65 research outputs found

    Vauvahieronta varhaisen vuorovaikutuksen tukena

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    Tässä opinnäytetyössä tarkoituksena oli järjestää vauvahierontapäivät tervey-denhoitajille ja perhetyöntekijöille sekä vanhemmille Imatralla Mansikkalan neuvolassa. Lisäksi oli tuottaa vauvahierontaesite jaettavaksi vauvahierontapäivään osallistuville vanhemmille ja neuvolaan. Opinnäytetyö toteutettiin toiminnallisena järjestämällä kolme vauvahierontapäivää. Ensimmäinen vauvahierontapäivä järjestettiin Imatralla työskenteleville terveydenhoitajille ja perhetyöntekijöille 9.9.2009. Toinen päivä järjestettiin vanhemmille 5.10.2009 ja kolmas kutsuttiin pitämään Kaukopään äiti-vauvaryhmälle 22.10.2009. Opinnäytetyön tavoitteena oli lisätä tietoa varhaisesta vuorovaikutuksesta sekä vauvahieronnasta hoitoalan ammattilaisille ja perheille. Jokaisen päivän sisältö suunniteltiin erilaiseksi ottaen huomioon ryhmän tarpeet. Aihe on ajankohtainen, koska varhaisesta vuorovaikutuksesta ja sen tärkeydestä puhutaan paljon. Vauvahieronta haluttiin tuoda esille, sillä siitä on hyötyä sekä vauvalle että vanhemmille varhaisen vuorovaikutussuhteen luomisessa. Painotus vauvahieronnassa on vauvan ja vanhemman välisessä vuorovaikutuksessa ja sen vahvistamisessa erityisesti kosketuksen, äänen ja katsekontaktin avulla. Vauvahieronta tukee myös vauvan fyysistä kasvua luonnollisella tavalla. Perheille järjestettävässä tapahtumassa vanhemmat täyttivät palautelomak-keen, jolla he arvioivat tapahtuman onnistumista. Palautteen mukaan vauva-hierontapäivät olivat hyödyllisiä ja osallistujat saivat aiheesta paljon uutta tietoa. Suurimmalla osalla vanhemmista ei ollut varhaisesta vuorovaikutuksesta eikä vauvahieronnasta juurikaan aikaisempaa tietoa. Jatkotutkimuksena olisi mielenkiintoista selvittää esimerkiksi isien merkitystä vauvahierojina tai tehdä opetusvideo vauvahieronnasta, joka helpottaisi hieronnan opettelua. Jatkossa olisi hyvä tehdä myös määrällinen tai laadullinen tutkimus vauvahieronnan vaikuttavuudesta.The purpose of our thesis was to organize baby massage days for healthcare nurses and family workers and families with a firstborn baby in Imatra at Man-sikkala child health clinic. Our aim was to create a baby massage leaflet which we can distribute to parents and to the clinic. We arranged three different kinds of baby massage days. The first day was for healthcare nurses and family workers in Imatra 9.9.2009. The second day we arranged for families with a firstborn baby 5.10.2009, and we were also invited to hold the third baby mas-sage day for a mother-baby group at Kaukopää 22.10.2009. The objective for the days was to increase knowledge of early interaction and baby massage. We had designed the contents of each baby massage day to be different depending on the needs of the subject group. Our thesis was functional. The theoretical part contained information on early interaction and baby massage. Based on our theory we gave different kinds of PowerPoint-demonstrations at each event. The mother-baby group at Kau-kopää was the only exception because it concentrated only on baby massage movements without a theory part. At the baby massage event we recommended baby massage as a good way to improve early interaction. We produced a baby massage leaflet, which explains baby massage movements and how to prepare for the massage, and which also highlights the benefits of the massage. The importance of early interaction is actively discussed at the moment. So we feel that the subject of our thesis is highly topical. We wanted to bring baby massage forth because it is beneficial both for the babies and their parents in creating early interaction. Safe and tender massage is a good way for a father to get to know his baby. Baby massage supports babies’ healthy physical growth in a natural way. With our leaflet parents can easily practise baby mas-sage movements at home. We got a lot of good feedback from the participants. Most of them did not have any previous knowledge of baby massage and early interaction. In the future it would be interesting to find out more about fathers’ significance as masseurs or produce an educational video about baby massage.Vauvahierontaesite Vauvahierontapäivät ja diaesitykse

    Identifying Nutrient Export Hotspots Using a Spatially Distributed Model in Boreal-Forested Catchments

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    The implementation of the Water Framework Directive (WFD) aimed to reduce nutrient export from catchments to water courses. Forest operations cause diffuse loading, which challenges the efficient targeting of water protection measures. We formed 100 equally probable clear-cut scenarios, to investigate how the location of the clear-cuts influenced the total nitrogen (TN) and phosphorous (TP) export on different scales. The nutrient export was calculated by using a distributed nutrient export model (NutSpaFHy). The clear-cut-induced excess TN and TP exports varied by 4.2%–5.5% and 5.0%–6.5%, respectively, between the clear-cut scenarios. We analyzed how the sub-catchment characteristics regulated the background export. The results also suggested that there was no single sub-catchment feature, which explained the variation in the TN and TP exports. There were clear differences in the background export and in the clear-cut-induced export between the sub-catchments. We also found that only 5% of the forest area could contribute up to half of the total nutrient export. Based on our results, we presented a conceptual planning framework, which applied the model results to finding areas where the nutrient export was high. Application of this information could improve the overall effectiveness of the water protection measures used in forestry

    NutSpaFHy : A Distributed Nutrient Balance Model to Predict Nutrient Export from Managed Boreal Headwater Catchments

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    Responsible forest management requires accounting for adverse environmental effects, such as increased nutrient export to water courses. We constructed a spatially-distributed nutrient balance model NutSpaFHy that extends the hydrological model SpaFHy by introducing a grid-based nutrient balance sub-model and a conceptual solute transport routine to approximate total nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) export to streams. NutSpaFHy uses openly-available Multi-Source National Forest Inventory data, soil maps, topographic databases, location of water bodies, and meteorological variables as input, and computes nutrient processes in monthly time-steps. NutSpaFHy contains two calibrated parameters both for N and P, which were optimized against measured N and P concentrations in runoff from twelve forested catchments distributed across Finland. NutSpaFHy was independently tested against six catchments. The model produced realistic nutrient exports. For one catchment, we simulated 25 scenarios, where clear-cuts were located differently with respect to distance to water body, location on mineral or peat soil, and on sites with different fertility. Results indicate that NutSpaFHy can be used to identify current and future nutrient export hot spots, allowing comparison of logging scenarios with variable harvesting area, location and harvest techniques, and to identify acceptable scenarios that preserve the wood supply whilst maintaining acceptable level of nutrient export

    Umbilical artery pH and base excess at birth are poor predictors of neurodevelopmental morbidity in early childhood

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    Abstract Aim We sought to evaluate the associations between umbilical artery pH and base excess and neurodevelopmental outcome at four years of age. Methods This study comprised 84,588 singleton children born alive at term in 2005-2011 in the hospital district of Helsinki and Uusimaa in Finland. Data from the maternity hospital information system were linked to the data from the Medical Birth Register and the Hospital Discharge Register. Neurodevelopmental morbidity included cerebral palsy, epilepsy, intellectual or sensorineural impairment. Results After adjustment for maternal and perinatal factors, a combination of pHPeer reviewe

    Exploring the Role of Weather and Forest Management on Nutrient Export in Boreal Forested Catchments Using Spatially Distributed Model

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    Weather-driven hydrological variability and forest management influence the nutrient export from terrestrial to aquatic systems. We quantified the effect and range of variation in total nitrogen and phosphorus export in Vehka-Kuonanjärvi catchment located in southeastern Finland. A distributed model NutSpaFHy was used with varying weather scenarios (compiled from observed extreme years of dry, wet and wet & mild) and forest management scenarios (including no additional management and intensive clear-cutting of all mature stands in the existing forest structure). Nutrient exports by scenario combinations were compared to modeled baseline export in observed weather. The results showed that the increase in nutrient export by wet & mild weather (over 55%) exceeded the increase caused by the clear-cutting scenario (23 %). Dry weather decreased the exports to tenth of the baseline, which was per hectare 2.22 kg for N, 0.08 kg for P). The results suggest that in future maintaining a good ecological status in aquatic systems can be challenging if extreme wet years with mild winters occur more frequently. Certain catchment characteristics, e.g., deciduous tree percentage, open area percentage and site fertility, influence the export increase induced by the extreme weather. Hotspot analysis enabled identifying areas with currently high nutrient export and areas with high increase induced by the extreme weather. This helps targeting water protection efficiently

    Exploring the Role of Weather and Forest Management on Nutrient Export in Boreal Forested Catchments Using Spatially Distributed Model

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    Weather-driven hydrological variability and forest management influence the nutrient export from terrestrial to aquatic systems. We quantified the effect and range of variation in total nitrogen and phosphorus export in Vehka-Kuonanjärvi catchment located in southeastern Finland. A distributed model NutSpaFHy was used with varying weather scenarios (compiled from observed extreme years of dry, wet and wet & mild) and forest management scenarios (including no additional management and intensive clear-cutting of all mature stands in the existing forest structure). Nutrient exports by scenario combinations were compared to modeled baseline export in observed weather. The results showed that the increase in nutrient export by wet & mild weather (over 55%) exceeded the increase caused by the clear-cutting scenario (23 %). Dry weather decreased the exports to tenth of the baseline, which was per hectare 2.22 kg for N, 0.08 kg for P). The results suggest that in future maintaining a good ecological status in aquatic systems can be challenging if extreme wet years with mild winters occur more frequently. Certain catchment characteristics, e.g., deciduous tree percentage, open area percentage and site fertility, influence the export increase induced by the extreme weather. Hotspot analysis enabled identifying areas with currently high nutrient export and areas with high increase induced by the extreme weather. This helps targeting water protection efficiently

    Combining range and phenology shifts offers a winning strategy for boreal Lepidoptera

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    Species can adapt to climate change by adjusting in situ or by dispersing to new areas, and these strategies may complement or enhance each other. Here, we investigate temporal shifts in phenology and spatial shifts in northern range boundaries for 289 Lepidoptera species by using long-term data sampled over two decades. While 40% of the species neither advanced phenology nor moved northward, nearly half (45%) used one of the two strategies. The strongest positive population trends were observed for the minority of species (15%) that both advanced flight phenology and shifted their northern range boundaries northward. We show that, for boreal Lepidoptera, a combination of phenology and range shifts is the most viable strategy under a changing climate. Effectively, this may divide species into winners and losers based on their propensity to capitalize on this combination, with potentially large consequences on future community composition.Peer reviewe

    Xylitol-supplemented nutrition enhances bacterial killing and prolongs survival of rats in experimental pneumococcal sepsis

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Xylitol has antiadhesive effects on <it>Streptococcus pneumoniae </it>and inhibits its growth, and has also been found to be effective in preventing acute otitis media and has been used in intensive care as a valuable source of energy.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We evaluated the oxidative burst of neutrophils in rats fed with and without xylitol. The mean increase in the percentage of activated neutrophils from the baseline was higher in the xylitol-exposed group than in the control group (58.1% vs 51.4%, P = 0.03 for the difference) and the mean induced increase in the median strength of the burst per neutrophil was similarly higher in the xylitol group (159.6 vs 140.3, P = 0.04). In two pneumococcal sepsis experiments rats were fed either a basal powder diet (control group) or the same diet supplemented with 10% or 20% xylitol and infected with an intraperitoneal inoculation of <it>S. pneumoniae </it>after two weeks. The mean survival time was 48 hours in the xylitol groups and 34 hours in the control groups (P < 0.001 in log rank test).</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Xylitol has beneficial effects on both the oxidative killing of bacteria in neutrophilic leucocytes and on the survival of rats with experimental pneumococcal sepsis.</p