36 research outputs found

    Real time Quantum state holography using coherent transients

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    In a two level atom, real-time quantum state holography is performed through interferences between quantum states created by a reference pulse and a chirped pulse resulting in coherent transients. A sequence of several measurements allows one to measure the real and imaginary parts of the excited state wave function. These measurements are performed during the interaction with the ultrashort laser pulse. The extreme sensitivity of this method to the pulse shape provides a tool for electric field measurement

    Von Fachlicher Risikoanalyse zu Politischer Risikobewertung: Die Vermittlung von Risikoanalysen im Bevölkerungsschutz in die Bundespolitik

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    In Deutschland werden seit 2010 im Auftrag des Bundesministeriums des Innern und für Heimat (bis 8. Dezember 2021 Bundesministerium des Innern, für Bau und Heimat), unter der Koordination des Bundesamtes für Bevölkerungsschutz und Katastrophenhilfe (BBK) regelmäßig Risikoanalysen zu unterschiedlichen Risiken erarbeitet und zur politischen Bewertung vor allem an den Innenausschuss des Deutschen Bundestages gesandt. Diese Studie untersucht explorativ die Rahmenbedingungen der politischen Arbeit von Abgeordneten des Deutschen Bundestages und geht der Frage nach, welche Gründe und Bedingungen die Wahrnehmung der Risikoanalysen beeinflussen und die Verwendung dieser für die Entscheidungsfindung und Politikgestaltung erschweren oder erleichtern. Zur Beantwortung dieser Frage wurden 15 leitfadengestützte Interviews mit aktiven und ehemaligen Bundestagsabgeordneten sowie zwei Gruppendiskussionen mit wissenschaftlichen Mitarbeitenden von Bundestagsabgeordneten durchgeführt. Auf der Grundlage eines heuristischen Modells erfolgte eine strukturierte qualitative Inhaltsanalyse des Materials entlang festgelegter Auswertungskategorien. Durch die Analyse konnten grundlegende Rahmenbedingungen für die Arbeits- und Verhaltensweisen der Abgeordneten herausgearbeitet und Gründe aufgezeigt werden, die eine politische Diskussion der Risikoanalysen in der Vergangenheit erschwert haben. Gleichzeitig erzielte die Analyse eine große Anzahl von Anhaltspunkten für direkte oder indirekte Verbesserungen in der kommunikativen Begleitung der Risikoanalysen sowie deren inhaltlicher und visueller Aufbereitung. Zusätzliche Aspekte hinsichtlich der politischen Wahrnehmung und Bewertung der Risikoanalysen konnten im Rahmen einer Analyse politischer Dokumente erarbeitet werden, die über das Dokumentations- und Informationssystem für Parlamentarische Vorgänge (DIP) abrufbar sind. Die Studie stellt abschließend Handlungsempfehlungen für einen erfolgreichen Transfer der Inhalte der Risikoanalysen in die Bundespolitik vor

    Does centrifugation matter? Centrifugal force and spinning time alter the plasma metabolome.

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    BACKGROUND Centrifugation is an indispensable procedure for plasma sample preparation, but applied conditions can vary between labs. AIM Determine whether routinely used plasma centrifugation protocols (1500×g 10 min; 3000×g 5 min) influence non-targeted metabolomic analyses. METHODS Nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy (NMR) and High Resolution Mass Spectrometry (HRMS) data were evaluated with sparse partial least squares discriminant analyses and compared with cell count measurements. RESULTS Besides significant differences in platelet count, we identified substantial alterations in NMR and HRMS data related to the different centrifugation protocols. CONCLUSION Already minor differences in plasma centrifugation can significantly influence metabolomic patterns and potentially bias metabolomics studies

    Parathyroid hormone and plasma phosphate are predictors of soluble α-klotho levels in adults of European descent

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    Context: α-klotho is an integral membrane protein, that serves as a co-receptor for fibroblast growth factor 23 (FGF23) in conjunction with cognate fibroblast growth factor receptors. Proteolytic cleavage sheds the ectodomain of α-klotho (soluble α-klotho) as an endocrine substance into blood, urine and cerebrospinal fluid. Objective: To study the relationship of soluble α-klotho to mineral metabolism in the general population with mainly preserved kidney function. Design: Cross-sectional analysis of the associations between soluble α-klotho with laboratory markers of markers of mineral metabolism in a population-based cohort. Setting: Three centers in Switzerland including 1128 participants. Measures: Soluble full-length α-klotho levels by a specific immunoassay and markers of mineral metabolism. Results: The median serum level of soluble α-klotho was 15.0 pmol/L. Multivariable analyses using α-klotho as outcome variable revealed a sex-by-parathyroid hormone (PTH) interaction: In men, PTH was positively associated with α-klotho levels whereas this association was negative in women. Plasma phosphate associated with soluble α-klotho levels in an age-dependent manner, changing from a positive association in young adults gradually to a negative association in the elderly. The decline of 1,25 (OH)2 vitamin D3 levels in parallel to the gradual impairment of kidney function was greatly attenuated in the setting of high circulating soluble α-klotho levels. Conclusions: Soluble α-klotho level is associated with plasma phosphate in an age-dependent manner and with PTH in a sex-dependent manner. Furthermore, our data reveal soluble α-klotho as a modulator of 1,25 (OH)2 vitamin D3 levels in individuals with preserved renal function

    The effect of a previous created distal arteriovenous-fistula on radial bone DXA measurements in prevalent renal transplant recipients.

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    BACKGROUND Accelerated bone loss occurs rapidly following renal transplantation due to intensive immunosuppression and persistent hyperparathyroidism. In renal transplant recipients (RTRs) due to the hyperparathyroidism the non-dominant forearm is often utilized as a peripheral measurement site for dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry (DXA) measurements. The forearm is also the site of previous created distal arteriovenous fistulas (AVF). Although AVF remain patent long after successful transplantation, there are no data available concerning their impact on radial bone DXA measurements. METHODS In this cross-sectional study we performed DXA in 40 RTRs with preexisting distal AVF (RTRs-AVF) to assess areal bone mineral density (aBMD) differences between both forearms (three areas) and compared our findings to patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD, n = 40), pre-emptive RTRs (RTRs-pre, n = 15) and healthy volunteers (n = 20). In addition, we assessed relevant demographic, biochemical and clinical aspects. RESULTS We found a marked radial asymmetry between the forearms in RTRs with preexisting AVF. The radial aBMD at the distal AVF forearm was lower compared to the contralateral forearm, resulting in significant differences for all three areas analyzed: the Rad-1/3: median (interquartile range) in g/cm2, Rad-1/3: 0.760 (0.641-0.804) vs. 0.742 (0.642, 0.794), p = 0.016; ultradistal radius, Rad-UD: 0.433 (0.392-0.507) vs. 0.420 (0.356, 0.475), p = 0.004; and total radius, Rad-total: 0.603 (0.518, 0.655) vs. 0.599 (0.504, 0.642), p = 0.001). No such asymmetries were observed in any other groups. Lower aBMD in AVF forearm subregions resulted in misclassification of osteoporosis. CONCLUSIONS In renal transplant recipients, a previously created distal fistula may exert a negative impact on the radial bone leading to significant site-to-site aBMD differences, which can result in diagnostic misclassifications

    FGF23 markers of mineral metabolism in subjects with preserved renal function

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    Introduction and Aims: FGF23 is a bone-derived hormone that regulates phosphate homeostasis. FGF23 is elevated in CKD and independently associated with poor renal and cardiovascular outcomes and mortality. The study of FGF23 in subjects with normal renal function has received little attention thus far. Methods: We examined in a large, population-based study with 1128 participants the associations of FGF23 with markers of mineral metabolism and renal function