11 research outputs found

    Novel neuroprotective multicomponent therapy for amyotrophic lateral sclerosis designed by networked systems

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    Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis is a fatal, progressive neurodegenerative disease characterized by loss of motor neuron function for which there is no effective treatment. One of the main difficulties in developing new therapies lies on the multiple events that contribute to motor neuron death in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. Several pathological mechanisms have been identified as underlying events of the disease process, including excitotoxicity, mitochondrial dysfunction, oxidative stress, altered axonal transport, proteasome dysfunction, synaptic deficits, glial cell contribution, and disrupted clearance of misfolded proteins. Our approach in this study was based on a holistic vision of these mechanisms and the use of computational tools to identify polypharmacology for targeting multiple etiopathogenic pathways. By using a repositioning analysis based on systems biology approach (TPMS technology), we identified and validated the neuroprotective potential of two new drug combinations: Aliretinoin and Pranlukast, and Aliretinoin and Mefloquine. In addition, we estimated their molecular mechanisms of action in silico and validated some of these results in a well-established in vitro model of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis based on cultured spinal cord slices. The results verified that Aliretinoin and Pranlukast, and Aliretinoin and Mefloquine promote neuroprotection of motor neurons and reduce microgliosis.MHG was recipient of a postdoctoral fellowship from FundaciĂł La maratĂł-TV3 (#110430). This project has received funding from the European Union's Seventh Framework Programme for research, technological development and demonstration under grant agreement No. 306240. PA acknowledges financial support from the Spanish Ministerio de Ciencia e InnovaciĂłn (BIO2013-48222), the European Commission (Agreement no: 306240) and the European Research Council (Agreements no: 614944). RM and MC are Anaxomics Biotech SL employees and JMM is founder and CEO of Anaxomics

    Amino acids in reproductive nutrition and health

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    Amino acids are not only the building blocks of proteins, an indispensable component of cells, but also play versatile roles in regulating cell metabolism, proliferation, differentiation and growth by themselves or through their derivatives. At the whole body level, the bioavailability and metabolism of amino acids, interacting with other macronutrients, is critical for the physiological processes of reproduction including gametogenesis, fertilization, implantation, placentation, fetal growth and development. In fertilization and early pregnancy, histotroph in oviductal and uterine secretions provides nutrients and microenvironment for conceptus (embryo and extraembryonic membranes) development. These nutrients include select amino acids in histotroph (arginine, leucine and glutamine of particular interest) that stimulate conceptus growth and development, as well as interactions between maternal uterus and the conceptus, thus impacting maintenance of pregnancy, placental growth, development and functions, fetal growth and development, and consequential pregnancy outcomes. Gestational protein undernutrition causes fetal growth restriction and predisposes cardiovascular, metabolic diseases and others in offspring via multiple mechanisms, whereas the supplementation of glycine, leucine and taurine during pregnancy partially rescues growth restriction and beneficially modulates fetal programming. Thus, amino acids are essential for the fertility of humans and all animals