244 research outputs found

    Hyperendemicity, heterogeneity and spatial overlap of leprosy and cutaneous leishmaniasis in the southern Amazon region of Brazil

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    Neglected tropical diseases characterized by skin lesions are highly endemic in the state of Mato Grosso, Brazil. We analyzed the spatial distribution of leprosy and Cutaneous Leishmaniasis (CL) and identified the degree of overlap in their distribution. All new cases of leprosy and CL reported between 2008 and 2017 through the national reporting system were included in the study. Scan statistics together with univariate Global and Local Moran's I were employed to identify clusters and spatial autocorrelation for each disease, with the spatial correlation between leprosy and CL measured by bivariate Global and Local Moran's I. Finally, we evaluated the demographic characteristics of the patients. The number of leprosy (N = 28,204) and CL (N = 24,771) cases in Mato Grosso and the highly smoothed detection coefficients indicated hyperendemicity and spatial distribution heterogeneity. Scan statistics demonstrated overlap of high-risk clusters for leprosy (RR = 2.0; P <0.001) and CL (RR = 4.0; P <0.001) in the North and Northeast mesoregions. Global Moran's I revealed a spatial autocorrelation for leprosy (0.228; P = 0.001) and CL (0.311; P = 0.001) and a correlation between them (0.164; P = 0.001). Both diseases were found to be concentrated in urban areas among men aged 31-60 years, of brown-skinned ethnicity and with a low educational level. Our findings indicate a need for developing integrated and spatially as well as socio-demographically targeted public health policies

    Ongoing monkeypox virus outbreak, Portugal, 29 April to 23 May 2022

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    Up to 27 May 2022, Portugal has detected 96 confirmed cases of monkeypox. We describe 27 confirmed cases (median age: 33 years (range: 22–51); all males), with an earliest symptom onset date of 29 April. Almost all cases (n = 25) live in the Lisbon and Tagus Valley health region. Most cases were neither part of identified transmission chains, nor linked to travel or had contact with symptomatic persons or with animals, suggesting the possible previously undetected spread of monkeypox.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    "Plantar pro gasto": a importância do autoconsumo entre famílias de agricultores do Rio Grande do Sul.

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    O artigo discute a valoração e importância da produção para o autoconsumo na reprodução social das unidades familiares e caracteriza os alimentos autoconsumidos. Vale-se da pesquisa "Agricultura Familiar, Desenvolvimento Local e Pluriatividade" (UFRGS/UFPel/ CNPq-2003) que propiciou a formação de um banco de dados com informações sobre a dinâmica da agricultura familiar em quatro regiões distintas da geografia gaúcha, suas fontes e tipos de renda, entre estas o autoconsumo. Trazer este debate significa retomar um tema pouco discutido até então, e que, embora marginalizado ou considerado sem importância, desenvolve importante papel como renda não monetária, fortalece a segurança alimentar e adentra esferas da sociabilidade e identidade social. Além da introdução, apresenta-se o papel do autoconsumo na agricultura familiar, o cálculo da produção para o autoconsumo, discussão dos objetivos e resultados, e considerações finais. Os resultados demonstram que a produção para o autoconsumo é uma estratégia recorrente pelas unidades familiares e se diferencia de acordo com a dinâmica da agricultura familiar. Diferença esta expressa em valores relativos (%) e no número de estabelecimentos pertencentes a estratos diferenciados de autoconsumo, e pouco nos tipos de alimentos produzidos para este fim, observando-se uma homogeneidade dos hábitos alimentares

    Studies on the mineral nutrition of the rice plant: XII. effects of the deficiencies of macronutrients on the varieties IAC-25 and IAC-47

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    Plantas de arroz, variedades IAC-25 e IAC-47, foram cultivadas em solução nutritiva completa e com deficiência de macronutrientes. Foram obtidos dados sobre a influência dos tratamentos na área foliar, produção de matéria seca e na composição mineral e observados os sintomas de carência. O estado nutricional das plantas deficientes em N foi também avaliado pela determinação da atividade da redútase de nitrato na folha.Rice plants, varieties IAC-25 and IAC-47 were grown in nutrient solution both in the presence and in the absence of macronutrients. Symptons of deficiency were observed in general agreement with description found in the literature. The deficiency of N affected most dry matter yield among the three major macronutrients. although the effect on grain production was greater when K was omitted. The following levels could be taken as indication of adequate nutrition when leaf samples are analysed at the boot stage (respectively) for var. IAC-25 and IAC-47): N - 4.18% and 3.54%; P - 0.36 and 0.27; K - 2.30 and 2.09; Ca - 1.22 and 1.00; Mg - 0.80 and 0.77; S - 0.24 and 0.18. Leaf nitrate reductase activity at the same physiological period correlated well both with N supply and dry matter production
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