163 research outputs found

    TBA (Toolguide for BPM agility)

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    Se propone una guía metodológica para mejorar la manera en la que se diseñan los procesos de negocio en un desarrollo BPM, también describe una herramienta que incluye la guía y permite un mejor seguimiento de esta, El público objetivo es el sector financiero colombiano que se caracteriza por estar en un nicho estructurado con procesos de negocio bien definidos.Ingeniero (a) de SistemasPregrad

    Propuesta para la implementación en Salud y Seguridad Ocupacional, aplicando el Título II del Acuerdo Gubernativo 229-2014 en plantas de envasado de agua purificada

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    Realizar diagramas de proceso para analizar las actividades de llenado de agua purificada en garrafones de la empresa, así realizar un análisis de las circunstancias actuales para documentar y poder determinar las condiciones necesarias del edificio de trabajo y analizar las medidas mínimas de Salud y Seguridad Ocupacional en empleados de la empresa para saber si son las correctas a utilizar

    Estudio retrospectivo del perfil de resistencia antimicrobiana de géneros bacterianos aislados, provenientes de muestras clínicas de animales, en el Laboratorio de Microbiología de la FMVZ de la USAC en el período del 2016-

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    La estrecha relación que existe entre los animales y las personas resulta en condiciones favorables para la transmisión de bacterias resistentes a distintos antibióticos, dicho contagio puede darse a través del contacto directo e indirecto, poniendo en riesgo la salud pública y/o animal. En la clínica veterinaria, los antimicrobianos tienen un uso terapéutico y/o profiláctico, pero debido a su uso indiscriminado y tratamientos que no cuentan con aislamientos bacterianos y antibiogramas, dan como resultado la creación de bacterias multirresistentes, que a su vez provocan fallas en el tratamiento y altos costos hospitalarios. Los conocimientos actuales de la resistencia antimicrobiana en medicina veterinaria en Guatemala son limitados, por lo subsiguiente el fin de presente estudio es identificar los géneros bacterianos que presentan resistencia antimicrobiana, los antibióticos a los que fueron resistentes y generar información nacional. El siguiente estudio descriptivo longitudinal retrospectivo determinó a partir de 215 muestras clínicas de animales remitidas al laboratorio de Microbiología de la FMVZ de la USAC en el período de 2016 al 2019, que los géneros bacterianos aislados fueron: Staphylococcus sp, Beta hemolítico Staphylococcus sp. no hemolítico, Streptococcus sp, Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas sp., Enterobacter sp., Corynebacterium sp., Proteus sp., Klebsiella sp. y Streptococcus sp. Beta hemolítico, siendo Staphylococcus sp. beta hemolítico, Staphylococcus sp. no hemolítico, Streptococcus sp., Escherichia coli y Pseudomonas sp. los géneros bacterianos que mayormente se aislaron, asimismo, se determinó que neomicina (61X 100), penicilina (58X 100), claritromicina (53X 100), oxitetraciclina (46X 100) y sulfametoxazol + trimetropima (46X 100) fueron los antibióticos a los que los géneros bacterianos aislados presentaron mayor resistenci

    Impaired Cleavage of Preproinsulin Signal Peptide Linked to Autosomal-Dominant Diabetes

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    Recently, missense mutations upstream of preproinsulin’s signal peptide (SP) cleavage site were reported to cause mutant INS gene-induced diabetes of youth (MIDY). Our objective was to understand the molecular pathogenesis using metabolic labeling and assays of proinsulin export and insulin and C-peptide production to examine the earliest events of insulin biosynthesis, highlighting molecular mechanisms underlying β-cell failure plus a novel strategy that might ameliorate the MIDY syndrome. We find that whereas preproinsulin-A(SP23)S is efficiently cleaved, producing authentic proinsulin and insulin, preproinsulin-A(SP24)D is inefficiently cleaved at an improper site, producing two subpopulations of molecules. Both show impaired oxidative folding and are retained in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER). Preproinsulin-A(SP24)D also blocks ER exit of coexpressed wild-type proinsulin, accounting for its dominant-negative behavior. Upon increased expression of ER–oxidoreductin-1, preproinsulin-A(SP24)D remains blocked but oxidative folding of wild-type proinsulin improves, accelerating its ER export and increasing wild-type insulin production. We conclude that the efficiency of SP cleavage is linked to the oxidation of (pre)proinsulin. In turn, impaired (pre)proinsulin oxidation affects ER export of the mutant as well as that of coexpressed wild-type proinsulin. Improving oxidative folding of wild-type proinsulin may provide a feasible way to rescue insulin production in patients with MIDY

    Amaranth BRS Alegria : alternative for diversification of cropping systems

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    A diversificação do sistema produtivo depende de espécies com rápido crescimento, tolerância ao déficit hídrico, produção de biomassa, ciclagem de nutrientes e utilização humana e animal. As espécies Amaranthus caudatus, A. cruentus e A. hypochondriacus apresentam essas características e sementes claras, sem dormência. Distinguem-se das invasoras A. spinosus, A. hybridus, A. blitum e A. viridis, com sementes escuras e dormentes. Os grãos, com excelente qualidade protéica, atendem à demanda por dietas especiais, livres de glúten e podem ser usados na alimentação animal. O A. cruentus BRS Alegria, primeira recomendação ao cultivo granífero no Brasil, originou-se da variedade AM 5189, dos Estados Unidos, na qual realizou-se seleção massal. Em sucessão à soja, apresentou produção média de 2.359 kg ha-1 de grãos e 5.650 kg ha-1 de biomassa total em apenas 90 dias de ciclo.Diversification of production systems depends on rapid growth, tolerance to hydric stress, biomass production, nutrient cycling and human and animal utilization. The grain amaranth species Amaranthus caudatus, A. cruentus and A. hypochondriacus, with light seed colour and no dormancy, present these characteristics. They are distinguishable from the weeds A. spinosus, A. hybridus, A. blitum and A. viridis, with dark and dormant seeds. Their grains, with excellent protein quality, can be used in gluten-free special diets and livestock feed. The A. cruentus BRS Alegria, the first recommendation for grain production systems in Brazil, originated from mass selection in the variety AM 5189 of the United States. In double-cropping, after soybeans, it showed average yield of 2,359 kg ha-1 for grain and of 5,650 kg ha-1 for total biomass, in 90 days from emergence to maturity

    Heat and cold waves in mainland Spain: Origins, characteristics, and trends

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    Heat and cold waves are extreme temperature events with a high potential of causing negative impacts on human health, and natural and socioeconomic systems, depending on their duration and intensity. There is, however, no consensual approach to address their definition, which is critical to set priority action areas to prevent such risks. Mainland Spain experiences heat and cold waves every year with important impacts especially in the most populated areas with mild or transition climates. Here we used a high-resolution (5 × 5 km) gridded daily temperature dataset and employed a combination of threshold exceedances of maximum and minimum temperature in the same day to identify heat and cold wave events over 75 years (1940–2014). We further examined the duration and the seasonal/annual intensities to detect potential spatial and temporal patterns. Additionally, we used the days within the most widespread events to perform a synoptic classification to categorise the atmospheric conditions leading to high-risk situations. Our results show a similar historical duration of heat and cold waves (4–5 days) and a much higher seasonal intensity of cold ones (double than heat waves). We find a tipping point in the early 1980s from which heat waves became more frequent, longer, and more intense than cold waves. Finally, we discern between 9 historical weather types with a dominance of southern advections driving heat waves and cold continental north-northeast air masses causing cold waves. Understanding the patterns and trends of heat and cold waves, as well as the mechanisms of their genesis is key to assist in risk management in mainland Spain, especially in the context of a warming climate scenario. © 2022 The Author

    Techno-economic feasibility of ionic liquids-based CO2 chemical capture processes

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    A techno-economic assessment of Ionic Liquids (ILs)-based post-combustion, biogas and pre-combustion CO2 chemical capture processes was carried out using Aspen Plus and Aspen Process Economic Analyzer (APEA). This cost estimation procedure is newly integrated to our COSMO-based/Aspen Plus methodology used to design the chemical absorption processes with 90% of CO2 capture. The equipment investment and variable operating cost were analyzed relating to the process operating conditions and the IL performance. The total annualized cost was used as the index to economically evaluate the processes at three CO2 treatment capacities and employing three different ILs: [P2228][CNPyr], [P66614][CNPyr] and [Bmim][acetate]. It benefits from economy of scale as well as it is directly related to both IL enthalpy of reaction and process gap capacity, being [P2228][CNPyr] -which has the most exothermic reaction and highest gap capacity- the solvent achieving the lowest costs. Current results indicate that operating at vacuum pressure to better regenerate the IL entails a remarkable cost penalty. Hence, both capital (CAPEX) and operational expenses (OPEX) could be reduced to achieve a total cost of 81.32 /tCO2for[P2228][CNPyr]inpostcombustionCO2capturewhenregeneratingtheILatatmosphericpressureand121.5°C.ThreeILpricingbasiswereconsideredwhencalculatingthesolventcost.AconservativeILscaleduppriceof50/tCO2 for [P2228][CNPyr] in post-combustion CO2 capture when regenerating the IL at atmospheric pressure and 121.5 °C. Three IL pricing basis were considered when calculating the solvent cost. A conservative IL scaled up price of 50 /kg only increments around 5% the total annualized cost of the processThe authors are grateful to Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad of Spain (project CTQ2017-89441-R) and Comunidad de Madrid (project P2018/EMT4348) for financial support and Centro de Computación Científica de la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid for computational facilitie

    Plan de mejora de la calidad en el servicio al cliente en la sucursal occidental del Instituto Nicaraguense de Seguridad Social (INSS)

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    Tesis (Licenciado en Mercadeo y Publicidad)--Universidad Americana, Managua, 2007La siguiente investigación da como resultado un Plan de mejora de la calidad en el servicio al cliente en la Sucursal Occidental del Instituto Nicaragüense de Seguridad Social (INSS). Se basa en la realización de un diagnóstico para valorar la percepción que tienen los clientes con respecto a los servicios que les ofrece la Sucursal, así́ como identificar su problemática interna para determinar los principales problemas y sus causas para poder implementar el plan orientado a mejorar la atención al publico, disminuir los tiempos de espera, de igual manera se orientará a que los asegurados reciban todas sus prestaciones económicas que por ley tienen derecho con la calidad y calidez requerid


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    Con aplicación de Ensayos No Destructivos (END), se investigan las causas de falla, en una tubería de acero al carbono para transporte de hidrocarburos, enterrada con protección catódica, durante aproximadamente 60 años de servicio. Se inspecciona la parte exterior de la sección de tubería, la cual se encuentra en condiciones normales de preservación. Posteriormente, se procede a la inspección interior del tubo, identificándose la degradación del mismo por medio de inspección visual y luego se realiza la medición de espesores por métodos mecánicos, en la parte adelgazada por corrosión; de la misma manera, se realiza la medición ultrasónica por arreglo de fases, tanto de los espesores en el área adelgazada por corrosión, como en las áreas circundantes aledañas a la misma. Los resultados indican presencia avanzada, en forma combinada de corrosión uniforme y por picaduras (pitting), hasta llegar a la perforación en una sección de la tubería

    An artificial neural network model for prediction of quality characteristics of apples during convective dehydration

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    In this study, the effects of hot-air drying conditions on color, water holding capacity, and total phenolic content of dried apple were investigated using artificial neural network as an intelligent modeling system. After that, a genetic algorithm was used to optimize the drying conditions. Apples were dried at different temperatures (40, 60, and 80 °C) and at three air flow-rates (0.5, 1, and 1.5 m/s). Applying the leave-one-out cross validation methodology, simulated and experimental data were in good agreement presenting an error < 2.4 %. Quality index optimal values were found at 62.9 °C and 1.0 m/s using genetic algorithm.Centro de Investigación y Desarrollo en Criotecnología de AlimentosFacultad de Ingenierí