168 research outputs found

    Surveying wildlife and livestock in Uganda with aerial cameras:Deep Learning reduces the workload of human interpretation by over 70%

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    As the need to accurately monitor key-species populations grows amid increasing pressures on global biodiversity, the counting of large mammals in savannas has traditionally relied on the Systematic-Reconnaissance-Flight (SRF) technique using light aircrafts and human observers. However, this method has limitations, including non-systematic human errors. In recent years, the Oblique-Camera-Count (OCC) approach developed in East Africa has utilized cameras to capture high-resolution imagery replicating aircraft observers’ oblique view. Whilst demonstrating that human observers have missed many animals, OCC relies on labor-intensive human interpretation of thousands of images. This study explores the potential of Deep Learning (DL) to reduce the interpretation workload associated with OCC surveys. Using oblique aerial imagery of 2.1 hectares footprint collected during an SRF-OCC survey of Queen Elizabeth Protected Area in Uganda, a DL model (HerdNet) was trained and evaluated to detect and count 12 wildlife and livestock mammal species. The model’s performance was assessed both at the animal instance-based and image-based levels, achieving accurate detection performance (F1 score of 85%) in positive images (i.e. containing animals) and reducing manual interpretation workload by 74% on a realistic dataset showing less than 10% of positive images. However, it struggled to differentiate visually related species and overestimated animal counts due to false positives generated by landscape items resembling animals. These challenges may be addressed through improved training and verification processes. The results highlight DL’s potential to semi-automate processing of aerial survey wildlife imagery, reducing manual interpretation burden. By incorporating DL models into existing counting standards, future surveys may increase sampling efforts, improve accuracy, and enhance aerial survey safety.</p

    Towards the automation of large mammal aerial survey in Africa

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    editorial reviewedIn African open protected areas, large mammals are often surveyed using manned aircrafts which actively count the animals in sample strips for later density extrapolation to the whole area. Nevertheless, this method may be biased among others by the observer’s detection capability. The use of on-board oblique cameras has recently shown an increase in counting accuracy as a result of indirect photo-interpretation. While this approach appears to reduce some biases, the processing time of the generated data is currently a bottleneck. In recent years, Deep Learning (DL) techniques through dense convolutional neural networks (CNNs) have emerged as a very promising avenue for managing such datasets. However, we are not yet at the stage of full automation of the process (i.e. from acquisition to population estimation). Three challenges were identified: 1) reducing false positives, 2) increasing the precision in close-by individuals, and 3) properly managing the overlap between images to avoid double counting. We focused on the two first aspects and developed a new point-based DL model inspired by crowd counting, that was applied on a challenging oblique aerial dataset containing free ranging livestock herds in heterogeneous open arid landscapes. The model’s performances were then evaluated using localization and counting metrics. The DL model achieved a global F1 score of 0.74 and a RMSE of 9.8 animals per 24 megapixel image, at a processing speed of 3.6 s/image. It showed a valuable ability to detect both isolated animals and those in dense herds. This is auspicious for automation of African mammal surveys but the developed approach still needs to be improved to manage double counting on entire transects. These results emphasize the importance of standardization of data acquisition, with strong spatial and temporal heterogeneities, in order to build robust models that can be used in similar environments and conditions

    Counting African Mammal Herds in Aerial Imagery Using Deep Learning: Are Anchor-Based Algorithms the Most Suitable?

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    editorial reviewedMonitoring wildlife and livestock in protected areas is essential to reach natural ecosystem conservation goals. In large open areas, this is often carried out by direct counting from observers in manned aircrafts flying at low altitude. However, there are several biases associated with this method, resulting in a low accuracy of large groups counts. Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) have experienced a significant growth in recent years and seem to be relatively well-suited systems for photographing animals. While UAVs allow for more accurate herd counts than traditional methods, identification and counting are usually indirectly done during a manual time-consuming photo-interpretation process. For several years, machine learning and deep learning techniques have been developed and now show encouraging results for automatic animal detection. Some of them use Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) through anchor-based object detectors. These algorithms automatically extract relevant features from images, produce thousands of anchors all over the image and eventually decide which ones actually contain an object. Counting and classification are then achieved by summing and classifying all the selected bounding boxes. While this approach worked well for isolated mammals or sparse herds, it showed limits in close-by individuals by generating too many false positives, resulting in overestimated counts in dense herds. This raises the question: are anchor-based algorithms the most suitable for counting large mammals in aerial imagery? In an attempt to answer this, we built a simple one stage point-based object detector on a dataset acquired over various African landscapes which contains six large mammal species: buffalo (Syncerus caffer), elephant (Loxodonta africana), kob (Kobus kob), topi (Damaliscus lunatus jimela), warthog (Phacochoerus africanus) and waterbuck (Kobus ellipsiprymnus). An adapted version of the CNN DLA-34 was trained on points only (center of the original bounding boxes), splat onto a Focal Inverse Distance Transform (FIDT) map regressed in a pixel-wise manner using the focal loss. During inference, local maxima were extracted from the predicted map to obtain the animals location. Binary model’s performances were then compared to those of the state-of-the-art model, Libra-RCNN. Although our model detected 5% fewer animals compared to the baseline, its precision doubled from 37% to 70%, reducing the number of false positives by one third without using any hard negative mining method. The results obtained also showed a clear increase in precision in close-by individuals areas, letting it appear that a point-based approach seems to be better adapted for animal detection in herds than anchor-based ones. Future work will apply this approach on other animal datasets with different acquisition conditions (e.g. oblique viewing angle, coarser resolution, denser herds) to evaluate its range of use

    Surveying wildlife and livestock in Uganda with aerial cameras: Deep Learning reduces the workload of human interpretation by over 70%

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    peer reviewedAs the need to accurately monitor key-species populations grows amid increasing pressures on global biodiversity, the counting of large mammals in savannas has traditionally relied on the Systematic-Reconnaissance-Flight (SRF) technique using light aircrafts and human observers. However, this method has limitations, including non-systematic human errors. In recent years, the Oblique-Camera-Count (OCC) approach developed in East Africa has utilized cameras to capture high-resolution imagery replicating aircraft observers’ oblique view. Whilst demonstrating that human observers have missed many animals, OCC relies on labor-intensive human interpretation of thousands of images. This study explores the potential of Deep Learning (DL) to reduce the interpretation workload associated with OCC surveys. Using oblique aerial imagery of 2.1 hectares footprint collected during an SRF-OCC survey of Queen Elizabeth Protected Area in Uganda, a DL model (HerdNet) was trained and evaluated to detect and count 12 wildlife and livestock mammal species. The model’s performance was assessed both at the animal instance-based and image-based levels, achieving accurate detection performance (F1 score of 85%) in positive images (i.e. containing animals) and reducing manual interpretation workload by 74% on a realistic dataset showing less than 10% of positive images. However, it struggled to differentiate visually related species and overestimated animal counts due to false positives generated by landscape items resembling animals. These challenges may be addressed through improved training and verification processes. The results highlight DL’s potential to semi-automate processing of aerial survey wildlife imagery, reducing manual interpretation burden. By incorporating DL models into existing counting standards, future surveys may increase sampling efforts, improve accuracy, and enhance aerial survey safety

    From crowd to herd counting: How to precisely detect and count African mammals using aerial imagery and deep learning?

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    peer reviewedRapid growth of human populations in sub-Saharan Africa has led to a simultaneous increase in the number of livestock, often leading to conflicts of use with wildlife in protected areas. To minimize these conflicts, and to meet both communities’ and conservation goals, it is therefore essential to monitor livestock density and their land use. This is usually done by conducting aerial surveys during which aerial images are taken for later counting. Although this approach appears to reduce counting bias, the manual processing of images is timeconsuming. The use of dense convolutional neural networks (CNNs) has emerged as a very promising avenue for processing such datasets. However, typical CNN architectures have detection limits for dense herds and closeby animals. To tackle this problem, this study introduces a new point-based CNN architecture, HerdNet, inspired by crowd counting. It was optimized on challenging oblique aerial images containing herds of camels (Camelus dromedarius), donkeys (Equus asinus), sheep (Ovis aries) and goats (Capra hircus), acquired over heterogeneous arid landscapes of the Ennedi reserve (Chad). This approach was compared to an anchor-based architecture, Faster-RCNN, and a density-based, adapted version of DLA-34 that is typically used in crowd counting. HerdNet achieved a global F1 score of 73.6 % on 24 megapixels images, with a root mean square error of 9.8 animals and at a processing speed of 3.6 s, outperforming the two baselines in terms of localization, counting and speed. It showed better proximity-invariant precision while maintaining equivalent recall to that of Faster-RCNN, thus demonstrating that it is the most suitable approach for detecting and counting large mammals at close range. The only limitation of HerdNet was the slightly weaker identification of species, with an average confusion rate approximately 4 % higher than that of Faster-RCNN. This study provides a new CNN architecture that could be used to develop an automatic livestock counting tool in aerial imagery. The reduced image analysis time could motivate more frequent flights, thus allowing a much finer monitoring of livestock and their land use

    How Tightly Linked Are Pericopsis elata (Fabaceae) Patches to Anthropogenic Disturbances in Southeastern Cameroon?

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    peer reviewedWhile most past studies have emphasized the relationships between specific forest stands and edaphic factors, recent observations in Central African moist forests suggested that an increase of slash-and-burn agriculture since 3000–2000 BP (Before Present) could be the main driver of the persistence of light-demanding tree species. In order to examine anthropogenic factors in the persistence of such populations, our study focused on Pericopsis elata, an endangered clustered timber species. We used a multidisciplinary approach comprised of botanical, anthracological and archaeobotanical investigations to compare P. elata patches with surrounding stands of mixed forest vegetation (“out-zones”). Charcoal samples were found in both zones, but were significantly more abundant in the soils of patches. Eleven groups of taxa were identified from the charcoals, most of them also present in the current vegetation. Potsherds were detected only inside P. elata patches and at different soil depths, suggesting a long human presence from at least 2150 to 195 BP, as revealed by our charcoal radiocarbon dating. We conclude that current P. elata patches most likely result from shifting cultivation that occurred ca. two centuries ago. The implications of our findings for the dynamics and management of light-demanding tree species are discussed

    Quality indicators for patients with traumatic brain injury in European intensive care units

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    Background: The aim of this study is to validate a previously published consensus-based quality indicator set for the management of patients with traumatic brain injury (TBI) at intensive care units (ICUs) in Europe and to study its potential for quality measur

    How do 66 European institutional review boards approve one protocol for an international prospective observational study on traumatic brain injury? Experiences from the CENTER-TBI study

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    Background The European Union (EU) aims to optimize patient protection and efficiency of health-care research by harmonizing procedures across Member States. Nonetheless, further improvements are required to increase multicenter research efficiency. We investigated IRB procedures in a large prospective European multicenter study on traumatic brain injury (TBI), aiming to inform and stimulate initiatives to improve efficiency. Methods We reviewed relevant documents regarding IRB submission and IRB approval from European neurotrauma centers participating in the Collaborative European NeuroTrauma Effectiveness Research in Traumatic Brain Injury (CENTER-TBI). Documents included detailed information on IRB procedures and the duration from IRB submission until approval(s). They were translated and analyzed to determine the level of harmonization of IRB procedures within Europe. Results From 18 countries, 66 centers provided the requested documents. The primary IRB review was conducted centrally (N = 11, 61%) or locally (N = 7, 39%) and primary IRB approval was obtained after one (N = 8, 44%), two (N = 6, 33%) or three (N = 4, 23%) review rounds with a median duration of respectively 50 and 98 days until primary IRB approval. Additional IRB approval was required in 55% of countries and could increase duration to 535 days. Total duration from submission until required IRB approval was obtained was 114 days (IQR 75-224) and appeared to be shorter after submission to local IRBs compared to central IRBs (50 vs. 138 days, p = 0.0074). Conclusion We found variation in IRB procedures between and within European countries. There were differences in submission and approval requirements, number of review rounds and total duration. Research collaborations could benefit from the implementation of more uniform legislation and regulation while acknowledging local cultural habits and moral values between countries.Peer reviewe