3,562 research outputs found

    Psychological distress symptoms and resilience assets in adolescents in residential care

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    Most studies with institutionalised children and adolescents focus on evaluating the impact of negative life events on emotional development. However, few have investigated the relationship between resilience assets and the teenagers’ psychopathological problems. The purpose of the present study was to investigate differences in psychological distress symptoms and in resilience assets in institutionalised and non-institutionalised adolescents. A total of 266 adolescents aged between 12 and 19 years old took part in the study (60.5% female): 125 lived in residential care and 144 resided with their families. Results found a significant and inverse relation between psychopathology and the perception of individual resilience assets, specifically with self-efficacy and self-awareness in the community sample, and with empathy in the institutionalised sample. Overall, and regardless of the age group, adolescents in residential care tend to perceive themselves as significantly less resilient in perceived self-efficacy and empathy, and they report fewer goals and aspirations for the future. The importance of promoting mental health and resilience assets in adolescents, particularly in those in residential care, is discussed. This can be achieved through early interventions that may prevent emotional suffering and deviant life paths, with transgenerational repercussions.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    CurEval - Curriculum Evaluation

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    Efficiently screening and evaluating curricula in recruitment processes is a critical task that often requires substantial time and effort from Human Resources professionals. This work presents CurEval, an algorithm developed to automate the evaluation and screening of curricula based on vacancy requirements. The algorithm utilizes a predefined set of keywords and a CSV file format for input, facilitating easy data structuring and processing. To validate the algorithm’s performance and address privacy concerns, synthetic curricula were generated using templates with slight variations in personal data. The algorithm’s results were compared with evaluations made by a Human Resources collaborator and external paid recruitment platforms. The study’s findings indicate that CurEval effectively filters out irrelevant curricula, reducing the screening workload for HR professionals. The algorithm aligns with human evaluations, ensuring accurate classification of curricula according to vacancy requirements. Additionally, bias analysis revealed no evidence of discriminatory bias in the algorithm or human evaluations in the sample data. Further improvements for CurEval include expanding the list of keywords, incorporating natural language processing techniques, and integrating machine learning to enhance accuracy and adaptability. Real-time data integration, feedback loops with HR professionals, and integration with Applicant Tracking Systems are suggested to streamline the recruitment process. Multi-lingual support, performance metrics, and ongoing ethical considerations are also essential for refining and maintaining the algorithm’s effectiveness and fairness. CurEval offers promising potential to revolutionize the curricula evaluation process, enabling faster and more efficient screening while ensuring fairness and equal opportunity. Future work should focus on enhancing the algorithm’s capabilities, addressing biases, and continuously validating and improving its performance through collaboration and feedback from HR professionals.A automação da análise e classificação de currículos tem sido alvo de estudo e destaque nas últimas décadas, guiado pela evolução e aperfeiçoamento dos algoritmos de Inteligência Artificial e da Machine Learning. Nesta dissertação vai ser abordado o processo de análise e classificação destes assim como as questões éticas e bias associados ao processo que advém da natureza humana e das vivências individuais do recrutador. De forma a se evitar que estes ocorram durante o processo de recrutamento foi desenvolvido um algoritmo de análise e classificação dos currículos de acordo com a vaga em questão. Para além deste serão criados standards para a classificação e análise dos currículos, independentemente da sua origem e dos formatos. O algoritmo utiliza um conjunto pré-definido de palavras-chave e um formato de arquivo CSV para entrada, facilitando a estruturação e processamento dos dados. Para validar o desempenho do algoritmo e abordar preocupações de privacidade, currículos sintéticos foram gerados usando modelos com pequenas variações nos dados pessoais. Os resultados do algoritmo foram comparados com avaliações feitas por um colaborador de Recursos Humanos e plataformas externas de recrutamento pagas. Os resultados do estudo indicam que o CurEval filtra efetivamente currículos irrelevantes, reduzindo a carga de trabalho de triagem para os profissionais de RH. Este está alinhado com as avaliações humanas, garantindo a classificação precisa dos currículos de acordo com os requisitos das vagas. Além disso, a análise de viés discriminatórios revelou que não há evidências da existência dos mesmos no algoritmo ou nas avaliações humanas para a amostragem. Melhorias futuras para o CurEval incluem a expansão da lista de palavras-chave, a incorporação de técnicas de processamento de linguagem natural e a integração de Machine Learning para aprimorar a precisão e adaptabilidade. Integração de dados em tempo real, ciclos de feedback com profissionais de RH e integração com Sistemas de Acompanhamento de Candidatos são sugeridos para otimizar o processo de recrutamento. Suporte a múltiplos idiomas, métricas de desempenho e considerações éticas contínuas são essenciais para refinar e manter a eficácia e equidade do algoritmo

    In vitro and in vivo evaluation of the functional properties and prebiotics effects of the galacto-oligosaccharides (GOS)

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    Orientador: Gláucia Maria PastoreTese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Engenharia de AlimentosResumo: Galacto-oligosacarídeos (GOS) são prebióticos obtidos via transgalactosilação enzimática da lactose. Dentre os vários benefícios associados ao consumo de GOS destaca-se a capacidade de estimular o crescimento e atividade de bactérias benéficas no cólon. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar as propriedades prebióticas dos GOS sintetizados, a partir da lactose, por ß-galactosidase de Scopulariopsis sp. A digestibilidade e a fermentabilidade foram avaliadas in vitro, enquanto os efeitos prebióticos foram avaliados in vivo em um conjunto de experimentos com ratos Wistar. Os resultados observados in vitro demonstraram que os GOS produzidos neste estudo são indigeríveis, altamente fermentáveis e convertidos em ácidos graxos de cadeia curta (acetato, propionato e butirato). Estudos in vivo demonstraram que o consumo de diferentes doses de GOS por 42 dias não produziu efeitos tóxicos nos animais, evidenciado a partir de avaliações clínicas, exames hematológicos, bioquímicos, necroscópicos e histológicos. Os ratos suplementados com GOS apresentaram maior (p<0.05) população cecal de bifidobactérias (log10 10,05 ± 0,27 UFC/g) e lactobacilos (log10 8,92 ± 0,16 UFC/g). Para os ratos não suplementados com GOS estas proporções foram de log10 8,22 ± 0,33 e 7,2 ± 0,15 UFC/g, para bifidobacterias e lactobacilos,respectivamente. Por outro lado, a população de Escherichia coli foi significativamente reduzida (p<0.05), sendo 24,75% menor, quando comparada ao grupo controle sem GOS. Além disso, a fermentação dos GOS pelas bactérias intestinais resultou em um aumento na produção de ácidos graxos de cadeia curta de 2,73 vezes, em relação aos animais sem acréscimo de GOS na dieta.Observou-se, ainda, que o grupo suplementado com GOS apresentou maiores valores de espessura total da mucosa, altura dos vilos e profundidade das criptas,evidenciado pela maior relação altura de vilosidades:profundidade de cripta em relação ao grupo controleAbstract: Galacto-oligosaccharides (GOS) are prebiotics obtained via transgalactosylation enzymatic of lactose. Among the many benefits associated with consumption of GOS stands the ability to stimulate growth and activity of beneficial bacteria in the colon. The objective of this study was to evaluate the properties of prebiotic GOS synthesized from lactose by ß-galactosidase from Scopulariopsis sp. The digestibility and fermentability were evaluated in vitro, while the prebiotic effects were evaluated in vivo in a series of experiments with Wistar rats. The results observed in vitro showed that the GOS produced by this study are indigestible highly fermentable and converted into short-chain fatty acids (acetate,propionate and butyrate). In vivo studies have showed that consumption of different doses of GOS for 42 days produced no toxic effects in animals, as evidenced from clinical, hematological, biochemical, and histological necropsy. The rats supplemented with GOS had higher (p<0.05) cecal populations of bifidobacteria (log10 10.05 ± 0.27 UFC/g) and lactobacillus (log10 8.92 ± 0.16 UFC/g). For rats not supplemented with GOS these proportions were log10 8.22 ± 0.33 and 7.2 ± 0.15 UFC/g, for bifidobacteria and lactobacillus, respectively.Furthermore, the population of Escherichia coli was significantly reduced (p<0.05) and 24.75% less when compared to controls without GOS. Furthermore, the GOS fermentation by intestinal bacteria resulted in an increase in the production of short chain fatty acids from 2.73 times in compared with those without the addition of GOS diet.It was observed also the supplemented group with GOS showed higher values of total mucosal thickness, villous height and crypt depth, evidenced by the higher ratio of villus height: crypt depth in the control groupDoutoradoCiência de AlimentosDoutora em Ciência de Alimento

    Un nuevo cuestionario de empatía multidimensional en español para adolescentes tempranos y medios

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    El objetivo de este estudio fue desarrollar un Cuestionario Multidimensional de Empatía para Adolescentes, desde un modelo de neurociencia social cognitiva, operacionalizando las dimensiones de contagio emocional, autoconciencia, toma de perspectiva, regulación emocional y actitud empática. Para el estudio psicométrico del instrumento participaron 320 jóvenes adolescentes escolarizados, de ambos sexos (125 varones, 195 mujeres), de 13 a 16 años (M =14.23; DT =.95). Se evaluó el poder discriminativo de los ítems, así como la estructura subyacente del instrumento, su consistencia interna y diferentes evidencias de validez externa, convergente, discriminante y de comparación de grupos. Los resultados indicaron que todos los ítems eran discriminativos. Los índices de ajuste del análisis factorial confirmatorio permitieron confirmar la estructura pentafactorial de la escala, compuesta por 15 ítems. Los índices de consistencia interna de las diferentes dimensiones estuvieron entre moderados y adecuados. Asimismo, se analizaron diferencias en la empatía entre hombres y mujeres, cuyos resultados indicaron diferencias a favor de las mujeres. Las diferentes evidencias de validez recopiladas fueron consistentes con lo esperado teóricamente. De esta forma se puede concluir que este Cuestionario Multidimensional de Empatía para Adolescentes (CMEA) es una medida válida y confiable para la evaluación de la empatía en adolescentes.The aim of this study was to develop a Multidimensional Questionnaire of Empathy for Adolescents, since a model of cognitive social neuroscience, operationalizing the dimensions of emotional contagion, self-awareness, perspective-taking, emotional regulation, and empathic attitude. For the psychometric study of the instrument, 320 young adolescents in school participated, from both genders (125 male, 195 female), aged 13 to 16 (M =14.23; SD=.95). The discriminant power of the items was evaluated, as well as the underlying structure of the instrument, its internal consistency, and different evidences of external, convergent, discriminant, and group-comparison validity. The results indicated that all the items were discriminative. The adjustment indexes of confirmatory factorial analysis allowed confirming the pentafactorial structure of the scale, consisting of 15 items. The internal consistency indexes of the different dimensions were between moderate and adequate. Likewise, differences in empathy between men and women were analyzed, the results of which indicated differences in favor of women. The different collected evidences of validity were consistent with what was expected theoretically. In this way it is possible to conclude that this Multidimensional Empathy Questionnaire for Adolescents (CMEA) is a valid and reliable measure for the evaluation of empathy in adolescents.Fil: Lemos, Viviana Noemí. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina. Universidad Adventista del Plata. Secretaría de Ciencia y Técnica. Centro Interdisciplinario de Investigaciones En Ciencias de la Salud y del Comportamiento.; ArgentinaFil: Richaud, Maria Cristina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina. Universidad Adventista del Plata. Secretaría de Ciencia y Técnica. Centro Interdisciplinario de Investigaciones En Ciencias de la Salud y del Comportamiento.; Argentin

    The measurement of coal porosity with different gases

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    Sorption processes can be used to study different characteristics of coal properties, such as gas content (coalbed methane potential of a deposit), gas diffusion, porosity, internal surface area, etc. Coal microstructure (porosity system) is relevant for gas flow behaviour in coal and, consequently, directly influences gas recovery from the coalbed. This paper addresses the determination of coal porosity (namely micro- and macroporosity) in relation to the molecular size of different gases. Experiments entailed a sorption process, which includes the direct method of determining the ‘‘void volume’’ of samples using different gases (helium, nitrogen, carbon dioxide, and methane). Because gas behaviour depends on pressure and temperature conditions, it is critical, in each case, to know the gas characteristics, especially the compressibility factor. The experimental conditions of the sorption process were as follows: temperature in the bath 35 ºC; sample with moisture equal to or greater than the moisture-holding capacity (MHC), particle size of sample less than 212 mm, and mass ca. 100 g. The present investigation was designed to confirm that when performing measurements of the coal void volume with helium and nitrogen, there are only small and insignificant changes in the volume determinations. Inducing great shrinkage and swelling effects in the coal molecular structure, carbon dioxide leads to ‘‘abnormal’’ negative values in coal void volume calculations, since the rate of sorbed and free gas is very high. In fact, when in contact with the coal structure, carbon dioxide is so strongly retained that the sorbed gas volume is much higher than the free gas volume. However, shrinkage and swelling effects in coal structure induced by carbon dioxide are fully reversible. Methane also induces shrinkage and swelling when in contact with coal molecular structure, but these effects, although smaller than those induced by carbon dioxide, are irreversible and increase the coal volume

    Calidad de vida y estilos de vida en adolescentes: un estudio comparativo entre el sur de España y el sur de Portugal

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    An observational, transversal study was carried out to examine cross-cultural differences in perceived quality of life and health-related behaviors on adolescents from southern Portugal and southern Spain. Sample consists in 319 adolescents. The Kidscreen-27 child self-report, a short version of Health Behavior in School-aged Children Questionnaire, and a Socio-demographic questionnaire were used. Results suggest significant differences between Portuguese and Spanish adolescents health behaviors. Portuguese adolescents experiment more legal drugs and consume more wine and beer. More Spanish adolescents smoke. No differences were found between countries on hashish use, liquor consumption, inebriation, and on the age of first sexual intercourse. Spanish adolescents perceived themselves with better quality of life. Gender differences were found on several dimensions of Quality of Life. Results are discussed with previous research on these topic and might be considered by nurses when promoting adolescent health.Desenvolvemos um estudo observacional, transversal para analisar eventuais diferenças na qualidade de vida percebida e em comportamentos de saúde em 319 adolescentes do sul de Portugal e do sul de Espanha. Utilizamos o Kidscreen-27, uma versão breve do "Health Behavior in School-aged Children" e um questionário sociodemográfico. Foram encontradas diferenças significativas entre os adolescentes portugueses e espanhóis nos comportamentos de saúde. Os portugueses consomem mais vinho e cerveja e experimentam mais drogas legais, os espanhóis apresentam um maior consumo de tabaco. Não foram encontradas diferenças no consumo de haxixe, e bebidas destiladas, embriaguês e idade da primeira relação sexual. Os espanhóis reportaram maiores níveis de qualidade de vida percebida. Foram encontradas diferenças de gênero em várias das suas dimensões. Os resultados são discutidos com base nos estudos prévios nestes tópicos, e podem contribuir para a prática profissional de enfermagem na promoção da saúde na adolescência.Se realizó un estudio observacional, transversal para examinar diferencias en calidad de vida percibida y estilos de vida de adolescentes del sur de Portugal y del sur de España. A 319 adolescentes, se les administró el Kidscreen-27, una versión corta del cuestionario "Health Behavior in School-aged Children", y un cuestionario sociodemográfico. Se observaron diferencias estadísticas entre adolescentes portugueses y españoles. Los portugueses experimentan más drogas legales, y consumen más vino y cerveza. Los españoles consumen más tabaco. No se encontraron diferencias entre países en el uso de hachís, bebidas destiladas, embriaguez y edad de la primera relación sexual. Los españoles se perciben con mayor calidad de vida. Se encontraron diferencias de género en varias dimensiones de la calidad de vida, principalmente entre adolescentes españoles. Se discuten los resultados con investigaciones previas sobre estos tópicos, y pueden ser considerados por las enfermeras en la promoción de salud adolescente.Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia (Portugal

    Reflexões a respeito da história cultural e a análise de documentos

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    When considering the themes of culture history and analysis of documents is important to highlight the practices that forge ways of being, thinking and acting in the present and how they update a field of possibilities. This article aims to discuss some practices that historically produced, however, are not causal determinists, they are related and immanent. In order to reflect on aspects of contemporary work based on contributions to the theory of social psychology history analysis were used. Therefore, we use some concepts of Michel Foucault, Michel de Certeau, Roger Chartier and Nietzsche, in the field of historical studies Based on the analysis, it was possible to question the practices that shape relationship between history culture and documents and propose a philosophy grounded in the ethical difference look like political position, aesthetics and to checkmate the duality popular culture and classical culture and also discuss the effects of discrimination and racism that this division entails.Ao considerar as temáticas da história cultural e da análise de documentos, é importante ressaltar as práticas que forjam modos de ser, de pensar e de agir, no presente, e como elas atualizam um campo de possibilidades de existências. O presente artigo pretende problematizar algumas práticas historicamente fabricadas que, todavia, não são causais deterministas, pois são correlatas e imanentes. No intuito de refletir sobre aspectos da contemporaneidade, foi utilizado um trabalho de análise baseada nas contribuições da teoria da história para a Psicologia Social. Para tanto, empregamos alguns conceitos de Michel Foucault, de Michel De Certeau, de Roger Chartier e de Nietzsche, no campo dos estudos históricos. Com base na análise, foi possível interrogar as práticas que forjam a relação entre história cultural e documentos, propor um olhar pautado na filosofia da diferença como posição ética, estética e política, a fim de colocar em xeque a dualidade cultura popular e cultura erudita, além de problematizar os efeitos racistas e de discriminação que essa divisão enseja
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