10 research outputs found

    Smart Manufacturing and Intelligent Manufacturing:A Comparative Review

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    The application of intelligence to manufacturing has emerged as a compelling topic for researchers and industries around the world. However, different terminologies, namely smart manufacturing (SM) and intelligent manufacturing (IM), have been applied to what may be broadly characterized as a similar paradigm by some researchers and practitioners. While SM and IM are similar, they are not identical. From an evolutionary perspective, there has been little consideration on whether the definition, thought, connotation, and technical development of the concepts of SM or IM are consistent in the literature. To address this gap, the work performs a qualitative and quantitative investigation of research literature to systematically compare inherent differences of SM and IM and clarify the relationship between SM and IM. A bibliometric analysis of publication sources, annual publication numbers, keyword frequency, and top regions of research and development establishes the scope and trends of the currently presented research. Critical topics discussed include origin, definitions, evolutionary path, and key technologies of SM and IM. The implementation architecture, standards, and national focus are also discussed. In this work, a basis to understand SM and IM is provided, which is increasingly important because the trend to merge both terminologies rises in Industry 4.0 as intelligence is being rapidly applied to modern manufacturing and human–cyber–physical systems

    Theraphosoideas do Brasil

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    Volume: 13Start Page: 1End Page: 43

    Arachnideos da Ilha dos Alcatrazes

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    Volume: 13Start Page: 515End Page: 52

    Sobre uma Aranha parasita de Sauva

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    Volume: 13Start Page: 523End Page: 52

    Numerical Implementation of Meshless Methods for Beam Problems

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    For solving a partial different equation by a numerical method, a possible alternative may be either to use a mesh method or a meshless method. A flexible computational procedure for solving 1D linear elastic beam problems is presented that currently uses two forms of approximation function (moving least squares and kernel approximation functions) and two types of formulations, namely the weak form and collocation technique, respectively. The approximations functions constructed in continuous or in discrete way are used as approximations of the strong forms of partial differential equations (PDEs), and those serving as approximations of the weak forms of PDEs to set up a linear system of equations to reproduce Element Free Galerkin (EFG) and Smooth Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH) meshless methods. To approximate the strong form of a PDE, the partial differential equation is usually discretized by specific collocation technique. The SPH is a representative method for the strong form collocation approach. To approximate the weak form of a PDE, Galerkin weak formulation is used

    Le rĂŽle infirmier dans l’accompagnement des proches des patients en Ă©tat de mort cĂ©rĂ©brale aux soins intensifs lors d’un processus de don d’organes: une revue de littĂ©rature

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    ProblĂ©matique : l’annonce du diagnostic de mort cĂ©rĂ©brale ainsi que la question du don d’organes provoquent un Ă©tat de choc chez les proches et cela rend la situation difficile et Ă©prouvante Ă  vivre. A ce moment-lĂ , le rĂŽle de l’infirmier consiste Ă  donner des informations aux proches mais Ă©galement Ă  les accompagner et Ă  les soutenir. But : identifier les facteurs qui amĂ©liorent l’accompagnement des proches de patients en Ă©tat de mort cĂ©rĂ©brale aux soins intensifs, par les infirmiers, lors d’un processus de don d’organes. MĂ©thode : revue de littĂ©rature regroupant neuf Ă©tudes quantitatives et qualitatives, identifiĂ©es sur les bases de donnĂ©es CINAHL et PUBMED. Ces articles ont Ă©tĂ© analysĂ©s Ă  l’aide de grilles de rĂ©sumĂ© et de lecture critique. RĂ©sultats : le manque de connaissance des professionnels sur la mort cĂ©rĂ©brale et le don d’organes impactent la qualitĂ© des informations donnĂ©es et la comprĂ©hension des proches. Les attitudes et les comportements des infirmiers influenceraient la prise de dĂ©cision des proches quant au don d’organes. Le temps accordĂ© ainsi que les informations claires et honnĂȘtes donnĂ©es aux proches sont des Ă©lĂ©ments clĂ©s pour aborder la question du don. Pour les proches, le don doit ĂȘtre dissociĂ© de la perte, car mĂȘme si celui-ci permet de sauver une/des vie(s), il ne remplacera jamais l’ĂȘtre cher. Conclusion : les concepts majeurs de la thĂ©orie du Patient Family Centered Care complĂštent les rĂ©sultats. Le respect, la dignitĂ©, le partage d’informations, les informations transmises ainsi que la collaboration avec les proches sont des Ă©lĂ©ments essentiels Ă  intĂ©grer dans l’accompagnement de ces derniers