956 research outputs found

    Accounting for mixotrophy within microbial food webs

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    Protist plankton contribute to both primary and secondary production in the oceans fuelling life within pelagic food webs. Despite commonly perceived as ‘phytoplankton’ or ‘zooplankton’, most protist plankton are mixotrophs through the combination of photoautotrophy and phagotrophy within a single cell. Nevertheless, we lack a clear understanding of their biogeography and impact on ecosystem functioning. The aims of this thesis were: i) to investigate the biogeography of mixotrophs according to their functional diversity across oceanic biomes and to evaluate how it relates to environmental variability; ii) to explore the competitive outcomes between mixotrophs and their auto- or hetero- trophic counterparts and the effect of mixotrophy on ecosystem functioning; and iii) to investigate the seasonal succession of protist trophic strategies and the vertical distribution of mixotrophs within a coastal temperate sea. These aims were explored utilizing global databases, long-term monitoring datasets, and numerical models of plankton food webs across different spatio-temporal scales. Mixotrophs were found to be ubiquitous in the global oceans; however, different types displayed different distributions. Among non-constitutive mixotrophs, those that host prey populations dominate within oligotrophic seas while those that steal prey plastids dominate high-biomass systems. In turn, global databases were strongly biased by size, taxonomy, and oceanic biome, failing to represent the importance of smaller constitutive mixotrophs. The modelling studies showed that mixotrophs control nutrient regulation, trophic transfer, and the microbial loop. Size was an important trait determining the success of mixotrophs with an innate capacity for photosynthesis while the specificity of prey from which acquired phototrophs can photosynthesize affected their success. Model and data showed that mixotrophy is a persistent trait over the seasonal cycle and throughout the water column within coastal temperate seas. These findings significantly change our understanding of the functioning of marine food webs and biogeochemical cycling in the oceans, underscoring the need to integrate mixotrophy within marine ecology research

    Predicting bicycle arrivals in a Bicycle Sharing System network: A data science driven approach grounded in Zero-Inflated Regression

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    The adoption of bicycle sharing systems (BSS) is growing in order to improve the way people move around cities, but also to stimulate the development of a more sustainable urban mobility. For the proper functioning of a BSS, it is important to have bicycles permanently available at the stations for users to start their trips, so the literature has undertaken efforts, from the perspective of the service operator, to improve the process of redistribution of bicycles and thus ensure their availability at the different stations. Since the guarantee of available bicycles cannot be assured, this work proposes to develop, from the cyclist's perspective, a proof of concept on the feasibility of informing the user about the possibility of starting a trip in a pre-defined time interval. The main contributions of this work are: (i) the ability to predict how many bicycles will arrive at a given station is a feasible improvement for BSS, (ii) the models developed through the Zero-Inflated Regression approach are a path that can be explored to improve prediction and (iii) unprecedented methodological contribution to the literature on BSS focusing on the end-user's decision power about whether or not it will soon be possible to start a trip.A adoção de sistemas de bicicletas partilhadas (BSS) vem crescendo com o objetivo de melhorar a forma como as pessoas se deslocam pelas cidades, mas também para estimular o desenvolvimento de uma mobilidade urbana mais sustentável. Para o bom funcionamento de um BSS é importante que haja bicicletas permanentemente disponíveis nas estações para os utilizadores iniciarem as suas viagens, pelo que a literatura tem empreendido esforços, sob a ótica do operador do serviço, para melhorar o processo de redistribuição das bicicletas e assim garantir a sua disponibilidade nas diferentes estações. Como a garantia de bicicletas disponíveis não pode ser assegurada, este trabalho propõe-se desenvolver, sob a ótica do ciclista, uma prova de conceito sobre a viabilidade de informar o utilizador acerca da possibilidade de iniciar uma viagem num intervalo de tempo pré-definido. As principais contribuições deste trabalho são: (i) a capacidade de previsão de quantas bicicletas chegarão a uma determinada estação é uma melhoria viável para os BSS, (ii) os modelos desenvolvidos através da aproximação Zero-Inflated Regression são um caminho que pode ser explorado para melhorar a previsão e (iii) contributo metodológico inédito à literatura sobre os BSS com foco no poder decisório do utilizador final sobre se será, ou não, possível iniciar uma viagem em breve


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    Prinsip tak terceraikan dalam perkawinan menurut Hukum Kanonik adalah bahwa hidup perkawinan tidak bisa diceraikan oleh kuasa manusiawi manapun dan dengan alasan apa pun karena perkawinan katolik adalah perkawinan sakramental; institusi ini lahir sebagai sarana keselamatan Allah bagi manusia sekaligus sarana penciptaan Allah dalam kehidupan manusia. Melalui keluarga, Allah menciptakan manusia-manusia baru untuk melanjutkan karya keselamatan-Nya di muka bumi ini. Penegasan ini (pekawinan tak teceraikan) memperoleh dasar yuridisnya dalam ajaran gereja Katolik pada Kanon 1055 dan 1056 serta Kanon 1141. Yang dimaksud dengan “tak terceraikan” atau indissolubilitas adalah bahwa perkawinan yang telah dilangsungkan secara sah menurut tuntutan hukum, mempunyai akibat tetap dan tidak dapat diceraikan atau diputuskan oleh kuasa manapun kecuali oleh kematian. Sifat tak terceraikan (indissolubilitas) perkawinan Katolik dibedakan menjadi dua, yakni: Indissolubilitas absoluta: yaitu jika ikatan perkawinan tidak dapat diputuskan oleh kuasa manapun kecuali oleh kematian satu-satunya perkawinan yang memiliki indissolubilitas absoluta adalah perkawinan sakramen yang sudah disempurnakan dengan persetubuhan (ratum et consummatum), sebagaimana dikatakan dalam Kanon 1141. Sebagaimana Kristus selalu setia dan tidak pernah meninggalkan gereja-Nya demikian juga antara suami-isteri yang telah dibaptis tidak dapat saling memisahkan diri (bdk. Ef. 5 ayat 22-33). Dan Indissolubilitas relativa: yaitu bahwa ikatan perkawinan tersebut memang tidak dapat diputuskan atas dasar konsensus dan kehendak suami-isteri itu sendiri, namun dapat diputuskan kuasa gerejawi yang berwenang setelah terpenuhinya ketentuan-ketentuan yang dituntut oleh hukum seperti diatur dalam Kanon 1142 (matriomonium non consummatum) dan Kanon 1143-1149 (khusus untuk perkawinan non sakramen).  Implikasi konsep perkawinan yang tak terceraikan ini dalam kehidupan Perkawinan, yakni bahwa: Perkawinan Katolik adalah Perkawinan yang Monogam dan Tak Terceraikan (Kanon 1065); Perkawinan Katolik adalah Perkawinan yang Sakramental (1055 dan 1056); Perkawinan Katolik adalah Perkawinan yang Tidak dapat diputus oleh kuasa manusiawi mana pun dan dengan alasan apa pun (Kanon 1141); dan Perkawinan Katolik memperoleh Perlindungan Hukum (Kanon 1060). Kata kunci: perkawinan, Tak Terceraikan, Kanonik

    Alcíde Jubé (1896-1961) e a geografia escolar em Goiás

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    Esse artigo buscou reconstituir a trajetória pessoal e profissional de um geógrafo e professor goiano, Alcíde Celso Ramos Jubé nascido na Cidade de Goiás em 1896. Objetiva-se apresentar dados biográficos do autor e algumas das reflexões desenvolvidas em investigação anterior, quando analisou-se parte da obra produzida por Alcíde Jubé, estudioso da geografia e do estado de Goiás. Sua obra destinava-se ao ensino de geografia, em especial dos jovens da elite goiana no início do século XX. A pesquisa desenvolveu-se a partir da interpretação de documentos, registros escritos e fontes orais, relativos à biografia do autor e aos conhecimentos geográficos ensinados por ele. Busca-se apresentar as contribuições do professor Alcíde Jubé que se destacou pelo pioneirismo no ensino de Geografia no Lyceu de Goiás, na Cidade de Goiás, antiga capital do estado. E suas ideias e obras evidenciam influências da geografia clássica francesa e alemã na geografia escolar em Goiás.This article sought to rebuild the personal and professional trajectory of a geographer and teacher, Alcíde Celso Ramos Jubé who was born in Goiás City in 1896. The main objective is to present biographical data of the author and some of the reflections developed in previous research when we analyzed part of the work produced by Alcíde Jubé, who studied geography and Goiás state. His books were written for geography teaching, especially the young people from Goiás state elite in the early 20th century. The research developed from the interpretation of documents, written records and oral sources, related to the biography of the author and the geographical knowledge taught by him. The aim is to present the contributions of Teacher Alcíde Jubé, who stood out in pioneering Geography teaching at Lyceu of Goiás School, in Goiás City, the former capital of the state. And his ideas and works show influences of French and German classical geographies in the geography school in Goiás.Este artículo buscó reconstituir la trayectoria personal y profesional de un géografo y profesor goiano, Alcíde Celso Ramos Jubé, nacido en la Ciudad de Goiás en 1896. Se pretende presentar datos biográficos del autor y algunas de las reflexiones desarrolladas en investigación anterior, cuando se analizó parte de la obra producida por Alcíde Jubé, estudioso de la geografía y del estado de Goiás. La obra de Jubé se destinaba a la enseñanza de geografía, en particular de los jóvenes de la elite goiana a principios del siglo XX. La investigación se desarrolló a partir de la interpretación de documentos, registros escritos y fuentes orales, referentes a los conocimientos geográficos enseñados. Se busca presentar las contribuciones del profesor Alcíde Jubé que se destacó por el pionerismo en la enseñanza de Geografía en el Lyceu de Goiás, en la Ciudad de Goiás, antigua capital del estado. Y sus ideas y obras evidencian influencias de la geografía clásica francesa y alemana en la geografía escolar en Goiás.Cet article cherchait à reconstituer la trajectoire personnelle et professionnelle d'un géographe et professeur goiano, Alcíde Celso Ramos Jubé, né à Goiás en 1896. L'objectif est de présenter les données biographiques de l'auteur et quelques réflexions developpées dans une recherche précédente, lorsqu’une partie du travail produit par Alcíde Jubé, spécialiste de la géographie et de l’état de Goiás, a été analysée. Son oeuvre a été developée pour l’enseigment de la géographie aux jeunes de l’élite de la societé Goiana du debut du siècle XX. La recherche a été développée à partir de l’interprétation des documents, écrits et orales, par rapport aux contenu géographique enseigné. L’ objectif est de présenter les contributions du professeur Alcíde Jubé, pionnier de la géographie dans le Lyceu de Goiás, dans la ville de Goiás, l'ancienne capitale de l'État. Et ses idées et ses œuvres montrent les influences de la géographie classique française et allemande dans la géographie scolaire à Goiás

    Uma abordagem social nas tomadas de decisão no tratamento com prótese dentária

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    A critical problem in the decision making process for dental prosthodontic treatment is the lack of reliable clinical parameters. This review discusses the limits of traditional normative treatment and presents guidelines for clinical decision making. There is a need to incorporate a sociodental approach to help determine patient's needs. Adoption of the evidence-based clinical practice model is also needed to assure safe and effective clinical practice in prosthetic dentistry.Um problema crítico no processo de tomadas de decisão em prótese dentária é a falta de parâmetros clínicos confiáveis nas condutas clínicas de tratamento. A presente revisão descreve e discute alguns aspectos desse problema e apresenta diretrizes para as decisões clínicas a partir do levantamento de limitações inerentes ao tratamento normativo tradicional. Conclui-se que há necessidade de incorporação de uma abordagem sócio-odontológica na determinação de necessidades dos pacientes. A adoção de um modelo de práticas baseadas em evidências é essencial para assegurar práticas clínicas seguras e efetivas em prótese dentária

    Implant survival/success and peri-implant outcomes of titanium-zirconium mini implants for mandibular overdentures: Results from a 1-year randomized clinical trial.

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    OBJECTIVE To report the 1-year implant survival/success and peri-implant outcomes of mandibular overdentures retained by four titanium-zirconium mini implants (Straumann® Mini Implant System), and to assess how surgery and loading protocols influence these outcomes. MATERIALS AND METHODS A 2 × 2 factorial randomized clinical trial (RCT) tested the combined effects of two loading protocols (immediate or delayed) and two surgical approaches (flapless or flapped) on the success/survival of the mini implants, and peri-implant parameters (plaque, bleeding, sulcus depth, gingival position, and marginal bone loss). Outcomes were assessed up to 1-year after loading, and generalized estimating equations (GEEs) were used to analyze longitudinal and within-patient clustered data. RESULTS Two hundred and ninety-six implants were placed in 74 patients. The implant survival/success rates after 1 year were 100%, and no major biological complications were observed. After 1-year, descriptive data suggest no noticeable changes in plaque scores, whilst a reduction in bleeding scores at the 6-month and 1-year follow-ups compared to baseline. Good longitudinal stability was observed for the probing depth and gingival margin height measures. Overall mean marginal bone loss was 0.68 (±0.68) mm after 3 months and 0.89 (±0.75) mm after 1-year. The flapless protocol showed better results on soft tissue stability and health but a slightly higher risk for marginal bone loss. CONCLUSION The results of this RCT suggest that mandibular overdentures retained by this novel mini implant system represent a safe and predictable treatment option as confirmed by implant survival/success and peri-implant outcomes, even when flapless surgery and immediate loading protocols are adopted

    O papel da inclusão social no contexto educacional brasileiro

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    This article aims to establish a brief analysis on the role of social inclusion in the brazilian educational context, to the extent that the term ‘include’ generates the estrangement for the principle of equality present in the current constitution in the country. Through a literature review, with academic articles published on the subject, outlined to a historical retrospective by the national education system in that concern the advances and challenges of ‘education for all’ and the danger of exclusion become increasingly exclusive for brazilian society; especially for people with disabilities.Este artigo visa estabelecer uma breve análise sobre o papel da inclusão social no contexto educacional brasileiro, na medida em que o termo ‘incluir’ gera estranhamento ao próprio princípio de igualdade presente no texto constitucional vigente no país. Por meio de um levantamento bibliográfico, com artigos acadêmicos publicados sobre o assunto, delineou-se uma retrospectiva histórica pelo sistema de educação nacional, no que tangem os avanços e desafios de uma educação para todos e o perigo das exclusões se tornarem cada vez mais excludentes para a sociedade brasileira; especialmente, para os portadores de deficiência

    A ASAE na salvaguarda do património cultural gastronómico e a segurança alimentar no espaço da CPLP

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    Mestrado em Desenvolvimento e Cooperação InternacionalO presente trabalho final de mestrado, elaborado como relatório de estágio, realizado na Autoridade de Segurança Alimentar e Económica (ASAE) de Portugal, tem como objetivo equacionar o papel da ASAE na segurança alimentar e a preservação, valorização e propagação do património gastronómico dos países da Comunidade dos Países de Língua Portuguesa (CPLP) como uma diretiva de cooperação internacional; ou seja, como uma ferramenta para apoiar o crescimento económico e a valorização sociocultural. O estudo pauta-se, portanto, pelos eixos de orientação da cooperação internacional desenvolvida pela ASAE e pela importância de se fomentarem novos paradigmas, principalmente aos ODS 2 e 11. Tendo em conta a globalização dos sabores, o desaparecimento de saberes e gostos gastronómicos em detrimento de outros e a falta de alinhamento entre a segurança e a soberania alimentar, assinalaram-se recomendações que podem ser conduzidas pela ASAE em benefício da inclusão e da concordância entre estes elementos, a salvaguarda do património gastronómico e as atividades inspetivas no contexto da CPLP e do Fórum das Inspeções de Segurança Alimentar e das Atividades Económicas (FISAAE) dos países da CPLP. Concluiu-se, por conseguinte, que há necessidade de se integrarem os aspetos culturais gastronómicos da CPLP com as práticas inspetivas e com as diretrizes de desenvolvimento internacional, e que o elemento cultural é um componente facilitador, estimulante e estratégico para despertar o potencial dos diversos sectores económico, político e social da Comunidade, oferecendo importantes contributos para auxiliar os processos de desenvolvimento.This final master's work, prepared as an internship report, which was conducted during the internship at the Food and Economic Safety Authority (ASAE) of Portugal, aims to balance the role of ASAE in food security and the preservation, appreciation and spread of gastronomic heritage of the countries of the Community of Portuguese- speaking Countries (CPLP) as an international cooperation directive; that is, as a tool to support economic growth and socio-cultural enhancement. Therefore, the study is guided by the orientations of international cooperation developed by ASAE and the importance of fostering new paradigms, especially in relation to SDGs 2 and 11. Given the globalization of flavors, the disappearance of gastronomic knowledge and tastes to the detriment of others and the lack of alignment between food safety and sovereignty, recommendations have been put forward that can be led by ASAE for the sake of inclusion and agreement between these elements, safeguarding gastronomic heritage and the inspection activities in the context of the CPLP and the Forum of Food Security Inspections and Economic Activities (FISAAE) of the CPLP countries. It was therefore concluded that there is a need to integrate CPLP's culinary cultural aspects with inspection practices and international development guidelines, and that the cultural element is a facilitating, stimulating and strategic component to unlocking the potential of the various economic, political and social sectors in the Community, making important contributions to assist development processes.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio


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    Much more than a nucleus of intellectual and cognitive training of the individual, the school has, over time, performing the promotion of civic values, which permeates several discussions about social representation and contributes to a deconstruction of prejudice, intolerance, disrespect and marginalization, from didactic-pedagogical proposals that underpin a positive naturalization of the diversity and plurality existing in human representation. This article, therefore, proposed to analyze three collections of English Language (EL) textbooks, based on the theoretical foundation built by different readings within Applied Linguistics, Semiotics and Multiliteracies. In this context, it sought to draw a reflection on aged diversity in light of the presence, or not, of older pictures in the illustration of teaching units in order to infer the level of importance given to this issue within the multiliteracy proposal, sustained by contributions from Semiotics.Muito mais do que um núcleo de formação intelectual e cognitiva do indivíduo, a escola vem, ao longo do tempo, desempenhando a promoção dos valores cidadãos, o que permeia inúmeras discussões em torno da representatividade social e contribui para uma desconstrução de preconceitos, intolerâncias, desrespeitos e marginalizações, a partir de propostas didático-pedagógicas que alicerçam uma naturalização positiva da diversidade e pluralidade existentes na representatividade humana. Esse artigo, portanto, propôs analisar três coleções de livros didáticos de Língua Inglesa (LI), a partir da fundamentação teórica construída por leituras diversas dentro da Linguística Aplica, da Semiótica e dos Multiletramentos. Nesse contexto, buscou-se traçar uma reflexão sobre a diversidade etária a luz da presença, ou não, de imagens de idosos na ilustração das unidades didáticas, a fim de inferir o nível de importância dada a essa questão dentro da proposta de multiletramento, sustentada pelas contribuições advindas da Semiótica