5 research outputs found

    Cariotipo de Espeletiopsis muiska

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    RESUMEN Objetivo. Estudiar el ciclo celular y realizar la descripci贸n cromos贸mica de Espeletiopsis muiska, utilizando c茅lulas meristem谩ticas de 谩pices radicales obtenidos a trav茅s de cultivo in vitro de embriones en medio MS suplementado con AIB. Materiales y m茅todos. Se colectaron 谩pices radicales a diferentes horas del d铆a y se contaron en ellos las c茅lulas presentes en cada fase mit贸tica, se determin贸 la duraci贸n del ciclo celular y la hora de mayor actividad mit贸tica. La descripci贸n de los cromosomas y la elaboraci贸n del cariotipo de la especie, se realiz贸 utilizando un protocolo que permiti贸 la obtenci贸n de cromosomas metaf谩sicos. Resultados. Respecto a la duraci贸n del ciclo celular, se encontr贸 que la interfase comprende el 94.65% y la mitosis el 5.35% del total del ciclo celular. Entre las fases mit贸ticas la profase tiene mayor duraci贸n, 1.92%, mientras que la anafase es la m谩s corta, 0.96%. En cuanto a la hora mit贸tica, las c茅lulas meristem谩ticas de los 谩pices radicales presentaron mayor actividad entre las 10:30 y las 11:15. Con el estudio citogen茅tico se encontraron 19 pares de cromosomas con longitudes e 铆ndices centrom茅ricos similares y cariotipo asim茅trico. Conclusiones. El estudio detallado de los cromosomas, permiti贸 determinar un complemento cromos贸mico 2n=38+2B, dos cromosomas con microsat茅lites terminales y uno con constricci贸n secundaria

    Common Reactions of Furfural to scalable processes of Residual Biomass

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    Energy and the environment will always play key roles in society. The climate emergency cannot be ruled out to enable the transition for a clean energy future. Currently, non-renewable energy resources are declining, therefore is important to continuously explore renewable resources. Biomass is a renewable resource that can be applied to reduce climate changes and to accomplhish emission policies. Cellulose is the most abundant type of biomass worldwide, which can be transformed into biofuels and potential building block platform molecules (e.g furfural) throughout biological or chemical methods. Furfural can be synthetized from cellulose using hydrolysis and dehydration reactions. Furfural has a furan ring and carbonyl functional group which makes it an important intermediary to produce higher value-added molecules at聽 industrial level. These molecules include gasoline, diesel and jet fuel. However, furfural can also be transformed by hydrogenation, oxidation, decarboxylation and condensation reactions. The selective hydrogenation of furfural produces furfuryl alcohol, an important industrial compound, which is widely employed in the production of resins, fibers, and is considered an essential product for pharmaceutical applications. On the other hand, the oxidation of furfural produces furoic acid which is appliedin the agrochemical industry, where it is commonly transformed to furoyl chloride which is finally聽 used in the production of drugs and insecticides. The oxidation and reduction of furfural can carry out through heterogeneous and homogeneous catalysis, and biocatalysis.聽 Selectivity is an important issue in furfural hydrogenation and oxidation reactions since different products can be obtained by using monometallic or bimetallic catalysts and/or different catalyst supports. In biocatalysis approach, different enzymes, complete cells, tools of modern biotechnology, DNA sequencing, regulation of metabolic networks, overexpression of genes that encode enzymes of interest and optimization of the cellular properties of the microorganism are used. Herein, a review on the current status of furfuryl alcohol and furoic acid production from furfural by heterogeneous catalysis and biocatalysis has been studied. The stability, selectivity and activity of catalystsalong with the different furfural oxidation and reduction conditions have been pointed out. Additionally, the main enzymes, microorganisms and mechanism involved in the furfural degradation process have also been discussed.publishersversionpublishe

    Propagaci贸n in vitro de plantas adultas de Vaccinium meridionale (Ericaceae) In vitro propagation of mature plants of Vaccinium meridionale (Ericaceae)

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    Se desarroll贸 un procedimiento de micropropagaci贸n de plantas adultas de Vaccinium meridionale utilizando como explantes primarios 谩pices caulinares. Durante la fase de establecimiento in vitro de explantes se estudi贸 el efecto de los medios MS/3, WPM, AND y el propuesto por Kyte para Blueberry, suplementados con 2-iP m谩s AIA 贸 BA m谩s AIA. Durante la proliferaci贸n de microtallos se evalu贸 el efecto del medio MS/3 l铆quido, s贸lido y en doble fase (una fase l铆quida sobre una fase solidificada con agar), suplementados con 2-iP m谩s AIA. El enraizamiento in vitro y ex vitro de microtallos y macollas se indujo utilizando auxinas y/o carb贸n activado y para el desarrollo de ra铆ces se utiliz贸 un sustrato enriquecido con materia org谩nica. El endurecimiento de pl谩ntulas se realiz贸 de manera simult谩nea con el proceso de desarrollo radical. Despu茅s de la fase de establecimiento, la media m谩s alta, 4.5, yemas axilares desarrolladas por explante viable, se cuantific贸 en MS/3 suplementado con 59.05 碌M de 2-iP m谩s 17.13 碌M de AIA. Durante la fase de proliferaci贸n de microtallos la media m谩s alta, 7.25, se cuantific贸 en MS/3 en doble fase. Despu茅s de 60 d铆as de endurecimiento el 88-100% de los microtallos enraizaron y reactivaron su crecimiento.<br>Using stem apex as primary explants, a micropropagation protocol of Vaccinium meridionale was established. During establishment phase the effect of the MS/3, WPM, AND and Kyte media, supplemented with 2-iP plus IAA or BA plus IAA was studied. During microshoot proliferation the effect of MS/3 liquid, solid and double phase (the liquid phase in a solidified phase with agar) supplemented with 2-iP plus IAA was evaluated. In vitro and ex vitro rooting of microshoots and microshoots was accomplished using auxines and/or activated charcoal; for root development a substratum with abundant organic matter was utilized. Plantlet hardening was achived simultaneously with the radical development process. After establishment phase, the highest quantity of axillary buds/explant was quantified in cultures performed in MS/3 supplemented with 2-iP, 59.05 碌M plus IAA 17.13 碌M. During the microshoot proliferation phase the highest average production was obtained in double phase MS/3. After 60 days of hardening 88-100% of rooted microshoots was obtained; these plantlets showed growth reactivation