835 research outputs found

    Balanço auxina/citocinina para multiplicação in vitro de pimenteira-do-reino (Piper nigrum L.).

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    As tĂ©cnicas de cultura de tecidos tĂȘm sido empregadas de diferentes formas no desenvolvimento de cultivares superiores de plantas, podendo oferecer novas alternativas aos programas de melhoramento em suas diferentes fases. O trabalho consiste na micropropagação da cultivar de pimenteira-do-reino Balankota, cujos explantes utilizados foram gemas apicais e axilares inoculadas em meio de cultura Murashige & Skoog (MS), com 3% de sacarose, vitaminas MS, suplementados com diferentes combinaçÔes de auxina (AIA) e citocininas (cinetina e BAP) e solidificado com 0,2% de Phytagel. Os explantes foram mantidos em condiçÔes controladas de cultivo por 6 semanas. O delineamento experimental utilizado foi inteiramente casualizado e os resultados foram analisados pela ANOVA com teste de Tukey ao nĂ­vel de 5% de probabilidade. As avaliaçÔes foram quanto ao nĂșmero de gemas e brotos por explante e grau de oxidação. ConcentraçÔes inferiores de cinetina emitiram maiores nĂșmeros de gemas, e todas as combinaçÔes apresentaram elevado grau de oxidação e mĂ©dia semelhantes para nĂșmero de brotos. O balanço Cinetina/AIA promove a diferenciação de novas gemas com destaque para 0,5μM de cinetina e 0,2μM de AIA. Independente do balanço ocorre elevado grau de oxidação dos explantes

    Sanidade de sementes de girassol provenientes de trĂȘs municĂ­pios do estado do MaranhĂŁo.

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    RESUMO: A crescente importĂąncia do girassol leva Ă  necessidade da realização de estudos sobre detecção de patĂłgenos, a fim de garantir a sanidade da cultura e a identificação de patĂłgenos em novas ĂĄreas. Com o objetivo de avaliar a qualidade sanitĂĄria de sementes de girassol, foram analisadas sementes de vĂĄrios de genĂłtipos produzidas em ensaios na Embrapa Soja, Londrina, PR. Os ensaios foram conduzidos em trĂȘs municĂ­pios do estado do MaranhĂŁo: Balsas, SĂŁo LuĂ­s e Timon. A anĂĄlise sanitĂĄria das sementes foi feita pelo mĂ©todo de papel de filtro e a identificação dos diferentes patĂłgenos foi realizada com base nas caracterĂ­sticas morfolĂłgicas. Verificou-se a ocorrĂȘncia de Fusarium sp., Alternaria spp., Curvularia sp., Dreschelera sp., Aspergillus sp., Penicillium sp., Phoma sp., Trichoderma sp., Botrytis sp., Rhizoctonia sp., Rhizopus sp., Colletotrichum sp., Chaetomium sp., Cladosporium sp. e Sclerotinia sclerotiorum foi observada nas sementes de girassol, com Ă­ndices de incidĂȘncia variĂĄveis. ABSTRACT: The increasing importance of sunflower leads to studies on seed pathogen, to guarantee crop sanity and to provide identification of pathogens in new areas. Genotypes seeds lots produced in Embrapa Soja assays carried out in tree cities of the State of MaranhĂŁo, Brazil (Balsas, SĂŁo LuĂ­s and Timon) were analyzed, with the objective of evaluating sanitary quality of sunflower seeds. Sanitary analysis was performed by blotter test method and identification of fungi genera was based on morphological features. The occurrence of Fusarium sp., Alternaria spp., Curvularia sp., Dreschelera sp., Aspergillus sp., Penicillium sp., Phoma sp., Trichoderma sp., Botrytis sp., Rhizoctonia sp., Rhizopus sp., Colletotrichum sp., Chaetomium sp., Cladosporium sp. and Sclerotinia sclerotiorum was observed in seeds of sunflower, with variable incidences.TĂ­tulo em inglĂȘs: Sanity quality of sunflower seeds from three regions the state of MaranhĂŁo

    Qualidade fisiolĂłgica e sanitĂĄria de sementes de girassol produzidas na regiĂŁo de Timon, MaranhĂŁo.

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    Altered thymic differentiation and modulation of arthritis by invariant NKT cells expressing mutant ZAP70

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    Various subsets of invariant natural killer T (iNKT) cells with different cytokine productions develop in the mouse thymus, but the factors driving their differentiation remain unclear. Here we show that hypomorphic alleles of Zap70 or chemical inhibition of Zap70 catalysis leads to an increase of IFN-gamma-producing iNKT cells (NKT1 cells), suggesting that NKT1 cells may require a lower TCR signal threshold. Zap70 mutant mice develop IL-17-dependent arthritis. In a mouse experimental arthritis model, NKT17 cells are increased as the disease progresses, while NKT1 numbers negatively correlates with disease severity, with this protective effect of NKT1 linked to their IFN-gamma expression. NKT1 cells are also present in the synovial fluid of arthritis patients. Our data therefore suggest that TCR signal strength during thymic differentiation may influence not only IFN-gamma production, but also the protective function of iNKT cells in arthritis

    Phenotyping Superagers Using Resting-State fMRI

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    BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: Superagers are defined as older adults with episodic memory performance similar or superior to that in middle-aged adults. This study aimed to investigate the key differences in discriminative networks and their main nodes between superagers and cognitively average elderly controls. In addition, we sought to explore differences in sensitivity in detecting these functional activities across the networks at 3T and 7T MR imaging fields. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Fifty-five subjects 80 years of age or older were screened using a detailed neuropsychological protocol, and 31 participants, comprising 14 superagers and 17 cognitively average elderly controls, were included for analysis. Participants underwent resting-state-fMRI at 3T and 7T MR imaging. A prediction classification algorithm using a penalized regression model on the measurements of the network was used to calculate the probabilities of a healthy older adult being a superager. Additionally, ORs quantified the influence of each node across preselected networks. RESULTS: The key networks that differentiated superagers and elderly controls were the default mode, salience, and language networks. The most discriminative nodes (ORs > 1) in superagers encompassed areas in the precuneus posterior cingulate cortex, prefrontal cortex, temporoparietal junction, temporal pole, extrastriate superior cortex, and insula. The prediction classification model for being a superager showed better performance using the 7T compared with 3T resting-state-fMRI data set. CONCLUSIONS: Our findings suggest that the functional connectivity in the default mode, salience, and language networks can provide potential imaging biomarkers for predicting superagers. The 7T field holds promise for the most appropriate study setting to accurately detect the functional connectivity patterns in superagers

    Projeto polĂ­tico-pedagĂłgico experiĂȘncias bem sucedida

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    Este trabalho tem por objetivo conhecer e analisar os projetos polĂ­ticopedagĂłgicos considerados bem sucedidos, em escolas pĂșblicas do Distrito Federal, com vistas a propor sugestĂ”es a outras instituiçÔes de ensino. Para isto, optou-se por uma pesquisa qualitativa, utilizando-se como instrumento a entrevista semi-estruturada. Os cenĂĄrios da pesquisa foram cinco escolas nas regiĂ”es administrativas de BrazlĂąndia, GuarĂĄ, Sobradinho e Taguatinga, que, na opiniĂŁo das pesquisadoras, planejaram, estĂŁo executando e avaliando o projeto de forma bem sucedida. As categorias escolhidas para anĂĄlise e discussĂŁo dos dados foram: caracterização do cenĂĄrio e participantes; razĂ”es do sucesso do projeto polĂ­tico-pedagĂłgico; processo de construção; açÔes e inovaçÔes; empecilhos e desfechos; e contribuiçÔes para outras instituiçÔes. Os principais resultados obtidos nesta pesquisa demonstraram que o envolvimento de todos os segmentos e o levantamento de prioridades da comunidade escolar, alĂ©m das avaliaçÔes freqĂŒentes que possibilitam o redirecionamento das açÔes educativas, sĂŁo fundamentais para eficĂĄcia da proposta da escola. O desenvolvimento de projetos especĂ­ficos, elaborados com vistas a melhorar o desempenho dos educandos, enriquecer a prĂĄxis dos docentes e estreitar os laços entre a escola e sua comunidade, contribuem significativamente para atingir as metas estabelecidas coletivamente, assim como as alternativas encontradas por todas para suprir as dificuldades apresentadas. À guisa de conclusĂŁo, a anĂĄlise realizada evidenciou que nĂŁo sĂŁo poucos os desafios encontrados mas que as iniciativas estĂŁo ocorrendo e as experiĂȘncias bem sucedidas em escolas da rede pĂșblica de ensino podem se multiplicar. O planejamento participativo, o respeito pela diversidade de idĂ©ias e opiniĂ”es e as responsabilidades compartilhadas, quando entrelaçados, abrem espaços para ampliar a consciĂȘncia cidadĂŁ e cultivar o sentimento de solidariedade e compromisso em todos os segmentos. Estes sĂŁo fundamentais para tornar a dinĂąmica da escola inovadora e consensual. SĂŁo essas possibilidades que aguçam os Ăąnimos e reforçam as esperanças que a instituição escolar cumpra bem o seu papel

    Anthelmintic Activity In Vivo of Epiisopiloturine against Juvenile and Adult Worms of Schistosoma mansoni

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    Schistosomiasis is a serious disease currently estimated to affect more that 207 million people worldwide. Due to the intensive use of praziquantel, there is increasing concern about the development of drug-resistant strains. Therefore, it is necessary to search for and investigate new potential schistosomicidal compounds. This work reports the in vivo effect of the alkaloid epiisopiloturine (EPI) against adults and juvenile worms of Schistosoma mansoni. EPI was first purified its thermal behavior and theoretical solubility parameters charaterised. In the experiment, mice were treated with EPI over the 21 days post-infection with the doses of 40 and 200 mg/kg, and 45 days post-infection with single doses of 40, 100 and 300 mg/kg. The treatment with EPI at 40 mg/kg was more effective in adult worms when compared with doses of 100 and 300 mg/kg. The treatment with 40 mg/kg in adult worms reduced parasite burden significantly, lead to reduction in hepatosplenomegaly, reduced the egg burden in faeces, and decreased granuloma diameter. Scanning electron microscopy revealed morphological changes to the parasite tegument after treatment, including the loss of important features. Additionally, the in vivo treatment against juvenile with 40 mg/kg showed a reduction of the total worm burden of 50.2%. Histopathological studies were performed on liver, spleen, lung, kidney and brain and EPI was shown to have a DL50 of 8000 mg/kg. Therefore EPI shows potential to be used in schistosomiasis treatment. This is the first time that schistosomicidal in vivo activity of EPI has been reported

    Differential Regional Immune Response in Chagas Disease

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    Following infection, lymphocytes expand exponentially and differentiate into effector cells to control infection and coordinate the multiple effector arms of the immune response. Soon after this expansion, the majority of antigen-specific lymphocytes die, thus keeping homeostasis, and a small pool of memory cells develops, providing long-term immunity to subsequent reinfection. The extent of infection and rate of pathogen clearance are thought to determine both the magnitude of cell expansion and the homeostatic contraction to a stable number of memory cells. This straight correlation between the kinetics of T cell response and the dynamics of lymphoid tissue cell numbers is a constant feature in acute infections yielded by pathogens that are cleared during the course of response. However, the regional dynamics of the immune response mounted against pathogens that are able to establish a persistent infection remain poorly understood. Herein we discuss the differential lymphocyte dynamics in distinct central and peripheral lymphoid organs following acute infection by Trypanosoma cruzi, the causative agent of Chagas disease. While the thymus and mesenteric lymph nodes undergo a severe atrophy with massive lymphocyte depletion, the spleen and subcutaneous lymph nodes expand due to T and B cell activation/proliferation. These events are regulated by cytokines, as well as parasite-derived moieties. In this regard, identifying the molecular mechanisms underlying regional lymphocyte dynamics secondary to T. cruzi infection may hopefully contribute to the design of novel immune intervention strategies to control pathology in this infection
