50 research outputs found

    Conhecimento de enfermeiros sobre dermatite associada à incontinência em um hospital de ensino

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    Objetivo: Verificar o conhecimento de enfermeiros acerca da dermatite associada à incontinência em um hospital de ensino.Método: Pesquisa descritiva, transversal e com análise quantitativa, realizado com 90 enfermeiros de um hospital universitário do nordeste do País entre janeiro e fevereiro de 2021. Os dados foram coletados através de um questionário online auto aplicado. Os dados foram analisados através do teste Exato de Fisher.Resultados: 75,6% dos participantes apresentaram conhecimento sobre a definição de dermatite associada à incontinência, contudo a maioria dos participantes errou sobre diversos fatores, tais como: identificação da imagem (58,9%), avaliação (66,7%), prevenção e tratamento (58,9%), método de avaliação de risco (62,2%).Conclusão: Os participantes apresentam fragilidades no conhecimento de dermatite associada à incontinência. Recomenda-se a reprodução deste estudo em outros cenários, a fim de contribuir com a produção de protocolos que otimizem o manejo.Palavras-chave: Cuidados de enfermagem. Dermatite. Estomaterapia. Hospitalização. Hospitais universitários

    Profile of ostomy patients: integrative review of the literature

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    Uma análise acerca do perfil de estomizados, através de estudos multicêntricos que retratem as características específicas desses pacientes, contribui para o atendimento de suas reais necessidades e para o direcionamento de políticas públicas e de saúde para melhoria da qualidade de vida dessa clientela. Este estudo objetiva investigar a produção científica acerca do perfil de pacientes estomizados, no período de 2004 a 2012. Trata-se de uma revisão integrativa da literatura realizada por meio de busca eletrônica nas bases: Lilacs, Scielo, Bdenf e na Revista Estima, por tratar-se de um periódico especializado da Sociedade Brasileira de Estomaterapia. Fizeram parte da amostra dez artigos que contemplaram os critérios de inclusão. Identificou-se que todos os estudos foram realizados no Brasil, em estados e regiões diversas e a grande maioria por enfermeiros. O perfil sociodemográfico e epidemiológico dos estomizados mostra prevalência do sexo feminino, com predomínio de adultos e idosos, o câncer colorretal como principal causa para realização do estoma, e a colostomia como tipo de estomia predominante. Verifica-se que o foco desta temática ainda apresenta uma produção científica incipiente, com estudos pontuais, pouco abrangentes e baixa regularidade. Sugere-se que sejam realizados novos estudos para subsidiar uma melhor qualificação da assistência ao usuário.Mediante el análisis sobre el perfil de ostomía en los estudios multicéntricos que describen las características específicas de estos pacientes ostomizados, se contribuye a la satisfacción de sus necesidades reales y la focalización de las políticas públicas y de salud para mejorar la calidad de vida de los mismos. Este estudio tiene como objetivo investigar el perfil científico de los pacientes ostomizados en el período 2004-2012. Se trata de una revisión integradora de la literatura realizada por una búsqueda electrónica en las bases de datos: Lilacs, scielo, Bdenf y la revista estima, porque es una revista especializada de la Sociedad Brasileña de Estomaterapia. La muestra estuvo conformada por diez artículos que contemplan los criterios de inclusión. Todos los estudios se llevaron a cabo en Brasil en diversos estados y regiones y la gran mayoría de las enfermeras. La prevalencia sociodemográfica y epidemiológica de los pacientes ostomizados muestra predominio femenino de adultos mayores, el cáncer colorrectal es la causa principal para la realización del estoma y colostomía como el tipo predominante de ostomía. Parece que el enfoque de este tema sigue aún en un período de relativa a infancia científica, con estudios de escasa y baja regularidad. Se sugiere que otros estudios se llevaron a cabo con la finalidad de apoyar un mejor cuidado de la salud del usuario.An analysis on the profile of ostomy, multicenter studies that portray the specific characteristics of these patients, contributes to meeting their real needs and the targeting of public policies and health to improve the quality of life for these clients. This study aims to investigate the scientific profile about ostomy patients in the period 2004-2012. It is an integrative literature review performed by an electronic search in databases: Lilacs, Scielo, and Bdenf Magazine estimated, because it is a specialized journal of the Brazilian Society of Stomatherapy. The sample consisted of ten articles which contemplated the inclusion criteria. It was found that all studies were conducted in Brazil in various states and regions and the vast majority of nurses. The sociodemographic and epidemiological prevalence of ostomy shows female predominance of older adults, colorectal cancer as the main cause for the realization of the stoma and colostomy as the predominant type of ostomy. It appears that the focus of this issue is still of scientific infancy, with specific studies, little comprehensive and low regularity. It is suggested that further studies be conducted to support improved health care user

    Economic-financial and patrimonial elder abuse: a documentary study

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    Objective: To analyze economic-financial and patrimonial cases of elder abuse, recorded in the specialized police station for security and protection of the elderly of a capital city in the northeast region of Brazil. Method: A cross-sectional study was carried out with data extracted from police reports and inquiries recorded in the abovementioned police station. Descriptive and inferential statistics were carried out by means of Pearson’s chisquare test or Fisher’s exact test, and multivariate logistic regression. Results: The sample was made up of 555 police reports. The data showed that financial abuse presented a prevalence of 58.9%, and that older elderly people (67.9%), men (70.4%), and single (75.0%) presented a higher percentage of financial abuse compared with other types of violence, often occurring in public places, with 3.1 more chances of occurrence than at the elderly’s home. Regarding aggressors, women (73.5%), without suspicion of alcohol use (66.4%), and non-family members committed more financial abuse, evidencing 2.97 more chances of practicing it. Conclusion: In the period studied, financial abuse increased in its magnitude when compared with other types of violence, a fact that justifies researching the theme in order to prevent it

    Knowledge and practice of workers, professionals and managers on waste of health services

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    Objective: To assess the knowledge and practice of workers, professionals and managers about the Healthcare Waste in a reference institute in tropical and communicable diseases Teresina (PI). Method: A descriptive, observational study with quantitative analysis, conducted from 01 to 30 March 2012. The study population was composed of: 49 workers, 124 health workers and 11 managers sector. Data were collected from interviews, using three instruments with a specific script to each group's structured. The study was approved by the ethics committee on research, CEP-UFPI with CAAE: 0210.0.045.000-11. Results: 90% of workers, 95,2% of professional and 54,5% of the managers demonstrated ignorance of the existence of the Plan for Waste Management Health Service (PGRSS) of the institution. Conclusion: There was a deficit in the knowledge of workers, professionals and managers about Plan for Waste Management Health Service and improper practices in the management of Healthcare Waste

    Effect of mobile application use on knowledge about human immunodeficiency virus among university students

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    OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the effect of using a mobile application on knowledge about human immunodeficiency virus among university students. METHOD: A before-and-after intervention study, with 196 university students, from August to December 2018. The intervention consisted of using the educ@aids mobile application for 15 days. Univariate analyzes were performed using simple descriptive statistics and the McNemar test was used to compare knowledge before and after the intervention. RESULTS: There was an improvement in knowledge after using educ@aids in the variables related to knowledge about the transmission of the virus; knowledge about treatment, cure and prevention; knowledge of other information about human immunodeficiency virus. CONCLUSION: The use of educ@aids increased knowledge about the human immunodeficiency virus among health university students.publishersversionpublishe

    Types of non-psychotic mental disorders in adult women who suffered intimate partner violence: an integrative review

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    Objective: Identifying the types of non-psychotic mental disorders in adult women who suffered intimate partner violence in the literature. Method: An integrative review carried out in the MEDLINE, CINAHL, LILACS, Web of Science and SCOPUS databases. Results: We selected 19 articles published in international journals in English, with a predominance of cross-sectional study studies (78.9%). The most common types of non-psychotic mental disorders were: depression (73.7%) and post-traumatic stress disorder (52.6%). It was observed that 78.9% of the articles presented a 2C level of evidence. Conclusion: Studies have shown that adult women who are victims of intimate partner violence mostly suffer from depression and post-traumatic stress disorder, as well as other morbidities; a fact that highlights how devastating violence by an intimate partner can impact on the mental health of those who experience it

    Efeito do uso de aplicativo móvel no conhecimento sobre vírus da imunodeficiência humana entre universitários

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    Objetivo: Avaliar o efeito do uso de aplicativo móvel no conhecimento sobre vírus da imunodeficiência humana entre universitários.Método: Estudo de intervenção do tipo antes e depois, com 196 universitários, no período de agosto a dezembro de 2018. A intervenção consistiu no uso do aplicativo móvel educ@aids por 15 dias. Foram realizadas análises univariadas, por meio de estatísticas descritivas simples e para comparação do conhecimento antes e após intervenção foi utilizado o Teste de McNemar.Resultados: Houve melhora no conhecimento após uso do educ@aids nas variáveis relacionadas ao conhecimento acerca da transmissão do vírus; conhecimento acerca do tratamento, cura e prevenção; conhecimento de outras informações sobre o vírus da imunodeficiência humana.Conclusão: O uso do educ@aids aumentou o conhecimento sobre o vírus daimunodeficiência humana entre os universitários da saúde. Palavras-chave: Síndrome de imunodeficiência adquirida. Conhecimento. Aplicativos móveis. Smartphone. Estudantes. Tecnologia da informação

    Efeito da intervenção educativa no pós-operatório de pessoas com estomias intestinais de eliminação: revisão sistemática

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    Objective: To identify the effect of educational intervention in the postoperative period of people with intestinal elimination ostomies.Methods: Systematic review of the literature on PROSPERO: 42018094601 carried out in April 2018, in the bases MEDLINE, Web of Science, CINAHL, SCOPUS, Cochrane, and LILACS and BDENF via the Virtual Health Library (VHL), in addition to the reference lists of articles selected for finding additional relevant literature (including uncontrolled studies, controlled studies and randomized controlled trials) and quasi-experimental, without language and time restriction.Results: 6 studies were selected and the type of most prevalent educational was standard education for the control group and standard education plus telephone follow-up for the experimental group. The majority of the participants were 50 years old and the duration of the educational interventions varied from 3 to 6 weeks. Conclusion: There was a positive effect of educational intervention in the postoperative period of people with intestinal elimination ostomies in the following aspects: knowledge, satisfaction, hospitalization time, physical, mental and social aspects, quality of life, knowledge about self-care practices with feeding and ostomy, adjustment to the ostomy and complications.Objetivo: Identificar la efectividad de la intervención educativa em el postoperatorio de personas con estomias intestinales de eliminación. Método: Revisión sistemática de la literatura registrada en el PRÓSPERO: 42018094601 y realizada en abril de 2018, en las bases MEDLINE, Web of Science, CINAHL, SCOPUS, Cochrane, LILACS y BDENF vía Biblioteca Virtual em Salud (BVS), además de las listas de referencia de los artículos seleccionados para encontrar literatura relevante adicional. Se incluyen artículos con diseño experimental (por ejemplo, estudios no controlados, estudios controlados y ensayos clínicos randomizados y controlados) y cuasi-experimental, sin restricción de idioma y tiempo.Resultados: Se seleccionaron 6 estudios y el tipo de intervención educativa más prevalente fue la educación estándar para el grupo de control y educación estándar más acompañamiento telefónico para el grupo experimental. La mayoría de los participantes tenía edad a partir de 50 años y el tiempo de duración de las intervenciones educativas varió de 3 a 6 semanas.Conclusión: Se verificó efecto positivo de la intervención educativa en el postoperatorio de personas con estomias intestinales de eliminación en los aspectos: conocimiento, satisfacción, tiempo de internación, aspectos físicos, mentales y sociales, calidad de vida, conocimiento sobre prácticas de autocuidado con alimentación y estomia, ajuste a la estomia y complicaciones.  Objetivo: Identificar o efeitoda intervenção educativa no pós-operatório de pessoas com estomias intestinais de eliminação. Método: Revisão sistemática da literatura registrada no PRÓSPERO: 42018094601 y realizada em abril de 2018, nas bases MEDLINE, Web of Science, CINAHL, SCOPUS, Cochrane, e LILACS e BDENF via Biblioteca Virtual em Saúde (BVS), além das listas de referência dos artigos selecionados para encontrar literatura relevante adicional. Incluíram-se artigos com desenho experimental (incluindo estudos não controlados, estudos controlados e ensaios clínicos randomizados e controlados) e quase-experimental, sem restrição de idioma e tempo.Resultados: Foram selecionados 6 estudos e o tipo de intervenção educativa mais prevalente foi educação padrão para o grupo controle e educação padrão mais acompanhamento telefônico para o grupo experimental. A maioria dos participantes tinha idade a partir de 50 anos e o tempo de duração das intervenções educativas variou de 3 até 6 semanas.Conclusão: Verificou-se efeito positivo da intervenção educativa no pós-operatório de pessoas com estomias intestinais de eliminação nos aspectos: conhecimento, satisfação, tempo de internação, aspectos fisicos, mentais e sociais, qualidade de vida, conhecimento sobre práticas de autocuidado com alimentação e estomia, ajustamento a estomia e complicações

    Factors associated with the knowledge of patients and caregivers about clean intermittent urethral catheterization: an integrative review

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    Objective: To identify the factors associated with the knowledge of patients and caregivers about Clean Intermittent Urethral Catheterization in the literature which hinder or facilitate the procedure. Method: An integrative review of the literature conducted in the MEDLINE/PubMed, CINAHL, Cochrane, Web of Science, SCOPUS and LILACS databases. Results: 13 primary studies were included in the sample after the peer review. A synthesis of knowledge was performed in two categories: Factors associated with the knowledge of patients and caregivers which hinder the procedure and Factors associated with the knowledge of patients and caregivers which facilitate the procedure. Factors that hinder and facilitate the procedure respectively related to the need of information and negative feelings, use of easy-to-understand language, and application of information leaflets, among others. Conclusion: There is a shortage of published articles on the subject, and those which were identified had a low level of evidence, therefore requiring greater commitment and effort on the part of health professionals and researchers to use more robust designs

    Sexuality of patients with bowel elimination ostomy

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    Objective: To evaluate the impact of ostomy in the sexuality of an stomized individual. Methods: A descriptive exploratory study with a quantitative approach, developed in an Integrated Health Center in Teresina/PI. Eighty three patients participated, according to the inclusion criteria. Data were collected using a structured form, stored in Excel 2010 and analyzed through descriptive statistics using chi-squared test. Approval from the Research Ethics Committee CAAE No. 36551714.0.0000.5512 was obtained. Results: Three sections were obtained. The first section, referring to the profile of the sample, includes sociodemographic features of patients with intestinal elimination ostomy; the second section features their sexuality; and the third section lists the sociodemographic characteristics and related to the characteristics of sexuality. Conclusion: Having an ostomy influences many factors that contribute to the well-being of people. The change of body image changes the psychic functions, influencing sexual activity