438 research outputs found


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    Given a scenario that starts from the processes of globalization and economic integration, Brazil becomes even more important actor regarding the production and marketing of food. So, the food industry needs to be analyzed to identify the factors and elements that impact its production. For this analysis, it was used the employment, indicator of economic activity, and as a method the descriptive analysis of tables for the period between 2002 and 2011. The main results were the significant employment growth in the period before the international crisis. The largest growth in employment occurred in the North and Midwest, indicating regional decentralization.Diante de um cenário que se inicia a partir dos processos de globalização e integração econômica, o Brasil se torna ator ainda mais importante no que diz respeito à produção e comercialização de alimentos. Com isso, a indústria de alimentos precisa ser analisada para identificar os fatores e elementos que apresentam efeitos sobre sua produção. Para essa análise, foi utilizado o emprego, indicador da atividade econômica, e como método se utilizou da análise descritiva de tabelas relativos ao período entre 2002 e 2011. Os principais resultados encontrados foram o crescimento significativo do emprego no período anterior a crise internacional. O crescimento maior do emprego ocorreu nas regiões Norte e Centro Oeste, indicando desconcentração regional

    Supermarket chains and small farmers in Africa : a new look from the perspective of New Institutional Economics

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    Supermarket chains have expanded and internationalized to become large buyers and distributors in the global agri-food sector. Meanwhile, in Eastern and Southern Africa which is the focus area of this study, collecting data on rural poverty related to small farmers remains daunting. This study investigates the differences between large and small farmers, the transaction costs involved in supplying agricultural products to supermarket chains in Africa and the opportunities and challenges that small farmers face in accessing this market. This study begins with a qualitative exploratory survey and employs a theoretical review of the topic that is informed by New Institutional Economics and Transaction Costs Economic Theory. The study concludes that there are more reasons to believe in the opportunities than in the limitations for small farmers in accessing markets nurtured by supermarket chains after accounting for transaction costs and the organizational challenges involved


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    This paper aims at analyze the effect that a group of macroeconomic variables had on employment in the food industry between 2002 and 2011. The theoretical reference indicated for analysis that this group of macroeconomic variables would be composed by interest rate, income, inflation, exchange rate and exports. To this, it was used the econometric analysis through the multiple linear regression. The analysis showed that the set of variables used in the model explained 20.8% of employment and all independent variables had the expected sign.O objetivo do artigo é analisar o efeito que variáveis de conjuntura macroeconômica exerceram sobre o emprego na indústria de alimentos, entre 2002 e 2011. Para tanto, em primeiro lugar, com base no referencial teórico elaborado, procedeu-se à seleção das seguintes variáveis: juros (Selic), renda, inflação, câmbio e exportações. Em segundo lugar, para captar esta relação (e a magnitude), utilizou-se a análise econométrica, através da regressão linear múltipla. Os resultados encontrados mostram que o conjunto das variáveis utilizadas explica 20,8% das variações no nível de emprego, sendo que todas as variáveis independentes apresentaram o sinal esperado

    Os efeitos da pandemia da Covid-19 sobre o agronegócio e a alimentação

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    It is estimated that the Coronavirus pandemic (Covid-19) will affect food production, distribution and supply in different ways and intensities. In this article, we discuss the scope and depth of the crisis arising from Covid-19 on agriculture and agribusiness in Brazil, and analyze its potential repercussions and effects on family farming, the meat processing sector and food distribution. The methodology was based on a set of indicators and variables on agriculture and agribusiness using both the national context and the global scenario as reference. We sought information from the press and reviewed a wide range of materials and economic data published by various national and international organizations, as well as by private agents. The conclusions of the analysis point out that the pandemic could have beneficial effects and increase the production supply and the international insertion of Brazilian agribusiness. Demand for food is in creasing and it is possible that the United States versus China trade dispute will increase exports. The analysis also indicates potential problems in supplying the domestic market and possible price increases, as well as food price inflation, resulting from both increased demand and production costs due to exchange rate devaluation, which represents a stimulus for exports. The effects of the Covid-19 pandemic on family farming and on the supply of local markets were strongest at the beginning of the pandemic, when there were restrictions on trade and the circulation of products. Public policies and the role of the State were not effective along the crisis, especially with regard to problems of contamination in slaughterhouses. We conclude by suggesting the need to reposition the food system by making it more resilient and sustainable.Estima-se que a pandemia do coronavírus (Sars-Covid-19) deverá repercutir de diversas maneiras e intensidades sobre a produção, a distribuição e a oferta de alimentos. Neste artigo discutimos o alcance e a profundidade da crise decorrente do Covid-19 sobre a agricultura e o agronegócio do Brasil e analisamos as repercussões potenciais e os efeitos da sobre a agricultura familiar, o setor de processamento de carnes e a distribuição de alimentos. A metodologia foi baseada na escolha de um conjunto de indicadores e variáveis sobre a agricultura e o agronegócio tomando como referência o contexto nacional e o cenário global. Buscamos informações da imprensa e revisamos uma ampla quantidade de materiais e dados de conjuntura publicados por diversos organismos nacionais e internacionais, assim como agentes privados. As conclusões da análise apontam que a pandemia poderá ter efeitos benéficos e aumentar a oferta da produção e a inserção internacional do agronegócio do Brasil. A demanda por alimentos está aumentando e é possível que o acirramento da disputa comercial Estados Unidos da América versus China amplie as exportações. A análise também indica problemas potenciais no abastecimento do mercado interno e eventuais aumentos de preços, assim como inflação de alimentos, que decorre tanto do aumento da demanda como dos custos de produção em razão da desvalorização cambial, que representa estímulo à exportação. Os efeitos da pandemia da Covid-19 sobre a agricultura familiar e o abastecimento dos mercados locais foi mais forte no início da pandemia quando houve restrições ao comércio e a circulação de produtos. As políticas públicas e o papel do Estado não se demonstram eficazes na crise, especialmente no que concerne aos problemas de contaminação nos frigoríficos e abatedouros. Encerramos sugerindo para a necessidade de reposicionar o sistema alimentar tornando-o mais resiliente e sustentável

    A concentração do mercado de biodiesel no Brasil

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    Brazil, despite having several potential sources for biodiesel production, has prioritized the use of oleaginous that can generate more workforce jobs including regions that are outside of the economic development process. With this focus and to regulate the market, the National Petrol Agency, since 2005, stipulated that the sale of this product would be happen only through auctions. This article aims to analyze and discuss this concentration of companies that participated of the sixteen auctions already realized. For that, it was used the concentration indicators like Gini’s and Theil’s indexes, and the Partial Concentration index (PC). It was observed that the biodiesel market in Brazil seems to be more concentrated because of its least quantity of qualified companies and for their capacities of competing in an initial period of production. However, from the 4th auction the quantity of participant companies able to produce and participate of the auctions increase and, consequently the concentration level decrease, by the CR4 index. However, Gini’s and Theil‘s indexes, that also consider the sold volumes, demonstrate a concentration increase still in a moderate level. Key words: auctions, familiar agriculture, index of Gini, index of Theil.O Brasil, mesmo possuindo diversas fontes potenciais para a produção de biodiesel, tem priorizado a utilização de oleaginosas que possam gerar maior emprego de mão de obra, incluindo regiões do país que estão à margem do processo de desenvolvimento econômico. Com esse foco e para regular esse mercado, a Agência Nacional do Petróleo (ANP), desde 2005, estipulou que a venda desse produto aconteceria somente através de leilões. Assim, este artigo teve como objetivo analisar e discutir essa concentração de empresas que participaram dos dezesseis leilões já realizados, utilizando indicadores de concentração tais como o índice de Gini e o índice de Theil, e também o índice de Concentração Parcial (CR). Observou-se, então, que o mercado do biodiesel no Brasil mostrou-se inicialmente mais concentrado, tanto pela menor quantidade de empresas habilitadas quanto pelas suas capacidades de competir num período inicial de produção. Porém, a partir do 4º leilão a quantidade de empresas participantes com capacidade de produzir e participar dos leilões se eleva e, consequentemente, faz com que o nível de concentração diminua, pelo índice CR4. No entanto, os índices de Gini e de Theil, que também levam em consideração os volumes vendidos, demonstram uma elevação na concentração, mesmo que ainda em um nível moderado.Palavras-chave: leilões, agricultura familiar, índice de Gini, índice de Theil

    Ex vivo detection and characterization of early dental caries by optical coherence tomography and Raman spectroscopy.

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    Early dental caries detection will facilitate implementation of nonsurgical methods for arresting caries progression and promoting tooth remineralization. We present a method that combines optical coherence tomography (OCT) and Raman spectroscopy to provide morphological information and biochemical specificity for detecting and characterizing incipient carious lesions found in extracted human teeth. OCT imaging of tooth samples demonstrated increased light backscattering intensity at sites of carious lesions as compared to the sound enamel. The observed lesion depth on an OCT image was approximately 290 mm matching those previously documented for incipient caries. Using Raman microspectroscopy and fiber-optic- based Raman spectroscopy to characterize the caries further, spectral changes were observed in PO 42 vibrations arising from hydroxyapa- tite of mineralized tooth tissue. Examination of various ratios of PO 42 n 2 , n 3 , n 4 vibrations against the n 1 vibration showed consistent in- creases in carious lesions compared to sound enamel. The changes were attributed to demineralization-induced alterations of enamel crystallite morphology and/or orientation. OCT imaging is useful for screening carious sites and determining lesion depth, with Raman spectroscopy providing biochemical confirmation of caries. The com- bination has potential for development into a new fiber-optic diagnos- tic tool enabling dentists to identify early caries lesions with greater sensitivity and specificity. © 2005 Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engi