235 research outputs found

    Supergeometry and Quantum Field Theory, or: What is a Classical Configuration?

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    We discuss of the conceptual difficulties connected with the anticommutativity of classical fermion fields, and we argue that the "space" of all classical configurations of a model with such fields should be described as an infinite-dimensional supermanifold M. We discuss the two main approaches to supermanifolds, and we examine the reasons why many physicists tend to prefer the Rogers approach although the Berezin-Kostant-Leites approach is the more fundamental one. We develop the infinite-dimensional variant of the latter, and we show that the functionals on classical configurations considered in a previous paper are nothing but superfunctions on M. We present a programme for future mathematical work, which applies to any classical field model with fermion fields. This programme is (partially) implemented in successor papers.Comment: 46 pages, LateX2E+AMSLaTe

    Minkowski superspaces and superstrings as almost real-complex supermanifolds

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    In 1996/7, J. Bernstein observed that smooth or analytic supermanifolds that mathematicians study are real or (almost) complex ones, while Minkowski superspaces are completely different objects. They are what we call almost real-complex supermanifolds, i.e., real supermanifolds with a non-integrable distribution, the collection of subspaces of the tangent space, and in every subspace a complex structure is given. An almost complex structure on a real supermanifold can be given by an even or odd operator; it is complex (without "always") if the suitable superization of the Nijenhuis tensor vanishes. On almost real-complex supermanifolds, we define the circumcised analog of the Nijenhuis tensor. We compute it for the Minkowski superspaces and superstrings. The space of values of the circumcised Nijenhuis tensor splits into (indecomposable, generally) components whose irreducible constituents are similar to those of Riemann or Penrose tensors. The Nijenhuis tensor vanishes identically only on superstrings of superdimension 1|1 and, besides, the superstring is endowed with a contact structure. We also prove that all real forms of complex Grassmann algebras are isomorphic although singled out by manifestly different anti-involutions.Comment: Exposition of the same results as in v.1 is more lucid. Reference to related recent work by Witten is adde

    Orthogonal polynomials of discrete variable and Lie algebras of complex size matrices

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    We give a uniform interpretation of the classical continuous Chebyshev's and Hahn's orthogonal polynomials of discrete variable in terms of Feigin's Lie algebra gl(N), where N is any complex number. One can similarly interpret Chebyshev's and Hahn's q-polynomials and introduce orthogonal polynomials corresponding to Lie superlagebras. We also describe the real forms of gl(N), quasi-finite modules over gl(N), and conditions for unitarity of the quasi-finite modules. Analogs of tensors over gl(N) are also introduced.Comment: 25 pages, LaTe

    Attitudes of Germans towards distributive issues in the German health system

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    Social health care systems are inevitably confronted with the scarcity of resources and the resulting distributional challenges. Since prioritization implies distributional effects, decisions on respective rules should take citizens’ preferences into account. Thus, knowledge about citizens’ attitudes and preferences regarding different distributional issues implied by the type of financing health care is necessary to judge the public acceptance of a health system. In this study we concentrate on two distributive issues in the German health system: First, we analyse the acceptance of prioritizing decisions concerning the treatment of certain patient groups, in this case patients who all need a heart operation. Here we focus on the fact that a patient is strong smoker or a non-smoker, the criteria of age or the fact that a patient has or does not have young children. Second, we investigate Germans’ opinions towards income dependent health services. The results reveal strong effects of individuals’ attitudes regarding general aspects of the health system on priorities, e.g. that individuals behaving health demanding should not be preferred. In addition, experiences of limited access to health services are found to have a strong influence on citizens’ attitudes, too. Finally, decisions about different prioritization criteria are found to be not independent.

    Super duality and irreducible characters of ortho-symplectic Lie superalgebras

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    We formulate and establish a super duality which connects parabolic categories OO between the ortho-symplectic Lie superalgebras and classical Lie algebras of BCDBCD types. This provides a complete and conceptual solution of the irreducible character problem for the ortho-symplectic Lie superalgebras in a parabolic category OO, which includes all finite-dimensional irreducible modules, in terms of classical Kazhdan-Lusztig polynomials.Comment: 30 pages, Section 5 rewritten and shortene

    Invariants of Lie algebras extended over commutative algebras without unit

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    We establish results about the second cohomology with coefficients in the trivial module, symmetric invariant bilinear forms and derivations of a Lie algebra extended over a commutative associative algebra without unit. These results provide a simple unified approach to a number of questions treated earlier in completely separated ways: periodization of semisimple Lie algebras (Anna Larsson), derivation algebras, with prescribed semisimple part, of nilpotent Lie algebras (Benoist), and presentations of affine Kac-Moody algebras.Comment: v3: added a footnote on p.10 about a wrong derivation of the correct statemen

    Explicit Character Formulae for Positive Energy UIRs of D=4 Conformal Supersymmetry

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    This paper continues the project of constructing the character formulae for the positive energy unitary irreducible representations of the N-extended D=4 conformal superalgebras su(2,2/N). In the first paper we gave the bare characters which represent the defining odd entries of the characters. Now we give the full explicit character formulae for N=1 and for several important examples for N=2 and N=4.Comment: 48 pages, TeX with Harvmac, overlap in preliminaries with arXiv:hep-th/0406154; some comments and references adde

    Jacobson generators, Fock representations and statistics of sl(n+1)

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    The properties of A-statistics, related to the class of simple Lie algebras sl(n+1) (Palev, T.D.: Preprint JINR E17-10550 (1977); hep-th/9705032), are further investigated. The description of each sl(n+1) is carried out via generators and their relations, first introduced by Jacobson. The related Fock spaces W_p (p=1,2,...) are finite-dimensional irreducible sl(n+1)-modules. The Pauli principle of the underlying statistics is formulated. In addition the paper contains the following new results: (a) The A-statistics are interpreted as exclusion statistics; (b) Within each W_p operators B(p)_1^\pm, ..., B(p)_n^\pm, proportional to the Jacobson generators, are introduced. It is proved that in an appropriate topology the limit of B(p)_i^\pm for p going to infinity is equal to B_i^\pm, where B_i^\pm are Bose creation and annihilation operators; (c) It is shown that the local statistics of the degenerated hard-core Bose models and of the related Heisenberg spin models is p=1 A-statistics.Comment: LaTeX-file, 33 page

    Quantum superalgebras at roots of unity and non-abelian symmetries of integrable models

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    We consider integrable vertex models whose Boltzmann weights (R-matrices) are trigonometric solutions to the graded Yang-Baxter equation. As is well known the latter can be generically constructed from quantum affine superalgebras Uq(g^)U_{q}(\hat g). These algebras do not form a symmetry algebra of the model for generic values of the deformation parameter qq when periodic boundary conditions are imposed. If qq is evaluated at a root of unity we demonstrate that in certain commensurate sectors one can construct non-abelian subalgebras which are translation invariant and supercommute with the transfer matrix and therefore with all charges of the model. In the line of argument we introduce the restricted quantum superalgebra Uqres(g^)U^{res}_q(\hat g) and investigate its root of unity limit. We prove several new formulas involving supercommutators of arbitrary powers of the Chevalley-Serre generators and derive higher order quantum Serre relations as well as an analogue of Lustzig's quantum Frobenius theorem for superalgebras.Comment: 31 pages, tcilatex (minor typos corrected