59 research outputs found

    Selmer groups and quadratic reciprocity

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    In this article we study the 2-Selmer groups of number fields F as well as some related groups, and present connections to the quadratic reciprocity law in F. Ā© Mathematische Seminar 2006

    Properties of the series solution for PainlevƩ I

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    We present some observations on the asymptotic behaviour of the coefficients in the Laurent series expansion of solutions of the first PainlevƩ equation. For the general solution, explicit recursive formulae for the Taylor expansion of the tau-function around a zero are given, which are natural extensions of analogous formulae for the elliptic sigma function, as given by Weierstrass. Numerical and exact results on the symmetric solution which is singular at the origin are also presented

    On the number of polynomial solutions of Bernoulli and Abel polynomial differential equations

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    In this paper we determine the maximum number of polynomial solutions of Bernoulli differential equations and of some integrable polynomial Abel differential equations. As far as we know, the tools used to prove our results have not been utilized before for studying this type of questions. We show that the addressed problems can be reduced to know the number of polynomial solutions of a related polynomial equation of arbitrary degree. Then we approach to these equations either applying several tools developed to study extended Fermat problems for polynomial equations, or reducing the question to the computation of the genus of some associated planar algebraic curves

    Amicable pairs and aliquot cycles for elliptic curves

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    An amicable pair for an elliptic curve E/Q is a pair of primes (p,q) of good reduction for E satisfying #E(F_p) = q and #E(F_q) = p. In this paper we study elliptic amicable pairs and analogously defined longer elliptic aliquot cycles. We show that there exist elliptic curves with arbitrarily long aliqout cycles, but that CM elliptic curves (with j not 0) have no aliqout cycles of length greater than two. We give conjectural formulas for the frequency of amicable pairs. For CM curves, the derivation of precise conjectural formulas involves a detailed analysis of the values of the Grossencharacter evaluated at a prime ideal P in End(E) having the property that #E(F_P) is prime. This is especially intricate for the family of curves with j = 0.Comment: 53 page

    New Assumptions and Efficient Cryptosystems from the ee-th Power Residue Symbol

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    The ee-th power residue symbol (Ī±p)e\left(\frac{\alpha}{\mathfrak{p}}\right)_e is a useful mathematical tool in cryptography, where Ī±\alpha is an integer, p\mathfrak{p} is a prime ideal in the prime factorization of pZ[Ī¶e]p\mathbb{Z}[\zeta_e] with a large prime pp satisfying eāˆ£pāˆ’1e \mid p-1, and Ī¶e\zeta_e is an ee-th primitive root of unity. One famous case of the ee-th power symbol is the first semantic secure public key cryptosystem due to Goldwasser and Micali (at STOC 1982). In this paper, we revisit the ee-th power residue symbol and its applications. In particular, we prove that computing the ee-th power residue symbol is equivalent to solving the discrete logarithm problem. By this result, we give a natural extension of the Goldwasser-Micali cryptosystem, where ee is an integer only containing small prime factors. Compared to another extension of the Goldwasser-Micali cryptosystem due to Joye and Libert (at EUROCRYPT 2013), our proposal is more efficient in terms of bandwidth utilization and decryption cost. With a new complexity assumption naturally extended from the one used in the Goldwasser-Micali cryptosystem, our proposal is provable IND-CPA secure. Furthermore, we show that our results on the ee-th power residue symbol can also be used to construct lossy trapdoor functions and circular and leakage resilient public key encryptions with more efficiency and better bandwidth utilization

    Parametrization of Algebraic Curves from a Number Theoristā€™s Point of View

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