650 research outputs found

    Del centro a la periferia, del nivel nacional al municipal : Análisis del proceso de descentralización fiscal y económica en Loreto, Santiago del Estero, 1993-2003

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    La literatura política y administrativa que debate acerca de la descentralización municipal producida en los noventa, da cuenta de que el caso argentino efectivamente mostró un sostenido proceso de descentralización administrativa y fiscal hacia las instancias inferiores de gobierno, sin embargo, también deja entrever que esto dependerá de cada caso analizado. El foco de interés que guía este trabajo está centrado en el análisis de la política pública de descentralización municipal que se dio en el marco de los procesos de reforma del Estado durante los noventa en el municipio de Loreto, provincia de Santiago del Estero. En este caso particular, se dará relevancia a la dimensión de descentralización fiscal y económica hacia el municipio, para observar el impacto que tuvo en el desenvolvimiento de las capacidades administrativas del gobierno local, y si efectivamente significó el aumento de atribuciones y competencias promovidas y prometidas en el discurso neo-liberal del período. La metodología utilizada en este trabajo se basa en entrevistas a informantes clave en el nivel municipal (no hay datos cuantitativos disponibles en la ciudad)Fil: Lencina, Erika. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación. Instituto de Investigaciones en Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales (UNLP-CONICET); Argentina

    Cartographie d’un parcours spirituel: le symbole de l’alimentation dans l’oeuvre de J. D. Salinger

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    Existe un sistema de símbolos en la obra de Salinger cuya identificación no se presenta claramente y de manera puntual para el crítico, pues debe ser considerado en todas sus manifestaciones a lo largo de la narrativa salingeriana. Este símbolo se construye a partir del papel que cumple la comida en las distintas obras del autor, distinguiendo claramente dos grupos de símbolos relacionados: 1. La comida como símbolo positivo que brinda comunión espiritual, y 2. La comida como símbolo negativo que representa un espíritu colmado de los valores del mundo material, por lo que el vómito se presenta a menudo como símbolo de una actividad purgativa. En este trabajo se pretende realizar una cartografía del símbolo de la alimentación en la obra de J.D. Salinger a partir de sus manifestaciones simbólicas en la superficie textual, buscaremos interpretar sus diversas funciones significativas.There is a symbolic system in Salinger’s work whose identification is unclear and appears inaccurately to the critic, for it hasn’t been considered in all its manifestations throughout Salinger’s narrative. This system is built on the role played by food in the author’s different works, making a distinction between two groups of symbols: 1. Food as positive spiritual symbol that provides spiritual communion, and 2. Food as negative symbol representing a spirit filled with the values of a material world, for which vomit is often presented as symbol of purgative activity. In this paper we will attempt to make a mapping (or cartography) of the feeding symbolism in the work of J.D. Salinger. From its symbolic manifestations on the textual surface, we will seek to interpret its various signifying functions.Il existe un système de symboles dans l’œuvre de Salinger que le critique ne peut ni facilement ni précisément identifier. En effet, il convient d’étudier toutes ses manifestations dans l’ensemble de l’œuvre de l’auteur. Ce symbole se construit à partir du rôle joué par la nourriture chez Salinger. Nous pouvons distinguer deux groupes de symboles reliés entre eux : 1. La nourriture comme symbole positif offrant une communion spirituelle et 2. La nourriture comme que symbole négatif représentant un esprit habité par les valeurs du monde matériel. Dans ce contexte, le vomissement est fréquemment perçu comme symbole d’une activité purgative. Dans ce travail, nous voulons faire une cartographie de la symbolique de l’alimentation dans l’œuvre de J.D. Salinger. A partir de ses manifestations symboliques dans le texte, nous tenterons d’interpréter ses diverses fonctions significatives.Fil: Lencina, Eva Verónica. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de Tucumán. Facultad de Filosofía y Letras. Instituto Interdisciplinario de Literaturas Argentina Comparada; Argentin

    Harpalus (Baeticoharpalus) lopezi, new subgenus and new species of Harpalus from the Iberian Peninsula (Coleoptera, Carabidae: Harpalini)

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    In this paper we describe the new subgenus Baeticoharpalus Serrano & Lencina and a new species Harpalus (Baeticoharpalus) lopezi Serrano & Lencina, based on a unique character combination that includes the pubescence of temples, frons, pronotum and elytra, the lack of mentum tooth, the shape of mouth parts and the male genitalia. The new taxon was collected in Sierra Morena (Pico de Almadén, central Betic Mountains, south Spain) and is geographically isolated from related taxa. Distribution data suggest that this is a relict species. The taxonomic position of the new taxon is discussed in relation to the other Iberian subgenera of Harpalus and the related genera Pangus, Pseudoophonus, Ophonus, etc. A key to Iberian Harpalus and related taxa is included; it illustrates the abundance of homoplasic characters within these taxa and the difficulties to develop a ‘natural’ key for identifying them


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    The food change in Brazil reached its peak of transformation in the 1990s with the arrival of ultra-processed products on the markets. In recent years, the number of people seeking to eat more healthily has grown, not only because of the necessary daily caloric intake indicated by the FAO and other organizations, but also because of the quality of the food that reaches the tables, thus increasing the consumption of organic products and similar. Privileged families such as those in the neighborhood of Icaraí/Niterói, in the metropolitan region of RJ, have easy access to this quality food. The work investigates the food security of young students who share rent on one of the main avenues in the neighborhood. For this, issues of the way of life in this group are investigated based on the organization of time, class, consumption, tastes and culinary skills. Also, from the age and generation markers of the students, the relationship with the 'hunger' category and going through what is considered 'good food'.A mudança alimentar no Brasil atinge seu auge da transformação nos anos 90 com a chegada dos ultraprocessados aos mercados. Nos últimos anos, cresce o número de pessoas que buscam se alimentar de forma mais saudável não somente pela ingestão calórica necessária diária indicada pela FAO e outras organizações, mas também pela qualidade dos alimentos que chegam às mesas, aumentando assim o consumo de produtos orgânicos e semelhantes. Famílias privilegiadas como as do bairro de Icaraí/Niterói, região metropolitana do RJ possuem fácil acesso a essa alimentação de qualidade. O trabalho investiga as práticas alimentares de jovens estudantes que dividem aluguel em uma das principais ruas do bairro. Para isso, são averiguadas questões do modo de vida nesse grupo a partir da organização do tempo, classe, consumo, gostos e habilidades culinárias. Também dos marcadores etários e geracionais das estudantes, a relação com a categoria 'fome' e passando pelo que se considera uma 'boa comida'

    Squared-field amplitude modulus and radiation intensity nonequivalence within nonlinear slabs

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    This paper presents a novel approach to wave propagation inside the Fabry-Perot framework. It states that the time-averaged Poynting vector modulus could be nonequivalent with the squared-field amplitude modulus. This fact permits the introduction of a new kind of nonlinear medium whose nonlinearity is proportional to the time-averaged Poynting vector modulus. Its transmittance is calculated and found to differ with that obtained for the Kerr medium, whose nonlinearity is proportional to the squared-field amplitude modulus. The latter emphasizes the nonequivalence of these magnitudes. A space-time symmetry analysis shows that the Poynting nonlinearity should be only possible in noncentrosymmetric materials.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures, added space-time symmetry analysis and reference