966.42 metros cuadrados

    Isolation, characterization, and immunomodulatory activity evaluation of probiotic strains from colostrum and canine milk

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    BackgroundThis study aimed to characterize potential probiotic strains for use in dogs to prevent infectious enteropathies. Lactic acid bacteria (LAB) isolated from canine milk and colostrum were characterized according to their functional properties, including their resistance to gastrointestinal conditions, inhibitory effect against pathogens, and intestinal adhesion.MethodsThe immunomodulatory effects of the strains were also analyzed in in vitro and in vivo studies. Among the strains evaluated, two LAB strains (TUCO-16 and TUCO-17) showed remarkable resistance to pH 3.0, bile salts, and pancreatin, as well as inhibitory effects against pathogenic Escherichia coli, Salmonella sp., and Clostridium perfringens.ResultsThe TUCO-16 and TUCO-17 strains induced a significant increase in the expression of TNF-α, IL-8, and TLR2 in canine macrophages. The oral administration of TUCO-16 and TUCO-17 strains to mice significantly augmented their resistance to pathogenic E. coli or Salmonella intestinal infections. Both canine strains reduced intestinal damage and pathogen counts in the liver and spleen and avoided their dissemination into the bloodstream. These protective effects were related to the ability of TUCO-16 and TUCO-17 strains to differentially modulate the production of IFN-γ, IFN-β, TNF-α, IL-6, KC, MCP-1, and IL-10 in the intestinal mucosa.ConclusionBoth strains, TUCO-16 and TUCO-17, are potential probiotic candidates for improving intestinal health in dogs, particularly for their ability to inhibit the growth of Gram-negative pathogens common in gastrointestinal infections and modulate the animal's immune response. Further studies are required to effectively demonstrate the beneficial effects of TUCO-16 and TUCO-17 strains in dogs

    Assessment of the genetic risks of a metallic alloy used in medical implants

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    The use of artificial implants provides a palliative or permanent solution for individuals who have lost some bodily function through disease, an accident or natural wear. This functional loss can be compensated for by the use of medical devices produced from special biomaterials. Titanium alloy (Ti-6Al-4V) is a well-established primary metallic biomaterial for orthopedic implants, but the toxicity of the chemical components of this alloy has become an issue of concern. In this work, we used the MTT assay and micronucleus assay to examine the cytotoxicity and genotoxicity, respectively, of an extract obtained from this alloy. The MTT assay indicated that the mitochondrial activity and cell viability of CHO-K1 cells were unaffected by exposure to the extract. However, the micronucleus assay revealed DNA damage and an increase in micronucleus frequency at all of the concentrations tested. These results show that ions released from Ti-6Al-4V alloy can cause DNA and nuclear damage and reinforce the importance of assessing the safety of metallic medical devices constructed from biomaterials

    Measuring the availability of human resources for health and its relationship to universal health coverage for 204 countries and territories from 1990 to 2019: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2019

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    Background: Human resources for health (HRH) include a range of occupations that aim to promote or improve human health. The UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the WHO Health Workforce 2030 strategy have drawn attention to the importance of HRH for achieving policy priorities such as universal health coverage (UHC). Although previous research has found substantial global disparities in HRH, the absence of comparable cross-national estimates of existing workforces has hindered efforts to quantify workforce requirements to meet health system goals. We aimed to use comparable and standardised data sources to estimate HRH densities globally, and to examine the relationship between a subset of HRH cadres and UHC effective coverage performance. Methods: Through the International Labour Organization and Global Health Data Exchange databases, we identified 1404 country-years of data from labour force surveys and 69 country-years of census data, with detailed microdata on health-related employment. From the WHO National Health Workforce Accounts, we identified 2950 country-years of data. We mapped data from all occupational coding systems to the International Standard Classification of Occupations 1988 (ISCO-88), allowing for standardised estimation of densities for 16 categories of health workers across the full time series. Using data from 1990 to 2019 for 196 of 204 countries and territories, covering seven Global Burden of Diseases, Injuries, and Risk Factors Study (GBD) super-regions and 21 regions, we applied spatiotemporal Gaussian process regression (ST-GPR) to model HRH densities from 1990 to 2019 for all countries and territories. We used stochastic frontier meta-regression to model the relationship between the UHC effective coverage index and densities for the four categories of health workers enumerated in SDG indicator 3.c.1 pertaining to HRH: physicians, nurses and midwives, dentistry personnel, and pharmaceutical personnel. We identified minimum workforce density thresholds required to meet a specified target of 80 out of 100 on the UHC effective coverage index, and quantified national shortages with respect to those minimum thresholds. Findings: We estimated that, in 2019, the world had 104·0 million (95% uncertainty interval 83·5–128·0) health workers, including 12·8 million (9·7–16·6) physicians, 29·8 million (23·3–37·7) nurses and midwives, 4·6 million (3·6–6·0) dentistry personnel, and 5·2 million (4·0–6·7) pharmaceutical personnel. We calculated a global physician density of 16·7 (12·6–21·6) per 10 000 population, and a nurse and midwife density of 38·6 (30·1–48·8) per 10 000 population. We found the GBD super-regions of sub-Saharan Africa, south Asia, and north Africa and the Middle East had the lowest HRH densities. To reach 80 out of 100 on the UHC effective coverage index, we estimated that, per 10 000 population, at least 20·7 physicians, 70·6 nurses and midwives, 8·2 dentistry personnel, and 9·4 pharmaceutical personnel would be needed. In total, the 2019 national health workforces fell short of these minimum thresholds by 6·4 million physicians, 30·6 million nurses and midwives, 3·3 million dentistry personnel, and 2·9 million pharmaceutical personnel. Interpretation: Considerable expansion of the world's health workforce is needed to achieve high levels of UHC effective coverage. The largest shortages are in low-income settings, highlighting the need for increased financing and coordination to train, employ, and retain human resources in the health sector. Actual HRH shortages might be larger than estimated because minimum thresholds for each cadre of health workers are benchmarked on health systems that most efficiently translate human resources into UHC attainment