277 research outputs found

    Overregulation of Health Care: Musings on Disruptive Innovation Theory

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    Disruptive innovation theory provides one lens through which to describe how regulations may stifle innovation and increase costs. Basing their discussion on this theory, Curtis and Schulman consider some of the effects that regulatory controls may have on innovation in the health sector

    A Research Project to Investigate the Impact of Electricity System Requirements On the Design and Optimal Application of the Powerformer (TM)

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    This paper describes the aims and the methodology of a major collaborative research project between the University of Queensland and Australian and Swedish industry partners, including ABB Corporate Research (Sweden), Alstom Power (Sweden and Australia), PowerLink Queensland, Stanwell Corporation, C S Energy and Tarong Energy. The project is investigating the likely benefits of significance to the Queensland system, which will arise from the optimisation of the new Powerformer technology for the generation of electricity at transmission or sub-transmission voltages, i.e. without step-up transformers

    Immunohistochemical Expression of Somatostatin Receptor Subtypes in a Panel of Neuroendocrine Neoplasias

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    Neuroendocrine neoplasias (NENs) are known to express somatostatin receptors (SSTRs) 1-5, which are G-protein-coupled cell membrane receptors. Somatostatin receptor imaging and therapy utilizes the SSTR expression. Synthetic somatostatin analogs with radioligands are used to detect primary tumors, metastases, and recurrent disease. Receptor analogs are also used for treating NENs. Furthermore, commercially available SSTR antibodies can be used for the immunohistochemical (IHC) detection of SSTRs. We investigated different SSTR antibody clones applying diverse IHC protocol settings to identify reliable clones and feasible protocols for NENs. A tissue microarray including NENs from 12 different primary sites were stained. Only UMB clones were able to localize SSTR on the cell membranes of NENs. SSTR2 (UMB1) emerged as the most common subtype followed by SSTR5 (UMB4) and SSTR1 (UMB7). SSTR3 (UMB5) expression was mainly cytoplasmic. Yet, SSTR4 expression was weak and located primarily in the cytoplasm. Thus, appropriate IHC protocols, including proper positive and negative controls, represent requirements for high-quality NEN diagnostics and for planning personalized therapy.Peer reviewe

    A low-speed generator for energy conversion from marine currents-experimental validation of simulations

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    Abstract: A low-speed permanent magnet (PM) cable wound generator for electrical energy conversion from marine or tidal currents has been designed and constructed. A key feature of this variable speed direct drive generator is its capability to efficiently generate electricity from tidal currents with very low velocities, in the order of 1 m/s. In arriving at an appropriate design for the generator typical characteristics of tidal currents were considered. Using these characteristics as input, and accounting for the electromagnetic losses, detailed computer simulations using a finite-element method software were carried out to come up with the final design. Various parameters that can influence the generator design are presented. An experimental set-up has been constructed based on the above-mentioned design in order to study the electrical and mechanical performance of the generator through a variety of experiments. The power input for this set-up is a variable speed motor, capable of operating the generator at rotational speeds of 0-16 r/min, representing tidal currents with very low velocities. The generator presented in this paper may be beneficial for a better understanding of an appropriate design and layout of tidal energy conversion systems

    Octopus cells in the posteroventral cochlear nucleus provide the main excitatory input to the superior paraolivary nucleus

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    [EN]Auditory streaming enables perception and interpretation of complex acoustic environments that contain competing sound sources. At early stages of central processing, sounds are segregated into separate streams representing attributes that later merge into acoustic objects. Streaming of temporal cues is critical for perceiving vocal communication, such as human speech, but our understanding of circuits that underlie this process is lacking, particularly at subcortical levels. The superior paraolivary nucleus (SPON), a prominent group of inhibitory neurons in the mammalian brainstem, has been implicated in processing temporal information needed for the segmentation of ongoing complex sounds into discrete events. The SPON requires temporally precise and robust excitatory input(s) to convey information about the steep rise in sound amplitude that marks the onset of voiced sound elements. Unfortunately, the sources of excitation to the SPON and the impact of these inputs on the behavior of SPON neurons have yet to be resolved. Using anatomical tract tracing and immunohistochemistry, we identified octopus cells in the contralateral cochlear nucleus (CN) as the primary source of excitatory input to the SPON. Cluster analysis of miniature excitatory events also indicated that the majority of SPON neurons receive one type of excitatory input. Precise octopus cell-driven onset spiking coupled with transient offset spiking make SPON responses well-suited to signal transitions in sound energy contained in vocalizations. Targets of octopus cell projections, including the SPON, are strongly implicated in the processing of temporal sound features, which suggests a common pathway that conveys information critical for perception of complex natural sounds.Swedish Research Council (proyecto 80326601) Hörselskadades Riksförbund, Tysta Skolan, Karolinska Institutets fonder. The Wenner-Gren Foundations. French National Research Agency (ptoyecto ANR-15-CE37-0007-01). Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnología de México (proyecto 665699). Instituto de Salud Carlos III (proyecto PI10/01803). Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (proyectos BFU2013-43608-P y SAF2016-75803-P). Junta de Castilla y León (proyecto SA343U14)

    A comparative analysis of linear and nonlinear control of wave energy converter for a force control application

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    The aim of wave energy converters (WECs) is to harvest the energy from the ocean waves and convert into electricity. Optimizing the generator output is a vital point of research. A WEC behaves as a nonlinear system in real ocean waves and a control that approximates the behaviour of the system is required. In order to predict the behaviour of WEC, a controller is implemented with an aim to track the referenced trajectory for a force control application of the WEC. A neural model is implemented for the system identification and control of the nonlinear process with a neural nonlinear autoregressive moving average exogenous (NARMAX) model. The neural model updates the weights to reduce the error by using the Levenberg-Marquardt back-propagation algorithm for a single-input-single-output (SISO) nonlinear system. The performance of the system under the proposed scheme is compared to the same system under a PI-controller scheme, where the PI gains have been tuned accordingly, to verify the control capacity of the proposed controller. The results show a good tracking of dq (direct-quadrature) axes currents by regulating the stator currents, and hence a force control is achieved at different positions of the translator. The dynamic performance of the control is verified in a time domain analysis for the displacement of the translator

    Is there a demand for physical activity interventions provided by the health care sector? Findings from a population survey

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Health care providers in many countries have delivered interventions to improve physical activity levels among their patients. Thus far, less is known about the population's interest to increase their physical activity levels and their opinion about the health care provider's role in physical activity promotion. The aims of this paper were to investigate the self-reported physical activity levels of the population and intention to increase physical activity levels, self-perceived need for support, and opinions about the responsibilities of both individuals and health care providers to promote physical activity.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>A regional public health survey was mailed to 13 440 adults (aged 18-84 years) living in Östergötland County (Sweden) in 2006. The survey was part of the regular effort by the regional Health Authorities.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>About 25% of the population was categorised as physically active, 38% as moderately active, 27% as somewhat active, and 11% as low active. More than one-third (37%) had no intentions to increase their physical activity levels, 36% had thought about change, while 27% were determined to change. Lower intention to change was mainly associated with increased age and lower education levels. 28% answered that physical activity was the most important health-related behaviour to change "right now" and 15% of those answered that they wanted or needed support to make this change. Of respondents who might be assumed to be in greatest need of increased activity (i.e. respondents reporting poor general health, BMI>30, and inactivity) more than one-quarter wanted support to make improvements to their health. About half of the respondents who wanted support to increase their physical activity levels listed health care providers as a primary source for support.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>These findings suggest that there is considerable need for physical activity interventions in this population. Adults feel great responsibility for their own physical activity levels, but also attribute responsibility for promoting increased physical activity to health care practitioners.</p