60 research outputs found

    Evaluation of Employees' Recruitment and Adaptation System in a Selected Company

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    Diplomová práce se věnuje posouzení systému přijímání a adaptace zaměstnanců ve vybrané společnosti. Posouzení systému bylo provedeno na základě polostandardizovaného rozhovoru a analýzy dokumentů vybrané společnosti. Tato práce se skládá z několika částí. První část diplomové práce se zabývá teoretickými východisky přijímání a adaptace zaměstnanců. Teoretické poznatky jsou získané z odborné literatury a zákona. V druhé části je charakterizována vybraná společnost. Další část se soustřeďuje na současný systém přijímání a adaptaci zaměstnanců. Závěrečná část obsahuje tři návrhy a doporučení v oblasti přijímání zaměstnanců a čtyři návrhy a doporučení v oblasti adaptace zaměstnanců. Tyto návrhy a doporučení povedou k zefektivnění zmiňovaných systému společnosti.This thesis deals with evaluation of employees’ recruitment and adaptation system in a selected company. Evaluation of system has been done based on semi-structured interview and company document analysis. These works consist of several parts. First part of the thesis inquiries into theoretical knowledge of recruitment and adaptation of employees. Theoretical knowledge is gained from literature and law. The second part characterizes selected company. The next part focuses on the current system of recruitment and adaptation of employees. The final section contains three proposed amendments and recommendations in the field of recruitment and four proposed amendments and recommendations in the field of employees’ adaptation. These proposed amendments and recommendations will improve the efficiency systems which I have mentioned.115 - Katedra managementuvýborn


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    Složené rodiny a perspektiva dětských aktérů: Nové tematické a metodologické přístupy ve výzkumu rodin po rozvodu

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    Tento článek nabízí shrnutí toho, jak se náhled sociálních věd na rozvod a porozvodová uspořádání v posledních několika desetiletích proměňoval. Zároveň bychom rády upozornily na význam dítěte, nejen v procesu re-konstrukce rodin, ale i v obecnějším diskurzu nové sociologie dětství. Text lze rozdělit na dvě části: První část čtenáře seznamuje s demografickými daty indikujícími rozvodovost a existenci složených rodin v České republice. Věnuje se také způsobům, jakými tuto situaci reflektují čeští sociologové a jejich zahraniční kolegové. S cílem upozornit na roli dítěte v procesu utváření nových rodin se druhá část věnuje širším konceptuálním a metodologickým aspektům nového pojetí dětství v sociálních vědách. Aplikaci nového metodologického a tematického přístupu pak představujeme na několika výzkumech týkajících se tématu rozvodu

    Evaluation of Walnut Tree Flowering and Frost Occurrence Probability During 1961-2012

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    Strength and direction of the potential effect of climate change on walnuts is regionally specific (Gauthier and Jacobs, 2011) as climate change will probably affect the spatial distribution of the walnut. This paper evaluated the long-term phenological series (1961-2012) of the beginning of flowering, end of flowering and duration of flowering in walnut tree (Juglans regia) at two phenological stations located in different geographical locations of the Czech Republic but in the same climatic conditions (warm region). Phenological stages were analyzed in relation to growing degree days and to spring frosts occurrence. Onset of the beginning and end of flowering occurred earlier at Velké Pavlovice station (-2.1 and -1.3 days), and conversely occurred later at Doksany station (+1.8 and +1.0). Period of flowering shortened at Doksany station (-0.8 day) and prolonged at Velké Pavlovice station (+1.2 day). The occurrence of days with minimum air temperature < 0 oC during walnut tree flowering was more frequent at Doksany station (in total, 29 days) with absolute minimum value -5.5 oC. At Velké Pavlovice station 5 days with minimum air temperature below 0 oC were found during examined period with absolute minimum value -3.8 oC. The negative trend in number of frost days occurrence during flowering period was found at both stations. Pearson correlation coefficient between phenophase onset (and flowering period) and sums of growing degree days was stronger at Velké Pavlovice station, and the highest value was between period of flowering and temperature sums (0.782). The results confirmed our hypothesis of changes in phenophase onsets and duration of flowering including spring frosts occurrence according to west-east gradient (maritime climate-continental climate).O

    Problematické tranzice k mateřství

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    Mateřství je v dnešních západních společnostech vnímáno jako svobodná volba, nikoli nevyhnutelný ženský úděl. Ženy se v rámci svých možných životních stylů mohou a musí rozhodovat o tom, kdy a za jakých podmínek se chtějí stát matkami, případně jestli vůbec chtějí. Úplná kontrola nad reprodukcí je však jen zdánlivá. Ženy ve svém rozhodování zvažují řadu faktorů, které nemohou ovlivnit. Kromě individuální touhy po dítěti do hry vstupují sociálně a kulturně definované podmínky mateřství (načasování mateřství v životní dráze ženy, stabilní rodinné uspořádání, materiální zabezpečení atd.) a biologické limity reprodukce (omezená doba plodnosti ženy a rizika spojována s mateřstvím v určitém věku). Snaha o naplnění podmínek „správného mateřství“ vede k prodlužování období dočasně chápané bezdětnosti, které může vyústit v bezdětnost celoživotní. V našem výzkumu srovnáváme výpovědi dvou skupin žen, které jsou/byly nuceny v určité fázi svého života čelit situaci, kdy jejich touha po dítěti nebyla v souladu s jinými podmínkami mateřství. V prvním případě jde o ženy, které odkládaly mateřství z důvodu absence podmínky, kterou definovaly jako nezbytnou, ve druhém případě se realizaci rodičovství postavila do cesty fyzická překážka v podobě neplodnosti. Cílem výzkumu je zjistit, jak je utvářena norma správného mateřství a jak je redefinovaná v případě, že jí není možné naplnit

    Repository of drought event impacts across the danube catchment countries between 1981 and 2016 using publicly available sources

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    Drought directly and indirectly affects human society in a number of ways. In many regions of the world climate change will exasperate the effects of droughts, affect national economies more intensely. The main aim of this article was to catalogue and analyze the drought impacts in the 11 Central and South Eastern European states located in the Danube river basin. The identification of dry episodes was based on information from publicly available sources, namely, newspaper and journal articles that reported drought impacts. Information on drought impact occurrences was classified into one of five defined categories in which the drought impact report was most clearly manifested (i.e., agriculture, forestry, soil systems, wildfires and hydrology). In terms of the spatial distribution of drought impacts, individual recorded events were analyzed at the level of EU NUTS regions (or their equivalent in non-EU countries). The analysis highlights country-specific vulnerability to drought. Furthermore, gradual increases in drought events and the number of reported impacts were identified, which was particularly evident in the agricultural sector

    Validity and reliability of drought reporters in estimating soil water content and drought impacts in central Europe

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    Increasing drought is considered one of the major threats associated with climate change in central Europe. To provide an objective, quantitative tool that represents current drought conditions, the Czech Drought Monitor System (CzechDM) was established in 2012. Like other drought monitoring systems worldwide, the CzechDM uses several approaches to provide drought data. However, the CzechDM is unique internationally due to its utilization of a network of voluntary reporters (farmers) who complete a weekly online questionnaire to provide information about soil water content and the impacts of drought on crop yield. In this study, the results from the questionnaires from individual farms were aggregated by district. Reporters’ data were compared and validated with the outputs of the SoilClim model (a core tool of the CzechDM) and with other drought monitoring tools, such as the water balance model, the soil water index and the evaporative stress index. The soil water content estimated by the reporters was significantly correlated (on average r = 0.8) with the outputs of the SoilClim model. Conversely, the correlation between the drought impacts on yield estimated by the reporters and the SoilClim outputs was lower (on average r = 0.4), suggesting that in situ observations by farmers provide additional insights into the occurrence of drought impacts. Importantly, it was found that farmers reported significant drought impacts on yield earlier in the season than any other methods (models or remote sensing). The main findings of this study are that the drought monitoring provided by reporters is a useful and reliable component of the CzechDM. We conclude that weekly reports by farmers represent a significant enhancement to drought monitoring and have potential for use in developing automated approaches that combine in situ, modeling and remote sensing data within a data fusion or machine learning framework

    Phenological sensitivity to climate change is higher in resident than in migrant bird populations among European cavity breeders

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    Many organisms adjust their reproductive phenology in response to climate change, but phenological sensitivity to temperature may vary between species. For example, resident and migratory birds have vastly different annual cycles, which can cause differential temperature sensitivity at the breeding grounds, and may affect competitive dynamics. Currently, however, adjustment to climate change in resident and migratory birds have been studied separately or at relatively small geographical scales with varying time series durations and methodologies. Here, we studied differential effects of temperature on resident and migratory birds using the mean egg laying initiation dates from 10 European nest box schemes between 1991 and 2015 that had data on at least one resident tit species and at least one migratory flycatcher species. We found that both tits and flycatchers advanced laying in response to spring warming, but resident tit populations advanced more strongly in relation to temperature increases than migratory flycatchers. These different temperature responses have already led to a divergence in laying dates between tits and flycatchers of on average 0.94days per decade over the current study period. Interestingly, this divergence was stronger at lower latitudes where the interval between tit and flycatcher phenology is smaller and winter conditions can be considered more favorable for resident birds. This could indicate that phenological adjustment to climate change by flycatchers is increasingly hampered by competition with resident species. Indeed, we found that tit laying date had an additional effect on flycatcher laying date after controlling for temperature, and this effect was strongest in areas with the shortest interval between both species groups. Combined, our results suggest that the differential effect of climate change on species groups with overlapping breeding ecology affects the phenological interval between them, potentially affecting interspecific interactions

    Phenological sensitivity to climate change is higher in resident than in migrant bird populations among European cavity breeders

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    Abstract Many organisms adjust their reproductive phenology in response to climate change, but phenological sensitivity to temperature may vary between species. For example, resident and migratory birds have vastly different annual cycles, which can cause differential temperature sensitivity at the breeding grounds, and may affect competitive dynamics. Currently, however, adjustment to climate change in resident and migratory birds have been studied separately or at relatively small geographical scales with varying time series durations and methodologies. Here, we studied differential effects of temperature on resident and migratory birds using the mean egg laying initiation dates from 10 European nest box schemes between 1991 and 2015 that had data on at least one resident tit species and at least one migratory flycatcher species. We found that both tits and flycatchers advanced laying in response to spring warming, but resident tit populations advanced more strongly in relation to temperature increases than migratory flycatchers. These different temperature responses have already led to a divergence in laying dates between tits and flycatchers of on average 0.94 days per decade over the current study period. Interestingly, this divergence was stronger at lower latitudes where the interval between tit and flycatcher phenology is smaller and winter conditions can be considered more favorable for resident birds. This could indicate that phenological adjustment to climate change by flycatchers is increasingly hampered by competition with resident species. Indeed, we found that tit laying date had an additional effect on flycatcher laying date after controlling for temperature, and this effect was strongest in areas with the shortest interval between both species groups. Combined, our results suggest that the differential effect of climate change on species groups with overlapping breeding ecology affects the phenological interval between them, potentially affecting interspecific interactions