514 research outputs found

    A Theory of Dispersion Strengthening

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    Theory of dispersion strengthenin

    Creep of a Recrystallized Aluminum SAP-Type Alloy

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    Creep of a recrystallized aluminum sap-type allo

    Diversity at school as a lever for success?

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    This article examines the democratic ideal of diversity in the broad sense, in the field of education. Based on two case studies of schools in Brussels which meet the challenges of diversity in Brussels in two very different ways, the author uses ethnographic data to put universalist and communitarianist integration models into perspective. She attempts to show that these two types of school do not simply constitute an ethical and philosophical alternative, but that they contribute to shaping different students. Beyond their impact on educational success and segregation, each model of school favours the three logics differently – strategies for success, integration and personal growth – which students must combine within the school environment.Cet article interroge l’idĂ©al dĂ©mocratique de mixitĂ©, au sens large, dans le champ scolaire. A partir de deux Ă©tudes de cas d’écoles bruxelloises qui rĂ©pondent de maniĂšre opposĂ©e aux enjeux de la diversitĂ© Ă  Bruxelles, l’auteure met en perspective, sur la base de donnĂ©es ethnographiques, les modĂšles d’intĂ©gration de types universaliste et communautariste. Elle tente de montrer que ces deux modĂšles-types d’école ne constituent pas une simple alternative Ă©thicophilosophique, mais qu’ils contribuent Ă  façonner des Ă©lĂšves diffĂ©rents. Au-delĂ  de leurs effets sur la rĂ©ussite et la sĂ©grĂ©gation scolaire, chaque modĂšle d’école favorise en effet diffĂ©remment les trois logiques – stratĂ©gies de rĂ©ussite, intĂ©gration et Ă©panouissement personnel – que l’élĂšve se doit d’articuler au sein de l’espace scolaire.Dit artikel bevraagt het democratisch ideaal van gemengdheid, in de brede zin van het woord, binnen het domein van het onderwijs. Op basis van etnografische gegevens uit twee case studies van Brusselse scholen die op verschillende manieren een antwoord bieden op de diversiteit in Brussel, zet de auteur de integratiemodellen van enerzijds universalistisch en anderzijds communautaristisch type tegenover elkaar. Ze tracht aan te tonen dat deze twee modeltypes van scholen geen eenvoudige ethisch-filosofische alternatieven zijn, maar dat ze bijdragen tot het kneden van verschillende leerlingen. Bovenop hun effecten op het welslagen en op de schoolse segregatie, bevordert elk schoolmodel op verschillende manieren de drie logica’s – slaagstrategieĂ«n, integratie en persoonlijke ontplooiing – die de leerling in de schoolse ruimte moet volgen

    L’espace public “revitalisĂ©â€ comme gouvernance de l’intime

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    Cet article interroge certains effets de rĂ©gulation sociale induits par la politique de revitalisation urbaine. A partir de l’étude du cas d’une salle de sport publique rĂ©amĂ©nagĂ©e dans le cadre d’un dispositif de revitalisation Ă  Bruxelles, il met en Ă©vidence le rĂŽle que peut jouer un certain type de design urbain « de revitalisation » dans les rapports Ă  l’environnement matĂ©riel et humain au sein des espaces publics. En utilisant le concept de formant (Chelkoff), il montre en particulier comment les qualitĂ©s objectives de l’édifice se muent en prises pour la perception et, partant, influencent les rapports Ă  l’espace commun et Ă  ceux qui le peuplent. Au-delĂ  du cas local, l’hypothĂšse gĂ©nĂ©rale dĂ©fendue est que, au travers de ce type de design urbain, la politique de revitalisation peut contribuer au dĂ©ploiement ou au rĂ©trĂ©cissement de la sphĂšre d’intimitĂ© des divers groupes d’usagers et ce faisant, module les rapports de pouvoir Ă  ce niveau d’expĂ©rience.This paper examines some effects of social regulation induced by regeneration policy. Based on the case study of a sports room designed in Brussels as part of a regeneration device, it highlights the role played by this kind of urban design in the relations to otherness within the public space. Using the concept of « forming » (Chelkoff), it particularly shows how some features of the building are made salient to the perception and thus influence the relationship to shared space and its users. Beyond the local case, it defends the general assumption that regeneration policy may contribute through urban design to the deployment or the narrowing of the intimacy sphere for social groups concerned and doing so, it influences the power relations at this level of experience

    Introduction: Entangled Temporalities

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    This introduction discusses knowledge production as the negotiation of entangled temporalities embedded in the materials, methods, and institutions of a variety of incongruous practitioners. We begin by exploring the reasons for the rise of temporal multiplicity as a thematic focal point in recent scholarship. From here, we proceed to show what studying entangled temporalities can offer histories of knowledge. First, it enables historians to trace affective and material connections in ways that break with accepted geographies, periodizations, and disciplinary borders. From medieval South Asia to modern-day Siberia, temporal negotiation seems prompted by anxieties over the loss of knowledge and the search for permanence; by the maintenance or foreclosure of bonds of empathy; and by the divergent and occasionally conflicting affordances of artifacts that configure and manipulate time. Second, a focus on temporal entanglements also challenges established conventions and practices of historiography, opening a pathway of reflexivity for historians to write in alternative ways

    Criteria for Yielding of Dispersion-Strengthened Alloys

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    A dislocation model is presented in order to account for the yield behavior of alloys with a finely dispersed second-phase. The criteria for yielding used in the model, is that appreciable yielding occurs in these alloys when the shear stress due to piled-up groups of dislocations is sufficient to fracture or plastically deform the dispersed second-phase particles, relieving the back stress on the dislocation sources. Equations derived on the basis of this model, predict that the yield stress of the alloys varies as the reciprocal square root of the mean free path between dispersed particles. Experimental data is presented for several SAP-Type alloys, precipitation-hardened alloys and steels which are in good agreement with the yield strength variation as a function of dispersion spacing predicted by this theoretical treatment

    Gemengde scholen als hefboom voor succes?

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    Dit artikel bevraagt het democratisch ideaal van gemengdheid, in de brede zin van het woord, binnen het domein van het onderwijs. Op basis van etnografische gegevens uit twee case studies van Brusselse scholen die op verschillende manieren een antwoord bieden op de diversiteit in Brussel, zet de auteur de integratiemodellen van enerzijds universalistisch en anderzijds communautaristisch type tegenover elkaar. Ze tracht aan te tonen dat deze twee modeltypes van scholen geen eenvoudige ethisch-filosofische alternatieven zijn, maar dat ze bijdragen tot het kneden van verschillende leerlingen. Bovenop hun effecten op het welslagen en op de schoolse segregatie, bevordert elk schoolmodel op verschillende manieren de drie logica’s – slaagstrategieĂ«n, integratie en persoonlijke ontplooiing – die de leerling in de schoolse ruimte moet volgen.Cet article interroge l’idĂ©al dĂ©mocratique de mixitĂ©, au sens large, dans le champ scolaire. A partir de deux Ă©tudes de cas d’écoles bruxelloises qui rĂ©pondent de maniĂšre opposĂ©e aux enjeux de la diversitĂ© Ă  Bruxelles, l’auteure met en perspective, sur la base de donnĂ©es ethnographiques, les modĂšles d’intĂ©gration de types universaliste et communautariste. Elle tente de montrer que ces deux modĂšles-types d’école ne constituent pas une simple alternative Ă©thicophilosophique, mais qu’ils contribuent Ă  façonner des Ă©lĂšves diffĂ©rents. Au-delĂ  de leurs effets sur la rĂ©ussite et la sĂ©grĂ©gation scolaire, chaque modĂšle d’école favorise en effet diffĂ©remment les trois logiques – stratĂ©gies de rĂ©ussite, intĂ©gration et Ă©panouissement personnel – que l’élĂšve se doit d’articuler au sein de l’espace scolaire.This article examines the democratic ideal of diversity in the broad sense, in the field of education. Based on two case studies of schools in Brussels which meet the challenges of diversity in Brussels in two very different ways, the author uses ethnographic data to put universalist and communitarianist integration models into perspective. She attempts to show that these two types of school do not simply constitute an ethical and philosophical alternative, but that they contribute to shaping different students. Beyond their impact on educational success and segregation, each model of school favours the three logics differently – strategies for success, integration and personal growth – which students must combine within the school environment

    Goldschmidt, Universalgeschichte des Handelsrechts. 1.Lief

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    Ajakirjanduseetika koodeksi tÔlgendamine vÀhese töökogemusega ajakirjanike poolt

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    KĂ€esoleva töö eesmĂ€rk oli selgitada vĂ€lja, kui oluliseks peavad vĂ€hese töökogemusega ajakirjanikud eetikakoodeksit ja eetilist mĂ”tlemist. Oma töös uurisin, millised on ajakirjanike vÀÀrtused ja kui palju kasutatakse eetikakoodeksit oma igapĂ€evatöös. Lisaks kĂŒsimustele vastamisele tuli intervjueeritavatel lugeda eetikakoodeksit. Ma palusin neil tĂ”lgendada konkereetseid punkte ja tuua vĂ€lja eetilisi dilemmasid. Minu valimiks olid ĂŒheksa ajakirjanikku, kelle töökogemus oli maksimaalselt 6 aastat. Kaks minu valimist olid praktiseerivad tudengid, neli töötasid kohalikus ajalehes ja kolm ĂŒleriiklikus vĂ€ljaandes. Valimi hulgas leidus kolm meest ja kuus naist, neist viis olid Ă”ppinud ajakirjandust ja neli mitte. Minu valitud teemat ja valdkonda on uuritud ka varem, kuid peamiselt on keskendutud professionaalsetele vÀÀrtustele ja suurema töökogemusega ajakirjanikele. Minu töö aga keskendus rohkem eetikakoodeksile ja vĂ€hese töökogemusega ajakirjanikele. Minu bakalaureusetöö tulemusel selgus, et eetikakoodeks ei ole vĂ€hese töökogemusega ajakirjanike jaoks igapĂ€evatöös oluline ja selle roll on hÀÀbumas. Ajakirjanikud olid eetikakoodeksit lugenud ĂŒllatavalt vĂ€he ja pĂ€rat tööle asumist veelgi vĂ€hem. Eetikakoodeksit ei vĂ”eta kui abivahendit, kĂŒsimuste korral pöödutakse teiste ajakirjanike poole toimetuses. Ajakirjanikud leidsid, et eetikakoodeksi pĂ”himĂ”tted on loogilised ja pĂ€he kulunud, mistĂ”ttu seda ka ei kasutata. Ajakirjanikud leidsid veel, et eetikakoodeks on vananenud ja seda tuleks kohandada ka nĂ€iteks sotsiaalmeediale. Töö tulemusel vĂ”ib öelda, et vĂ€hese töökogemusega ajakirjanikud peavad eetikat oluliseks, kuid lĂ€htuvad suurel mÀÀral oma „kĂ”hutundest”. Lisaks kasutatakse sageli kolleegide head nĂ”u ja nende kogemusi. KokkuvĂ”tvalt vĂ”ib öelda, et vĂ€hese töökogemusega ajakirjanike hulgas on eetiline mĂ”tlemine olulisel kohal, kuid eetikakoodeksi roll vĂ€ike. Ajakirjanduseetikakoodeks ei ole praegu ajakirjanikele oluline juhend ning selle muutmiseks tuleb koodeksit tĂ€iendada.http://www.ester.ee/record=b4083335~S1*es

    Survivor Testimonies and the Problem of Time

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    Testimonies of Holocaust survivors have had an essential influence on public engagement with the Shoah in recent decades. Given this importance, the imminent end of the “era of the witness” has sparked fears that the history of the Holocaust could soon be forgotten. The past decades have therefore seen unprecedented efforts to record the testimonies of Holocaust survivors in order to safeguard the immediacy of their accounts. In this essay, I trace how different temporal entanglements have affected the narrated memory of Holocaust survivors and thus also shaped the knowledge of those born later. Focusing on four interviews conducted with a Jewish Holocaust survivor in 1946, 1995, 1998, and 2004 respectively, I explore how biological time, historical time, recording time, and the temporality of narrative have shaped the narrated memories. As I argue, the different temporal entanglements have allowed for starkly different reconfigurations and reconstructions of the past. This renders the study of the epistemic constitutive nature of entangled temporalities important not only for Holocaust studies, but also for the history of knowledge, a field which has recently turned to processes of forgetting and ignorance
