136 research outputs found

    Consumer responses to ethnic targeted marketing

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    __Abstract__ Marketing is impacted more than ever by demographic change, to the extent that practitioners targeting ethnic groups should re-think their approach depending upon the strength with which different generations identify with their cultural heritage

    Are Your Talking to Me?

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    Samenvatting Het eerste deel van dit proefschrift is gericht op taaleffecten, en meer specifiek op de gevolgen van formele en informele aanspreekvormen voor de reacties van de consument. In de meeste van de belangrijkste talen in het wereld, met uitzondering van het hedendaagse Engels en sommige dialecten van het Arabisch, hebben adverteerders en dienstverleners een keuze: de consument met behulp van een formeel of een informeel voornaamwoord aan te spreken (b.v. u of je in het Nederlands, usted of tu in het Spaans, tu of vous in het Frans). Toch was er tot nu toe geen onderzoek naar het effect van formele en informele aanspreekvormen op de reactie van consumenten. In Hoofdstuk 2 tonen we dat de persoonlijkheid van een merk de voorkeuren van consumenten op het gebied van aanspreekvormen beïnvloedt. In zes studies tonen we aan dat de informele aanspreekvorm vaker de voorkeur krijgt en meer positieve reacties uitlokt wanneer zij gebruikt wordt door een warmere merk, terwijl de formele aanspreekvorm vaker de voorkeur krijgt en meer positieve reacties uitlokt wanneer zij gebruikt wordt door een competenter merk. Dit effect wordt gerepliceerd in verschillende taalcontexten en marketing situaties. Ook tonen we dat dit effect verklaard kan worden door het feit dat consumenten informele en formele aanspreekvormen op verschillende manieren associëren met warmte en bekwaamheid, en dat de context waarin de communicatie plaatsvindt gevolgen heeft voor het effect. Ten slotte bespreken we de betekenis van deze bevindingen voor de praktijk en stellen we andere manieren voor waarop merkpersoonlijkheid en positionering een invloed zouden kunnen hebben op de reacties van consumenten op de aanspreekvormen die merken gebruiken. Het tweede deel van dit werk is gericht op het targeten van minderheden. In hedendaagse multiculturele samenlevingen vindt het targeten van etnische groeperingen steeds meer opgang als marketingstrategie. Er zijn ruwweg twee manieren van het targeten van etnische minderheden. De eerste variant is het benaderen van etnische consumenten als hun etnische identiteit geactiveerd is, bijvoorbeeld tijdens een cultureel festival. De tweede variant is het bereiken van consumenten door het gebruik van endorsers of modellen met dezelfde afkomst als de beoogde doelgroep. In Hoofdstuk 3 laten we zien dat de effecten van deze benaderingen verschillen voor eerste en tweede generaties minderheden. Dit heeft belangrijke praktische implicaties. Met name adverteerders die tweede generatie minderheden willen aanspreken op basis van etniciteit dienen zeer zorgvuldig te zijn in hun keuze van een context. De resultaten van ons onderzoek suggereren dat etnische targeting bij tweede generatie minderheden alleen werkt wanneer hun etnische identiteit geactiveerd is. Ook moeten marketeers

    The Impact of Cultural Symbols and Spokesperson Identity on Attitudes and Intentions

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    In today’s multicultural societies, ethnic targeting is increasingly important for marketing. Two main approaches to target ethnic minorities have emerged: messaging consumers when their ethnic identity is most salient, and featuring spokespeople who have the same heritage as the target. We conduct replications of two articles representative of these research streams: Forehand and Deshpandé (2001) and Deshpandé and Stayman (1994). Our findings identify generational status as an important boundary condition for these ethnic targeting strategies

    Utility of Quantitative 99mTc-MAA SPECT/CT for 90yttrium-Labelled Microsphere Treatment Planning: Calculating Vascularized Hepatic Volume and Dosimetric Approach

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    Objectives. The aim of this study was to assess the effectiveness of SPECT/CT for volume measurements and to report a case illustrating the major impact of SPECT/CT in calculating the vascularized liver volume and dosimetry prior to injecting radiolabelled yttrium-90 microspheres (Therasphere). Materials and Methods. This was a phantom study, involving volume measurements carried out by two operators using SPECT and SPECT/CT images. The percentage of error for each method was calculated, and interobserver reproducibility was evaluated. A treatment using Therasphere was planned in a patient with three hepatic arteries, and the quantitative analysis of SPECT/CT for this patient is provided. Results. SPECT/CT volume measurements proved to be accurate (mean error <6% for volumes ≥16 cm3) and reproductive (interobserver agreement = 0.9). In the case report, 99mTc-MAA SPECT/CT identified a large liver volume, not previously identified with angiography, which was shown to be vascularized after selective MAA injection into an arterial branch, resulting in a large modification in the activity of Therasphere used. Conclusions. MAA SPECT/CT is accurate for vascularized liver volume measurements, providing a valuable contribution to the therapeutic planning of patients with complex hepatic vascularization

    Post-synaptic Release of the Neuronal Tissue-Type Plasminogen Activator (tPA)

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    The neuronal serine protease tissue-type Plasminogen Activator (tPA) is an important player of the neuronal survival and of the synaptic plasticity. Thus, a better understanding the mechanisms regulating the neuronal trafficking of tPA is required to further understand how tPA can influence brain functions. Using confocal imaging including living cells and high-resolution cell imaging combined with an innovating labeling of tPA, we demonstrate that the neuronal tPA is contained in endosomal vesicles positives for Rabs and in exosomal vesicles positives for synaptobrevin-2 (VAMP2) in dendrites and axons. tPA-containing vesicles differ in their dynamics with the dendritic tPA containing-vesicles less mobile than the axonal tPA-containing vesicles, these laters displaying mainly a retrograde trafficking. Interestingly spontaneous exocytosis of tPA containing-vesicles occurs largely in dendrites

    Inactive matriptase-2 mutants found in IRIDA patients still repress hepcidin in a transfection assay despite having lost their serine protease activity.

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    L'article final de l'éditeur contient 9 pages. Le manuscrit accepté contient 32 pages.International audienceMutations of the TMPRSS6 gene, which encodes Matriptase-2, are responsible for iron-refractory iron-deficiency anemia. Matriptase-2 is a transmembrane protease that downregulates hepcidin expression. We report one frameshift (p.Ala605ProfsX8) and four novel missense mutations (p.Glu114Lys, p.Leu235Pro, p.Tyr418Cys, p.Pro765Ala) found in IRIDA patients. These mutations lead to changes in both the catalytic and noncatalytic domains of Matriptase-2. Analyses of the mutant proteins revealed a reduction of autoactivating cleavage and the loss of N-Boc-Gln-Ala-Arg-p-nitroanilide hydrolysis. This resulted either from a direct modification of the active site or from the lack of the autocatalytic cleavage that transforms the zymogen into an active protease. In a previously described transfection assay measuring the ability of Matriptase-2 to repress the hepcidin gene (HAMP) promoter, all mutants retained some, if not all, of their transcriptional repression activity. This suggests that caution is called for in interpreting the repression assay in assessing the functional relevance of Matriptase-2 substitutions. We propose that Matriptase-2 activity should be measured directly in the cell medium of transfected cells using the chromogenic substrate. This simple test can be used to determine whether a sequence variation leading to an amino acid substitution is functionally relevant or not

    Mycobacterium abscessus and Children with Cystic Fibrosis

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    We prospectively studied 298 patients with cystic fibrosis (mean age 11.3 years; range 2 months to 32 years; sex ratio, 0.47) for nontuberculous mycobacteria in respiratory samples from January 1, 1996, to December 31, 1999. Mycobacterium abscessus was by far the most prevalent nontuberculous mycobacterium: 15 patients (6 male, 9 female; mean age 11.9 years; range 2.5–22 years) had at least one positive sample for this microorganism (versus 6 patients positive for M. avium complex), including 10 with >3 positive samples (versus 3 patients for M. avium complex). The M. abscessus isolates from 14 patients were typed by pulsed-field gel electrophoresis: each of the 14 patients harbored a unique strain, ruling out a common environmental reservoir or person-to-person transmission. Water samples collected in the cystic fibrosis center were negative for M. abscessus. This major mycobacterial pathogen in children and teenagers with cystic fibrosis does not appear to be acquired nosocomially

    First Evidence of Palytoxin and 42-Hydroxy-palytoxin in the Marine Cyanobacterium Trichodesmium

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    Marine pelagic diazotrophic cyanobacteria of the genus Trichodesmium (Oscillatoriales) are widespread throughout the tropics and subtropics, and are particularly common in the waters of New Caledonia. Blooms of Trichodesmium are suspected to be a potential source of toxins in the ciguatera food chain and were previously reported to contain several types of paralyzing toxins. The toxicity of water-soluble extracts of Trichodesmium spp. were analyzed by mouse bioassay and Neuroblastoma assay and their toxic compounds characterized using liquid chromatography coupled with tandem mass spectrometry techniques. Here, we report the first identification of palytoxin and one of its derivatives, 42-hydroxy-palytoxin, in field samples of Trichodesmium collected in the New Caledonian lagoon. The possible role played by Trichodesmium blooms in the development of clupeotoxism, this human intoxication following the ingestion of plankton-eating fish and classically associated with Ostreopsis blooms, is also discussed

    Granulocyte colony-stimulating factors for febrile neutropenia prophylaxis following chemotherapy: systematic review and meta-analysis

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    Background: Febrile neutropenia (FN) occurs following myelosuppressive chemotherapy and is associated with morbidity, mortality, costs, and chemotherapy reductions and delays. Granulocyte colony-stimulating factors (G-CSFs) stimulate neutrophil production and may reduce FN incidence when given prophylactically following chemotherapy. Methods: A systematic review and meta-analysis assessed the effectiveness of G-CSFs (pegfilgrastim, filgrastim or lenograstim) in reducing FN incidence in adults undergoing chemotherapy for solid tumours or lymphoma. G-CSFs were compared with no primary G-CSF prophylaxis and with one another. Nine databases were searched in December 2009. Meta-analysis used a random effects model due to heterogeneity. Results: Twenty studies compared primary G-CSF prophylaxis with no primary G-CSF prophylaxis: five studies of pegfilgrastim; ten of filgrastim; and five of lenograstim. All three G-CSFs significantly reduced FN incidence, with relative risks of 0.30 (95% CI: 0.14 to 0.65) for pegfilgrastim, 0.57 (95% CI: 0.48 to 0.69) for filgrastim, and 0.62 (95% CI: 0.44 to 0.88) for lenograstim. Overall, the relative risk of FN for any primary G-CSF prophylaxis versus no primary G-CSF prophylaxis was 0.51 (95% CI: 0.41 to 0.62). In terms of comparisons between different G-CSFs, five studies compared pegfilgrastim with filgrastim. FN incidence was significantly lower for pegfilgrastim than filgrastim, with a relative risk of 0.66 (95% CI: 0.44 to 0.98). Conclusions: Primary prophylaxis with G-CSFs significantly reduces FN incidence in adults undergoing chemotherapy for solid tumours or lymphoma. Pegfilgrastim reduces FN incidence to a significantly greater extent than filgrastim