91 research outputs found

    Minimalist Approach to Perceptual Interactions

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    Work aimed at studying social cognition in an interactionist perspective often encounters substantial theoretical and methodological difficulties: identifying the significant behavioral variables; recording them without disturbing the interaction; and distinguishing between: (a) the necessary and sufficient contributions of each individual partner for a collective dynamics to emerge; (b) features which derive from this collective dynamics and escape from the control of the individual partners; and (c) the phenomena arising from this collective dynamics which are subsequently appropriated and used by the partners. We propose a minimalist experimental paradigm as a basis for this conceptual discussion: by reducing the sensory inputs to a strict minimum, we force a spatial and temporal deployment of the perceptual activities, which makes it possible to obtain a complete recording and control of the dynamics of interaction. After presenting the principles of this minimalist approach to perception, we describe a series of experiments on two major questions in social cognition: recognizing the presence of another intentional subject; and phenomena of imitation. In both cases, we propose explanatory schema which render an interactionist approach to social cognition clear and explicit. Starting from our earlier work on perceptual crossing we present a new experiment on the mechanisms of reciprocal recognition of the perceptual intentionality of the other subject: the emergent collective dynamics of the perceptual crossing can be appropriated by each subject. We then present an experimental study of opaque imitation (when the subjects cannot see what they themselves are doing). This study makes it possible to characterize what a properly interactionist approach to imitation might be. In conclusion, we draw on these results, to show how an interactionist approach can contribute to a fully social approach to social cognition

    The Fusion of Smartphone Sensors for Indoor 3D Position and Orientation Estimation

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    The improvement in smartphone technology has encouraged the exploration in field of user experience. The internal inertial navigation system sensors of a smartphone enables it to infer the its three dimensional indoor orientation and position when it is being pointed at certain objects by hand. However, the sensors’ flawed measurements complicate estimation of position and orientation precisely. Previous studies shows that sensor fusion of both internal and external measurements can enhanced the performance. However, those estimations didn’t cover the pointer-like usage. To achieve the possibility of smartphone as pointer, the estimation using sensor fusion has been performed. Unfortunately, these experiments resulted in bad position estimation for small precision, while the orientation estimation was passabl

    Technical innovation in human science: Examples in cognitive technologies

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    In order to show how technological innovation and scientific innovation are linked in the course of research in human science, we present an account of a series of innovations made in our laboratory (Distal Glove – Tactos system – Intertact server – Dialtact module). We will thus see how research on the technical constitution of cognitive and perceptual activities can be associated with a process of innovation. Devices which were initially developed for the purposes of performing experiments contributed both to scientific inventions and to developments with a practical and social finality

    There is something out there: distal attribution in sensory substitution, twenty years later.

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    Sensory substitution constitutes an interesting domain of study to consider the philosopher's classical question of distal attribution: how we can distinguish between a sensation and the perception of an object that causes this sensation. We tested the hypothesis that distal attribution consists of three distinct components: an object, a perceptual space, and a coupling between subjects' movements and stimulation. We equipped sixty participants with a visual-to-auditory substitution device, without any information about it. The device converts the video stream produced by a head-mounted camera into a sound stream. We investigated several experimental conditions: the existence or not of a correlation between movements and resulting stimulation, the direct or indirect manipulation of an object, and the presence of a background environment. Participants were asked to describe their impressions by rating their experiences in terms of seven possible "scenarios". These scenarios were carefully chosen to distinguish the degree to which the participants attributed their sensations to a distal cause. Participants rated the scenarios both before and after they were given the possibility to interrupt the stimulation with an obstacle. We were interested in several questions. Did participants extract laws of co-variation between their movements and resulting stimulation? Did they deduce the existence of a perceptual space originating from this coupling? Did they individuate objects that caused the sensations? Whatever the experimental conditions, participants were able to establish that there was a link between their movements and the resulting auditory stimulation. Detection of the existence of a coupling was more frequent than the inferences of distal space and object

    La constitution de l’expĂ©rience d’autrui

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    Pour un arbitrage entre la thĂ©orie cognitive de l’esprit et la phĂ©nomĂ©nologie de l’intersubjectivitĂ© la technologie simule une situation de croisement perceptif dans un espace virtuel, oĂč la reconnaissance par un agent de la prĂ©sence d’un autre repose uniquement sur l’interaction comportementale. À la justification de Merleau-Ponty et Varela quant au caractĂšre non reprĂ©sentationnel ni infĂ©rentiel de la reconnaissance d’autrui, en dissociant celle-ci d’avec une dĂ©termination spatiale, on ajoutera un analogon technologique de l’expĂ©rience du « visage » comme halo de prĂ©sence non objectivable, d’aprĂšs Levinas.To settle the difference between cognitive theory of mind and phenomenology of intersubjectivity technology simulates a situation of perceptual crossing in a virtual space, where recognition by an agent of the presence of another one relies solely on behavioral interaction. Besides a vindication of Merleau-Ponty and Varela regarding the non representational, non inferential nature of another’s recognition, by disassociating it from spatial determination, technology provides an analogue of the experience of “face”, a non objectifiable halo of presence after Levinas

    Tactile-force-feedback integration as an exemplary case for the sense of touche in VE. A new T-FFD device to explore spatial irregularities

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    International audienceThe tactile-force-feedback (T-FFD) integration is pertinent for (at least) two situations in which the role of tactile should be explored: 1) grip control in tasks of prehension ; 2) exploration of spatial irregularities. We have identified and have begun to explore 4 major cases in which the T-FFD integration is important

    Suppléance perceptive et cognition sociale (étude des interactions tactiles minimalistes)

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    Cette recherche s inscrit dans le cadre de l Ă©laboration d espaces numĂ©riques d interaction tactile, en tant qu ils sont rendus possibles par la connexion en rĂ©seau d un dispositif de supplĂ©ance perceptive. Dans ce contexte, nous avons articulĂ© une recherche appliquĂ©e, centrĂ©e sur les analyses d usage du dispositif dans des contextes Ă©cologiques, Ă  une recherche fondamentale, dirigĂ©e par les questions thĂ©oriques soulevĂ©es par les usages eux-mĂȘmes.Pour cela, la mĂ©thodologie minimaliste nous offre une occasion originale d Ă©tudier la constitution mĂȘme des rencontres interpersonnelles, Ă  travers un espace de couplage sensorimoteur inĂ©dit. Nos rĂ©sultats gĂ©nĂ©raux suggĂšrent que le processus de l interaction est une dynamique relationnelle autonome qui Ă©merge de l engagement mutuel des participants. Dans une approche Ă©nactive et interactionniste de la cognition sociale, il s agit alors de considĂ©rer que le croisement perceptif entre deux sujets, mĂȘme rĂ©duit Ă  son expression la plus simple, consiste en la rencontre de deux activitĂ©s perceptives construisant du sens. Dans le contexte de rencontres strictement dyadiques, nous tentons de caractĂ©riser cette dynamique, de façon Ă  en isoler les Ă©lĂ©ments constitutifs. Nous montrons alors que la coordination interpersonnelle rĂ©sulte d un processus actif de co-ajustements dynamiques qui se joue autant Ă  un niveau microscopique (qualitĂ© de l accroche perceptive) qu Ă  un niveau macroscopique (organisation de sĂ©quences d interaction). Dans le contexte de l exploration mutuelle d un contenu numĂ©rique, nous montrons que cette dynamique d interaction permet aux participants de faire sens de leurs engagements respectifs en fonction des objets prĂ©sents. La coordination des activitĂ©s perceptives se prĂ©sente alors comme le support de la co-constitution d un monde partagĂ© de significations, Ă  travers une comprĂ©hension interpersonnelle ancrĂ©e dans un contexte pragmatique. En outre, l articulation des expĂ©rimentations et des analyses d usage Ă©cologiques nous a conduits Ă  proposer des spĂ©cifications techniques et fonctionnelles pour les espaces numĂ©riques partagĂ©s, de façon Ă  proposer un dispositif pertinent pour les utilisateurs dĂ©ficients visuels.Our research is part of the design of tactile interaction digital spaces, as they are made possible by a network connection between perceptual supplementation devices. Within this framework, we articulated an applied research, focused on the analysis of use of the device in ecological contexts, with a fundamental one, led by theoretical issues raised by the usage itself. In this respect, minimalist methodology gives us an opportunity to study the very constitution of interpersonal encounters, through a new space of sensorimotor coupling for users.Our overall results suggest that interaction process is an autonomous relational dynamics that emerges from the mutual engagement of participants. Within an enactive and interactionist approach of social cognition, we consider that this perceptual crossing, even when reduced to its simplest expression, involves the meeting of two perceptual activities which inherently produce sense. In the context of strictly dyadic encounters, we try to characterize this dynamic, so as to isolate its fundamental features. We show that interpersonal coordination results from an active process of dynamic co-adjustments that unfolds both on a microscopic level (quality of the perceptual coupling) and on a macroscopic level (organization of interaction sequences). In the case of mutual exploration of digital content, we show that this dynamic interaction allows participants to make sense of their respective engagement relatively to the present objects. The coordination of perceptual activities is then presented as a support for the co-constitution of a shared world of meanings, from an interpersonal understanding rooted in a pragmatic context.In addition, these experiments, coupled to ecological usage analysis, have led us to propose technical and functional specifications for shared digital spaces, so as to provide a relevant device for visually impaired users.COMPIEGNE-BU (601592101) / SudocSudocFranceF

    L’engagement mutuel comme condition de succĂšs d’un test de Turing non-verbal une expĂ©rience de croisement perceptif minimaliste: une expĂ©rience de croisement perceptif minimaliste

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    National audience54 participants ont interagi dans un environnement virtuel minimaliste Ă  l’aide d’un dispositif tactile. Chaque participant a rencontrĂ© successivement soit un autre participant, soit un robot programmĂ© pour imiter le comportement humain selon diffĂ©rents degrĂ©s de complexitĂ©. Selon le principe du cĂ©lĂšbre « jeu d’imitation » (Turing, 1950), les participants devaient identifier, tout au long de 16 essais d’une minute, la nature de leur partenaire (humain ou robot). Le caractĂšre minimaliste du dispositif a permis de suivre la co-construction de la dynamique d’interaction, et de confronter cette dynamique avec la rĂ©ponse fournie individuellement par les participants aprĂšs chaque essai. En accord avec l’expĂ©rience princeps du croisement perceptif minimaliste (Auvray, Lenay, & Stewart, 2009), les rĂ©sultats suggĂšrent que l’engagement mutuel des participants prĂ©cĂšde la reconnaissance individuelle des partenaires de l’interaction. Ces rĂ©sultats sont discutĂ©s au regard d’une approche Ă©nactive de la cognition sociale
