330 research outputs found

    Optical Networks and Interconnects

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    The rapid evolution of communication technologies such as 5G and beyond, rely on optical networks to support the challenging and ambitious requirements that include both capacity and reliability. This chapter begins by giving an overview of the evolution of optical access networks, focusing on Passive Optical Networks (PONs). The development of the different PON standards and requirements aiming at longer reach, higher client count and delivered bandwidth are presented. PON virtualization is also introduced as the flexibility enabler. Triggered by the increase of bandwidth supported by access and aggregation network segments, core networks have also evolved, as presented in the second part of the chapter. Scaling the physical infrastructure requires high investment and hence, operators are considering alternatives to optimize the use of the existing capacity. This chapter introduces different planning problems such as Routing and Spectrum Assignment problems, placement problems for regenerators and wavelength converters, and how to offer resilience to different failures. An overview of control and management is also provided. Moreover, motivated by the increasing importance of data storage and data processing, this chapter also addresses different aspects of optical data center interconnects. Data centers have become critical infrastructure to operate any service. They are also forced to take advantage of optical technology in order to keep up with the growing capacity demand and power consumption. This chapter gives an overview of different optical data center network architectures as well as some expected directions to improve the resource utilization and increase the network capacity

    Non-developing ascospores in apothecia of asexually reproducing lichen-forming fungi

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    The presence of apothecia in mixed species (vegetatively reproducing lichens, occasionally producing ascomata) has been interpreted as a mechanism to increase genetic variability in mostly clonal populations. However, spore viability from these apothecia has not been studied. We asked whether ascospores of the mixed species Physconia grisea are viable and thereby contribute to increasing the genetic diversity within populations of this species. An ontogenetic study of spores in cultures of P. grisea and a related sexual species (P. distorta), showed that although mature apothecia from both species produced and discharged meiospores capable of germination, spores from P. grisea were only rarely (0.43 %) able to continue development whereas those from P. distorta germinated and developed successfully. The strongly reduced viability of P. grisea spores suggested that they do not have a strong reproductive function, at least in the two local populations analyzed. Additionally, we show that the segregation of Physconia grisea ssp. lilacina does not have molecular support. [Int Microbiol 2013; 16(3):XXX-XXX]Keywords: Physconia spp. · apothecia · sexual reproduction · germination · ontogenetic development · mixed specie


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    La formación de los profesionales de la educación, alcanza un alto valor en las complejas condiciones actuales. Y es ese el encargo social de la Universidad de Ciencias Pedagógicas “EJV”. Hoy día se exige del claustro y de nuestros investigadores, asumir la compleja tarea de hacer que esta formación logre que nuestros graduados den pasos sólidos en su formación integral para poder asumir sus funciones profesionales desde la perspectiva a favor de lograrla, a su vez, en cada educando, en el camino hacia la educación de calidad, inclusiva y sostenible a la que se aspira. En las actuales y novedosas circunstancias postcovid, hay que considerar en el proceso de formación, los efectos negativos que ha producido en los escolares e incluso docentes, el aislamiento social, la interrupción del tradicional proceso educativo en las escuelas, el vínculo social, el aprendizaje  ahora totalmente individual, la dependencia de las tecnologías con la ayuda de los padres y el ocio todo lo cual que afecta emocional e intelectualmente a los escolares. ¿Cómo preparar a los estudiantes de las carreras pedagógicas para educar en estas nuevas condiciones? ¿Qué cuestiones pedagógicas renovar? El propósito de este artículo es reflexionar sobre las maneras en que se pueda, desde los diferentes contextos de formación,  involucrar a los estudiantes universitarios en un proceso pedagógico integral, de manera que vivan y se apropien de lo que significa la formación integral y así, poder lograrla en sus estudiantes.A formação dos profissionais da educação, atinge um alto valor nas complexas condições atuais. E é essa a responsabilidade social da Universidade de Ciências Pedagógicas "EJV". Hoje em dia exige-se do claustro e dos nossos investigadores, assumir a complexa tarefa de fazer com que esta formação alcance que os nossos licenciados deem passos sólidos na sua integral formação para poder assumir as suas funções profissionais na perspectiva de o conseguir, por sua vez, em cada educar, no caminho para uma educação de qualidade, inclusiva e sustentável ao que se aspira. pós-parto, é preciso considerar no processo de formação, os efeitos negativos que tem ocorrido na escola e até educacional, o isolamento social, a interrupção do processo educacional tradicional nas escolas, o vínculo social, a aprendizagem agora completamente individual, a dependência das tecnologias com a ajuda dos pais e o lazer tudo o que afeta emocional e intelectualmente ao escolar. Como preparar os alunos das carreiras pedagógicas para educar nessas novas condições? Que questões pedagógicas renovar? O objetivo deste artigo é meditar sobre os modos como se pode, a partir dos diferentes contextos de formação, envolver os universitários em um processo pedagógico integral, para que vivam e se apropriem do que significa a formação integral e, assim, ser capaz de alcançá-lo em seus alunos.The formation of the professionals of the education, it reaches a high value under the complex current conditions. And it is that the social responsibility of the University of Pedagogic Sciences " EJV”. Nowadays it is demanded from the cloister and of our investigators, to assume the complex task of making that this formation achieves that our graduate ones take solid steps in its integral formation to be able to assume its professional functions from the perspective in favor of achieving it, in turn, in each educating, in the road toward the education of quality, inclusive and sustainable to the one that is aspired. In the current and novel circumstances postcovid, it is necessary to consider in the formation process, the negative effects that he/she has taken place in the school and even educational, the social isolation, the interruption of the traditional educational process in the schools, the social bond, the learning now completely individual, the dependence of the technologies with the help of the parents and the leisure all that which that affects emotional and intellectually to the scholars. How to prepare the students of the pedagogic careers to educate under these new conditions? What pedagogic questions to renovate? The purpose of this article is to meditate on the ways in that one can, from the different formation contexts, to involve the university students in an integral pedagogic process, so that they live and appropriate of what means the integral formation and this way, to be able to achieve it in its students

    Next-generation optical access seamless Evolution: concluding results of the European FP7 project OASE

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    Increasing bandwidth demand drives the need for next-generation optical access (NGOA) networks that can meet future end-user service requirements. This paper gives an overview of NGOA solutions, the enabling optical access network technologies, architecture principles, and related economics and business models. NGOA requirements (including peak and sustainable data rate, reach, cost, node consolidation, and open access) are proposed, and the different solutions are compared against such requirements in different scenarios (in terms of population density and system migration). Unsurprisingly, it is found that different solutions are best suited for different scenarios. The conclusions drawn from such findings allow us to formulate recommendations in terms of technology, strategy, and policy. The paper is based on the main results of the European FP7 OASE Integrated Project that ran between January 1, 2010 and February 28, 2013

    Fip1 is a multivalent interaction scaffold for processing factors in human mRNA 3' end biogenesis

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    3' end formation of most eukaryotic mRNAs is dependent on the assembly of a ~1.5 MDa multiprotein complex, that catalyzes the coupled reaction of pre-mRNA cleavage and polyadenylation. In mammals, the cleavage and polyadenylation specificity factor (CPSF) constitutes the core of the 3' end processing machinery onto which the remaining factors, including cleavage stimulation factor (CstF) and poly(A) polymerase (PAP), assemble. These interactions are mediated by Fip1, a CPSF subunit characterized by high degree of intrinsic disorder. Here, we report two crystal structures revealing the interactions of human Fip1 (hFip1) with CPSF30 and CstF77. We demonstrate that CPSF contains two copies of hFip1, each binding to the zinc finger (ZF) domains 4 and 5 of CPSF30. Using polyadenylation assays we show that the two hFip1 copies are functionally redundant in recruiting one copy of PAP, thereby increasing the processivity of RNA polyadenylation. We further show that the interaction between hFip1 and CstF77 is mediated via a short motif in the N-terminal 'acidic' region of hFip1. In turn, CstF77 competitively inhibits CPSF-dependent PAP recruitment and 3' polyadenylation. Taken together, these results provide a structural basis for the multivalent scaffolding and regulatory functions of hFip1 in 3' end processing

    Saber compartir y protegerse: claves para la educación cibercrítica digital de los menores

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    Children live together consuming, producing, and sharing digital content. These are hypermediated communication actions typical of cyberculture, and require training in critical thinking that, even when minors receive it, is not always perceived as necessary, which can put the privacy of children at risk. This study focuses on analyzing the cyber skills of primary and high school students to act critically, and examines the level of conceptual, attitudinal, and procedural competence that children perceive they have acquired to access, consume, create, and share digital content on social media. The specific objective is to understand some of the components that may be related to young people’s perception of the training they have received, as well as whether there are differences in terms of their willingness to acquire training to protect themselves when creating and consuming digital content. To this end, a 25-item questionnaire on the knowledge, attitudes, and actions of young people was designed, validated, and administered to a sample of 417 Spanish students completing primary and high school education. The results obtained indicate that, at the conceptual level, there are no differences between the educational stages, while differences were found at the attitudinal and procedural levels. The two factors identified show that, although high school students have acquired certain critical and protective attitudes, they behave more riskily in their self-presentation and posts than primary school students when accessing, creating, and sharing digital content on social media, and that the training received and the willingness to learn about how to create and share were the differentiating variables for increased protection. We conclude that there is a need for introducing education specific to the critical analysis and self-protection of Internet use at the primary education level, as well as additional training that would help to avoid risky behavior during high schoolLos menores conviven consumiendo, produciendo y compartiendo contenidos digitales. Se trata de acciones de comunicación hipermediada propias de la cibercultura, que requerirían de una educación crítica, no siempre percibida como necesaria, aunque los menores hayan recibido formación para ello, situándoles ante ciertos riesgos para su privacidad. El presente estudio se centra en analizar la educación cibercrítica en el alumnado de educación Primaria y de educación Secundaria obligatoria, atendiendo al nivel de competencia digital conceptual, actitudinal y procedimental que perciben que han adquirido para acceder, consumir, crear y compartir contenidos digitales en las redes. Como objetivo específico interesa comprender algunos de los efectos que pueden estar relacionados con la percepción que tienen los jóvenes respecto a la formación recibida, así como si existen diferencias en función de las predisposiciones a adquirir formación protectora para crear y consumir contenidos digitales. Se diseñó y validó un cuestionario de 25 ítems sobre conocimientos, actitudes y acciones administrada a una muestra de 417 estudiantes españoles que finalizaban las etapas de educación Primaria y de educación Secundaria obligatoria (ESO). Los resultados obtenidos indican que, a nivel conceptual no hay diferencias entre las etapas, mientras que sí existen a nivel actitudinal y procedimental. Los dos factores hallados evidencian que el alumnado de educación Secundaria, si bien tiene adquiridas ciertas actitudes críticas y protectoras, asume más comportamientos de riesgo de autorrepresentación y difusión que el colectivo de educación Primaria cuando accede, crea y comparte contenidos digitales en las redes, siendo la formación recibida y la predisposición a aprender sobre cómo crear y compartir variables diferenciadoras para aumentar la protección. Se concluye con la necesidad de introducir la educación cibercrítica con actitudes protectoras en la etapa de educación Primaria y reforzar la formación que evite comportamientos de desprotección en la etapa de educación SecundariaS