13 research outputs found


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    Abstract. The research aims to describe the students’ thinking process of 9th grade of Junior High School in solving the open problem according to their capability in solving problem based on Polya’s solution step. Data analysis is done based on written test and interview techniques. The subject of research is students of IXA class at SMPN 7 Jember in odd semester academic year 2013-2014. The data of research are obtained by validation sheet, written test, and interview techniques. Students experience disequilibrium when they don’t understand about the qestion’s sentence and when she can’t determine the ways to solve the problem, also when she can’t determine the ways to check the result that has already gotten when she does the plans. Students experience assimilation when they can mention what is known and what is asked  from the problems immediately without reck of true or false, also when  they can determine the ways to solve the problems and when they are doing the computations. Students experience accomodation when they are quiet and confuse before they can determine the problem’s condition, also when she is doing the computation and when she is quite before she can determine the ways to solve the problem. Students experience assimilation and accomodation to reach the equilibrium phase. Key Words: thinking process, open problem, and Polya’s solution step


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    The purpose of this study was to describe the creative thinking skills of class VIII SMPN 11 Jember students by paying attention to students' self-confidence in solving rectangular problems. The type of research is descriptive qualitative research. The research subjects were 30 students. Methods of collecting data using questionnaires, tests, and interviews. The instruments used are self-confidence questionnaires, creative thinking skills test questions, and interview guidelines. Students' creative thinking skills are needed when learning activities. Creative thinking skills are skills in creating a new idea that can be combined into something new and relatively different from previously existing ideas and can be used to solve a problem with the indicators used, namely fluency, flexibility, originality, and elaboration. Students' self-confidence is measured by paying attention to indicators, namely believing in their own abilities, acting positively in dealing with problems, acting independently in making decisions, having a positive self-concept, and being brave in expressing opinions. The data analysis method used is the questionnaire method, the test method, and the interview method. The results obtained from this study are students with low self-confidence have low achievement on all indicators of creative thinking skills, students with moderate self-confidence have high achievement on indicators of fluency and flexibility indicators. Students with high self-confidence have high achievement on all indicators of creative thinking skills


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    Salah lsatu ikemampuan lmatematis lyang diperlukan dalam lpembelajaran !matematika lyaitu lkemampuan komunikasi1 matematis. Kemampuan1 ini !dibagi menjadi dua yaitu tulis_dan_lisan. Penelitian ini  akan lebih fokus pada kemampuan komunikasi matematis tulis. Kemampuan ini memiliki tiga aspek yaitu written text, drawing, dan mathematical ekspression. Kemampuan ini dipengaruhi oleh aspek afektif seperti self concept. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan profil lkemampuan_komunikasi lmatematis tulis lsiswa dalam menyelesaikanl soali bangunl ruang sisi datarl ditinjau dari self concept. Penelitian ini adalahkpenelitian jenis deskriptif dengan metode kualitatif. Langkah pengambilan data dimulai dari memberikan angket self concept, memberikan soal tes, dan melakukan wawancara. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah siswa dengan self concept rendah dapat memenuhi indikator menuliskankinformasikyang adakpada soal dengani cara menuliskan apa yang diketahui danfditanyakan oleh soal dan menggunakan modelkdanksimbol-simbol matematikafdalam menuliskan penyelesaian soal. Siswa dengan self concept sedang dapat memenuhi indikator menggunakan model dan simbol-simbolkmatematikahdalam menuliskan penyelesaianhsoal dan menuliskanhkesimpulan darifsoal dengan tepat.kSiswaudengan self concept tinggi dapat memenuhi indikator menuliskanl informasi yang ada lpadaksoal dengan cara_menuliskanl apaj yangl diketahui ldan lditanyakan oleh soal; menyajikan situasi, lide atauksolusi dari lsoal matematika dalaml bentuk gambar dengan tepatl dan jelas; menggunakan model danrlsimbol-simbol matematikaj dalamkmenuliskan penyelesaian soal; dan menuliskan lkesimpulan dari soali dengani tepat


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    Merujuk pada kurikulum 13 yang menuntut siswa berpikir kritis, soal HOTS menjadi evaluasi tingkat berpikir siswa dalam menyelesaikan sebuah permasalahan. Kemampuan berpikir tingkat tinggi meliputi kemampuan menganalisis, mengevaluasi, serta mencipta. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mendeskripsikan kemampuan berpikir tingkat tinggi siswa kelas VII SMP dalam menyelesaikan masalah segi empat berdasarkan indikator yang telah disiapkan. Penelitian ini menggunakan penelitian deskriptif kualitatif. Metode pengumpulan data meliputi metode tes, wawancara, dan dokumentasi. Hasil penelitian ini, terdapat 12 siswa yang memenuhi indikator analisis yaitu mampu mengidentifikasi informasi yang diketahui dan ditanyakan dengan tepat, kemudian 15 siswa yang memenuhi indikator mengevaluasi dimana siswa mampu memilih solusi yang tepat untuk menyelesaikan masalah, dan 7 siswa yang memenuhi indikator mencipta yaitu mampu menjelaskan langkah penyelesaian dan dapat mengkreasikan ide untuk membuat solusi baru.Kata Kunci:HOTS, kemampuan menganalisis, mengevaluasi, mencipt


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    Student worksheet based on Problem Based Learning (PBL) is a learning media that presents questions in the form of contextual problems so as to stimulate students'  thinking  skills.  This type of research is development research using the Thiagarajan model or the Four-D Model which aims to describe the process and results of developing PBL-based student worksheets for class VIII students on Prism material that is valid, practical, and effective in training students' creative thinking skills.  The method used in this research is the questionnaire method to determine the validity and practicality of the student worksheets and the test method to determine the effectiveness.  The results of this study are the achievement of increasing students' creative thinking skills with very good interpretations.  The student worksheets based on PBL model on prism material produced were declared valid, practical, and effective. This student worksheet could be used to improve students' creative thinking skills. &nbsp

    Kepraktisan dan Keefektifan Penggunaan E-LKPD Konteks Sosial Budaya Berbantuan Workbook GeoGebra terhadap Kemampuan Numerasi Peserta Didik pada Materi Limas

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    Numeracy is a person's ability to implement mathematics in the home, work and community environments. This research aims to measure the practicality and effectiveness of using E-LKPD in a socio-cultural context assisted by GeoGebra workbooks in improving students' numeracy skills in pyramid material. The type of research used was a quasi-experiment (Quasi-experiment) with research subjects 21 class VIII students at SMPN 1 Kalisat Jember. The practicality of E-LKPD is assessed from the results of student response questionnaires, while the effectiveness of E-LKPD is assessed from the results of students' numeracy ability tests. The use of E-LKPD is said to be practical if the average percentage of students' questionnaire responses is at least in the practical category, and effective if students' numeracy skills are at least in the medium category. Based on the practicality analysis, the results of the student response questionnaire regarding the use of E-LKPD obtained a percentage of 81.67% or were in the practical category. In addition, the use of E-LKPD shows an increase in students' numeracy skills on all numeracy indicators. This can be seen based on the results of the numeracy ability test which obtained an N-Gain score of 0.51 or at a medium effectiveness level. Therefore, the use of E-LKPD in a socio-cultural context with the help of GeoGebra workbooks is practical and effective for improving students' numeracy skills, especially in learning surface area and volume of pyramids

    Truth-seeking Siswa dalam Menyelesaikan Masalah Bangun Ruang Sisi Datar dengan Tipe Soal PWCI (Problems With Contradictory Information)

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    Abstrak: Truth-seeking (pencarian kebenaran) merupakan kebiasaan seseorang untuk selalu mencari bukti tentang informasi yang diterimanya. Truth-seeking menjadi dugaan utama seseorang dapat berpikir kritis. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mendeskripsikan truth-seeking siswa dalam menyelesaikan masalah bangun ruang sisi datar dengan tipe soal PWCI (Problems With Contradictory Information). Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian deskriptif dengan pendekatan kualitatif. Subjek penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas IX SMP Negeri 11 Jember. Subjek dipilih menggunakan teknik purposive sampling untuk memperoleh siswa yang menyadari adanya kesalahan pada soal. Penelitian ini diawali dengan pemberian soal observasi dan soal tes secara bertahap lalu dilakukan wawancara. Hasil analisis pada penelitian ini diperoleh dari hasil tes truth-seeking dan wawancara mendalam. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa siswa yang truth-seeking mampu memiliki disposisi berpikir kritis yang baik, sedangkan siswa yang tidak truth-seeking tidak mampu memiliki disposisi berpikir kritis

    Pemberdayaan Bank Sampah Masyarakat untuk Mewariskan Budaya Lokal Berlatar Etnomatematika Geometri pada Siswa Sekolah Dasar Desa Tegalsari

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    One of the cultural behaviors of local wisdom that is starting to disappear is related to how manage the "garbage". Several communities still throw garbage out of place, such as in the river. On the other hand, the effects of this waste that was disposed of carelessly are very long-term for human health and also the environment. This culture is eventually emulated by their children and grandchildren who are still in school. For this reason, community awareness regarding waste needs to be directed, one of which is the management of a community waste bank. In Tegalsari Village, Ambulu Jember there is one Cipta Mandiri Waste Bank that has been operating for the last 3 years. The Waste Bank activity went quite well, but less than 20% of the community participated, especially young people and children who were less interested. So that the empowerment of the Waste Bank needs to be supported in order to be able to pass down the local culture of being aware of waste, especially for elementary school students through the socialization and education of ethnomathematics worksheets in the elementary school. The results of the activity showed that 78% of students wanted to take part in the waste bank around their homes and they enjoy learning with ethnomathematics worksheets about garbage

    Partisipasi Mahasiswa dalam Pembelajaran Kooperatif Berdasarkan Lesson Study

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      Partisipasi siswa memiliki peran penting dalam keberhasilan belajar. Partisipasi aktif siswa bisa mencapai tujuan belajar sehingga siswa bisa berprestasi akademik lebih baik. Partisipasi aktif dapat dipraktekkan dalam pembelajaran kooperatif dengan berdiskusi dalam kelompok atau kelas. Pembelajaran yang efektif dengan menggunakan pembelajaran kooperatif harus dirancang sebelum proses pembelajaran. Menurut analisis dan hasil refleksif, sebagian besar siswa di kelas telah mengikuti kegiatan belajar. Partisipasi aktif dikaitkan dengan berbicara atau memberikan pendapat, menjawab dan mengajukan pertanyaan untuk memberi ceramah atau memberikan komentar dalam diskusi di kelas. Di sisi lain, ada beberapa siswa yang pasif berpartisipasi dalam kegiatan belajar. Siswa tidak memberikan respon perilaku selama kelas. Siswa hanya perlu mendengarkan tanpa mencatat apapun. Kata Kunci : Partisipasi, pembelajaran kooperatif, lesson study &nbsp


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    Let G be nontrivial and connected graph. A total-coloured path is called as total-rainbow if its edges and internal vertices have distinct colours. For any two vertices u and v of G, a rainbow u−v geodesic in G is a rainbow u−v path of length d(u,v), where d(u,v) is the distance between u and v. The graph G is strongly rainbow connected if there exists a rainbow u−v geodesic for any two vertices u and v in G. The strong rainbow connection number of G, denoted src(G), is the minimum number of colors that are needed in order to make G strong rainbow connected. The result shows for  1 Spl - (Cn) and 3 â‰¥ n â‰¥ 10 there exist a coloring where diam(G) = rc(G) = src(G) ≤ m and diam(G) ≤ rc(G) ≤ src(G) ≤ m with m is the number of path 1 Spl - (Cn). &nbsp