299 research outputs found

    E W Griffith Elementary School

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    Their vision is to keep their students, “...honest, safe, respectful, engaged, and own their learning and choices,” (“Griffith ES”).https://digitalscholarship.unlv.edu/educ_fys_103/1054/thumbnail.jp

    CoCensus: Collaboration Exploration of Census Data in a Museum

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    Museums play a role in American intellectual life as places for members of the public to gather, learn, and engage in discourse about human experience and knowledge (Conn, 1998). As cultural and historical research is informed by increasingly complex information, museums can support visitor discourse around such complex data. To this end, we will construct a prototype museum exhibit, CoCensus, at the Jane Addams Hull-House Museum, using an innovative combination of an ambient data map display and RFID technology to allow visitors to interact with dynamic visualizations of census data on a local map. This innovative design will enable multiple visitors to cooperatively investigate and discuss complex data and the personal dimensions of American identity. This work highlights important issues for designing public educational spaces to support collaborative data visualization, and take steps towards making large digital resources accessible within the social learning milieu of museums

    African American Women Baccalaureate Success: A Reflective Look at Pre-Collegiate Years Influencing Transition, Persistence, and Degree Attainment

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    African American women are graduating from college at rates higher than their Asian/Pacific Islander, Latino, Native American and even their African American male peers. This level of college persistence and success is occurring amid the challenges they face and share with their peers of the same schools, neighborhoods and society. Similar to many of their peers, these young women experience under-resourced schools and limited college preparation. In addition, they have unique school challenges including experiences with negative stereotypes and harsh discipline policies. African American women also face societal challenges through experiences with trauma, foster care and disproportionate early parenting, to name a few. Nevertheless, they persist. To date, the literature is lacking in studies that represent successful African American women who have encountered challenges yet achieve their educational goals. Through a reflective case analysis, this study investigates how the high school experiences of African American women who have experienced trauma and persisted toward college and eventual baccalaureate attainment. I sought to investigate, specifically, how the high school experiences of African American young women shape and support their transition to college and ultimately degree success. Through the use of an initial questionnaire administered to twenty-four respondents, followed by phenomenological interviews with nine of these women, I was able to ascertain a wealth of information highlighting the voices of these thriving women. Using Critical Race Theory, I explore the assets these women bring and center their voice in sharing how they pursue success for themselves, their families and their communities. The study’s findings indicate that while there were a number of traumatic events that these African American women experienced, supportive persons and services in educational settings were advantageous for their academic and social development. The significance of the study lies in its potential to inform educators, counselors and other supportive stakeholders of ways to improve the rate of baccalaureate attainment among African American young women and their similarly situated peers

    Investigating the Flexibility of Intrinsically Disordered Proteins in Folding and Binding

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    Espacios y papeles para la biblioteca universitaria en la internacionalización de la educación superior: hacia un enfoque solidario

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    Objective.It was elaborated a reference framework on key aspects of the area of internationalization of the education, as well as to emphasize its relevance as space of reflection and action for the information professionals in the field of the academic libraries. Design/Methodology/Approach.A literature review of higher education and information sciences areas was performed. Results/Discussion.The study established a contextual framework for the critical reflection and action of information professionals, qualified by the effects of globalization and the internationalization of higher education, where laudable perspectives such as the improvement of academic quality and intercultural understanding intersect with others such as the privatization and commodification of education. Academic libraries are called to support the mission of universities in internationalization processes through different activities related to the support of international students and the creation of open library ecosystems. A critical approach is needed that favors library actions aimed at promoting and supporting solidarity internationalization. Conclusions.The processes of internationalization of higher education imply challenges in the field of academic libraries. It requires mastery of the context and proactive, critical and leadership attitudes that allow occupying spaces for reflection and action. Originality/Value.Research on the convergence space between the internationalization of higher education and information science is scarce in Latin America, especially in the field of academic libraries. This work aims at encouraging theoretical and empirical work on the subject, including a critical approach to internationalizatio

    Entwicklung der Bodenversiegelung in Berlin – Methodik und Ergebnisse

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    Räumliche Informationen zur Bodenversiegelung sind ein wichtiger Bestandteil des Umweltatlas Berlins. Sie fließen in eine Vielzahl von Auswertungen ein, z. B. zum Stadtklima und zu Bodenbewertungen bis hin zu Planungshinweiskarten. Im Umweltatlas Berlin werden Versiegelungsgrade seit 1985 veröffentlicht. Seit 2005 werden die Daten mit einer einheitlichen Methode erhoben, wodurch ein flächendeckendes Monitoring ermöglicht wurde. Innerhalb der 5-Jahreszeiträume ist die Gesamtversiegelung seither jeweils um ca. 1 % angestiegen. Im Vergleich mit Versiegelungswerten aus deutschland- und europaweiten Erhebungen sind die Umweltatlasdaten aufgrund der Nutzung detaillierter Insitu-(Geo)Daten sehr genau. Andere automatisierte Erhebungsmethoden für Deutschland und Europa bieten großflächige Vergleichsmöglichkeiten, die z. B. für politische Entscheidungen und die Wissenschaft von großer Bedeutung sind

    Bed utilisation trends in selected wards across eight district hospitals in the Cape Town district

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    Master of Public Health - MPHBackground: The largest focus areas for the department of health is ensuring access to quality healthcare. The district health system (DHS) model remains the vehicle used by the district managers to deliver on the health department’s goals, objectives and priority focus areas. Strengthening the district health system platform is therefore important to the department to improve access and quality of care to the clients serviced in the province. The district hospitals play a fundamental role since they support primary health care (PHC) and serve as the entry point to more specialised care. The efficient management of beds in the district hospitals is the key in ensuring access to care and preventing bed blocking. Bed Utilisation Rate (BUR) and Average Length of Stay (ALOS) are indicators used to measure the efficiency of hospital beds. This study provides a description of the trends in bed utilisation within the inpatient wards of eight district hospitals in the Cape Town metro district in the 2016-2017 financial period. Methodology: To analyse and compare wards a quantitative approach was used. Inpatient ward activity reports for eight district hospitals were accessed from the department of health’s routine data collection repository. A total of fifty-five wards were compared across small and large hospitals for BUR and ALOS during the financial year period 1 April 2016 to 31 March 2017. Data entry was done in MS EXCEL and analyses were done using STATA 11.0

    Knowledge Organization and the Bakhtin Circle?s theory

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    [Resumo] O estudo traz resultados de uma leitura sobre elementos da teoria do Círculo de Bakhtin (CB) aplicados a conceitos relacionados à área de Organização do Conhecimento (OC), expressos na literatura da Ciência da Informação. Procura compreender como os autores se reportam ao CB, como se configuram os conceitos e quais as possibilidades de interpretação oferecidas. Utiliza a análise das citações dos autores do Círculo como método para construção de um corpus, do qual foram extraídos os dados que subsidiaram os processos de sistematização, análise e interpretação dos resultados. Foi possível explorar de maneira qualitativa e ampla aspectos que no seu conjunto oferecem possibilidades de aplicação da teoria do CB no domínio da OC. A trajetória permitiu acompanhar a tomada de consciência das categorias de análise, com a ênfase no enunciado quando assumido pelos participantes do processo de construção cognitiva da OC. São discutidos também os conceitos de informação e linguagem, diálogo a partir do qual se procedeu a análise dos dados. Buscando aporte nos autores do CB, observa-se a defesa de uma concepção social e historicamente contextualizada dos processos inerentes às teorias e práticas de organização e representação do conhecimento.[Abstract] This study presents results from a reading on some elements from Bakhtin Circle?s (BC) theory applied to concepts related to the area of Knowledge Organization (KO), as expressed in the literature on the field of Information Science (IS). It aims to understand how the authors in this field allude to BC, how its concepts are configured by them and what are its possible interpretations. It takes the analysis of citations from Bakhtin as a method to construct a corpus of research, from which the data that were taken as the basis for the systematization process were extracted, as well as the analysis and interpretation of results. Thus, it was possible to explore in a wide and qualitative manner some aspects that offered, as a whole, the possibility of apply CB theory in the domain of KO. The course adopted allowed us to follow the realization process of the categories in analysis, emphasizing the enunciation when it is assumed by the participants in the process of cognitive construction of KO. It is also discussed the concepts of information and language, a dialogue from which it was performed the analysis of the data obtained. Recurring to Bakhtin?s support, it was observed, in this field, the defense of a socially and historically contextualized conception of the inherent processes in both theories and practices of organization and representation of knowledge

    Questões de metodologia - Parte 2

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    La Profesora. Dr. Leilah Santiago Bufrem, experta en metodología de la investigación científica, responde a las preguntas de los estudiantes de Maestría en Ciencia, Tecnología, Gestión e Información (PPCGI/UFPR) y alumnos del Curso de Pregrado en Gestión de la Información (CGI/UFPR). En esta segunda parte de la entrevista, la profesora Leilah aclara el método científico destacando las peculiaridades de la investigación en Ciencias Sociales Aplicadas, Ciencias de la Información y Gestión de la Información. Los temas principales son: la recopilación de datos y análisis; las diferencias entre la investigación-acción y la investigación participativa; las condiciones para asegurar la calidad de la investigación y fuentes de información; y las características de la producción científica.The Professor. Dr. Leilah Bufrem Santiago, an expert in production and scientific methodology, answers questions from students Master in Science, Management and Information Technology (PPCGI / UFPR) and students from the Information Management Undergraduate Course (CGI / UFPR). In this second part of the interview, Professor. Leilah clarifies the scientific method emphasizing the peculiarities of research in Applied Social Sciences, Information Science and Information Management. The main topics are: data collection and analysis, differences between action research and participatory research, Identify ways to secure and quality sources of references and the characteristics of scientific production.A Profa. Dra. Leilah Santiago Bufrem, especialista em metodologia e produção científica, responde questões dos alunos do Curso de Pós-Graduação em Ciência, Gestão e Tecnologia da Informação (PPCGI/UFPR) e da Graduação em Gestão da Informação (CGI/UFPR). Nesta segunda parte da entrevista a Profa. Leilah esclarece, com ênfase nas peculiaridades da pesquisa em Ciências Sociais Aplicadas e Ciência e Gestão da Informação, os seguintes aspectos: as condições da coleta e análise de dados, as diferenças entre pesquisa ação e pesquisa participante, as estratégias para identificar fontes seguras e de qualidade para a elaboração do referencial teórico e, as características gerais da produção científica